Пример #1
    def test_split_args(self):
        # split_args is a smarter shlex.split for the needs of the way ansible uses it

        def _split_info(input, desired, actual):
            print "SENT: ", input
            print "WANT: ", desired 
            print "GOT: ", actual

        def _test_combo(input, desired):
            actual = split_args(input)
            _split_info(input, desired, actual)
            assert actual == desired

        # trivial splitting
        _test_combo('a b=c d=f',                   ['a', 'b=c', 'd=f' ])

        # mixed quotes
        _test_combo('a b=\'c\' d="e" f=\'g\'',     ['a', "b='c'", 'd="e"', "f='g'" ])

        # with spaces
        # FIXME: this fails, commenting out only for now
        # _test_combo('a "\'one two three\'"',     ['a', "'one two three'" ])

        # TODO: ...
        # jinja2 preservation
        _test_combo('a {{ y }} z',                   ['a', '{{ y }}', 'z' ])

        # jinja2 preservation with spaces and filters and other hard things
            'a {{ x | filter(\'moo\', \'param\') }} z {{ chicken }} "waffles"', 
            ['a', "{{ x | filter('moo', 'param') }}", 'z', '{{ chicken }}', '"waffles"']

        # invalid quote detection
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                split_args('hey I started a quote"')
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                split_args('hey I started a\' quote')
        except TypeError:
            # you must be on Python 2.6 still, FIXME

        # jinja2 loop blocks with lots of complexity
            # in memory of neighbors cat
            # we preserve line breaks unless a line continuation character preceeds them
            'a {% if x %} y {%else %} {{meow}} {% endif %} "cookie\nchip" \\\ndone\nand done',
            ['a', '{% if x %}', 'y', '{%else %}', '{{meow}}', '{% endif %}', '"cookie\nchip"', 'done', '\nand', 'done']

        # test space preservation within quotes
            'content="1 2  3   4    "  foo=bar',
            ['content="1 2  3   4    "', 'foo=bar']
Пример #2
def find_children(playbook):
    if not os.path.exists(playbook[0]):
        return []
    results = []
    basedir = os.path.dirname(playbook[0])
        pb_data = parse_yaml_from_file(playbook[0])
    except AnsibleError as e:
        raise SystemExit(str(e))
    items = _playbook_items(pb_data)
    for item in items:
        for child in play_children(basedir, item, playbook[1]):
            if "$" in child['path'] or "{{" in child['path']:
            valid_tokens = list()
            for token in split_args(child['path']):
                if '=' in token:
            path = ' '.join(valid_tokens)
                'path': path_dwim(basedir, path),
                'type': child['type']
    return results
Пример #3
 def _get_include_info(self, play_ds, basedir, existing_vars={}):
     Gets any key=value pairs specified with the included file
     name and returns the merged vars along with the path
     new_vars = existing_vars.copy()
     tokens = split_args(play_ds.get('include', ''))
     for t in tokens[1:]:
             (k,v) = unquote(t).split("=", 1)
             new_vars[k] = template(basedir, v, new_vars)
         except ValueError, e:
             raise errors.AnsibleError('included playbook variables must be in the form k=v, got: %s' % t)
Пример #4
 def _get_include_info(self, play_ds, basedir, existing_vars={}):
     Gets any key=value pairs specified with the included file
     name and returns the merged vars along with the path
     new_vars = existing_vars.copy()
     tokens = split_args(play_ds.get('include', ''))
     for t in tokens[1:]:
             (k, v) = unquote(t).split("=", 1)
             new_vars[k] = template(basedir, v, new_vars)
         except ValueError, e:
             raise errors.AnsibleError(
                 'included playbook variables must be in the form k=v, got: %s'
                 % t)
Пример #5
def parse_kv(args):
    ''' convert a string of key/value items to a dict '''
    options = {}
    if args is not None:
            vargs = split_args(args)
        except ValueError, ve:
            if 'no closing quotation' in str(ve).lower():
                raise errors.AnsibleError("error parsing argument string, try quoting the entire line.")
        for x in vargs:
            if "=" in x:
                k, v = x.split("=",1)
                options[k.strip()] = unquote(v.strip())
Пример #6
def find_children(playbook):
    if not os.path.exists(playbook[0]):
        return []
    results = []
    basedir = os.path.dirname(playbook[0])
    pb_data = parse_yaml_from_file(playbook[0])
    items = _playbook_items(pb_data)
    for item in items:
        for child in play_children(basedir, item, playbook[1]):
            if "$" in child['path'] or "{{" in child['path']:
            valid_tokens = list()
            for token in split_args(child['path']):
                if '=' in token:
            path = ' '.join(valid_tokens)
                'path': path_dwim(basedir, path),
                'type': child['type']
    return results
Пример #7
 def _test_combo(input, desired):
     actual = split_args(input)
     _split_info(input, desired, actual)
     assert actual == desired
Пример #8
    if playbook[1] == 'role':
        playbook_ds = {'roles': [{'role': playbook[0]}]}
            playbook_ds = parse_yaml_from_file(playbook[0])
        except AnsibleError, e:
            raise SystemExit(str(e))
    results = []
    basedir = os.path.dirname(playbook[0])
    items = _playbook_items(playbook_ds)
    for item in items:
        for child in play_children(basedir, item, playbook[1], playbook_dir):
            if "$" in child['path'] or "{{" in child['path']:
            valid_tokens = list()
            for token in split_args(child['path']):
                if '=' in token:
            path = ' '.join(valid_tokens)
                'path': path_dwim(basedir, path),
                'type': child['type']
    return results

