Пример #1
    def _get_delegated_vars(self, play, task, existing_variables):
        if not hasattr(task, 'loop'):
            # This "task" is not a Task, so we need to skip it
            return {}, None

        # we unfortunately need to template the delegate_to field here,
        # as we're fetching vars before post_validate has been called on
        # the task that has been passed in
        vars_copy = existing_variables.copy()
        self._templar.available_variables = vars_copy

        items = []
        has_loop = True
        if task.loop_with is not None:
            if task.loop_with in lookup_loader:
                    loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(
                    items = lookup_loader.get(task.loop_with,
                except AnsibleTemplateError:
                    # This task will be skipped later due to this, so we just setup
                    # a dummy array for the later code so it doesn't fail
                    items = [None]
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Failed to find the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins"
                    % task.loop_with)
        elif task.loop is not None:
                items = self._templar.template(task.loop)
            except AnsibleTemplateError:
                # This task will be skipped later due to this, so we just setup
                # a dummy array for the later code so it doesn't fail
                items = [None]
            has_loop = False
            items = [None]

        delegated_host_vars = dict()
        item_var = getattr(task.loop_control, 'loop_var', 'item')
        cache_items = False
        for item in items:
            # update the variables with the item value for templating, in case we need it
            if item is not None:
                vars_copy[item_var] = item

            self._templar.available_variables = vars_copy
            delegated_host_name = self._templar.template(
                task.delegate_to, fail_on_undefined=False)
            if delegated_host_name != task.delegate_to:
                cache_items = True
            if delegated_host_name is None:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    message="Undefined delegate_to host for task:",
            if not isinstance(delegated_host_name, string_types):
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "the field 'delegate_to' has an invalid type (%s), and could not be"
                    " converted to a string type." % type(delegated_host_name),
            if delegated_host_name in delegated_host_vars:
                # no need to repeat ourselves, as the delegate_to value
                # does not appear to be tied to the loop item variable

            # a dictionary of variables to use if we have to create a new host below
            # we set the default port based on the default transport here, to make sure
            # we use the proper default for windows
            new_port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
            if C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT == 'winrm':
                new_port = 5986

            new_delegated_host_vars = dict(
                delegated_host_name,  # not redundant as other sources can change ansible_host

            # now try to find the delegated-to host in inventory, or failing that,
            # create a new host on the fly so we can fetch variables for it
            delegated_host = None
            if self._inventory is not None:
                delegated_host = self._inventory.get_host(delegated_host_name)
                # try looking it up based on the address field, and finally
                # fall back to creating a host on the fly to use for the var lookup
                if delegated_host is None:
                    if delegated_host_name in C.LOCALHOST:
                        delegated_host = self._inventory.localhost
                        for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(
                                ignore_limits=True, ignore_restrictions=True):
                            # check if the address matches, or if both the delegated_to host
                            # and the current host are in the list of localhost aliases
                            if h.address == delegated_host_name:
                                delegated_host = h
                            delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
                            delegated_host.vars = combine_vars(
                                delegated_host.vars, new_delegated_host_vars)
                delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
                delegated_host.vars = combine_vars(delegated_host.vars,

            # now we go fetch the vars for the delegated-to host and save them in our
            # master dictionary of variables to be used later in the TaskExecutor/PlayContext
            delegated_host_vars[delegated_host_name] = self.get_vars(

        _ansible_loop_cache = None
        if has_loop and cache_items:
            # delegate_to templating produced a change, so we will cache the templated items
            # in a special private hostvar
            # this ensures that delegate_to+loop doesn't produce different results than TaskExecutor
            # which may reprocess the loop
            _ansible_loop_cache = items

        return delegated_host_vars, _ansible_loop_cache
Пример #2
    def _process_pending_results(self, iterator, one_pass=False):
        Reads results off the final queue and takes appropriate action
        based on the result (executing callbacks, updating state, etc.).

        ret_results = []

        while not self._final_q.empty() and not self._tqm._terminated:
                result = self._final_q.get()
                display.debug("got result from result worker: %s" % ([text_type(x) for x in result],))

