Пример #1
def check_traffic_get_rx_stats(sensor_id, ifaces, delay):
    # First I need the sensor ip
    (result, admin_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id(sensor_id)
    dresult = {}
    msg = "Internal Error"
    r = False
    if result == True:
        (r, data) = get_iface_list(admin_ip)
        if r == True:
            if ifaces == []:
                l = data.keys()
                l = ifaces
            # Now check traffic
            (r, statsfirst) = get_iface_stats(admin_ip)
            if r == True:
                (r, statslast) = get_iface_stats(admin_ip)
                # Now, check each result:
                for iface in l:
                    first = statsfirst.get(iface)
                    last = statslast.get(iface)

                    if first is not None and last is not None:
                        if ((last['RX'] - first['RX']) > 0):
                            dresult[iface] = 'yes'
                            dresult[iface] = 'no'
                msg = "OK"
                r = True
                r = False
                msg = "Error obtains iface stats"
            r = False
            msg = "Can't obtain iface admin ip => " + str(admin_ip)
        r = False
        msg = "No admin ip for uuid " + sensor_id

    return (r, msg, dresult)
Пример #2
def check_traffic_get_rx_stats (sensor_id,ifaces,delay):
  # First I need the sensor ip
  (result,admin_ip) = get_sensor_ip_from_sensor_id (sensor_id)
  dresult = {}
  msg = "Internal Error"
  r = False
  if result == True:
    (r,data) = get_iface_list (admin_ip)
    if r == True:
      if ifaces == []:
        l = data.keys()
        l = ifaces
      # Now check traffic
      (r,statsfirst) = get_iface_stats (admin_ip)
      if r == True:
        time.sleep (delay)
        (r,statslast ) = get_iface_stats (admin_ip)
        # Now, check each result:
        for iface in l:
          first = statsfirst.get(iface)
          last = statslast.get(iface)

          if first is not None and last is not None:
            if ((last['RX']-first['RX'])> 0):
              dresult[iface] = 'yes'
              dresult[iface] = 'no'
        msg = "OK"
        r = True
        r = False
        msg = "Error obtains iface stats"
      r = False
      msg = "Can't obtain iface admin ip => " + str(admin_ip)
     r = False
     msg = "No admin ip for uuid " + sensor_id

  return (r, msg,dresult)
Пример #3
 def test_get_iface_stats (self):
     print ("Testing get_iface_stats")
     # This difficult to test, because the dynamic nature of the counter
     # I'm only test if the function return all the ifaces in the system
     (result, dstats) = get_iface_stats ("")
     nose.tools.ok_ (result == True, msg="Error:get_iface_list: Can't get iface list")
     nose.tools.ok_ (type(dstats).__name__ == 'dict', msg="Error:get_iface_list: Bad type")
     ifaces = [x.strip()  for x in dstats.keys() if x != 'lo']
     sys_ifaces = [iface.name for iface in  netinterfaces.get_network_interfaces() if iface.name !='lo']
     nose.tools.ok_ (len (sys_ifaces) == len (ifaces), msg="Number of interfaces mismatch")
     sys_set = set(sys_ifaces)
     ansible_set = set(ifaces)
     # verify each result 
     #print d
     for value in dstats.values():
       #print v,type(v).__name__
         nose.tools.ok_ (type(value).__name__ == 'dict', msg="Error:get_iface_stats: Bad type")
         nose.tools.ok_ (len(value) ==2, msg="Error:get_iface_stats: Bad response in key " + str(value))
         nose.tools.ok_ (value.get('TX') != None, msg="Error:get_iface_stats: No TX key in response" + str(value))
         nose.tools.ok_ (value.get('RX') != None, msg="Error:get_iface_stats: No RX key in response" + str(value))