def _get_original_market(self, buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id): if buy_sym_id > sell_sym_id: temp = buy_sym_id buy_sym_id = sell_sym_id sell_sym_id = temp original_market_result = list( session.execute( """ select original_name from exchange_markets inner join exchanges e on exchange_markets.exchange_id = where = :exchange and first_coin_id= :buy_sym_id and second_coin_id= :sell_sym_id """, { "exchange":, "buy_sym_id": buy_sym_id, "sell_sym_id": sell_sym_id })) if not len(original_market_result): self.running = False"No market '{}-{}' registered for '{}'".format( buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id, return None, None else: original_market = re.split( "[_-]", (original_market_result[0]["original_name"])) if len(original_market) > 1: return original_market elif buy_sym_id + sell_sym_id == original_market[0]: return buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id else: return sell_sym_id, buy_sym_id
def get_exchange_trades(buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id, exchange): query = ("select exchange_trade_id, name, timestamp, trade_type, buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id, price,"+ " size from trades inner join exchanges on = trades.exchange_id" + " where name = '" + exchange.lower() +"' and buy_sym_id = '" + buy_sym_id.upper() + "' and sell_sym_id = '" + sell_sym_id.upper() + "' order by timestamp asc") print(query) return session.execute(query)
def _get_all_trades(self, exchange, buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id): return session.execute( """ select timestamp, buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id, price, size from trades join exchanges ex on \ where buy_sym_id= :buy_sym_id and sell_sym_id= :sell_sym_id and = :exchange """, {"exchange": exchange.lower(), "buy_sym_id": buy_sym_id.upper(), "sell_sym_id": sell_sym_id.upper()} )
def query_orders(buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id): query = ( "select, orders.exchange_order_id, orders.timestamp, orders.filled_at, orders.expiry,"+ " orders.cancelled_at, orders.buy_sym_id, orders.sell_sym_id, orders.user, orders.price from orders" + " inner join exchanges on = orders.exchange_id where buy_sym_id = '"+buy_sym_id.upper() +"' and" + " sell_sym_id = '" +sell_sym_id.upper()+"' order by timestamp asc" ) return session.execute(query)
def _get_ob_mid_price(self): """ queries the database for the latest orderbook for the given pair - for visualisation purposes not all orders are retrieved - orders are only retrieved if ask/bid prices lie below/above the median price, respectively """ query = (""" with order_book as ( with latest_orders as ( select order_type, price, max(last_update_id) max_update_id, exchange_id from aggregate_orders ag group by ag.price, ag.order_type, ag.exchange_id) select order_type, price, buy_sym_id, size, last_update_id, timestamp, name, sell_sym_id from aggregate_orders inner join exchanges on aggregate_orders.exchange_id = where (order_type, price, last_update_id, exchange_id) in (select * from latest_orders) and size > 0 and buy_sym_id = :buy_sym_id and sell_sym_id = :sell_sym_id and name = :exchange order by price asc ), mid_price as ( with max_min_prices as ( with max_bid_price as ( select max(price) max_bid from order_book where (order_book.order_type = 'bid') ), min_ask_price as ( select min(price) min_ask from order_book where (order_book.order_type = 'ask') ) select * from max_bid_price, min_ask_price) select ((max_min_prices.min_ask + max_min_prices.max_bid) / 2) mid, max_bid, min_ask from max_min_prices ) select order_type, price, size, timestamp, max_bid, min_ask, mid from order_book, mid_price where (order_book.order_type = 'bid' and order_book.price >= 0.99 * mid_price.mid) or (order_book.order_type = 'ask' and order_book.price <= 1.01 * mid_price.mid) order by timestamp desc """) return session.execute( query, { "buy_sym_id": self.buy_sym_id.upper(), "sell_sym_id": self.sell_sym_id.upper(), "exchange": })
def is_original_market(buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id, exchange): query = ( "select name, first_coin_id, second_coin_id, original_name from exchange_markets inner join exchanges on" + " = exchange_markets.exchange_id where name = '" + exchange.lower() + "'" ) all_markets = session.execute(query) for row in list(all_markets): if row[1] == buy_sym_id and row[2] == sell_sym_id: market = parse_market(row[3], buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id) return market elif row[1] == sell_sym_id and row[2] == buy_sym_id: market = parse_market(row[3], sell_sym_id, buy_sym_id) return market return None
def _get_ob_quartiles(self): query = (""" with order_book as ( with latest_orders as ( select order_type, price, max(last_update_id) max_update_id from aggregate_orders group by aggregate_orders.price, aggregate_orders.order_type) select order_type, price, size, last_update_id, timestamp, name, buy_sym_id, sell_sym_id from aggregate_orders inner join exchanges on aggregate_orders.exchange_id = where (order_type, price, last_update_id) in (select * from latest_orders) and size > 0 and buy_sym_id = :buy_sym_id and sell_sym_id = :sell_sym_id and name = :exchange order by price asc ) select * from order_book where (order_book.order_type = 'bid' and order_book.price >= ( select percentile_disc(0.75) within group (order by order_book.price) from order_book where order_book.order_type = 'bid' ) ) or (order_book.order_type = 'ask' and order_book.price <= ( select percentile_disc(0.25) within group (order by order_book.price) from order_book where order_book.order_type = 'ask' )) """) return session.execute( query, { "buy_sym_id": self.buy_sym_id.upper(), "sell_sym_id": self.sell_sym_id.upper(), "exchange": })
def _get_all_associated_markets(self, exchange, symbol): return session.execute(""" select original_name, quoted_volume_id buy_sym_id, first_coin_id, second_coin_id, from exchange_markets em inner join exchanges ex \ on = em.exchange_id where first_coin_id = :symbol or second_coin_id = :symbol and = :exchange """, {"symbol": symbol, "exchange":exchange})