Пример #1
def get_existing(module, args, warnings):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module, flags=['bgp all']))

    asn_re = re.compile(r'.*router\sbgp\s(?P<existing_asn>\d+(\.\d+)?).*', re.S)
    asn_match = asn_re.match(str(netcfg))

    if asn_match:
        existing_asn = asn_match.group('existing_asn')
        bgp_parent = 'router bgp {0}'.format(existing_asn)

        if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
            parents = [bgp_parent, 'vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf'])]
            parents = [bgp_parent]

        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg != 'asn' and (module.params['vrf'] == 'default' or
                                     arg not in GLOBAL_PARAMS):
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config)

            existing['asn'] = existing_asn
            if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
                existing['vrf'] = 'default'

    if not existing and module.params['vrf'] != 'default' and module.params['state'] == 'present':
        msg = ("VRF {0} doesn't exist.".format(module.params['vrf']))

    return existing
Пример #2
def get_existing(module, prefix, warnings):
    key_map = ['tag', 'pref', 'route_name', 'next_hop']
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    parents = 'vrf context {0}'.format(module.params['vrf'])
    prefix_to_regex = fix_prefix_to_regex(prefix)

    route_regex = r'.*ip\sroute\s{0}\s(?P<next_hop>\S+)(\sname\s(?P<route_name>\S+))?(\stag\s(?P<tag>\d+))?(\s(?P<pref>\d+))?.*'.format(

    if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
        config = str(netcfg)
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

    if config:
            match_route = re.match(route_regex, config, re.DOTALL)
            group_route = match_route.groupdict()

            for key in key_map:
                if key not in group_route:
                    group_route[key] = ''
            group_route['prefix'] = prefix
            group_route['vrf'] = module.params['vrf']
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            group_route = {}
        group_route = {}
        msg = ("VRF {0} didn't exist.".format(module.params['vrf']))
        if msg not in warnings:

    return group_route
Пример #3
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    interface_exist = check_interface(module, netcfg)
    if interface_exist:
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(interface_exist)]
        temp_config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        if 'member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(module.params['vni']) in temp_config:
            parents.append('member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(module.params['vni']))
            config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        elif "member vni {0}".format(module.params['vni']) in temp_config:
            parents.append('member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni']))
            config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
            config = {}

        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg not in ['interface', 'vni']:
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
            existing['interface'] = interface_exist
            existing['vni'] = module.params['vni']

    return existing, interface_exist
Пример #4
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        interface=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        description=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        host_reachability=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        shutdown=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        source_interface=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        source_interface_hold_down_time=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'],


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}
    check_args(module, warnings)

    state = module.params['state']

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'interface':
            if str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key)
                if value is None:
                    if key in BOOL_PARAMS:
                        value = False
                        value = 'default'
            if str(existing.get(key)).lower() != str(value).lower():
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        if not existing:
            warnings.append("The proposed NVE interface did not exist. "
                            "It's recommended to use nxos_interface to create "
                            "all logical interfaces.")
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #5
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    parents = ['router ospf {0}'.format(module.params['ospf'])]

    if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
        parents.append('vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf']))

    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    if config:
        if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
            splitted_config = config.splitlines()
            vrf_index = False
            for index in range(0, len(splitted_config) - 1):
                if 'vrf' in splitted_config[index].strip():
                    vrf_index = index
            if vrf_index:
                config = '\n'.join(splitted_config[0:vrf_index])

        for arg in args:
            if arg not in ['ospf', 'vrf']:
                existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)

        existing['vrf'] = module.params['vrf']
        existing['ospf'] = module.params['ospf']

    return existing
Пример #6
def get_existing(module, args, warnings):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module, flags=['bgp all']))

    asn_re = re.compile(r'.*router\sbgp\s(?P<existing_asn>\d+(\.\d+)?).*', re.S)
    asn_match = asn_re.match(str(netcfg))

    if asn_match:
        existing_asn = asn_match.group('existing_asn')
        bgp_parent = 'router bgp {0}'.format(existing_asn)

        if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
            parents = [bgp_parent, 'vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf'])]
            parents = [bgp_parent]

        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg != 'asn' and (module.params['vrf'] == 'default' or
                                     arg not in GLOBAL_PARAMS):
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config)

            existing['asn'] = existing_asn
            if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
                existing['vrf'] = 'default'

    if not existing and module.params['vrf'] != 'default' and module.params['state'] == 'present':
        msg = ("VRF {0} doesn't exist.".format(module.params['vrf']))

    return existing
Пример #7
def reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix):
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    state = module.params['state']

    set_command = set_route_command(module, prefix)
    remove_command = remove_route_command(module, prefix)

    parents = []
    commands = []
    if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
        config = netcfg.get_section(set_command)
        if config and state == 'absent':
            commands = [remove_command]
        elif not config and state == 'present':
            commands = [set_command]
        parents = ['vrf context {0}'.format(module.params['vrf'])]
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        if not isinstance(config, list):
            config = config.split('\n')
        config = [line.strip() for line in config]
        if set_command in config and state == 'absent':
            commands = [remove_command]
        elif set_command not in config and state == 'present':
            commands = [set_command]

    if commands:
        candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
Пример #8
def get_existing(module, args, warnings):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    asn_regex = re.compile(r".*router\sbgp\s(?P<existing_asn>\d+(\.\d+)?).*",
    match_asn = asn_regex.match(str(netcfg))

    if match_asn:
        existing_asn = match_asn.group("existing_asn")
        parents = ["router bgp {0}".format(existing_asn)]

        if module.params["vrf"] != "default":
            parents.append("vrf {0}".format(module.params["vrf"]))

        parents.append("neighbor {0}".format(module.params["neighbor"]))
        parents.append("address-family {0} {1}".format(module.params["afi"],
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg not in ["asn", "vrf", "neighbor", "afi", "safi"]:
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)

            existing["asn"] = existing_asn
            existing["neighbor"] = module.params["neighbor"]
            existing["vrf"] = module.params["vrf"]
            existing["afi"] = module.params["afi"]
            existing["safi"] = module.params["safi"]
            "The BGP process didn't exist but the task just created it.")

