Пример #1
def test_fqcr_parsing_invalid(ref, ref_type, expected_error_type, expected_error_expression):
    assert not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type)

    with pytest.raises(expected_error_type) as curerr:
        AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)

    assert re.search(expected_error_expression, str(curerr.value))

    r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
    assert r is None
Пример #2
    def _find_fq_plugin(self, fq_name, extension):
        """Search builtin paths to find a plugin. No external paths are searched,
        meaning plugins inside roles inside collections will be ignored.

        plugin_type = AnsibleCollectionRef.legacy_plugin_dir_to_plugin_type(

        acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(fq_name, plugin_type)

        n_resource = to_native(acr.resource, errors='strict')
        # we want this before the extension is added
        full_name = '{0}.{1}'.format(acr.n_python_package_name, n_resource)

        if extension:
            n_resource += extension

        pkg = sys.modules.get(acr.n_python_package_name)
        if not pkg:
            # FIXME: there must be cheaper/safer way to do this
            pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name)

        # if the package is one of our flatmaps, we need to consult its loader to find the path, since the file could be
        # anywhere in the tree
        if hasattr(pkg, '__loader__') and isinstance(pkg.__loader__,
                file_path = pkg.__loader__.find_file(n_resource)
                return full_name, to_text(file_path)
            except IOError:
                # this loader already takes care of extensionless files, so if we didn't find it, just bail
                return None, None

        pkg_path = os.path.dirname(pkg.__file__)

        n_resource_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, n_resource)

        # FIXME: and is file or file link or ...
        if os.path.exists(n_resource_path):
            return full_name, to_text(n_resource_path)

        # look for any matching extension in the package location (sans filter)
        ext_blacklist = ['.pyc', '.pyo']
        found_files = [
            f for f in glob.iglob(os.path.join(pkg_path, n_resource) + '.*') if
            os.path.isfile(f) and os.path.splitext(f)[1] not in ext_blacklist

        if not found_files:
            return None, None

        if len(found_files) > 1:
            # TODO: warn?

        return full_name, to_text(found_files[0])
Пример #3
def test_fqcr_parsing_valid(ref, ref_type, expected_collection,
                            expected_subdirs, expected_resource, expected_python_pkg_name):
    assert AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_fqcr(ref, ref_type)

    r = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
    assert r.collection == expected_collection
    assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs
    assert r.resource == expected_resource
    assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name

    r = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(ref, ref_type)
    assert r.collection == expected_collection
    assert r.subdirs == expected_subdirs
    assert r.resource == expected_resource
    assert r.n_python_package_name == expected_python_pkg_name
Пример #4
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            if not isinstance(key, string_types):
                raise ValueError('key must be a string')

            key = to_native(key)

            if '.' not in key:  # might be a built-in or legacy, check the delegatee dict first, then try for a last-chance base redirect
                func = self._delegatee.get(key)

                if func:
                    return func

                # didn't find it in the pre-built Jinja env, assume it's a former builtin and follow the normal routing path
                leaf_key = key
                key = 'ansible.builtin.' + key
                leaf_key = key.split('.')[-1]

            acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(key, self._dirname)

            if not acr:
                raise KeyError('invalid plugin name: {0}'.format(key))

            ts = _get_collection_metadata(acr.collection)

            # TODO: implement support for collection-backed redirect (currently only builtin)
            # TODO: implement cycle detection (unified across collection redir as well)

            routing_entry = ts.get('plugin_routing', {}).get(self._dirname, {}).get(leaf_key, {})

            deprecation_entry = routing_entry.get('deprecation')
            if deprecation_entry:
                warning_text = deprecation_entry.get('warning_text')
                removal_date = deprecation_entry.get('removal_date')
                removal_version = deprecation_entry.get('removal_version')

                if not warning_text:
                    warning_text = '{0} "{1}" is deprecated'.format(self._dirname, key)

                display.deprecated(warning_text, version=removal_version, date=removal_date, collection_name=acr.collection)

            tombstone_entry = routing_entry.get('tombstone')

            if tombstone_entry:
                warning_text = tombstone_entry.get('warning_text')
                removal_date = tombstone_entry.get('removal_date')
                removal_version = tombstone_entry.get('removal_version')

                if not warning_text:
                    warning_text = '{0} "{1}" has been removed'.format(self._dirname, key)

                exc_msg = display.get_deprecation_message(warning_text, version=removal_version, date=removal_date,
                                                          collection_name=acr.collection, removed=True)