                # helper method, used to find the original host from the one
                # returned in the result/message, which has been serialized and
                # thus had some information stripped from it to speed up the
                # serialization process
                def get_original_host(host):
                    if host.name in self._inventory._hosts_cache:
                       return self._inventory._hosts_cache[host.name]
                       return self._inventory.get_host(host.name)

                # all host status messages contain 2 entries: (msg, task_result)
                if result[0] in ('host_task_ok', 'host_task_failed', 'host_task_skipped', 'host_unreachable'):
                    task_result = result[1]
                    host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
                    task = task_result._task
                    if result[0] == 'host_task_failed' or task_result.is_failed():
                        if not task.ignore_errors:
                            display.debug("marking %s as failed" % host.name)
                            if task.run_once:
                                # if we're using run_once, we have to fail every host here
                                [iterator.mark_host_failed(h) for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if h.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
                            (state, tmp_task) = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(host, peek=True)
                            if not state or state.run_state != PlayIterator.ITERATING_RESCUE:
                                self._tqm._failed_hosts[host.name] = True
                                self._tqm._stats.increment('failures', host.name)
                            self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', host.name)
                        self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_failed', task_result, ignore_errors=task.ignore_errors)
                    elif result[0] == 'host_unreachable':
                        self._tqm._unreachable_hosts[host.name] = True
                        self._tqm._stats.increment('dark', host.name)
                        self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_unreachable', task_result)
                    elif result[0] == 'host_task_skipped':
                        self._tqm._stats.increment('skipped', host.name)
                        self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_skipped', task_result)
                    elif result[0] == 'host_task_ok':
                        if task.action != 'include':
                            self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', host.name)
                            if 'changed' in task_result._result and task_result._result['changed']:
                                self._tqm._stats.increment('changed', host.name)
                            self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_ok', task_result)

                        if self._diff:
                            self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', task_result)

                    self._pending_results -= 1
                    if host.name in self._blocked_hosts:
                        del self._blocked_hosts[host.name]

                    # If this is a role task, mark the parent role as being run (if
                    # the task was ok or failed, but not skipped or unreachable)
                    if task_result._task._role is not None and result[0] in ('host_task_ok', 'host_task_failed'):
                        # lookup the role in the ROLE_CACHE to make sure we're dealing
                        # with the correct object and mark it as executed
                        for (entry, role_obj) in iteritems(iterator._play.ROLE_CACHE[task_result._task._role._role_name]):
                            if role_obj._uuid == task_result._task._role._uuid:
                                role_obj._had_task_run[host.name] = True


                elif result[0] == 'add_host':
                    result_item = result[1]
                    new_host_info = result_item.get('add_host', dict())

                    self._add_host(new_host_info, iterator)

                elif result[0] == 'add_group':
                    host = get_original_host(result[1])
                    result_item = result[2]
                    self._add_group(host, result_item)

                elif result[0] == 'notify_handler':
                    task_result  = result[1]
                    handler_name = result[2]

                    original_host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
                    original_task = iterator.get_original_task(original_host, task_result._task)
                    if handler_name not in self._notified_handlers:
                        self._notified_handlers[handler_name] = []

                    if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[handler_name]:
                        display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (handler_name,))

                elif result[0] == 'register_host_var':
                    # essentially the same as 'set_host_var' below, however we
                    # never follow the delegate_to value for registered vars and
                    # the variable goes in the fact_cache
                    host      = get_original_host(result[1])
                    task      = result[2]
                    var_value = wrap_var(result[3])
                    var_name  = task.register

                    if task.run_once:
                        host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
                        host_list = [host]

                    for target_host in host_list:
                        self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, {var_name: var_value})

                elif result[0] in ('set_host_var', 'set_host_facts'):
                    host = get_original_host(result[1])
                    task = result[2]
                    item = result[3]