def template(basedir, value, vars, fail_on_undefined=False, **kwargs):
        value = ansible_template(os.path.abspath(basedir), value, vars,
                                 **dict(kwargs, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined))
Пример #9
    def __init__(self,
        ''' constructor loads from a task or handler datastructure '''

        # meta directives are used to tell things like ansible/playbook to run
        # operations like handler execution.  Meta tasks are not executed
        # normally.
        if 'meta' in ds:
            self.meta = ds['meta']
            self.tags = []
            self.meta = None

        library = os.path.join(play.basedir, 'library')
        if os.path.exists(library):

        for x in ds.keys():

            # code to allow for saying "modulename: args" versus "action: modulename args"
            if x in utils.plugins.module_finder:

                if 'action' in ds:
                    raise errors.AnsibleError(
                        "multiple actions specified in task: '%s' and '%s'" %
                        (x, ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
                if isinstance(ds[x], dict):
                    if 'args' in ds:
                        raise errors.AnsibleError(
                            "can't combine args: and a dict for %s: in task %s"
                            % (x, ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (x, ds[x]))))
                    ds['args'] = ds[x]
                    ds[x] = ''
                elif ds[x] is None:
                    ds[x] = ''
                if not isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
                    raise errors.AnsibleError(
                        "action specified for task %s has invalid type %s" %
                        (ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (x, ds[x])), type(ds[x])))
                ds['action'] = x + " " + ds[x]

            # code to allow "with_glob" and to reference a lookup plugin named glob
            elif x.startswith("with_"):
                if isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
                    param = ds[x].strip()
                    # Only a variable, no logic
                    if (param.startswith('{{')
                            and param.find('}}') == len(ds[x]) - 2
                            and param.find('|') == -1):
                            "It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops, leave variables in loop expressions bare."