                raise AnsiblePluginRemovedError(exc_msg)

            redirect_fqcr = routing_entry.get('redirect', None)
            if redirect_fqcr:
                acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref=redirect_fqcr, ref_type=self._dirname)
                display.vvv('redirecting {0} {1} to {2}.{3}'.format(self._dirname, key, acr.collection, acr.resource))
                key = redirect_fqcr
            # TODO: handle recursive forwarding (not necessary for builtin, but definitely for further collection redirs)

            func = self._collection_jinja_func_cache.get(key)

            if func:
                return func

                pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name)
            except ImportError:
                raise KeyError()

            parent_prefix = acr.collection

            if acr.subdirs:
                parent_prefix = '{0}.{1}'.format(parent_prefix, acr.subdirs)

            # TODO: implement collection-level redirect

            for dummy, module_name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(pkg.__path__, prefix=parent_prefix + '.'):
                if ispkg:

                    plugin_impl = self._pluginloader.get(module_name)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(to_native(e), 0)

                method_map = getattr(plugin_impl, self._method_map_name)

                for func_name, func in iteritems(method_map()):
                    fq_name = '.'.join((parent_prefix, func_name))
                    # FIXME: detect/warn on intra-collection function name collisions
                    if USE_JINJA2_NATIVE and func_name in C.STRING_TYPE_FILTERS:
                        self._collection_jinja_func_cache[fq_name] = _wrap_native_text(func)
                        self._collection_jinja_func_cache[fq_name] = _unroll_iterator(func)

            function_impl = self._collection_jinja_func_cache[key]
            return function_impl
        except AnsiblePluginRemovedError as apre:
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(to_native(apre), 0)
        except KeyError:
        except Exception as ex:
            display.warning('an unexpected error occurred during Jinja2 environment setup: {0}'.format(to_native(ex)))
            display.vvv('exception during Jinja2 environment setup: {0}'.format(format_exc()))
            raise TemplateSyntaxError(to_native(ex), 0)
Пример #5
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            if not isinstance(key, string_types):
                raise ValueError('key must be a string')

            key = to_native(key)

            if '.' not in key:  # might be a built-in or legacy, check the delegatee dict first, then try for a last-chance base redirect
                func = self._delegatee.get(key)

                if func:
                    return func

                ts = _get_collection_metadata('ansible.builtin')

                # TODO: implement support for collection-backed redirect (currently only builtin)
                # TODO: implement cycle detection (unified across collection redir as well)
                redirect_fqcr = ts.get('plugin_routing', {}).get(self._dirname, {}).get(key, {}).get('redirect', None)
                if redirect_fqcr:
                    acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.from_fqcr(ref=redirect_fqcr, ref_type=self._dirname)
                    display.vvv('redirecting {0} {1} to {2}.{3}'.format(self._dirname, key, acr.collection, acr.resource))
                    key = redirect_fqcr
                # TODO: handle recursive forwarding (not necessary for builtin, but definitely for further collection redirs)

            func = self._collection_jinja_func_cache.get(key)

            if func:
                return func

            acr = AnsibleCollectionRef.try_parse_fqcr(key, self._dirname)

            if not acr:
                raise KeyError('invalid plugin name: {0}'.format(key))

                pkg = import_module(acr.n_python_package_name)
            except ImportError:
                raise KeyError()

            parent_prefix = acr.collection

            if acr.subdirs:
                parent_prefix = '{0}.{1}'.format(parent_prefix, acr.subdirs)

            # TODO: implement collection-level redirect

            for dummy, module_name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(pkg.__path__, prefix=parent_prefix + '.'):
                if ispkg:

                    plugin_impl = self._pluginloader.get(module_name)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise TemplateSyntaxError(to_native(e), 0)

                method_map = getattr(plugin_impl, self._method_map_name)

                for f in iteritems(method_map()):
                    fq_name = '.'.join((parent_prefix, f[0]))
                    # FIXME: detect/warn on intra-collection function name collisions
                    self._collection_jinja_func_cache[fq_name] = f[1]

            function_impl = self._collection_jinja_func_cache[key]
            return function_impl
        except KeyError:
        except Exception as ex:
            display.warning('an unexpected error occurred during Jinja2 environment setup: {0}'.format(to_native(ex)))
            display.vvv('exception during Jinja2 environment setup: {0}'.format(format_exc()))