                    # find the host we're actually refering too here, which may
                    # be a host that is not really in inventory at all
                    if task.delegate_to is not None and task.delegate_facts:
                        task_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, host=host, task=task)
                        self.add_tqm_variables(task_vars, play=iterator._play)
                        if item is not None:
                            task_vars['item'] = item
                        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=task_vars)
                        host_name = templar.template(task.delegate_to)
                        actual_host = self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
                        if actual_host is None:
                            actual_host = Host(name=host_name)
                        actual_host = host

                    if task.run_once:
                        host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
                        host_list = [actual_host]

                    if result[0] == 'set_host_var':
                        var_name  = result[4]
                        var_value = result[5]
                        for target_host in host_list:
                            self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(target_host, var_name, var_value)
                    elif result[0] == 'set_host_facts':
                        facts = result[4]
                        for target_host in host_list:
                            if task.action == 'set_fact':
                                self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, facts)
                                self._variable_manager.set_host_facts(target_host, facts)

                    raise AnsibleError("unknown result message received: %s" % result[0])

            except Queue.Empty:

            if one_pass:

        return ret_results
Пример #3
    def _parse(self, err):

        all_hosts = {}

        # not passing from_remote because data from CMDB is trusted
        self.raw = utils.parse_json(self.data)
        self.raw = json_dict_unicode_to_bytes(self.raw)

        all = Group('all')
        groups = dict(all=all)
        group = None

        if 'failed' in self.raw:
            sys.stderr.write(err + "\n")
            raise errors.AnsibleError(
                "failed to parse executable inventory script results: %s" %

        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():

            # in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
            # a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
            # if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
            # host.  This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
            # if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier.

            if group_name == '_meta':
                if 'hostvars' in data:
                    self.host_vars_from_top = data['hostvars']

            if group_name != all.name:
                group = groups[group_name] = Group(group_name)
                group = all
            host = None

            if not isinstance(data, dict):
                data = {'hosts': data}
            # is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
            elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts', 'vars')):
                data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data}

            if 'hosts' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
                    raise errors.AnsibleError(
                        "You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                        "data for the host list:\n %s" % (group_name, data))

                for hostname in data['hosts']:
                    if not hostname in all_hosts:
                        all_hosts[hostname] = Host(hostname)
                    host = all_hosts[hostname]

            if 'vars' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
                    raise errors.AnsibleError(
                        "You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                        "data for variables:\n %s" % (group_name, data))

                for k, v in data['vars'].iteritems():
                    if group.name == all.name:
                        all.set_variable(k, v)
                        group.set_variable(k, v)

        # Separate loop to ensure all groups are defined
        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
            if group_name == '_meta':
            if isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data:
                for child_name in data['children']:
                    if child_name in groups:

        for group in groups.values():
            if group.depth == 0 and group.name != 'all':

        return groups
Пример #4
    def _parse(self, err):

        all_hosts = {}

        # not passing from_remote because data from CMDB is trusted
        self.raw  = utils.parse_json(self.data) # 还是使用self.data来解析标准输出,需要self.data为json格式数据
        self.raw  = json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(self.raw) # 将self.raw中的kv都转换成unicode格式。

        all       = Group('all') # 设置Group("all")
        groups    = dict(all=all) # 初始化groups字典
        group     = None

        if 'failed' in self.raw: # 如果self.raw中有failed字段,则报错。不过在上面parser_json的时候no_exception是false,不会出现failed情况
            sys.stderr.write(err + "\n")
            raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to parse executable inventory script results: %s" % self.raw)

        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
            # 1.3 以上版本使用--list的时返回结果中会包含_meta这样的key,该key的value中会有一个hostvars变量,该变量包含每个host的主机变量
            # 1.2及以下版本仍然需要使用--host命令为每一个host返回主机变量

            # in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
            # a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
            # if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
            # host.  This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
            # if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier.

