def generate_diff(value_original, value): try: return '\n'.join( list( difflib.unified_diff(diffify(value_original), diffify(value), lineterm=''))) except Exception: pass try: return '\n'.join( list( difflib.unified_diff(diffify(decode(value_original)), diffify(value), lineterm=''))) except Exception: pass try: return '\n'.join( list( difflib.unified_diff(diffify(value_original), diffify(decode(value)), lineterm=''))) except Exception: pass try: return '\n'.join( list( difflib.unified_diff(diffify(decode(value_original)), diffify(decode(value)), lineterm=''))) except Exception: raise
def try_print(full_path, content, prefix='', line_prefix=u'\n ', attempt=0, clear=False, timestamp=True, **kwargs): try: st = '[%s]: ' % if timestamp else '' print_content = line_prefix + (u' <%d>' % attempt if attempt > 0 else u'') + u' ' + st if attempt is 0: print_content += content elif attempt is 1: print_content += decode(content) elif attempt is 2: print_content += encode(content) elif attempt is 3: print_content = encode(print_content) + encode(content) elif attempt is 4: print_content = decode(print_content) + decode(content) elif attempt is 5: print_content += "Error printing content: " + str_safe(content) elif attempt is 6: print_content += "Error printing content: " + content[:10] elif attempt is 7: print_content += "Unable to print content." with open(full_path, 'w+' if clear else 'a+') as fileLog: print>> fileLog, print_content except Exception as e: if attempt < 8: try_print(full_path, content, prefix=prefix, line_prefix=line_prefix, attempt=attempt + 1, clear=clear) else: log("Try print error to %s: %s" % (os.path.split(full_path)[1], str(e)))
def __init__(self, title=None, content=None, guid=None, tags=None, notebookGuid=None, updateSequenceNum=None, whole_note=None, db_note=None): """ :type whole_note: evernote.edam.type.ttypes.Note :type db_note: sqlite3.dbapi2.Row """ self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Uninitialized self.TagNames = tags if whole_note is not None: if self.TagNames is None: self.TagNames = whole_note.tagNames self.Title = EvernoteNoteTitle(whole_note) self.Content = whole_note.content self.Guid = whole_note.guid self.NotebookGuid = whole_note.notebookGuid self.UpdateSequenceNum = whole_note.updateSequenceNum self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Success return if db_note is not None: self.Title = EvernoteNoteTitle(db_note) db_note_keys = db_note.keys() for key in [ 'content', 'guid', 'notebookGuid', 'updateSequenceNum', 'tagNames', 'tagGuids' ]: if not key in db_note_keys: log_error( "FATAL ERROR: Unable to find key %s in db note %s! \n%s" % (key, self.FullTitle, db_note_keys)) log( "Values: \n\n" + str({k: db_note[k] for k in db_note_keys}), 'EvernoteNotePrototypeInit') else: setattr(self, upperFirst(key), db_note[key]) self.TagNames = decode(self.TagNames) self.Content = decode(self.Content) self.process_tags() self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Success return self.Title = EvernoteNoteTitle(title) self.Content = content self.Guid = guid self.NotebookGuid = notebookGuid self.UpdateSequenceNum = updateSequenceNum self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Manual
def add_evernote_notes(self, evernote_notes, update=False, log_update_if_unchanged=True): """ Add Notes to or Update Notes in Anki Database :param evernote_notes: :param update: :param log_update_if_unchanged: :type evernote_notes: list[EvernoteNotePrototype.EvernoteNotePrototype] :type update: bool :return: Count of notes successfully added or updated """ new_nids=[] action_str_base = ['Add', 'Update'][update] action_str = ['Adding', 'Updating'][update] action_preposition = ['To', 'In'][update] info = stopwatch.ActionInfo(action_str + ' Of', 'Evernote Notes', action_preposition + ' Anki', report_if_empty=False) tmr = stopwatch.Timer(evernote_notes, 10, info=info, label='Add\\Anki-%sEvernoteNotes' % action_str_base) for ankiNote in evernote_notes: try: title = ankiNote.FullTitle content = decode(ankiNote.Content) anki_field_info = { FIELDS.TITLE: title, FIELDS.CONTENT: content, FIELDS.EVERNOTE_GUID: FIELDS.EVERNOTE_GUID_PREFIX + ankiNote.Guid, FIELDS.UPDATE_SEQUENCE_NUM: str(ankiNote.UpdateSequenceNum), FIELDS.SEE_ALSO: u'' } except