def gmt_overlay_grid(region, center, coords, legendloc, outfile): """Overlay the grid for a given region""" try: retcode = check_call( "psbasemap -X0 -Y0 -R%s -JE%s -V -Bg%swesn -Lf%sk+l -O -K >> %s" % (region, center, coords, legendloc, outfile), shell=True) except OSError, e: elog.elog_complain ("psbasemap execution failed:", e) raise
def gmt_plot_wet_and_coast(region, center, wet_rgb, outfile): """plot wet areas and coastline""" try: # Plot wet areas (not coast) retcode = check_call("pscoast"+" -V -R%s -JE%s -W0.5p,%s -S%s -A0/2/4 -Df -O -K >> %s" % (region, center, wet_rgb, wet_rgb, outfile), shell=True) # Plot coastline in black retcode = check_call("pscoast"+" -V -R%s -JE%s -W0.5p,0/0/0 -Df -O -K >> %s" % (region, center, outfile), shell=True) # Plot major rivers retcode = check_call("pscoast"+" -V -R%s -JE%s -Ir/0.5p,0/0/255 -Df -O -K >> %s" % (region, center, outfile), shell=True) # Plot national (N1) and state (N2) boundaries retcode = check_call("pscoast"+" -V -R%s -JE%s -N1/5/0/0/0 -N2/1/0/0/0 -Df -O -K >> %s" % (region, center, outfile), shell=True) except OSError, e: elog.elog_complain("A pscoast call failed: %s" % e) raise
def gmt_add_stations(station_loc_files, symsize, rgbs, outfile): """Overlay the station icons""" for key in sorted(station_loc_files.iterkeys()): if key == 'IU' or key == 'US': # Plots diamond symbols for US backbone stations symtype='d' else: symtype='t' try: retcode = check_call( "psxy %s -R -JE -V -S%s%s -G%s -W -L -O -K -: >> %s" % (station_loc_files[key], symtype, symsize, rgbs[key], outfile), shell=True) except OSError, e: elog.elog_complain("psxy execution failed: %s" % e) raise
def main(argv=None): """Main processing script for all maps """ elog.elog_init(sys.argv) elog.elog_notify("Start of script") verbose, debug, year, month, maptype, deploytype, size = process_command_line(argv) if debug: elog.elog_notify("*** DEBUGGING ON ***") elog.elog_notify("*** No grd or grad files - just single color for speed ***") common_pf = '' stations_pf = '' elog.elog_notify(" - Creating **%s** maps" % deploytype) if verbose: elog.elog_notify(" - Parse configuration parameter file (%s)" % common_pf) elog.elog_notify(" - Parse stations parameter file (%s)" % stations_pf) wet_rgb = '202/255/255' pfupdate(common_pf) pfupdate(stations_pf) dbmaster = pfget(common_pf, 'USARRAY_DBMASTER') networks = pfget_arr(stations_pf, 'network') infrasound = pfget_arr(stations_pf, 'infrasound') colors = pfget_arr(stations_pf, 'colors') # Force the tmp dir environmental variable tmp = pfget(common_pf, 'TMP') os.environ['TMPDIR'] = os.environ['TEMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] = tmp gmtbindir = pfget(common_pf, 'GMT_BIN') usa_coords = pfget_arr(common_pf, 'USACOORDS') ak_coords = pfget_arr(common_pf, 'AKCOORDS') web_output_dir = pfget(common_pf, 'CACHE_MONTHLY_DEPLOYMENT') web_output_dir_infra = pfget(common_pf, 'CACHE_MONTHLY_DEPLOYMENT_INFRA') infrasound_mapping = pfget(common_pf, 'INFRASOUND_MAPPING') output_dir = '/var/tmp' # FOR TESTING sys.path.append(gmtbindir) if size == 'wario': paper_orientation = 'landscape' paper_media = 'b0' symsize = '0.3' else: paper_orientation = 'portrait' paper_media = 'a1' symsize = '0.15' # Make sure execution occurs in the right directory cwd = os.getcwd() path_parts = cwd.split('/') if path_parts[-1] == 'deployment_history' and path_parts[-2] == 'bin': if verbose or debug: elog.elog_notify(' - Already in the correct current working directory %s' % cwd) else: cwd = os.getcwd() + '/bin/deployment_history' if verbose or debug: elog.elog_notify (' - Changed current working directory to %s' % cwd) os.chdir(cwd) # Make sure we set some GMT parameters for just this script # GMTSET try: set_gmt_params(paper_orientation, paper_media) except Exception, e: elog.elog_complain("An error occurred setting GMT params %s") raise
# Add stations from local text files gmt_add_stations(station_loc_files, symsize, rgbs, ps[1]) # }}} Contiguous United States if verbose or debug: elog.elog_notify (' - Working on Alaska inset') # {{{ Alaska if debug == True: try: retcode = check_call("pscoast -R%s -JE%s -Df -A5000 -S%s -G40/200/40 -V -X0.1i -Y0.1i -O -K >> %s" % (ak_region, ak_center, wet_rgb, ps[1]), shell=True) except OSError, e: elog.elog_complain("pscoast for Alaska execution failed: %s" % e) raise else: try: retcode = check_call("grdimage data/alaska.grd -R%s -JE%s -Cdata/land_ocean.cpt -Idata/alaska.grad -V -E100 -X0.1i -Y0.1i -O -K >> %s" % (ak_region, ak_center, ps[1]), shell=True) except OSError, e: elog.elog_complain("grdimage for alaska.grd execution failed: %s" % e) raise # Plot wet areas and coastline gmt_plot_wet_and_coast(ak_region, ak_center, wet_rgb, ps[1]) # Overlay the grid gmt_overlay_grid(ak_region, ak_center, ak_coords['GRIDLINES'], '-145/57/60/500', ps[1])