    return existing
Пример #9
def get_existing(module, args, warnings):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    asn_regex = re.compile(r'.*router\sbgp\s(?P<existing_asn>\d+(\.\d+)?).*',
    match_asn = asn_regex.match(str(netcfg))

    if match_asn:
        existing_asn = match_asn.group('existing_asn')
        parents = ["router bgp {0}".format(existing_asn)]

        if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
            parents.append('vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf']))

        parents.append('neighbor {0}'.format(module.params['neighbor']))
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg not in ['asn', 'vrf', 'neighbor']:
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config)

            existing['asn'] = existing_asn
            existing['neighbor'] = module.params['neighbor']
            existing['vrf'] = module.params['vrf']
        warnings.append("The BGP process didn't exist but the task"
                        " just created it.")
    return existing
Пример #10
def get_existing(module, args, warnings):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    asn_regex = re.compile(r'.*router\sbgp\s(?P<existing_asn>\d+(\.\d+)?).*', re.S)
    match_asn = asn_regex.match(str(netcfg))

    if match_asn:
        existing_asn = match_asn.group('existing_asn')
        parents = ["router bgp {0}".format(existing_asn)]

        if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
            parents.append('vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf']))

        parents.append('neighbor {0}'.format(module.params['neighbor']))
        parents.append('address-family {0} {1}'.format(module.params['afi'], module.params['safi']))
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg not in ['asn', 'vrf', 'neighbor', 'afi', 'safi']:
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)

            existing['asn'] = existing_asn
            existing['neighbor'] = module.params['neighbor']
            existing['vrf'] = module.params['vrf']
            existing['afi'] = module.params['afi']
            existing['safi'] = module.params['safi']
        warnings.append("The BGP process didn't exist but the task just created it.")

    return existing
Пример #11
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    interface_exist = check_interface(module, netcfg)
    if interface_exist:
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(interface_exist)]
        temp_config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        if 'member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(
                module.params['vni']) in temp_config:
            parents.append('member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(
            config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        elif "member vni {0}".format(module.params['vni']) in temp_config:
            parents.append('member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni']))
            config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
            config = {}

        if config:
            for arg in args:
                if arg not in ['interface', 'vni']:
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
            existing['interface'] = interface_exist
            existing['vni'] = module.params['vni']

    return existing, interface_exist
Пример #12
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(anycast_gateway_mac=dict(required=True, type='str'), )


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                    if v is not None and k in args)

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    get_commands(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate

        if not module.check_mode:
            load_config(module, candidate)
            result['changed'] = True

Пример #13
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(ssm_range=dict(required=True, type='str'), )


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    splitted_ssm_range = module.params['ssm_range'].split('.')
    if len(splitted_ssm_range) != 4 and module.params['ssm_range'] != 'none':
        module.fail_json(msg="Valid ssm_range values are multicast addresses "
                         "or the keyword 'none'.")

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                    if k in args and v != existing[k])

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    get_commands(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #14
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        rp_address=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        group_list=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        prefix_list=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        route_map=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        bidir=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False),

    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
                           mutually_exclusive=[['group_list', 'route_map'],
                                               ['group_list', 'prefix_list'],
                                               ['route_map', 'prefix_list']],

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    state = module.params['state']

    args = [

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'rp_address':
            if str(value).lower() == 'true':
                value = True
            elif str(value).lower() == 'false':
                value = False

            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present' and (proposed or not existing):
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #15
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        bfd=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'disable']),
        ssm_range=dict(required=False, type='list', default=[]),


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    params = module.params
    args = [k for k in PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys() if params[k] is not None]

    # SSM syntax check
    if 'ssm_range' in args:
        for item in params['ssm_range']:
            if re.search('none|default', item):
            if len(item.split('.')) != 4:
                    msg="Valid ssm_range values are multicast addresses "
                    "or the keyword 'none' or the keyword 'default'.")

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in params.items() if k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key == 'ssm_range':
            if value and value[0] == 'default':
                if existing.get(key):
                    proposed[key] = 'default'
                v = sorted(set([str(i) for i in value]))
                ex = sorted(set([str(i) for i in existing.get(key, [])]))
                if v != ex:
                    proposed[key] = ' '.join(str(s) for s in v)

        elif key == 'bfd':
            if value != existing.get('bfd', 'disable'):
                proposed[key] = value

        elif value != existing.get(key):
            proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    get_commands(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #16
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        vrf=dict(required=False, type='str', default='default'),
        ospf=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        router_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        default_metric=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        log_adjacency=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['log', 'detail', 'default']),
        timer_throttle_lsa_start=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_lsa_hold=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_lsa_max=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_spf_start=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_spf_hold=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_spf_max=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        auto_cost=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        bfd=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'disable']),
        passive_interface=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False)