                plugin_name = x.replace("with_", "")
                if plugin_name in utils.plugins.lookup_loader:
                    ds['items_lookup_plugin'] = plugin_name
                    ds['items_lookup_terms'] = ds[x]
                    raise errors.AnsibleError(
                        "cannot find lookup plugin named %s for usage in with_%s"
                        % (plugin_name, plugin_name))

            elif x in ['changed_when', 'failed_when', 'when']:
                if isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
                    param = ds[x].strip()
                    # Only a variable, no logic
                    if (param.startswith('{{')
                            and param.find('}}') == len(ds[x]) - 2
                            and param.find('|') == -1):
                            "It is unnecessary to use '{{' in conditionals, leave variables in loop expressions bare."
            elif x.startswith("when_"):
                    "The 'when_' conditional has been removed. Switch to using the regular unified 'when' statements as described on docs.ansible.com.",

                if 'when' in ds:
                    raise errors.AnsibleError(
                        "multiple when_* statements specified in task %s" %
                        (ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
                when_name = x.replace("when_", "")
                ds['when'] = "%s %s" % (when_name, ds[x])
            elif not x in Task.VALID_KEYS:
                raise errors.AnsibleError(
                    "%s is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler"
                    % x)

        self.module_vars = module_vars
        self.play_vars = play_vars
        self.play_file_vars = play_file_vars
        self.role_vars = role_vars
        self.role_params = role_params
        self.default_vars = default_vars
        self.play = play

        # load various attributes
        self.name = ds.get('name', None)
        self.tags = ['all']
        self.register = ds.get('register', None)
        self.sudo = utils.boolean(ds.get('sudo', play.sudo))
        self.su = utils.boolean(ds.get('su', play.su))
        self.environment = ds.get('environment', {})
        self.role_name = role_name
        self.no_log = utils.boolean(ds.get('no_log',
                                           "false")) or self.play.no_log
        self.run_once = utils.boolean(ds.get('run_once', 'false'))

        #Code to allow do until feature in a Task
        if 'until' in ds:
            if not ds.get('register'):
                raise errors.AnsibleError(
                    "register keyword is mandatory when using do until feature"
            self.module_vars['delay'] = ds.get('delay', 5)
            self.module_vars['retries'] = ds.get('retries', 3)
            self.module_vars['register'] = ds.get('register', None)
            self.until = ds.get('until')
            self.module_vars['until'] = self.until

        # rather than simple key=value args on the options line, these represent structured data and the values
        # can be hashes and lists, not just scalars
        self.args = ds.get('args', {})

        # get remote_user for task, then play, then playbook
        if ds.get('remote_user') is not None:
            self.remote_user = ds.get('remote_user')
        elif ds.get('remote_user', play.remote_user) is not None:
            self.remote_user = ds.get('remote_user', play.remote_user)
            self.remote_user = ds.get('remote_user', play.playbook.remote_user)

        self.sudo_user = None
        self.sudo_pass = None
        self.su_user = None
        self.su_pass = None

        if self.sudo:
            self.sudo_user = ds.get('sudo_user', play.sudo_user)
            self.sudo_pass = ds.get('sudo_pass', play.playbook.sudo_pass)
        elif self.su:
            self.su_user = ds.get('su_user', play.su_user)
            self.su_pass = ds.get('su_pass', play.playbook.su_pass)

        # Fail out if user specifies a sudo param with a su param in a given play
        if (ds.get('sudo') or ds.get('sudo_user') or ds.get('sudo_pass')) and \
                (ds.get('su') or ds.get('su_user') or ds.get('su_pass')):
            raise errors.AnsibleError(
                'sudo params ("sudo", "sudo_user", "sudo_pass") '
                'and su params "su", "su_user", "su_pass") '
                'cannot be used together')