                "databases"   : {
                    "hosts"   : [ "host1.example.com", "host2.example.com" ],
                    "vars"    : {
                        "a"   : true
                "webservers"  : [ "host2.example.com", "host3.example.com" ],
                "atlanta"     : {
                    "hosts"   : [ "host1.example.com", "host4.example.com", "host5.example.com" ],
                    "vars"    : {
                        "b"   : false
                    "children": [ "marietta", "5points" ]
                "marietta"    : [ "host6.example.com" ],
                "5points"     : [ "host7.example.com" ]


                # results of inventory script as above go here
                # ...

                "_meta" : {
                   "hostvars" : {
                      "moocow.example.com"     : { "asdf" : 1234 },
                      "llama.example.com"      : { "asdf" : 5678 },

                "moocow.example.com"     : { "asdf" : 1234 },
                "llama.example.com"      : { "asdf" : 5678 }

            if group_name == '_meta': # 如果key为_meta,则该value为meta数据。
                if 'hostvars' in data:
                    self.host_vars_from_top = data['hostvars'] # 如果meta数据中包含hostvars,则缓存到self.host_vars_from_top中。
                    continue # 跳过之后的处理

            if group_name != all.name: # group_name不是all则创建新的Group对象,并加入groups字典。
                group = groups[group_name] = Group(group_name) # 如果data中出现无group的hostname,则会出现以hostname为名称的组
                group = all
            host = None

            if not isinstance(data, dict): # 如果data不是字典类型,则表示data为主机列表
                data = {'hosts': data}
            # is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
            elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts','vars','children')): # any函数表示可迭代对象中任何一个为True,则为True.否则为False
                # 如果data对象是字典类型,但key中不存在hosts、vars、children时,既该行数据为主机变量数据时,group_name为主机名
                data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data}

            # 上面两步为了统一data的格式,不带变量的data,格式为{'hosts': [host1,host2...]
            # 带变量的data,格式为: {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data }

            if 'hosts' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list): # 主机列表必须是list对象,上面的'hosts': [group_name] 也是为校验统一格式
                    raise errors.AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                        "data for the host list:\n %s" % (group_name, data))

                for hostname in data['hosts']: # 遍历主机名
                    if not hostname in all_hosts:
                        all_hosts[hostname] = Host(hostname) # 如果主机对象不存在, 则创建并添加到all_hosts列表中,去重
                    host = all_hosts[hostname] # 将Host对象赋值给host变量
                    group.add_host(host) # 将Host对象添加到该group中

            if 'vars' in data: # 如果是带有vars的data
                if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
                    raise errors.AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                        "data for variables:\n %s" % (group_name, data))

                for k, v in data['vars'].iteritems(): # 遍历所有的变量
                    if group.name == all.name: # 如果当前组名为“all",则将变量加到all group中,否则加到当前group中。
                        all.set_variable(k, v)
                        group.set_variable(k, v)

        # Separate loop to ensure all groups are defined
        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
            if group_name == '_meta':
            if isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data: # 如果data中包含子组,遍历子组并将子组添加到父组中
                for child_name in data['children']:
                    if child_name in groups:

        for group in groups.values():
            if group.depth == 0 and group.name != 'all': # 如果该组深度为0,且名称不是"all",则加入all组的子组列表中。

        return groups
Пример #5
    def parse_inventory(self, host_list):

        if isinstance(host_list, string_types):
            if "," in host_list:
                host_list = host_list.split(",")
                host_list = [h for h in host_list if h and h.strip()]

        self.parser = None

        # Always create the 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups, even if host_list is
        # empty: in this case we will subsequently an the implicit 'localhost' to it.

        ungrouped = Group('ungrouped')
        all = Group('all')
        base_groups = frozenset([all, ungrouped])

        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)

        if host_list is None:
        elif isinstance(host_list, list):
            for h in host_list:
                    (host, port) = parse_address(h, allow_ranges=False)
                except AnsibleError as e:
                        "Unable to parse address from hostname, leaving unchanged: %s"
                        % to_text(e))
                    host = h
                    port = None

                new_host = Host(host, port)
                if h in C.LOCALHOST:
                    # set default localhost from inventory to avoid creating an implicit one. Last localhost defined 'wins'.
                    if self.localhost is not None:
                            "A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (%s). First found localhost was %s"
                            % (h, self.localhost.name))
                    display.vvvv("Set default localhost to %s" % h)
                    self.localhost = new_host
        elif self._loader.path_exists(host_list):
            # TODO: switch this to a plugin loader and a 'condition' per plugin on which it should be tried, restoring 'inventory pllugins'
            if self.is_directory(host_list):
                # Ensure basedir is inside the directory
                host_list = os.path.join(self.host_list, "")
                self.parser = InventoryDirectory(loader=self._loader,
                self.parser = get_file_parser(host_list, self.groups,
                vars_loader.add_directory(self._basedir, with_subdir=True)

            if not self.parser:
                # should never happen, but JIC
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % host_list)
            display.warning("Host file not found: %s" % to_text(host_list))

        self._vars_plugins = [x for x in vars_loader.all(self)]