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)

    warnings = list()
    result = dict(changed=False, commands=[], warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'interface':
            if str(value).lower() == 'true':
                value = True
            elif str(value).lower() == 'false':
                value = False
            elif str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key)
                if value is None:
                    value = 'default'
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    if state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        if not module.check_mode:
            load_config(module, candidate)
            result['changed'] = True
Пример #17
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    parents = ['router ospf {0}'.format(module.params['ospf'])]

    if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
        parents.append('vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf']))

    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    for arg in args:
        if arg not in ['ospf', 'vrf']:
            existing[arg] = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(arg)

    if config:
        if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
            splitted_config = config.splitlines()
            vrf_index = False
            for index in range(0, len(splitted_config) - 1):
                if 'vrf' in splitted_config[index].strip():
                    vrf_index = index
            if vrf_index:
                config = '\n'.join(splitted_config[0:vrf_index])

        splitted_config = config.splitlines()
        for line in splitted_config:
            if 'passive' in line:
                existing['passive_interface'] = True
            elif 'router-id' in line:
                existing['router_id'] = re.search(r'router-id (\S+)', line).group(1)
            elif 'metric' in line:
                existing['default_metric'] = re.search(r'default-metric (\S+)', line).group(1)
            elif 'adjacency' in line:
                log = re.search(r'log-adjacency-changes(?: (\S+))?', line).group(1)
                if log:
                    existing['log_adjacency'] = log
                    existing['log_adjacency'] = 'log'
            elif 'auto' in line:
                cost = re.search(r'auto-cost reference-bandwidth (\d+) (\S+)', line).group(1)
                if 'Gbps' in line:
                    cost = int(cost) * 1000
                existing['auto_cost'] = str(cost)
            elif 'bfd' in line:
                existing['bfd'] = 'enable'
            elif 'timers throttle lsa' in line:
                tmp = re.search(r'timers throttle lsa (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)', line)
                existing['timer_throttle_lsa_start'] = tmp.group(1)
                existing['timer_throttle_lsa_hold'] = tmp.group(2)
                existing['timer_throttle_lsa_max'] = tmp.group(3)
            elif 'timers throttle spf' in line:
                tmp = re.search(r'timers throttle spf (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)', line)
                existing['timer_throttle_spf_start'] = tmp.group(1)
                existing['timer_throttle_spf_hold'] = tmp.group(2)
                existing['timer_throttle_spf_max'] = tmp.group(3)
        existing['vrf'] = module.params['vrf']
        existing['ospf'] = module.params['ospf']

    return existing
Пример #18
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        bfd=dict(required=False, type="str", choices=["enable", "disable"]),
        ssm_range=dict(required=False, type="list", default=[]),


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
    warnings = list()
    result = {"changed": False, "commands": [], "warnings": warnings}

    params = module.params
    args = [k for k in PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys() if params[k] is not None]

    # SSM syntax check
    if "ssm_range" in args:
        for item in params["ssm_range"]:
            if re.search("none|default", item):
            if len(item.split(".")) != 4:
                    msg="Valid ssm_range values are multicast addresses "
                    "or the keyword 'none' or the keyword 'default'.")

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in params.items() if k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key == "ssm_range":
            if value and value[0] == "default":
                if existing.get(key):
                    proposed[key] = "default"
                v = sorted(set([str(i) for i in value]))
                ex = sorted(set([str(i) for i in existing.get(key, [])]))
                if v != ex:
                    proposed[key] = " ".join(str(s) for s in v)

        elif key == "bfd":
            if value != existing.get("bfd", "disable"):
                proposed[key] = value

        elif value != existing.get(key):
            proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    get_commands(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result["commands"] = candidate
        result["changed"] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #19
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        interface=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        description=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        host_reachability=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        shutdown=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        source_interface=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        source_interface_hold_down_time=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False),


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)

    warnings = list()
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}
    check_args(module, warnings)

    state = module.params['state']

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'interface':
            if str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key)
                if value is None:
                    if key in BOOL_PARAMS:
                        value = False
                        value = 'default'
            if str(existing.get(key)).lower() != str(value).lower():
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        if not existing:
            warnings.append("The proposed NVE interface did not exist. "
                            "It's recommended to use nxos_interface to create "
                            "all logical interfaces.")
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #20
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    parents = ['router ospf {0}'.format(module.params['ospf'])]

    if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
        parents.append('vrf {0}'.format(module.params['vrf']))

    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    for arg in args:
        if arg not in ['ospf', 'vrf']:
            existing[arg] = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(arg)

    if config:
        if module.params['vrf'] == 'default':
            splitted_config = config.splitlines()
            vrf_index = False
            for index in range(0, len(splitted_config) - 1):
                if 'vrf' in splitted_config[index].strip():
                    vrf_index = index
            if vrf_index:
                config = '\n'.join(splitted_config[0:vrf_index])

        splitted_config = config.splitlines()
        for line in splitted_config:
            if 'passive' in line:
                existing['passive_interface'] = True
            elif 'router-id' in line:
                existing['router_id'] = re.search(r'router-id (\S+)', line).group(1)
            elif 'metric' in line:
                existing['default_metric'] = re.search(r'default-metric (\S+)', line).group(1)
            elif 'adjacency' in line:
                log = re.search(r'log-adjacency-changes(?: (\S+))?', line).group(1)
                if log:
                    existing['log_adjacency'] = log
                    existing['log_adjacency'] = 'log'
            elif 'auto' in line:
                cost = re.search(r'auto-cost reference-bandwidth (\d+) (\S+)', line).group(1)
                if 'Gbps' in line:
                    cost *= 1000
                existing['auto_cost'] = str(cost)
            elif 'timers throttle lsa' in line:
                tmp = re.search(r'timers throttle lsa (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)', line)
                existing['timer_throttle_lsa_start'] = tmp.group(1)
                existing['timer_throttle_lsa_hold'] = tmp.group(2)
                existing['timer_throttle_lsa_max'] = tmp.group(3)
            elif 'timers throttle spf' in line:
                tmp = re.search(r'timers throttle spf (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)', line)
                existing['timer_throttle_spf_start'] = tmp.group(1)
                existing['timer_throttle_spf_hold'] = tmp.group(2)
                existing['timer_throttle_spf_max'] = tmp.group(3)
        existing['vrf'] = module.params['vrf']
        existing['ospf'] = module.params['ospf']