        # Both are defined
        if ('action' in ds) and ('local_action' in ds):
            raise errors.AnsibleError(
                "the 'action' and 'local_action' attributes can not be used together"
        # Both are NOT defined
        elif (not 'action' in ds) and (not 'local_action' in ds):
            raise errors.AnsibleError(
                "'action' or 'local_action' attribute missing in task \"%s\"" %
                ds.get('name', '<Unnamed>'))
        # Only one of them is defined
        elif 'local_action' in ds:
            self.action = ds.get('local_action', '')
            self.delegate_to = ''
            self.action = ds.get('action', '')
            self.delegate_to = ds.get('delegate_to', None)
            self.transport = ds.get('connection',
                                    ds.get('transport', play.transport))

        if isinstance(self.action, dict):
            if 'module' not in self.action:
                raise errors.AnsibleError(
                    "'module' attribute missing from action in task \"%s\"" %
                    ds.get('name', '%s' % self.action))
            if self.args:
                raise errors.AnsibleError(
                    "'args' cannot be combined with dict 'action' in task \"%s\""
                    % ds.get('name', '%s' % self.action))
            self.args = self.action
            self.action = self.args.pop('module')

        # delegate_to can use variables
        if not (self.delegate_to is None):
            # delegate_to: localhost should use local transport
            if self.delegate_to in ['', 'localhost']:
                self.transport = 'local'

        # notified by is used by Playbook code to flag which hosts
        # need to run a notifier
        self.notified_by = []

        # if no name is specified, use the action line as the name
        if self.name is None:
            self.name = self.action

        # load various attributes
        self.when = ds.get('when', None)
        self.changed_when = ds.get('changed_when', None)
        self.failed_when = ds.get('failed_when', None)

        # combine the default and module vars here for use in templating
        all_vars = self.default_vars.copy()
        all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.play_vars)
        all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.play_file_vars)
        all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.role_vars)
        all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.module_vars)
        all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.role_params)

        self.async_seconds = ds.get('async', 0)  # not async by default
        self.async_seconds = template.template_from_string(
            play.basedir, self.async_seconds, all_vars)
        self.async_seconds = int(self.async_seconds)
        self.async_poll_interval = ds.get('poll',
                                          10)  # default poll = 10 seconds
        self.async_poll_interval = template.template_from_string(
            play.basedir, self.async_poll_interval, all_vars)
        self.async_poll_interval = int(self.async_poll_interval)
        self.notify = ds.get('notify', [])
        self.first_available_file = ds.get('first_available_file', None)

        self.items_lookup_plugin = ds.get('items_lookup_plugin', None)
        self.items_lookup_terms = ds.get('items_lookup_terms', None)

        self.ignore_errors = ds.get('ignore_errors', False)
        self.any_errors_fatal = ds.get('any_errors_fatal',

        self.always_run = ds.get('always_run', False)

        # action should be a string
        if not isinstance(self.action, basestring):
            raise errors.AnsibleError(
                "action is of type '%s' and not a string in task. name: %s" %
                (type(self.action).__name__, self.name))

        # notify can be a string or a list, store as a list
        if isinstance(self.notify, basestring):
            self.notify = [self.notify]

        # split the action line into a module name + arguments
            tokens = split_args(self.action)
        except Exception, e:
            if "unbalanced" in str(e):
                raise errors.AnsibleError("There was an error while parsing the task %s.\n" % repr(self.action) + \
                                          "Make sure quotes are matched or escaped properly")
Пример #10
    def _load_tasks(self,
        ''' handle task and handler include statements '''

        results = []
        if tasks is None:
            # support empty handler files, and the like.
            tasks = []
        if additional_conditions is None:
            additional_conditions = []
        if vars is None:
            vars = {}
        if default_vars is None:
            default_vars = {}
        if sudo_vars is None:
            sudo_vars = {}

        old_conditions = list(additional_conditions)

        for x in tasks:

            # prevent assigning the same conditions to each task on an include
            included_additional_conditions = list(old_conditions)

            if not isinstance(x, dict):
                raise errors.AnsibleError(
                    "expecting dict; got: %s, error in %s" %
                    (x, original_file))