Exception: log_error("Unable to set field info for: Note '%s': '%s'" % (ankiNote.FullTitle, ankiNote.Guid)) log_dump(ankiNote.Content, " NOTE CONTENTS ") # log_dump(encode(ankiNote.Content), " NOTE CONTENTS ") raise tmr.step(title) baseNote = None if update: baseNote = self.get_anki_note_from_evernote_guid(ankiNote.Guid) if not baseNote: log_error('Updating note %s: COULD NOT FIND BASE NOTE FOR ANKI NOTE ID' % ankiNote.Guid) tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.MissingDataError) continue if ankiNote.Tags is None: log_error("Could note find tags object for note %s: %s. " % (ankiNote.Guid, ankiNote.FullTitle)) tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.MissingDataError) continue anki_note_prototype = AnkiNotePrototype(self, anki_field_info, ankiNote.TagNames, baseNote, notebookGuid=ankiNote.NotebookGuid, count=tmr.count, count_update=tmr.counts.updated.completed.val, max_count=tmr.max) anki_note_prototype._log_update_if_unchanged_ = log_update_if_unchanged nid = tmr.autoStep(anki_note_prototype.update_note() if update else anki_note_prototype.add_note(), ankiNote.FullTitle, update) if tmr.status.IsSuccess and not update: new_nids.append([nid, ankiNote.Guid]) elif tmr.status.IsError: log("ANKI ERROR WHILE %s EVERNOTE NOTES: " % action_str.upper() + str(tmr.status), tmr.label + '-Error') tmr.Report() if new_nids: ankDB().executemany("UPDATE {n} SET nid = ? WHERE guid = ?", new_nids) return tmr.counts.success
def log_dump(obj, title="Object", filename='', crosspost_to_default=True, **kwargs): content = pprint.pformat(obj, indent=4, width=ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.PPRINT_WIDTH) try: content = decode(content, errors='ignore') except Exception: pass content = content.replace("\\n", '\n').replace('\\r', '\r') if filename and filename[0] is '+': summary = " ** CROSS-POST TO %s: " % filename[1:] + content log(summary[:200]) full_path = get_log_full_path(filename, prefix='dump', **kwargs) if full_path is False: return if not title: title = "<%s>" % obj.__class__.__name__ if title.startswith('-'): crosspost_to_default = False; title = title[1:] prefix = " **** Dumping %s" % title if crosspost_to_default: log(prefix + + " to " + os.path.splitext(full_path.replace(FOLDERS.LOGS + os.path.sep, ''))[0]) content = encode_log_text(content) try: prefix += '\r\n' content = prefix + content.replace(', ', ', \n ') content = content.replace("': {", "': {\n ") content = content.replace('\r', '\r' + ' ' * 30).replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * 30) except Exception: pass if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(full_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path)) try_print(full_path, content, prefix, **kwargs)
def pad_lines_regex(content, timestamp=None, replace_newline=None, try_decode=True, **kwargs): content = PadLines(content, **kwargs) if not (timestamp and replace_newline is not False) and not replace_newline: return content try: return re.sub(r'[\r\n]+', u'\n' + ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.TIMESTAMP_PAD, content) except UnicodeDecodeError: if not try_decode: raise return re.sub(r'[\r\n]+', u'\n' + ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.TIMESTAMP_PAD, decode(content))
def try_print(full_path, content, prefix='', line_prefix=u'\n ', attempt=0, clear=False, timestamp=True, **kwargs): try: st = '[%s]: ' % ANKNOTES.DATE_FORMAT) if timestamp else '' print_content = line_prefix + (u' <%d>' % attempt if attempt > 0 else u'') + u' ' + st if attempt is 0: print_content += content elif attempt is 1: print_content += decode(content) elif attempt is 2: print_content += encode(content) elif attempt is 3: print_content = encode(print_content) + encode(content) elif attempt is 4: print_content = decode(print_content) + decode(content) elif attempt is 5: print_content += "Error printing content: " + str_safe(content) elif attempt is 6: print_content += "Error printing content: " + content[:10] elif attempt is 7: print_content += "Unable to print content." with open(full_path, 'w+' if clear else 'a+') as fileLog: print >> fileLog, print_content except Exception as e: if attempt < 8: try_print(full_path, content, prefix=prefix, line_prefix=line_prefix, attempt=attempt + 1, clear=clear) else: log("Try print error to %s: %s" % (os.path.split(full_path)[1], str(e)))