    return existing
Пример #21
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        vni=dict(required=True, type="str"),
        route_distinguisher=dict(required=False, type="str"),
        route_target_both=dict(required=False, type="list"),
        route_target_import=dict(required=False, type="list"),
        route_target_export=dict(required=False, type="list"),
        state=dict(choices=["present", "absent"],


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    results = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params["state"]
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)
    commands = []
    parents = []

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != "vni":
            if value == "true":
                value = True
            elif value == "false":
                value = False
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    if state == "present":
        commands, parents = state_present(module, existing, proposed)
    elif state == "absent" and existing:
        commands, parents = state_absent(module, existing, proposed)

    if commands:
        candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
        candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        if not module.check_mode:
            load_config(module, candidate)
            results["changed"] = True
        results["commands"] = candidate
        results["commands"] = []
Пример #22
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(vni=dict(required=True, type='str'),
                         route_distinguisher=dict(required=False, type='str'),
                         route_target_both=dict(required=False, type='list'),
                         route_target_import=dict(required=False, type='list'),
                         route_target_export=dict(required=False, type='list'),
                         state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'],


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    results = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)
    commands = []
    parents = []

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'vni':
            if value == 'true':
                value = True
            elif value == 'false':
                value = False
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    if state == 'present':
        commands, parents = state_present(module, existing, proposed)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        commands, parents = state_absent(module, existing, proposed)

    if commands:
        candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
        candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        results['changed'] = True
        results['commands'] = candidate
        results['commands'] = []
Пример #23
def parse_mode(module, config, group, member):
    mode = None
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=config)
    parents = ['interface {0}'.format(member)]
    body = netcfg.get_section(parents)

    match_int = re.findall(r'interface {0}\n'.format(member), body, re.M)
    if match_int:
        match = re.search(r'channel-group {0} mode (\S+)'.format(group), body, re.M)
        if match:
            mode = match.group(1)

    return mode
Пример #24
def has_lldp(module):
    config = get_config(module)
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=config)
    parents = [PROTOCOL]
    body = netcfg.get_section(parents)

    for line in body.split('\n'):
        l = line.strip()
        match = re.search(r'disable', l, re.M)
        if match:
            return False

    return True
Пример #25
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        vni=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        route_distinguisher=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        route_target_both=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        route_target_import=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        route_target_export=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False)


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    results = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)
    commands = []
    parents = []

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'vni':
            if value == 'true':
                value = True
            elif value == 'false':
                value = False
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    if state == 'present':
        commands, parents = state_present(module, existing, proposed)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        commands, parents = state_absent(module, existing, proposed)

    if commands:
            candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
            candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
            candidate = candidate.items_text()
            load_config(module, candidate)
            results['changed'] = True
            results['commands'] = candidate
        results['commands'] = []
Пример #26
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    interface_exist = check_interface(module, netcfg)
    if interface_exist:
        parents = ['interface port-channel{0}'.format(module.params['group'])]
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        if config:
            existing['min_links'] = get_value('min_links', config, module)
            existing.update(get_portchannel(module, netcfg=netcfg))

    return existing, interface_exist
Пример #27
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    if module.params['interface'].startswith('loopback') or module.params['interface'].startswith('port-channel'):
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'])]
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'].capitalize())]
    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    if 'ospf' in config:
        for arg in args:
            if arg not in ['interface']:
                existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
        existing['interface'] = module.params['interface']
    return existing
Пример #28
def main():
    element_spec = dict(
        prefix=dict(type='str', aliases=['address']),
        vrf=dict(type='str', default='default'),
        pref=dict(type='str', aliases=['admin_distance']),
        state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present'], default='present'),

    aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
    aggregate_spec['prefix'] = dict(required=True)
    aggregate_spec['next_hop'] = dict(required=True)

    # remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments

    argument_spec = dict(
        aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec)


    module = AnsibleModule(

    warnings = list()
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': []}
    if warnings:
        result['warnings'] = warnings

    want = map_params_to_obj(module)
    for w in want:
        prefix = normalize_prefix(module, w['prefix'])
        candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
        reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix, w)

        if candidate:
            candidate = candidate.items_text()
            load_config(module, candidate)
            result['changed'] = True
            result['commands'] = []

def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    if module.params['interface'].startswith('loopback') or module.params['interface'].startswith('port-channel'):
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'])]
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'].capitalize())]
    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    if 'ospf' in config:
        for arg in args:
            if arg not in ['interface']:
                existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
        existing['interface'] = module.params['interface']
    return existing
Пример #30
def main():
    element_spec = dict(
        prefix=dict(type='str', aliases=['address']),
        vrf=dict(type='str', default='default'),
        pref=dict(type='str', aliases=['admin_distance']),
        state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present'], default='present'),

    aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
    aggregate_spec['prefix'] = dict(required=True)
    aggregate_spec['next_hop'] = dict(required=True)

    # remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments

    argument_spec = dict(
        aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec)


    module = AnsibleModule(

    warnings = list()
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': []}
    if warnings:
        result['warnings'] = warnings

    want = map_params_to_obj(module)
    for w in want:
        prefix = normalize_prefix(module, w['prefix'])
        candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
        reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix, w)

        if candidate:
            candidate = candidate.items_text()
            load_config(module, candidate)
            result['changed'] = True
            result['commands'] = []

Пример #31
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    interface_exist = check_interface(module, netcfg)
    if interface_exist:
        parents = ['interface port-channel{0}'.format(module.params['group'])]
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        if config:
            existing['min_links'] = get_value('min_links', config, module)
            existing.update(get_portchannel(module, netcfg=netcfg))

    return existing, interface_exist
Пример #32
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        ssm_range=dict(required=True, type='list'),


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    ssm_range_list = module.params['ssm_range']
    for item in ssm_range_list:
        splitted_ssm_range = item.split('.')
        if len(splitted_ssm_range) != 4 and item != 'none' and item != 'default':
            module.fail_json(msg="Valid ssm_range values are multicast addresses "
                                 "or the keyword 'none' or the keyword 'default'.")

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items() if k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key == 'ssm_range':
            if value[0] == 'default':
                if existing.get(key):
                    proposed[key] = 'default'
                v = sorted(set([str(i) for i in value]))
                ex = sorted(set([str(i) for i in existing.get(key)]))
                if v != ex:
                    proposed[key] = ' '.join(str(s) for s in v)

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    get_commands(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #33
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        ssm_range=dict(required=True, type='list'),


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    ssm_range_list = module.params['ssm_range']
    for item in ssm_range_list:
        splitted_ssm_range = item.split('.')
        if len(splitted_ssm_range) != 4 and item != 'none' and item != 'default':
            module.fail_json(msg="Valid ssm_range values are multicast addresses "
                                 "or the keyword 'none' or the keyword 'default'.")

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items() if k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key == 'ssm_range':
            if value[0] == 'default':
                if existing.get(key):
                    proposed[key] = 'default'
                v = sorted(set([str(i) for i in value]))
                ex = sorted(set([str(i) for i in existing.get(key)]))
                if v != ex:
                    proposed[key] = ' '.join(str(s) for s in v)

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    get_commands(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['changed'] = True
        load_config(module, candidate)

def reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix, want):
    state, vrf = want["state"], want["vrf"]
    if vrf == "default":
        parents = []
        flags = " | include '^ip route'"
        parents = ["vrf context {0}".format(vrf)]
        flags = " | section '{0}' | include '^  ip route'".format(parents[0])

    # Find existing routes in this vrf/default
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2,
                                 contents=get_config(module, flags=[flags]))
    routes = str(netcfg).split("\n")
    # strip whitespace from route strings
    routes = [i.strip() for i in routes]

    prefix_and_nh = "ip route {0} {1}".format(prefix, want["next_hop"])
    existing = [i for i in routes if i.startswith(prefix_and_nh)]
    proposed = set_route_command(prefix, want, module)

    commands = []
    if state == "absent" and existing:
        commands = ["no " + existing[0]]
    elif state == "present" and proposed not in routes:
        if existing:
            commands = ["no " + existing[0]]

    if commands:
        candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
def get_existing(module):
    existing = []
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    if module.params['mode'] == 'maintenance':
        parents = ['configure maintenance profile maintenance-mode']
        parents = ['configure maintenance profile normal-mode']

    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    if config:
        existing = config.splitlines()
        existing = [cmd.strip() for cmd in existing]

    return existing
Пример #36
def get_existing(module):
    existing = []
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    if module.params['mode'] == 'maintenance':
        parents = ['configure maintenance profile maintenance-mode']
        parents = ['configure maintenance profile normal-mode']

    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    if config:
        existing = config.splitlines()
        existing = [cmd.strip() for cmd in existing]

    return existing
def main():
    element_spec = dict(
        prefix=dict(type="str", aliases=["address"]),
        vrf=dict(type="str", default="default"),
        pref=dict(type="str", aliases=["admin_distance"]),
        state=dict(choices=["absent", "present"], default="present"),

    aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
    aggregate_spec["prefix"] = dict(required=True)
    aggregate_spec["next_hop"] = dict(required=True)

    # remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments

    argument_spec = dict(
        aggregate=dict(type="list", elements="dict", options=aggregate_spec))


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    result = {"changed": False, "commands": []}
    if warnings:
        result["warnings"] = warnings

    want = map_params_to_obj(module)
    for w in want:
        prefix = normalize_prefix(module, w["prefix"])
        candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
        reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix, w)

        if not module.check_mode and candidate:
            candidate = candidate.items_text()
            load_config(module, candidate)
            result["changed"] = True

def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    if module.params["interface"].startswith("loopback") or module.params[
        parents = ["interface {0}".format(module.params["interface"])]
        parents = [
            "interface {0}".format(module.params["interface"].capitalize())
    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
    if "ospf" in config:
        for arg in args:
            if arg not in ["interface"]:
                existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
        existing["interface"] = module.params["interface"]
    return existing
Пример #39
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(ospf=dict(required=True, type='str'),
                         state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'],
                         save=dict(type='bool', default=False))


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    ospf = str(module.params['ospf'])

    existing = get_existing(module)
    proposed = dict(ospf=ospf)

    if not existing:
        existing_list = []
        existing_list = existing['ospf']