            # evaluate sudo vars for current and child tasks
            included_sudo_vars = {}
            for k in ["sudo", "sudo_user"]:
                if k in x:
                    included_sudo_vars[k] = x[k]
                elif k in sudo_vars:
                    included_sudo_vars[k] = sudo_vars[k]
                    x[k] = sudo_vars[k]

            if 'meta' in x:
                if x['meta'] == 'flush_handlers':
                    results.append(Task(self, x))

            task_vars = self.vars.copy()
            if original_file:
                task_vars['_original_file'] = original_file

            if 'include' in x:
                tokens = split_args(str(x['include']))
                included_additional_conditions = list(additional_conditions)
                include_vars = {}
                for k in x:
                    if k.startswith("with_"):
                        if original_file:
                            offender = " (in %s)" % original_file
                            offender = ""
                            "include + with_items is a removed deprecated feature"
                            + offender,
                    elif k.startswith("when_"):
                            "\"when_<criteria>:\" is a removed deprecated feature, use the simplified 'when:' conditional directly",
                    elif k == 'when':
                        if type(x[k]) is str:
                            included_additional_conditions.insert(0, x[k])
                        elif type(x[k]) is list:
                            for i in x[k]:
                                included_additional_conditions.insert(0, i)
                    elif k in ("include", "vars", "default_vars", "sudo",
                               "sudo_user", "role_name", "no_log"):
                        include_vars[k] = x[k]

                default_vars = x.get('default_vars', {})
                if not default_vars:
                    default_vars = self.default_vars
                    default_vars = utils.combine_vars(self.default_vars,

                # append the vars defined with the include (from above)
                # as well as the old-style 'vars' element. The old-style
                # vars are given higher precedence here (just in case)
                task_vars = utils.combine_vars(task_vars, include_vars)
                if 'vars' in x:
                    task_vars = utils.combine_vars(task_vars, x['vars'])

                if 'when' in x:
                    if isinstance(x['when'], (basestring, bool)):
                    elif isinstance(x['when'], list):

                new_role = None
                if 'role_name' in x:
                    new_role = x['role_name']

                mv = task_vars.copy()
                for t in tokens[1:]:
                    (k, v) = t.split("=", 1)
                    v = unquote(v)
                    mv[k] = template(self.basedir, v, mv)
                dirname = self.basedir
                if original_file:
                    dirname = os.path.dirname(original_file)
                include_file = template(dirname, tokens[0], mv)
                include_filename = utils.path_dwim(dirname, include_file)
                data = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(
                    include_filename, vault_password=self.vault_password)
                if 'role_name' in x and data is not None:
                    for y in data:
                        if isinstance(y, dict) and 'include' in y:
                            y['role_name'] = new_role
                loaded = self._load_tasks(data,
                results += loaded
            elif type(x) == dict:
                task = Task(self,
                raise Exception("unexpected task type")

        for x in results:
            if self.tags is not None:

        return results
Пример #11
    def _load_tasks(self, tasks, vars=None, default_vars=None, sudo_vars=None,
                    additional_conditions=None, original_file=None, role_name=None):
        ''' handle task and handler include statements '''

        results = []
        if tasks is None:
            # support empty handler files, and the like.
            tasks = []
        if additional_conditions is None:
            additional_conditions = []
        if vars is None:
            vars = {}
        if default_vars is None:
            default_vars = {}
        if sudo_vars is None:
            sudo_vars = {}

        old_conditions = list(additional_conditions)

        for x in tasks:

            # prevent assigning the same conditions to each task on an include
            included_additional_conditions = list(old_conditions)

            if not isinstance(x, dict):
                raise errors.AnsibleError("expecting dict; got: %s, error in %s" % (x, original_file))

