def execute_module(self):
        """ Execute the module
        :rtype: A dictionary
        :returns: The result from module execution
        result = {'changed': False}
        commands = list()
        warnings = list()

        state = self._module.params['state']
        if 'overridden' in state:
                msg='State <overridden> is invalid for this module.')
        # When state is 'deleted', the module_params should not contain data
        # under the 'config' key
        if 'deleted' in state and self._module.params.get('config'):
                msg='Remove config key from playbook when state is <deleted>')

        if self._module.params['config'] is None:
            self._module.params['config'] = {}
        # Normalize interface name.
        int = self._module.params['config'].get('source_interface')
        if int:
                'source_interface'] = normalize_interface(int)

        existing_telemetry_facts = self.get_telemetry_facts()
        if commands:
            if not self._module.check_mode:
                # TODO: edit_config is only available for network_cli. Once we
                # add support for httpapi, we will need to switch to load_config
                # or add support to httpapi for edit_config
                # self._connection.load_config(commands)
            result['changed'] = True
        result['commands'] = commands

        changed_telemetry_facts = self.get_telemetry_facts()

        result['before'] = existing_telemetry_facts
        if result['changed']:
            result['after'] = changed_telemetry_facts

        result['warnings'] = warnings
        return result
Пример #2
    def populate_structured_neighbors_lldp(self, data):
        objects = dict()
        data = data['TABLE_nbor']['ROW_nbor']

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            data = [data]

        for item in data:
            local_intf = normalize_interface(item['l_port_id'])
            objects[local_intf] = list()
            nbor = dict()
            nbor['port'] = item['port_id']
            nbor['host'] = nbor['sysname'] = item['chassis_id']

        return objects
    def set_config(self, existing_hsrp_interfaces_facts):
        """ Collect the configuration from the args passed to the module,
            collect the current configuration (as a dict from facts)

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to migrate the current configuration
                  to the desired configuration
        config = self._module.params['config']
        want = []
        if config:
            for w in config:
                w.update({'name': normalize_interface(w['name'])})
        have = existing_hsrp_interfaces_facts
        resp = self.set_state(want, have)
        return to_list(resp)
    def set_config(self, existing_lag_interfaces_facts):
        """ Collect the configuration from the args passed to the module,
            collect the current configuration (as a dict from facts)

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to migrate the current configuration
                  to the desired configuration
        want = self._module.params.get('config')
        if want:
            for w in want:
                if 'members' in w and w['members']:
                    for item in w['members']:
                            {'member': normalize_interface(item['member'])})
        have = existing_lag_interfaces_facts
        resp = self.set_state(want, have)
        return to_list(resp)
    def get_members(self, id, connection):
        Returns members associated with a channel-group

        :param name: The channel group
        :rtype: list
        :returns: Members
        members = []
        data = connection.get('show port-channel summary')
        match ='{0} (.+)(|\n)'.format(id), data)
        if match:
            interfaces ='Eth\d(.+)$',
            if interfaces:
                for i in
                    if get_interface_type(i[:-3]) != 'unknown':

        return members
    def set_config(self, existing_l2_interfaces_facts):
        """ Collect the configuration from the args passed to the module,
            collect the current configuration (as a dict from facts)

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to migrate the current configuration
                  to the desired configuration
        config = self._module.params.get('config')
        want = []
        if config:
            for w in config:
                w.update({'name': normalize_interface(w['name'])})
        have = existing_l2_interfaces_facts
        for h in have:
        resp = self.set_state(want, have)
        return to_list(resp)
Пример #7
    def populate_neighbors(self, data):
        objects = dict()
        # if there are no neighbors the show command returns
        # ERROR: No neighbour information
        if data.startswith('ERROR'):
            return dict()

        regex = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+(\S+)')

        for item in data.split('\n')[4:-1]:
            match = regex.match(item)
            if match:
                nbor = dict()
                nbor['host'] = nbor['sysname'] =
                nbor['port'] =
                local_intf = normalize_interface(
                if local_intf not in objects:
                    objects[local_intf] = []

        return objects
    def set_config(self, existing_interfaces_facts, default_intf_list):
        """ Collect the configuration from the args passed to the module,
            collect the current configuration (as a dict from facts)

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to migrate the current configuration
                  to the desired configuration
        config = self._module.params.get('config')
        want = []
        if config:
            for w in config:
                w.update({'name': normalize_interface(w['name'])})
        have = deepcopy(existing_interfaces_facts)
        for i in want:
            # 'have' does not include objects from the default_interfaces list.
            # Add any 'want' names from default_interfaces to the 'have' list.
            if i['name'] in default_intf_list:
                have.append({'name': i['name']})
        resp = self.set_state(want, have)
        return to_list(resp)
    def set_config(self, existing_l3_interfaces_facts):
        """ Collect the configuration from the args passed to the module,
            collect the current configuration (as a dict from facts)

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to migrate the current configuration
                  to the desired configuration
        config = self._module.params.get('config')
        want = []
        if config:
            for w in config:
                w.update({'name': normalize_interface(w['name'])})
                if get_interface_type(w['name']) == 'management':
                        "The 'management' interface is not allowed to be managed by this module"
        have = deepcopy(existing_l3_interfaces_facts)
        resp = self.set_state(want, have)
        return to_list(resp)
    def set_config(self, existing_lacp_interfaces_facts):
        """ Collect the configuration from the args passed to the module,
            collect the current configuration (as a dict from facts)

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to migrate the current configuration
                  to the desired configuration
        config = self._module.params.get('config')
        want = []
        if config:
            for w in config:
                if get_interface_type(w['name']) not in ('portchannel',
                        'This module works with either portchannel or ethernet'
                w.update({'name': normalize_interface(w['name'])})
        have = existing_lacp_interfaces_facts
        resp = self.set_state(want, have)
        return to_list(resp)