        ### POST PROCESS groups and hosts after specific parser was invoked

        group_names = set()
        # set group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins
        for g in self.groups:
            group = self.groups[g]
            group.vars = combine_vars(group.vars,

        host_names = set()
        # get host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins
        for host in self.get_hosts(ignore_limits=True,
            host.vars = combine_vars(host.vars,

            mygroups = host.get_groups()

            # ensure hosts are always in 'all'
            if all not in mygroups:

            if ungrouped in mygroups:
                # clear ungrouped of any incorrectly stored by parser
                if set(mygroups).difference(base_groups):
                # add ungrouped hosts to ungrouped
                length = len(mygroups)
                if length == 0 or (length == 1 and all in mygroups):

        # warn if overloading identifier as both group and host
        for conflict in group_names.intersection(host_names):
            display.warning("Found both group and host with same name: %s" %
Пример #6
    def _process_pending_results(self, iterator, one_pass=False, timeout=0.001):
        Reads results off the final queue and takes appropriate action
        based on the result (executing callbacks, updating state, etc.).

        ret_results = []

        def get_original_host(host_name):
            host_name = to_unicode(host_name)
            if host_name in self._inventory._hosts_cache:
                return self._inventory._hosts_cache[host_name]
                return self._inventory.get_host(host_name)

        def search_handler_blocks(handler_name, handler_blocks):
            for handler_block in handler_blocks:
                for handler_task in handler_block.block:
                    handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, task=handler_task)
                    templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
                        # first we check with the full result of get_name(), which may
                        # include the role name (if the handler is from a role). If that
                        # is not found, we resort to the simple name field, which doesn't
                        # have anything extra added to it.
                        target_handler_name = templar.template(handler_task.name)
                        if target_handler_name == handler_name:
                            return handler_task
                            target_handler_name = templar.template(handler_task.get_name())
                            if target_handler_name == handler_name:
                                return handler_task
                    except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable) as e:
                        # We skip this handler due to the fact that it may be using
                        # a variable in the name that was conditionally included via
                        # set_fact or some other method, and we don't want to error
                        # out unnecessarily
            return None

        def parent_handler_match(target_handler, handler_name):
            if target_handler:
                if isinstance(target_handler, (TaskInclude, IncludeRole)):
                        handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, task=target_handler)
                        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
                        target_handler_name = templar.template(target_handler.name)
                        if target_handler_name == handler_name:
                            return True
                            target_handler_name = templar.template(target_handler.get_name())
                            if target_handler_name == handler_name:
                                return True
                    except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable) as e:
                return parent_handler_match(target_handler._parent, handler_name)
                return False

        passes = 1
        while not self._tqm._terminated and passes < 3:
                task_result = self._final_q.get(timeout=timeout)
                original_host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
                original_task = iterator.get_original_task(original_host, task_result._task)
                task_result._host = original_host
                task_result._task = original_task

                # send callbacks for 'non final' results
                if '_ansible_retry' in task_result._result:
                    self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_retry', task_result)
                elif '_ansible_item_result' in task_result._result:
                    if task_result.is_failed() or task_result.is_unreachable():
                        self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_failed', task_result)
                    elif task_result.is_skipped():
                        self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_skipped', task_result)
                        self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_ok', task_result)

                if original_task.register:
                    if original_task.run_once:
                        host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
                        host_list = [original_host]

                    clean_copy = strip_internal_keys(task_result._result)
                    if 'invocation' in clean_copy:
                        del clean_copy['invocation']

                    for target_host in host_list:
                        self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, {original_task.register: clean_copy})