def generate_diff(value_original, value): try: return '\n'.join(list(difflib.unified_diff(diffify(value_original), diffify(value), lineterm=''))) except Exception: pass try: return '\n'.join( list(difflib.unified_diff(diffify(decode(value_original)), diffify(value), lineterm=''))) except Exception: pass try: return '\n'.join( list(difflib.unified_diff(diffify(value_original), diffify(decode(value)), lineterm=''))) except Exception: pass try: return '\n'.join(list( difflib.unified_diff(diffify(decode(value_original)), diffify(decode(value)), lineterm=''))) except Exception: raise
def __init__(self, title=None, content=None, guid=None, tags=None, notebookGuid=None, updateSequenceNum=None, whole_note=None, db_note=None): """ :type whole_note: evernote.edam.type.ttypes.Note :type db_note: sqlite3.dbapi2.Row """ self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Uninitialized self.TagNames = tags if whole_note is not None: if self.TagNames is None: self.TagNames = whole_note.tagNames self.Title = EvernoteNoteTitle(whole_note) self.Content = whole_note.content self.Guid = whole_note.guid self.NotebookGuid = whole_note.notebookGuid self.UpdateSequenceNum = whole_note.updateSequenceNum self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Success return if db_note is not None: self.Title = EvernoteNoteTitle(db_note) db_note_keys = db_note.keys() for key in ['content', 'guid', 'notebookGuid', 'updateSequenceNum', 'tagNames', 'tagGuids']: if not key in db_note_keys: log_error( "FATAL ERROR: Unable to find key %s in db note %s! \n%s" % (key, self.FullTitle, db_note_keys)) log("Values: \n\n" + str({k: db_note[k] for k in db_note_keys}), 'EvernoteNotePrototypeInit') else: setattr(self, upperFirst(key), db_note[key]) self.TagNames = decode(self.TagNames) self.Content = decode(self.Content) self.process_tags() self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Success return self.Title = EvernoteNoteTitle(title) self.Content = content self.Guid = guid self.NotebookGuid = notebookGuid self.UpdateSequenceNum = updateSequenceNum self.Status = EvernoteAPIStatus.Manual
def pf(obj, title='', pf_replace_newline=True, pf_encode_text=True, pf_decode_text=False, *a, **kw): content = pprint.pformat(obj, indent=4, width=ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.PPRINT_WIDTH) content = content.replace(', ', ', \n ') if pf_replace_newline: content = content.replace('\r', '\r' + ' ' * 30).replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * 30) if pf_encode_text: content = encode_log_text(content) elif pf_decode_text: content = decode(content, errors='ignore') if title: content = title + ": " + content return content
def unescape_text(title, try_decoding=False): title_orig = title global __text_escape_phrases if try_decoding: title = decode(title) try: for i in range(0, len(__text_escape_phrases), 2): title = title.replace(__text_escape_phrases[i + 1], __text_escape_phrases[i]) title = title.replace(u" ", u" ") except Exception: if try_decoding: raise UnicodeError title_new = unescape_text(title, True) log(title + '\n' + title_new + '\n\n', 'unicode') return title_new return title
def log_dump(obj, title="Object", filename='', crosspost_to_default=True, **kwargs): content = pprint.pformat(obj, indent=4, width=ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.PPRINT_WIDTH) try: content = decode(content, errors='ignore') except Exception: pass content = content.replace("\\n", '\n').replace('\\r', '\r') if filename and filename[0] is '+': summary = " ** CROSS-POST TO %s: " % filename[1:] + content log(summary[:200]) full_path = get_log_full_path(filename, prefix='dump', **kwargs) if full_path is False: return if not title: title = "<%s>" % obj.__class__.__name__ if title.startswith('-'): crosspost_to_default = False title = title[1:] prefix = " **** Dumping %s" % title if crosspost_to_default: log(prefix + + " to " + os.path.splitext(full_path.replace(FOLDERS.LOGS + os.path.sep, ''))[0]) content = encode_log_text(content) try: prefix += '\r\n' content = prefix + content.replace(', ', ', \n ') content = content.replace("': {", "': {\n ") content = content.replace('\r', '\r' + ' ' * 30).replace( '\n', '\n' + ' ' * 30) except Exception: pass if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(full_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path)) try_print(full_path, content, prefix, **kwargs)