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present' and ospf not in existing_list:
        state_present(module, proposed, candidate)
    if state == 'absent' and ospf in existing_list:
        state_absent(module, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate

        result['commands'] = []
Пример #40
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module, flags=['all']))

    interface_string = 'interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'].lower())
    parents = [interface_string]
    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

    if config:
        for arg in args:
            existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)

        existing['interface'] = module.params['interface'].lower()
        if interface_string in str(netcfg):
            existing['interface'] = module.params['interface'].lower()
            for arg in args:
                existing[arg] = ''
    return existing
Пример #41
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        ospf=dict(required=True, type="str"),
            choices=["present", "absent"], default="present", required=False


    module = AnsibleModule(
        argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True

    warnings = list()
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params["state"]
    ospf = str(module.params["ospf"])

    existing = get_existing(module)
    proposed = dict(ospf=ospf)

    if not existing:
        existing_list = []
        existing_list = existing["ospf"]

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == "present" and ospf not in existing_list:
        state_present(module, proposed, candidate)
    if state == "absent" and ospf in existing_list:
        state_absent(module, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result["changed"] = True
        result["commands"] = candidate

        result["commands"] = []
Пример #42
def reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix, w):
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    state = w['state']

    set_command = set_route_command(prefix, w)
    remove_command = remove_route_command(prefix, w)

    parents = []
    commands = []
    yrc = remove_command.replace('no ', '')
    if w['vrf'] == 'default':
        netcfg = str(netcfg).split('\n')
        ncfg = []
        for line in netcfg:
            # remove ip route commands of non-default vrfs from
            # the running config just in case the same commands
            # exist in default and non-default vrfs
            if '  ip route' not in line:
        if any(yrc in s for s in ncfg) and state == 'absent':
            commands = [remove_command]
        elif set_command not in ncfg and state == 'present':
            if any(yrc in s for s in ncfg):
                commands = [remove_command, set_command]
                commands = [set_command]
        parents = ['vrf context {0}'.format(w['vrf'])]
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        if not isinstance(config, list):
            config = config.split('\n')
        config = [line.strip() for line in config]
        if any(yrc in s for s in config) and state == 'absent':
            commands = [remove_command]
        elif set_command not in config and state == 'present':
            if any(yrc in s for s in config):
                commands = [remove_command, set_command]
                commands = [set_command]

    if commands:
        candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
Пример #43
def reconcile_candidate(module, candidate, prefix, w):
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    state = w['state']

    set_command = set_route_command(prefix, w)
    remove_command = remove_route_command(prefix, w)

    parents = []
    commands = []
    yrc = remove_command.replace('no ', '')
    if w['vrf'] == 'default':
        netcfg = str(netcfg).split('\n')
        ncfg = []
        for line in netcfg:
            # remove ip route commands of non-default vrfs from
            # the running config just in case the same commands
            # exist in default and non-default vrfs
            if '  ip route' not in line:
        if any(yrc in s for s in ncfg) and state == 'absent':
            commands = [remove_command]
        elif set_command not in ncfg and state == 'present':
            if any(yrc in s for s in ncfg):
                commands = [remove_command, set_command]
                commands = [set_command]
        parents = ['vrf context {0}'.format(w['vrf'])]
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        if not isinstance(config, list):
            config = config.split('\n')
        config = [line.strip() for line in config]
        if any(yrc in s for s in config) and state == 'absent':
            commands = [remove_command]
        elif set_command not in config and state == 'present':
            if any(yrc in s for s in config):
                commands = [remove_command, set_command]
                commands = [set_command]

    if commands:
        candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
Пример #44
def get_existing(module, args):
    existing = {}
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
    parents = ['evpn', 'vni {0} l2'.format(module.params['vni'])]
    config = netcfg.get_section(parents)

    if config:
        for arg in args:
            if arg != 'vni':
                if arg == 'route_distinguisher':
                    existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
                    existing[arg] = get_route_target_value(arg, config, module)

        existing_fix = dict((k, v) for k, v in existing.items() if v)
        if not existing_fix:
            existing = existing_fix

        existing['vni'] = module.params['vni']

    return existing
Пример #45
def get_portchannel_mode(interface, protocol, module, netcfg):
    if protocol != 'LACP':
        mode = 'on'
        netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(interface.capitalize())]
        body = netcfg.get_section(parents)

        mode_list = body.split('\n')

        for line in mode_list:
            this_line = line.strip()
            if this_line.startswith('channel-group'):
                find = this_line
        if 'mode' in find:
            if 'passive' in find:
                mode = 'passive'
            elif 'active' in find:
                mode = 'active'

    return mode
Пример #46
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        ospf=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False)


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    ospf = str(module.params['ospf'])

    existing = get_existing(module)
    proposed = dict(ospf=ospf)

    if not existing:
        existing_list = []
        existing_list = existing['ospf']