            # evaluate sudo vars for current and child tasks
            included_sudo_vars = {}
            for k in ["sudo", "sudo_user"]:
                if k in x:
                    included_sudo_vars[k] = x[k]
                elif k in sudo_vars:
                    included_sudo_vars[k] = sudo_vars[k]
                    x[k] = sudo_vars[k]

            if 'meta' in x:
                if x['meta'] == 'flush_handlers':
                    results.append(Task(self, x))

            task_vars = self.vars.copy()
            if original_file:
                task_vars['_original_file'] = original_file

            if 'include' in x:
                tokens = split_args(str(x['include']))
                included_additional_conditions = list(additional_conditions)
                include_vars = {}
                for k in x:
                    if k.startswith("with_"):
                        if original_file:
                            offender = " (in %s)" % original_file
                            offender = ""
                        utils.deprecated("include + with_items is a removed deprecated feature" + offender, "1.5", removed=True)
                    elif k.startswith("when_"):
                        utils.deprecated("\"when_<criteria>:\" is a removed deprecated feature, use the simplified 'when:' conditional directly", None, removed=True)
                    elif k == 'when':
                        if isinstance(x[k], (basestring, bool)):
                        elif type(x[k]) is list:
                    elif k in ("include", "vars", "default_vars", "sudo", "sudo_user", "role_name", "no_log"):
                        include_vars[k] = x[k]

                default_vars = x.get('default_vars', {})
                if not default_vars:
                    default_vars = self.default_vars
                    default_vars = utils.combine_vars(self.default_vars, default_vars)

                # append the vars defined with the include (from above)
                # as well as the old-style 'vars' element. The old-style
                # vars are given higher precedence here (just in case)
                task_vars = utils.combine_vars(task_vars, include_vars)
                if 'vars' in x:
                    task_vars = utils.combine_vars(task_vars, x['vars'])

                new_role = None
                if 'role_name' in x:
                    new_role = x['role_name']

                mv = task_vars.copy()
                for t in tokens[1:]:
                    (k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
                    v = unquote(v)
                    mv[k] = template(self.basedir, v, mv)
                dirname = self.basedir
                if original_file:
                    dirname = os.path.dirname(original_file)
                include_file = template(dirname, tokens[0], mv)
                include_filename = utils.path_dwim(dirname, include_file)
                data = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(include_filename, vault_password=self.vault_password)
                if 'role_name' in x and data is not None:
                    for y in data:
                        if isinstance(y, dict) and 'include' in y:
                            y['role_name'] = new_role
                loaded = self._load_tasks(data, mv, default_vars, included_sudo_vars, list(included_additional_conditions), original_file=include_filename, role_name=new_role)
                results += loaded
            elif type(x) == dict:
                task = Task(
                    self, x,
                raise Exception("unexpected task type")

        for x in results:
            if self.tags is not None:

        return results
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, play, ds, module_vars=None, default_vars=None, additional_conditions=None, role_name=None):
        ''' constructor loads from a task or handler datastructure '''

        # meta directives are used to tell things like ansible/playbook to run
        # operations like handler execution.  Meta tasks are not executed
        # normally.
        if 'meta' in ds:
            self.meta = ds['meta']
            self.tags = []
            self.meta = None

        library = os.path.join(play.basedir, 'library')
        if os.path.exists(library):

        for x in ds.keys():

            # code to allow for saying "modulename: args" versus "action: modulename args"
            if x in utils.plugins.module_finder:

                if 'action' in ds:
                    raise errors.AnsibleError("multiple actions specified in task: '%s' and '%s'" % (x, ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
                if isinstance(ds[x], dict):
                    if 'args' in ds:
                        raise errors.AnsibleError("can't combine args: and a dict for %s: in task %s" % (x, ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (x, ds[x]))))
                    ds['args'] = ds[x]
                    ds[x] = ''
                elif ds[x] is None:
                    ds[x] = ''
                if not isinstance(ds[x], basestring):
                    raise errors.AnsibleError("action specified for task %s has invalid type %s" % (ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (x, ds[x])), type(ds[x])))
                ds['action'] = x + " " + ds[x]

            # code to allow "with_glob" and to reference a lookup plugin named glob
            elif x.startswith("with_"):

                if isinstance(ds[x], basestring) and ds[x].lstrip().startswith("{{"):
                    utils.warning("It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops, leave variables in loop expressions bare.")