                # all host status messages contain 2 entries: (msg, task_result)
                role_ran = False
                if task_result.is_failed():
                    role_ran = True
                    if not original_task.ignore_errors:
                        display.debug("marking %s as failed" % original_host.name)
                        if original_task.run_once:
                            # if we're using run_once, we have to fail every host here
                            for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts):
                                if h.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts:
                                    state, _ = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(h, peek=True)
                                    state, new_task = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(h, peek=True)

                        # only add the host to the failed list officially if it has
                        # been failed by the iterator
                        if iterator.is_failed(original_host):
                            self._tqm._failed_hosts[original_host.name] = True
                            self._tqm._stats.increment('failures', original_host.name)
                            # otherwise, we grab the current state and if we're iterating on
                            # the rescue portion of a block then we save the failed task in a
                            # special var for use within the rescue/always
                            state, _ = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(original_host, peek=True)
                            if state.run_state == iterator.ITERATING_RESCUE:
                        self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', original_host.name)
                    self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_failed', task_result, ignore_errors=original_task.ignore_errors)
                elif task_result.is_unreachable():
                    self._tqm._unreachable_hosts[original_host.name] = True
                    self._tqm._stats.increment('dark', original_host.name)
                    self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_unreachable', task_result)
                elif task_result.is_skipped():
                    self._tqm._stats.increment('skipped', original_host.name)
                    self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_skipped', task_result)
                    role_ran = True

                    if original_task.loop:
                        # this task had a loop, and has more than one result, so
                        # loop over all of them instead of a single result
                        result_items = task_result._result.get('results', [])
                        result_items = [ task_result._result ]

                    for result_item in result_items:
                        if '_ansible_notify' in result_item:
                            if task_result.is_changed():
                                # The shared dictionary for notified handlers is a proxy, which
                                # does not detect when sub-objects within the proxy are modified.
                                # So, per the docs, we reassign the list so the proxy picks up and
                                # notifies all other threads
                                for handler_name in result_item['_ansible_notify']:
                                    # Find the handler using the above helper.  First we look up the
                                    # dependency chain of the current task (if it's from a role), otherwise
                                    # we just look through the list of handlers in the current play/all
                                    # roles and use the first one that matches the notify name
                                    if handler_name in self._listening_handlers:
                                        for listening_handler_name in self._listening_handlers[handler_name]:
                                            listening_handler = search_handler_blocks(listening_handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
                                            if listening_handler is None:
                                                raise AnsibleError("The requested handler listener '%s' was not found in any of the known handlers" % listening_handler_name)
                                            if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[listening_handler]:
                                                display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (listening_handler_name,))

                                        target_handler = search_handler_blocks(handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
                                        if target_handler is not None:
                                            if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[target_handler]:
                                                # FIXME: should this be a callback?
                                                display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (handler_name,))
                                            # As there may be more than one handler with the notified name as the
                                            # parent, so we just keep track of whether or not we found one at all
                                            found = False
                                            for target_handler in self._notified_handlers:
                                                if parent_handler_match(target_handler, handler_name):
                                                    display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (target_handler.get_name(),))
                                                    found = True

                                            # and if none were found, then we raise an error
                                            if not found:
                                                raise AnsibleError("The requested handler '%s' was found in neither the main handlers list nor the listening handlers list" % handler_name)

                        if 'add_host' in result_item:
                            # this task added a new host (add_host module)
                            new_host_info = result_item.get('add_host', dict())
                            self._add_host(new_host_info, iterator)

                        elif 'add_group' in result_item:
                            # this task added a new group (group_by module)
                            self._add_group(original_host, result_item)

                        elif 'ansible_facts' in result_item:
                            loop_var = 'item'
                            if original_task.loop_control:
                                loop_var = original_task.loop_control.loop_var or 'item'

                            item = result_item.get(loop_var, None)

                            if original_task.action == 'include_vars':
                                for (var_name, var_value) in iteritems(result_item['ansible_facts']):
                                    # find the host we're actually refering too here, which may
                                    # be a host that is not really in inventory at all
                                    if original_task.delegate_to is not None and original_task.delegate_facts:
                                        task_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, host=host, task=task)
                                        self.add_tqm_variables(task_vars, play=iterator._play)
                                        if item is not None:
                                            task_vars[loop_var] = item
                                        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=task_vars)
                                        host_name = templar.template(original_task.delegate_to)
                                        actual_host = self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
                                        if actual_host is None:
                                            actual_host = Host(name=host_name)
                                        actual_host = original_host