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present' and ospf not in existing_list:
        state_present(module, proposed, candidate)
    if state == 'absent' and ospf in existing_list:
        state_absent(module, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate

        result['commands'] = []
Пример #47
def map_config_to_obj(want, module):
    objs = list()
    netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))

    for w in want:
        parents = ['interface {0}'.format(w['name'])]
        config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
        obj = dict(name=None, ipv4=None, ipv6=None)

        if config:
            match_name = re.findall(r'interface (\S+)', config, re.M)
            if match_name:
                obj['name'] = match_name[0]

            match_ipv4 = re.findall(r'ip address (\S+)', config, re.M)
            if match_ipv4:
                obj['ipv4'] = match_ipv4[0]

            match_ipv6 = re.findall(r'ipv6 address (\S+)', config, re.M)
            if match_ipv6:
                obj['ipv6'] = match_ipv6[0]

    return objs
Пример #48
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        asn=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        vrf=dict(required=False, type='str', default='default'),
        bestpath_always_compare_med=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_aspath_multipath_relax=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_compare_neighborid=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_compare_routerid=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_cost_community_ignore=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_med_confed=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_med_missing_as_worst=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        bestpath_med_non_deterministic=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        cluster_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        confederation_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        confederation_peers=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        disable_policy_batching=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        disable_policy_batching_ipv4_prefix_list=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        disable_policy_batching_ipv6_prefix_list=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        enforce_first_as=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        event_history_cli=dict(required=False, choices=['true', 'false', 'default', 'size_small', 'size_medium', 'size_large', 'size_disable']),
        event_history_detail=dict(required=False, choices=['true', 'false', 'default', 'size_small', 'size_medium', 'size_large', 'size_disable']),
        event_history_events=dict(required=False, choices=['true', 'false', 'default', 'size_small', 'size_medium', 'size_large', 'size_disable']),
        event_history_periodic=dict(required=False, choices=['true', 'false', 'default', 'size_small', 'size_medium', 'size_large', 'size_disable']),
        fast_external_fallover=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        flush_routes=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        graceful_restart=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        graceful_restart_helper=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        graceful_restart_timers_restart=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        graceful_restart_timers_stalepath_time=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        isolate=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        local_as=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        log_neighbor_changes=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        maxas_limit=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        neighbor_down_fib_accelerate=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        reconnect_interval=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        router_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        shutdown=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        suppress_fib_pending=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        timer_bestpath_limit=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_bgp_hold=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_bgp_keepalive=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False),

    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
                           required_together=[['timer_bgp_hold', 'timer_bgp_keepalive']],

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']

    if module.params['vrf'] != 'default':
        for param in GLOBAL_PARAMS:
            if module.params[param]:
                module.fail_json(msg='Global params can be modified only under "default" VRF.',

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args, warnings)

    if existing.get('asn') and state == 'present':
        if existing.get('asn') != module.params['asn']:
            module.fail_json(msg='Another BGP ASN already exists.',

    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)
    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key not in ['asn', 'vrf']:
            if str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key, 'default')
            if key == 'confederation_peers':
                if value[0] == 'default':
                    if existing.get(key):
                        proposed[key] = 'default'
                    v = set([int(i) for i in value])
                    ex = set([int(i) for i in existing.get(key)])
                    if v != ex:
                        proposed[key] = ' '.join(str(s) for s in v)
                if existing.get(key) != value:
                    proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif existing.get('asn') == module.params['asn']:
        state_absent(module, existing, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['commands'] = []

Пример #49
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        asn=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        vrf=dict(required=False, type='str', default='default'),
        neighbor=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        description=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        capability_negotiation=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        connected_check=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        dynamic_capability=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        ebgp_multihop=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        local_as=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        log_neighbor_changes=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'disable', 'inherit']),
        low_memory_exempt=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        maximum_peers=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        pwd=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        pwd_type=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['3des', 'cisco_type_7', 'default']),
        remote_as=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        remove_private_as=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'disable', 'all', 'replace-as']),
        shutdown=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        suppress_4_byte_as=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        timers_keepalive=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timers_holdtime=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        transport_passive_only=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        update_source=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False)

    module = AnsibleModule(
        required_together=[['timers_holdtime', 'timers_keepalive'], ['pwd', 'pwd_type']],

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']

    if module.params['pwd_type'] == 'default':
        module.params['pwd_type'] = '0'

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args, warnings)

    if existing.get('asn') and state == 'present':
        if existing['asn'] != module.params['asn']:
            module.fail_json(msg='Another BGP ASN already exists.',

    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)
    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key not in ['asn', 'vrf', 'neighbor', 'pwd_type']:
            if str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key, 'default')
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['commands'] = []

Пример #50
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        asn=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        vrf=dict(required=False, type='str', default='default'),
        neighbor=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        afi=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        safi=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        additional_paths_receive=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'disable', 'inherit']),
        additional_paths_send=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'disable', 'inherit']),
        advertise_map_exist=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        advertise_map_non_exist=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        allowas_in=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        allowas_in_max=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        as_override=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        default_originate=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        default_originate_route_map=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        disable_peer_as_check=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        filter_list_in=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        filter_list_out=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        max_prefix_limit=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        max_prefix_interval=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        max_prefix_threshold=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        max_prefix_warning=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        next_hop_self=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        next_hop_third_party=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        prefix_list_in=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        prefix_list_out=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        route_map_in=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        route_map_out=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        route_reflector_client=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        send_community=dict(required=False, choices=['none', 'both', 'extended', 'standard', 'default']),
        soft_reconfiguration_in=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['enable', 'always', 'inherit']),
        soo=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        suppress_inactive=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        unsuppress_map=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        weight=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False),

    module = AnsibleModule(
        mutually_exclusive=[['advertise_map_exist', 'advertise_map_non_exist'],
                            ['max_prefix_interval', 'max_prefix_warning'],
                            ['default_originate', 'default_originate_route_map'],
                            ['allowas_in', 'allowas_in_max']],