                plugin_name = x.replace("with_","")
                if plugin_name in utils.plugins.lookup_loader:
                    ds['items_lookup_plugin'] = plugin_name
                    ds['items_lookup_terms'] = ds[x]
                    raise errors.AnsibleError("cannot find lookup plugin named %s for usage in with_%s" % (plugin_name, plugin_name))

            elif x in [ 'changed_when', 'failed_when', 'when']:
                if isinstance(ds[x], basestring) and ds[x].lstrip().startswith("{{"):
                    utils.warning("It is unnecessary to use '{{' in conditionals, leave variables in loop expressions bare.")
            elif x.startswith("when_"):
                utils.deprecated("The 'when_' conditional has been removed. Switch to using the regular unified 'when' statements as described on docs.ansible.com.","1.5", removed=True)

                if 'when' in ds:
                    raise errors.AnsibleError("multiple when_* statements specified in task %s" % (ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
                when_name = x.replace("when_","")
                ds['when'] = "%s %s" % (when_name, ds[x])
            elif not x in Task.VALID_KEYS:
                raise errors.AnsibleError("%s is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler" % x)

        self.module_vars  = module_vars
        self.default_vars = default_vars
        self.play         = play

        # load various attributes
        self.name         = ds.get('name', None)
        self.tags         = [ 'all' ]
        self.register     = ds.get('register', None)
        self.sudo         = utils.boolean(ds.get('sudo', play.sudo))
        self.su           = utils.boolean(ds.get('su', play.su))
        self.environment  = ds.get('environment', {})
        self.role_name    = role_name
        self.no_log       = utils.boolean(ds.get('no_log', "false"))
        self.run_once     = utils.boolean(ds.get('run_once', 'false'))

        #Code to allow do until feature in a Task 
        if 'until' in ds:
            if not ds.get('register'):
                raise errors.AnsibleError("register keyword is mandatory when using do until feature")
            self.module_vars['delay']     = ds.get('delay', 5)
            self.module_vars['retries']   = ds.get('retries', 3)
            self.module_vars['register']  = ds.get('register', None)
            self.until                    = ds.get('until')
            self.module_vars['until']     = self.until

        # rather than simple key=value args on the options line, these represent structured data and the values
        # can be hashes and lists, not just scalars
        self.args         = ds.get('args', {})

        # get remote_user for task, then play, then playbook
        if ds.get('remote_user') is not None:
            self.remote_user      = ds.get('remote_user')
        elif ds.get('remote_user', play.remote_user) is not None:
            self.remote_user      = ds.get('remote_user', play.remote_user)
            self.remote_user      = ds.get('remote_user', play.playbook.remote_user)

        self.sudo_user    = None
        self.sudo_pass    = None
        self.su_user      = None
        self.su_pass      = None

        if self.sudo:
            self.sudo_user    = ds.get('sudo_user', play.sudo_user)
            self.sudo_pass    = ds.get('sudo_pass', play.playbook.sudo_pass)
        elif self.su:
            self.su_user      = ds.get('su_user', play.su_user)
            self.su_pass      = ds.get('su_pass', play.playbook.su_pass)

        # Fail out if user specifies a sudo param with a su param in a given play
        if (ds.get('sudo') or ds.get('sudo_user') or ds.get('sudo_pass')) and \
                (ds.get('su') or ds.get('su_user') or ds.get('su_pass')):
            raise errors.AnsibleError('sudo params ("sudo", "sudo_user", "sudo_pass") '
                                      'and su params "su", "su_user", "su_pass") '
                                      'cannot be used together')