def pf(obj, title='', pf_replace_newline=True, pf_encode_text=True, pf_decode_text=False, *a, **kw): content = pprint.pformat(obj, indent=4, width=ANKNOTES.FORMATTING.PPRINT_WIDTH) content = content.replace(', ', ', \n ') if pf_replace_newline: content = content.replace('\r', '\r' + ' ' * 30).replace( '\n', '\n' + ' ' * 30) if pf_encode_text: content = encode_log_text(content) elif pf_decode_text: content = decode(content, errors='ignore') if title: content = title + ": " + content return content
def addNoteFromServerToDB(self, whole_note=None, tag_names=None): """ Adds note to Anknote DB from an Evernote Note object provided by the Evernote API :type whole_note : evernote.edam.type.ttypes.Note """ if whole_note: self.whole_note = whole_note if tag_names: self.tagNames = tag_names log('Adding %s: %s' % (self.whole_note.guid, self.whole_note.title), 'ankDB') if not self.tagGuids: self.tagGuids = self.whole_note.tagGuids auto_columns = ['guid', 'title', 'content', 'updated', 'created', 'updateSequenceNum', 'notebookGuid'] columns = {key: getattr(self.whole_note, key) for key in auto_columns} columns.update({key: getattr(self, key) for key in ['tagNames', 'tagGuids']}) for key, value in columns.items(): if isinstance(value, list): columns[key] = u',' + u','.join(map(decode, value)) + u',' elif isinstance(value, str): columns[key] = decode(value) db = ankDB() db.insert_or_replace(columns) db.insert(columns, table=TABLES.EVERNOTE.NOTES_HISTORY) db.commit()
def clean_title(title): title = unescape_text(decode(title)) title = re.sub(r'( |\xa0)+', ' ', decode(title)) return title
def insert_toc_and_outline_contents_into_notes(self): linked_notes_fields = {} db = ankDB(TABLES.SEE_ALSO) source_guids = db.list( "SELECT DISTINCT s.source_evernote_guid FROM {s} s, {n} n WHERE (s.is_toc = 1 OR " "s.is_outline = 1) AND s.source_evernote_guid = n.guid ORDER BY n.title ASC" ) info = stopwatch.ActionInfo('Insertion of', 'TOC/Outline Contents', 'Into Target Anki Notes') log = Logger('See Also\\8-insert_toc_contents\\', rm_path=True, timestamp=False) tmr = stopwatch.Timer(source_guids, 25, info=info, label=log.base_path)'error') for source_guid in source_guids: note = self.get_anki_note_from_evernote_guid(source_guid) if not note: tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.NotFoundError) log.error("Could not find note for %s for %s" % (note.guid, tmr.base_name)) continue # if TAGS.TOC in note.tags: # tmr.reportSkipped() # continue for fld in note._model['flds']: if FIELDS.TITLE in fld.get('name'): note_title = note.fields[fld.get('ord')] continue if not note_title: tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.NotFoundError) log.error("Could not find note title for %s for %s" % (note.guid, tmr.base_name)) continue tmr.step(note_title) note_toc = "" note_outline = "" toc_header = "" outline_header = "" toc_count = 0 outline_count = 0 toc_and_outline_links = db.execute( "source_evernote_guid = '%s' AND (is_toc = 1 OR is_outline = 1) " "ORDER BY number ASC" % source_guid, columns='target_evernote_guid, is_toc, is_outline') for target_evernote_guid, is_toc, is_outline in toc_and_outline_links: if target_evernote_guid in linked_notes_fields: linked_note_contents = linked_notes_fields[ target_evernote_guid][FIELDS.CONTENT] linked_note_title = linked_notes_fields[ target_evernote_guid][FIELDS.TITLE] else: linked_note = self.get_anki_note_from_evernote_guid( target_evernote_guid) if not linked_note: continue linked_note_contents = u"" for fld in linked_note._model['flds']: if FIELDS.CONTENT in fld.get('name'): linked_note_contents = linked_note.fields[fld.get( 'ord')] elif FIELDS.TITLE in fld.get('name'): linked_note_title = linked_note.fields[fld.get( 'ord')] if linked_note_contents: linked_notes_fields[target_evernote_guid] = { FIELDS.TITLE: linked_note_title, FIELDS.CONTENT: linked_note_contents } if linked_note_contents: linked_note_contents = decode(linked_note_contents) if is_toc: toc_count += 1 if toc_count is 1: toc_header = "<span class='header'>TABLE OF CONTENTS</span>: 1. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % linked_note_title else: note_toc += "<br><hr>" toc_header += "<span class='See_Also'> | </span> %d. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % ( toc_count, linked_note_title) note_toc += linked_note_contents else: outline_count += 1 if outline_count is 1: outline_header = "<span class='header'>OUTLINE</span>: 1. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % linked_note_title else: note_outline += "<BR><HR>" outline_header += "<span class='See_Also'> | </span> %d. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % ( outline_count, linked_note_title) note_outline += linked_note_contents if outline_count + toc_count is 0: tmr.reportError(EvernoteAPIStatus.MissingDataError) log.error(" No Valid TOCs or Outlines Found: %s" % note_title) continue tmr.reportSuccess() def makestr(title, count): return '' if not count else 'One %s ' % title if count is 1 else '%s %ss' % ( str(count).center(3), title) toc_str = makestr('TOC', toc_count).rjust(8) #if toc_count else '' outline_str = makestr('Outline', outline_count).ljust( 12) #if outline_count else '' toc_str += ' & ' if toc_count and outline_count else ' ' log.go(" [%4d/%4d] + %s for Note %s: %s" % (tmr.count, tmr.max, toc_str + outline_str, source_guid.split('-')[0], note_title)) if outline_count > 1: note_outline = "<span class='Outline'>%s</span><BR><BR>" % outline_header + note_outline if toc_count > 1: note_toc = "<span class='TOC'>%s</span><BR><BR>" % toc_header + note_toc for fld in note._model['flds']: if FIELDS.TOC in fld.get('name'): note.fields[fld.get('ord')] = note_toc elif FIELDS.OUTLINE in fld.get('name'): note.fields[fld.get('ord')] = note_outline # log.go(' '*16 + "> Flushing Note \r\n") note.flush(intTime()) tmr.Report()
def add_evernote_notes(self, evernote_notes, update=False, log_update_if_unchanged=True): """ Add Notes to or Update Notes in Anki Database :param evernote_notes: :param update: :param log_update_if_unchanged: :type evernote_notes: list[EvernoteNotePrototype.EvernoteNotePrototype] :type update: bool :return: Count of notes successfully added or updated """ new_nids = [] action_str_base = ['Add', 'Update'][update] action_str = ['Adding', 'Updating'][update] action_preposition = ['To', 'In'][update] info = stopwatch.ActionInfo(action_str + ' Of', 'Evernote Notes', action_preposition + ' Anki', report_if_empty=False) tmr = stopwatch.Timer(evernote_notes, 10, info=info, label='Add\\Anki-%sEvernoteNotes' % action_str_base) for ankiNote in evernote_notes: try: title = ankiNote.FullTitle content = decode(ankiNote.Content) anki_field_info = { FIELDS.TITLE: title, FIELDS.CONTENT: content, FIELDS.EVERNOTE_GUID: FIELDS.EVERNOTE_GUID_PREFIX + ankiNote.Guid, FIELDS.UPDATE_SEQUENCE_NUM: str(ankiNote.UpdateSequenceNum), FIELDS.SEE_ALSO: u'' } except Exception: log_error("Unable to set field info for: Note '%s': '%s'" % (ankiNote.FullTitle, ankiNote.Guid)) log_dump(ankiNote.Content, " NOTE CONTENTS ") # log_dump(encode(ankiNote.Content), " NOTE CONTENTS ") raise tmr.step(title) baseNote = None if update: baseNote = self.get_anki_note_from_evernote_guid(ankiNote.Guid) if not baseNote: log_error( 'Updating note %s: COULD NOT FIND BASE NOTE FOR ANKI NOTE ID' % ankiNote.Guid) tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.MissingDataError) continue if ankiNote.Tags is None: log_error("Could note find tags object for note %s: %s. " % (ankiNote.Guid, ankiNote.FullTitle)) tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.MissingDataError) continue anki_note_prototype = AnkiNotePrototype( self, anki_field_info, ankiNote.TagNames, baseNote, notebookGuid=ankiNote.NotebookGuid, count=tmr.count, count_update=tmr.counts.updated.completed.val, max_count=tmr.max) anki_note_prototype._log_update_if_unchanged_ = log_update_if_unchanged nid = tmr.autoStep( anki_note_prototype.update_note() if update else anki_note_prototype.add_note(), ankiNote.FullTitle, update) if tmr.status.IsSuccess and not update: new_nids.append([nid, ankiNote.Guid]) elif tmr.status.IsError: log( "ANKI ERROR WHILE %s EVERNOTE NOTES: " % action_str.upper() + str(tmr.status), tmr.label + '-Error') tmr.Report() if new_nids: ankDB().executemany("UPDATE {n} SET nid = ? WHERE guid = ?", new_nids) return tmr.counts.success