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    for key in ['max_prefix_interval', 'max_prefix_warning', 'max_prefix_threshold']:
        if module.params[key] and not module.params['max_prefix_limit']:
                msg='max_prefix_limit is required when using %s' % key
    if module.params['vrf'] == 'default' and module.params['soo']:
        module.fail_json(msg='SOO is only allowed in non-default VRF')

    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args, warnings)

    if existing.get('asn') and state == 'present':
        if existing.get('asn') != module.params['asn']:
            module.fail_json(msg='Another BGP ASN already exists.',

    for param in ['advertise_map_exist', 'advertise_map_non_exist']:
        if module.params[param] == ['default']:
            module.params[param] = 'default'

    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items() if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key not in ['asn', 'vrf', 'neighbor']:
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                if str(value).lower() == 'true':
                    value = True
                elif str(value).lower() == 'false':
                    value = False
                elif str(value).lower() == 'default':
                    if key in BOOL_PARAMS:
                        value = False
                        value = 'default'
                elif key == 'send_community' and str(value).lower() == 'none':
                    value = 'default'
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate
        result['commands'] = []

Пример #51
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        interface=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        vni=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        assoc_vrf=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        multicast_group=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        peer_list=dict(required=False, type='list'),
        suppress_arp=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        ingress_replication=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['bgp', 'static', 'default']),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False),


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    if module.params['assoc_vrf']:
        mutually_exclusive_params = ['multicast_group',
        for param in mutually_exclusive_params:
            if module.params[param]:
                module.fail_json(msg='assoc_vrf cannot be used with '
                                     '{0} param'.format(param))
    if module.params['peer_list']:
        if module.params['peer_list'][0] != 'default' and module.params['ingress_replication'] != 'static':
            module.fail_json(msg='ingress_replication=static is required '
                                 'when using peer_list param')
            peer_list = module.params['peer_list']
            if peer_list[0] == 'default':
                module.params['peer_list'] = 'default'
                stripped_peer_list = map(str.strip, peer_list)
                module.params['peer_list'] = stripped_peer_list

    state = module.params['state']
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing, interface_exist = get_existing(module, args)

    if state == 'present':
        if not interface_exist:
            module.fail_json(msg="The proposed NVE interface does not exist. Use nxos_interface to create it first.")
        elif interface_exist != module.params['interface']:
            module.fail_json(msg='Only 1 NVE interface is allowed on the switch.')
    elif state == 'absent':
        if interface_exist != module.params['interface']:
        elif existing and existing['vni'] != module.params['vni']:
                msg="ERROR: VNI delete failed: Could not find vni node for {0}".format(module.params['vni']),

    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key in ['multicast_group', 'peer_list', 'ingress_replication']:
            if str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key, 'default')
        if key != 'interface' and existing.get(key) != value:
            proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif existing and state == 'absent':
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate
        if not module.check_mode:
            load_config(module, candidate)

Пример #52
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        vrf=dict(required=False, type='str', default='default'),
        ospf=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        router_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        default_metric=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        log_adjacency=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['log', 'detail', 'default']),
        timer_throttle_lsa_start=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_lsa_hold=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_lsa_max=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_spf_start=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_spf_hold=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        timer_throttle_spf_max=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        auto_cost=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        passive_interface=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False)


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True)

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)

    state = module.params['state']
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()
    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'interface':
            if str(value).lower() == 'true':
                value = True
            elif str(value).lower() == 'false':
                value = False
            elif str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key)
                if value is None:
                    value = 'default'
            if existing.get(key) != value:
                proposed[key] = value

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    if state == 'absent' and existing:
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate

        result['commands'] = []
Пример #53
def main():
    argument_spec = dict(
        interface=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        ospf=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        area=dict(required=True, type='str'),
        cost=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        hello_interval=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        dead_interval=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        passive_interface=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        message_digest=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
        message_digest_key_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
        message_digest_algorithm_type=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['md5', 'default']),
        message_digest_encryption_type=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['cisco_type_7', '3des', 'default']),
        message_digest_password=dict(required=False, type='str', no_log=True),
        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False)


    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,

    # Normalize interface input data.
    # * For port-channel and loopback interfaces expection is all lower case names.
    # * All other interfaces the expectation is an uppercase leading character
    #   followed by lower case characters.
    if re.match(r'(port-channel|loopback)', module.params['interface'], re.I):
        module.params['interface'] = module.params['interface'].lower()
        module.params['interface'] = module.params['interface'].capitalize()

    warnings = list()
    check_args(module, warnings)
    result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}

    for param in ['message_digest_encryption_type',
        if module.params[param] == 'default' and module.params['message_digest_key_id'] != 'default':
            module.exit_json(msg='Use message_digest_key_id=default to remove an existing authentication configuration')

    state = module.params['state']
    args = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP.keys()

    existing = get_existing(module, args)
    proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
                         if v is not None and k in args)

    proposed = {}
    for key, value in proposed_args.items():
        if key != 'interface':
            if str(value).lower() == 'true':
                value = True
            elif str(value).lower() == 'false':
                value = False
            elif str(value).lower() == 'default':
                value = 'default'
            if existing.get(key) or (not existing.get(key) and value):
                proposed[key] = value

    proposed['area'] = normalize_area(proposed['area'], module)
    if 'hello_interval' in proposed and proposed['hello_interval'] == '10':
        proposed['hello_interval'] = 'default'

    candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
    if state == 'present':
        state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
    elif state == 'absent' and existing.get('ospf') == proposed['ospf'] and existing.get('area') == proposed['area']:
        state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)

    if candidate:
        candidate = candidate.items_text()
        load_config(module, candidate)
        result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = candidate