                                    if original_task.run_once:
                                        host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
                                        host_list = [actual_host]

                                    for target_host in host_list:
                                        self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(target_host, var_name, var_value)
                                if original_task.run_once:
                                    host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if host.name not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
                                    host_list = [original_host]

                                for target_host in host_list:
                                    if original_task.action == 'set_fact':
                                        self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, result_item['ansible_facts'].copy())
                                        self._variable_manager.set_host_facts(target_host, result_item['ansible_facts'].copy())

                    if 'diff' in task_result._result:
                        if self._diff:
                            self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', task_result)

                    if original_task.action != 'include':
                        self._tqm._stats.increment('ok', original_host.name)
                        if 'changed' in task_result._result and task_result._result['changed']:
                            self._tqm._stats.increment('changed', original_host.name)

                    # finally, send the ok for this task
                    self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_ok', task_result)

                self._pending_results -= 1
                if original_host.name in self._blocked_hosts:
                    del self._blocked_hosts[original_host.name]

                # If this is a role task, mark the parent role as being run (if
                # the task was ok or failed, but not skipped or unreachable)
                if original_task._role is not None and role_ran and original_task.action != 'include_role':
                    # lookup the role in the ROLE_CACHE to make sure we're dealing
                    # with the correct object and mark it as executed
                    for (entry, role_obj) in iteritems(iterator._play.ROLE_CACHE[original_task._role._role_name]):
                        if role_obj._uuid == original_task._role._uuid:
                            role_obj._had_task_run[original_host.name] = True


            except Queue.Empty:
                passes += 1

            if one_pass:

        return ret_results
Пример #7
    def _get_delegated_vars(self, play, task, existing_variables):
        # we unfortunately need to template the delegate_to field here,
        # as we're fetching vars before post_validate has been called on
        # the task that has been passed in
        vars_copy = existing_variables.copy()
        templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=vars_copy)

        items = []
        if task.loop is not None:
            if task.loop in lookup_loader:
                    loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(
                    items = lookup_loader.get(task.loop,
                except AnsibleUndefinedVariable:
                    # This task will be skipped later due to this, so we just setup
                    # a dummy array for the later code so it doesn't fail
                    items = [None]
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins"
                    % task.loop)
            items = [None]

        delegated_host_vars = dict()
        for item in items:
            # update the variables with the item value for templating, in case we need it
            if item is not None:
                vars_copy['item'] = item

            delegated_host_name = templar.template(task.delegate_to,
            if delegated_host_name is None:
                raise AnsibleError(
                    message="Undefined delegate_to host for task:",
            if delegated_host_name in delegated_host_vars:
                # no need to repeat ourselves, as the delegate_to value
                # does not appear to be tied to the loop item variable

            # a dictionary of variables to use if we have to create a new host below
            # we set the default port based on the default transport here, to make sure
            # we use the proper default for windows
            new_port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT
            if C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT == 'winrm':
                new_port = 5986

            new_delegated_host_vars = dict(
                delegated_host_name,  # not redundant as other sources can change ansible_host

            # now try to find the delegated-to host in inventory, or failing that,
            # create a new host on the fly so we can fetch variables for it
            delegated_host = None
            if self._inventory is not None:
                delegated_host = self._inventory.get_host(delegated_host_name)
                # try looking it up based on the address field, and finally
                # fall back to creating a host on the fly to use for the var lookup
                if delegated_host is None:
                    if delegated_host_name in C.LOCALHOST:
                        delegated_host = self._inventory.localhost
                        for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(
                                ignore_limits=True, ignore_restrictions=True):
                            # check if the address matches, or if both the delegated_to host
                            # and the current host are in the list of localhost aliases
                            if h.address == delegated_host_name:
                                delegated_host = h
                            delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
                            delegated_host.vars = combine_vars(
                                delegated_host.vars, new_delegated_host_vars)
                delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
                delegated_host.vars = combine_vars(delegated_host.vars,

