Пример #1
def home():

  sn = request.forms.get('spotNumber')
  hl = request.forms.get('headline')
  org = request.forms.get('organization')
  desc = request.forms.get('description')
  pw = request.forms.get('password')
  img_url = request.forms.get('image_url')
  #img = uploadImage(img_url)

  if isValidSpot(sn):
    snInt = int(sn)
    snInt = str(snInt)
    snDatabase = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt)
    if snDatabase == None:
      occupant = Occupant(id = snInt, headline = hl, description = desc, date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = snInt, organization = org, spot_image = img_url, password = pw, report = 0)
      response.set_cookie("submittedForm", "yes")

      header = template('header', home="", vendor="active", edit="", about="")
      content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the Spot Number entered has already been taken.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw)
      footer = template('footer',"")

      return header + content + footer

    header = template('header', home="", vendor="active", edit="", about="")
    content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the spot number must be a valid spot number.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw)
    footer = template('footer',"")

    return header + content + footer
Пример #2
def home():
  o1 =  Occupant(id = "1", headline = "Selling chicken nuggets!", description = "Chicken nuggets! 5 for $1", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "1", organization = "Circle K", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)
  o2 =  Occupant(id = "2", headline = "Free drinks!", description = "Answer a simple survey to get a free drink!", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "2", organization = "Mahjong Club", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)
  o3 = Occupant(id = "3", headline = "Resume Critque", description = "Stop by to get your resume up in shape!", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "3", organization = "Career Center", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)
  o4 = Occupant(id = "76", headline = "Study at our Booth!", description = "Come study with us at our booth and learn about stuff!", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "76", organization = "Study Club", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)
  o5 = Occupant(id = "233", headline = "Boats", description = "Boats, Boats BOATS!!!", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "233", organization = "Touch the Boat", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)
  o6 = Occupant(id = "314", headline = "Don't Smile at Strangers", description = "Have you ever wanted to see what goes on behind the Don't Smile at Strangers group meetings? Come by to find out! We're always happy to show you!", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "314", organization = "INFX 151", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)
  o7 = Occupant(id = "106", headline = "ASUCI Elections", description = "Vote today!", date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = "106", organization = "ASUCI", spot_image = "", password = "", report = 0)

  return "Occupant Data successfully added!"
Пример #3
def home():
  #if the user has not submitted the new editted form, it will enter this branch
  if request.get_cookie("edittingForm") == "no":
    sn = request.forms.get('spotNumber')
    pw = request.forms.get('password')

    if isValidSpot(sn):
      #gets rid of leading 0s
      snInt = int(sn)
      snInt = str(snInt)

      snDatabase = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt)

      if snDatabase == None:
        header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="")
        content = template('edit', message="*The entered Spot Number has not been reserved yet.")
        footer = template('footer',"")
        return header + content + footer
        if snDatabase.password == pw:
          #if the user chose to delete a spot, here they go!
          if request.forms.get("delete") == "Delete Spot":
            spot = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt)
            response.set_cookie("deleted", "yes")

            response.set_cookie("edittingForm", "yes")
            snInt = int(sn)
            snInt = str(snInt)
            response.set_cookie("originalSN", snInt)
            hl = snDatabase.headline
            org = snDatabase.organization
            desc = snDatabase.description

            header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="")
            content = template('vendor', message = "Spot Information has been loaded!", sn = sn, hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw)
            footer = template('footer',"")
            return header + content + footer

          header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="")
          content = template('edit', message="*Invalid Password")
          footer = template('footer',"")
          return header + content + footer

      header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="")
      content = template('edit', message = "*Sorry, the spot number must be a valid spot number.*")
      footer = template('footer',"")
      return header + content + footer

  #if the user has submitted a new editted spot form it will enter this branch
  #this branch is basically the check in vnedor that validates input
    sn = request.forms.get('spotNumber')
    hl = request.forms.get('headline')
    org = request.forms.get('organization')
    desc = request.forms.get('description')
    pw = request.forms.get('password')
    img_url = request.forms.get('image_url')

    if isValidSpot(sn):
      snInt = int(sn)
      snInt = str(snInt)
      snDatabase = Occupant.get_by_id(snInt)

      if snDatabase == None or snInt == str(request.get_cookie("originalSN")):
        occupant = Occupant(id = snInt, headline = hl, description = desc, date_time = datetime.datetime.now(), spot_id = snInt, organization = org, spot_image = img_url, password = pw, report = 0)

        #if the new spot number does not exist that means that changed the spot number
        #so the old can be deleted because it is being replaced
        if snDatabase == None:
          oldSpot = Occupant.get_by_id(str(request.get_cookie("originalSN")))

        response.set_cookie("edittingForm", "no")
        response.set_cookie("originalSN", "no")

        response.set_cookie("submittedForm", "yes")

        header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="")
        content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the Spot Number entered has already been taken.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw)
        footer = template('footer',"")

        return header + content + footer

      header = template('header', home="", vendor="", edit="active", about="")
      content = template('vendor', message = "*Sorry, the spot number must be a valid spot number.*", sn = "", hl = hl, org = org, desc = desc, pw = pw)
      footer = template('footer',"")

      return header + content + footer