        # Both are defined
        if ('action' in ds) and ('local_action' in ds):
            raise errors.AnsibleError("the 'action' and 'local_action' attributes can not be used together")
        # Both are NOT defined
        elif (not 'action' in ds) and (not 'local_action' in ds):
            raise errors.AnsibleError("'action' or 'local_action' attribute missing in task \"%s\"" % ds.get('name', '<Unnamed>'))
        # Only one of them is defined
        elif 'local_action' in ds:
            self.action      = ds.get('local_action', '')
            self.delegate_to = ''
            self.action      = ds.get('action', '')
            self.delegate_to = ds.get('delegate_to', None)
            self.transport   = ds.get('connection', ds.get('transport', play.transport))

        if isinstance(self.action, dict):
            if 'module' not in self.action:
                raise errors.AnsibleError("'module' attribute missing from action in task \"%s\"" % ds.get('name', '%s' % self.action))
            if self.args:
                raise errors.AnsibleError("'args' cannot be combined with dict 'action' in task \"%s\"" % ds.get('name', '%s' % self.action))
            self.args = self.action
            self.action = self.args.pop('module')

        # delegate_to can use variables
        if not (self.delegate_to is None):
            # delegate_to: localhost should use local transport
            if self.delegate_to in ['', 'localhost']:
                self.transport   = 'local'

        # notified by is used by Playbook code to flag which hosts
        # need to run a notifier
        self.notified_by = []

        # if no name is specified, use the action line as the name
        if self.name is None:
            self.name = self.action

        # load various attributes
        self.when    = ds.get('when', None)
        self.changed_when = ds.get('changed_when', None)
        self.failed_when = ds.get('failed_when', None)

        # combine the default and module vars here for use in templating
        all_vars = self.default_vars.copy()
        all_vars = utils.combine_vars(all_vars, self.module_vars)

        self.async_seconds = ds.get('async', 0)  # not async by default
        self.async_seconds = template.template_from_string(play.basedir, self.async_seconds, all_vars)
        self.async_seconds = int(self.async_seconds)
        self.async_poll_interval = ds.get('poll', 10)  # default poll = 10 seconds
        self.async_poll_interval = template.template_from_string(play.basedir, self.async_poll_interval, all_vars)
        self.async_poll_interval = int(self.async_poll_interval)
        self.notify = ds.get('notify', [])
        self.first_available_file = ds.get('first_available_file', None)

        self.items_lookup_plugin = ds.get('items_lookup_plugin', None)
        self.items_lookup_terms  = ds.get('items_lookup_terms', None)

        self.ignore_errors = ds.get('ignore_errors', False)
        self.any_errors_fatal = ds.get('any_errors_fatal', play.any_errors_fatal)

        self.always_run = ds.get('always_run', False)

        # action should be a string
        if not isinstance(self.action, basestring):
            raise errors.AnsibleError("action is of type '%s' and not a string in task. name: %s" % (type(self.action).__name__, self.name))

        # notify can be a string or a list, store as a list
        if isinstance(self.notify, basestring):
            self.notify = [ self.notify ]

        # split the action line into a module name + arguments
            tokens = split_args(self.action)
        except Exception, e:
            if "unbalanced" in str(e):
                raise errors.AnsibleError("There was an error while parsing the task %s.\n" % repr(self.action) + \
                                          "Make sure quotes are matched or escaped properly")
Пример #13
    if playbook[1] == 'role':
        playbook_ds = {'roles': [{'role': playbook[0]}]}
            playbook_ds = parse_yaml_from_file(playbook[0])
        except AnsibleError, e:
            raise SystemExit(str(e))
    results = []
    basedir = os.path.dirname(playbook[0])
    items = _playbook_items(playbook_ds)
    for item in items:
        for child in play_children(basedir, item, playbook[1], playbook_dir):
            if "$" in child['path'] or "{{" in child['path']:
            valid_tokens = list()
            for token in split_args(child['path']):
                if '=' in token:
            path = ' '.join(valid_tokens)
                'path': path_dwim(basedir, path),
                'type': child['type']
    return results

def template(basedir, value, vars, fail_on_undefined=False, **kwargs):
        value = ansible_template(
            os.path.abspath(basedir), value, vars,