            # now we go fetch the vars for the delegated-to host and save them in our
            # master dictionary of variables to be used later in the TaskExecutor/PlayContext
            delegated_host_vars[delegated_host_name] = self.get_vars(
        return delegated_host_vars
Пример #8
    def _parse(self, err):

        all_hosts = {}

        # not passing from_remote because data from CMDB is trusted
            self.raw = self._loader.load(self.data)
        except Exception as e:
            sys.stderr.write(err + "\n")
            raise AnsibleError(
                "failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: {1}"
                .format(to_str(self.filename), to_str(e)))

        if not isinstance(self.raw, Mapping):
            sys.stderr.write(err + "\n")
            raise AnsibleError(
                "failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: data needs to be formatted as a json dict"

        group = None
        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():

            # in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
            # a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
            # if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
            # host.  This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
            # if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier.

            if group_name == '_meta':
                if 'hostvars' in data:
                    self.host_vars_from_top = data['hostvars']

            if group_name not in self.groups:
                group = self.groups[group_name] = Group(group_name)

            group = self.groups[group_name]
            host = None

            if not isinstance(data, dict):
                data = {'hosts': data}
            # is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
            elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts', 'vars', 'children')):
                data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data}

            if 'hosts' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
                    raise AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                                       "data for the host list:\n %s" %
                                       (group_name, data))

                for hostname in data['hosts']:
                    if hostname not in all_hosts:
                        all_hosts[hostname] = Host(hostname)
                    host = all_hosts[hostname]

            if 'vars' in data:
                if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
                    raise AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
                                       "data for variables:\n %s" %
                                       (group_name, data))

                for k, v in iteritems(data['vars']):
                    group.set_variable(k, v)

        # Separate loop to ensure all groups are defined
        for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
            if group_name == '_meta':
            if isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data:
                for child_name in data['children']:
                    if child_name in self.groups:

        # Finally, add all top-level groups as children of 'all'.
        # We exclude ungrouped here because it was already added as a child of
        # 'all' at the time it was created.

        for group in self.groups.values():
            if group.depth == 0 and group.name not in ('all', 'ungrouped'):
Пример #9
    def parse_inventory(self, host_list):

        if isinstance(host_list, string_types):
            if "," in host_list:
                host_list = host_list.split(",")
                host_list = [h for h in host_list if h and h.strip()]

        self.parser = None

        # Always create the 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups, even if host_list is
        # empty: in this case we will subsequently an the implicit 'localhost' to it.

        ungrouped = Group('ungrouped')
        all = Group('all')

        self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)

        if host_list is None:
        elif isinstance(host_list, list):
            for h in host_list:
                    (host, port) = parse_address(h, allow_ranges=False)
                except AnsibleError as e:
                        "Unable to parse address from hostname, leaving unchanged: %s"
                        % to_unicode(e))
                    host = h
                    port = None
                new_host = Host(host, port)
                if new_host.name in C.LOCALHOST:
                    if self.localhost is None:
                        self.localhost = new_host
                            "A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (%s). First found localhost was %s"
                            % (new_host.name, self.localhost.name))
        elif self._loader.path_exists(host_list):
            #TODO: switch this to a plugin loader and a 'condition' per plugin on which it should be tried, restoring 'inventory pllugins'
            if self.is_directory(host_list):
                # Ensure basedir is inside the directory
                host_list = os.path.join(self.host_list, "")
                self.parser = InventoryDirectory(loader=self._loader,
                self.parser = get_file_parser(host_list, self.groups,
                vars_loader.add_directory(self._basedir, with_subdir=True)

            if not self.parser:
                # should never happen, but JIC
                raise AnsibleError(
                    "Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % host_list)
            display.warning("Host file not found: %s" % to_unicode(host_list))

        self._vars_plugins = [x for x in vars_loader.all(self)]

        # set group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins
        for g in self.groups:
            group = self.groups[g]
            group.vars = combine_vars(group.vars,

        # set host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins
        for host in self.get_hosts():
            host.vars = combine_vars(host.vars,