def __init__(self):
        self.argument_spec = netapp_utils.na_um_host_argument_spec()
        self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=self.argument_spec,

        self.na_helper = NetAppModule()
        self.parameters = self.na_helper.set_parameters(self.module.params)

        self.rest_api = UMRestAPI(self.module)
class NetAppUMVolume(object):
    ''' volumes initialize and class methods '''
    def __init__(self):
        self.argument_spec = netapp_utils.na_um_host_argument_spec()
        self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=self.argument_spec,

        self.na_helper = NetAppModule()
        self.parameters = self.na_helper.set_parameters(self.module.params)

        self.rest_api = UMRestAPI(self.module)

    def get_volumes(self):
        Fetch details of volumes.
            Dictionary of current details if volumes found
            None if volumes is not found
        data = {}
        api = "datacenter/storage/volumes"
        message, error = self.rest_api.get(api, data)
        if error:
        if message['total_records'] != 0:
            return message['records']
        return []

    def apply(self):
        Apply action to the volumes listing
        :return: None
        current = self.get_volumes()
        if current is not None:
            self.na_helper.changed = True
        self.module.exit_json(changed=self.na_helper.changed, msg=current)