def insert_toc_and_outline_contents_into_notes(self): linked_notes_fields = {} db = ankDB(TABLES.SEE_ALSO) source_guids = db.list("SELECT DISTINCT s.source_evernote_guid FROM {s} s, {n} n WHERE (s.is_toc = 1 OR " "s.is_outline = 1) AND s.source_evernote_guid = n.guid ORDER BY n.title ASC") info = stopwatch.ActionInfo('Insertion of', 'TOC/Outline Contents', 'Into Target Anki Notes') log = Logger('See Also\\8-insert_toc_contents\\', rm_path=True, timestamp=False) tmr = stopwatch.Timer(source_guids, 25, info=info, label=log.base_path)'error') for source_guid in source_guids: note = self.get_anki_note_from_evernote_guid(source_guid) if not note: tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.NotFoundError) log.error("Could not find note for %s for %s" % (note.guid, tmr.base_name)) continue # if TAGS.TOC in note.tags: # tmr.reportSkipped() # continue for fld in note._model['flds']: if FIELDS.TITLE in fld.get('name'): note_title = note.fields[fld.get('ord')] continue if not note_title: tmr.reportStatus(EvernoteAPIStatus.NotFoundError) log.error("Could not find note title for %s for %s" % (note.guid, tmr.base_name)) continue tmr.step(note_title) note_toc = "" note_outline = "" toc_header = "" outline_header = "" toc_count = 0 outline_count = 0 toc_and_outline_links = db.execute("source_evernote_guid = '%s' AND (is_toc = 1 OR is_outline = 1) " "ORDER BY number ASC" % source_guid, columns='target_evernote_guid, is_toc, is_outline') for target_evernote_guid, is_toc, is_outline in toc_and_outline_links: if target_evernote_guid in linked_notes_fields: linked_note_contents = linked_notes_fields[target_evernote_guid][FIELDS.CONTENT] linked_note_title = linked_notes_fields[target_evernote_guid][FIELDS.TITLE] else: linked_note = self.get_anki_note_from_evernote_guid(target_evernote_guid) if not linked_note: continue linked_note_contents = u"" for fld in linked_note._model['flds']: if FIELDS.CONTENT in fld.get('name'): linked_note_contents = linked_note.fields[fld.get('ord')] elif FIELDS.TITLE in fld.get('name'): linked_note_title = linked_note.fields[fld.get('ord')] if linked_note_contents: linked_notes_fields[target_evernote_guid] = { FIELDS.TITLE: linked_note_title, FIELDS.CONTENT: linked_note_contents } if linked_note_contents: linked_note_contents = decode(linked_note_contents) if is_toc: toc_count += 1 if toc_count is 1: toc_header = "<span class='header'>TABLE OF CONTENTS</span>: 1. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % linked_note_title else: note_toc += "<br><hr>"; toc_header += "<span class='See_Also'> | </span> %d. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % ( toc_count, linked_note_title) note_toc += linked_note_contents else: outline_count += 1 if outline_count is 1: outline_header = "<span class='header'>OUTLINE</span>: 1. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % linked_note_title else: note_outline += "<BR><HR>"; outline_header += "<span class='See_Also'> | </span> %d. <span class='header'>%s</span>" % ( outline_count, linked_note_title) note_outline += linked_note_contents if outline_count + toc_count is 0: tmr.reportError(EvernoteAPIStatus.MissingDataError) log.error(" No Valid TOCs or Outlines Found: %s" % note_title) continue tmr.reportSuccess() def makestr(title, count): return '' if not count else 'One %s ' % title if count is 1 else '%s %ss' % (str(count).center(3), title) toc_str = makestr('TOC', toc_count).rjust(8) #if toc_count else '' outline_str = makestr('Outline', outline_count).ljust(12) #if outline_count else '' toc_str += ' & ' if toc_count and outline_count else ' ' log.go(" [%4d/%4d] + %s for Note %s: %s" % ( tmr.count, tmr.max, toc_str + outline_str, source_guid.split('-')[0], note_title)) if outline_count > 1: note_outline = "<span class='Outline'>%s</span><BR><BR>" % outline_header + note_outline if toc_count > 1: note_toc = "<span class='TOC'>%s</span><BR><BR>" % toc_header + note_toc for fld in note._model['flds']: if FIELDS.TOC in fld.get('name'): note.fields[fld.get('ord')] = note_toc elif FIELDS.OUTLINE in fld.get('name'): note.fields[fld.get('ord')] = note_outline # log.go(' '*16 + "> Flushing Note \r\n") note.flush(intTime()) tmr.Report()