def read_data_files(self, radar_dir):
        Given a radar_dir walk through all sub directories to find 
        radar files
        pattern = self.pattern
        file_counter = 0
        first = True
        rain_max_in_period = 0.0
        precips = []
        times = []
        reverse = False
        self.radar_dir = radar_dir
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(radar_dir): 
            if self.debug or self.verbose:
                print('Directory: ',dirs)
                print('Number of Files = ',len(fnmatch.filter(files, pattern)))
            for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): 
                key = filename[-16:-3]
                valid_time = self.parse_time(key)
                if not self.final_time is None:
                    if valid_time > self.final_time: continue
                if not self.start_time is None:                    
                    if valid_time < self.start_time: continue

                if self.debug :
                file_counter +=1
                if file_counter == 1:
                    self.radar_data_title = "RADAR_Data_"+filename[-20:-3]

                if pattern == '*.gz':
                    filename =, 'rb')
                    data = NetCDFFile(os.path.join(root,filename[:-3]), 'r') 
                    data = NetCDFFile(os.path.join(root, filename), 'r') 
                # RADAR NetCDF files have Dimensions, Attributes, Variables
                if self.debug:
                    print('Reference LAT, LONG = ',data.reference_longitude, data.reference_latitude)

                # Check Time for key 
                valid_time = self.parse_time(key)
                file_start_time = data.variables['start_time'][0]
                file_valid_time = data.variables['valid_time'][0]
                if self.debug:
                    print('Reference times ', file_start_time, file_valid_time, valid_time)
                # This handles format changes in the files from BOM !!!!
                possible_precip_names = ['precipitation',  'precip', 'rain_amount'] 
                # Go through each of the possible names
                for name in possible_precip_names:  # Check if name is a key in the variables dictionary
                    if name in data.variables:
                        precip_name = name
                        if self.debug:
                            print('BOM Reference name tag in this file:')

                if first:
                    first = False
                    self.base_filename = filename[:-20]
                    if self.debug: print(' Accumulate rainfall here....')
                    self.x = data.variables['x_loc'][:]
                    self.y = data.variables['y_loc'][:]
                    if self.y[0] < 0:
                        pass # Check if y[0] = -ve if not reverse...  arr[::-1]
                        self.y = self.y[::-1]  # Check if y[0] = -ve if not reverse...  arr[::-1]
                    self.reference_longitude = data.reference_longitude
                    self.reference_latitude =  data.reference_latitude
                    # Convert to UTM offsets
          , self.offset_x, self.offset_y = anuga.LLtoUTM(self.reference_latitude, self.reference_longitude)
                    # Convert to UTM
                    self.x = self.x*1000 + self.offset_x
                    self.y = self.y*1000 + self.offset_y
                    precip = data.variables[precip_name][:]
                    precip_total = precip.copy() # Put into new Accumulating ARRRAY

                    rain_max_in_period  = max(np.max(precip),rain_max_in_period)  
                else:  # ---If NOT FIRST !!!
                    precip = data.variables[precip_name][:]

                    precip_total += precip
                    if self.debug: print(' Keep accumulating rainfall....')

                    rain_max_in_period  = max(np.max(precip),rain_max_in_period)

        self.rain_max_in_period = rain_max_in_period
        times = np.array(times)
        ids = np.argsort(times)

        self.times = times[ids]   
        self.precips = np.array([ precips[tid] for tid in ids ])
        self.time_step = self.times[1]-self.times[0]
        self.start_time = self.times[0]-self.time_step
        self.precip_total = precip_total 
        # Test sorting
        for i, tid in enumerate(ids):
            np.allclose(times[tid], self.times[i])
            np.allclose(precips[tid], self.precips[i])
        self.extent = (self.x.min(), self.x.max(), self.y.min(), self.y.max())
Пример #2
    def read_data_files(self, radar_dir, pattern = '*.nc'):
        Given a radar_dir walk through all sub directories to find 
        radar raster files
        file_counter = 0
        first = True
        data_max_in_period = 0.0
        data_slices = []
        times = []
        self.radar_dir = radar_dir
        if self.verbose:
            import datetime
            print "READING BoM calibrated rain grid data"
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(radar_dir): 
            if self.debug:
                print 'Directory: ',dirs
                print 'Number of Files = ',len(fnmatch.filter(files, pattern))
            for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): 
                key = filename[-16:-3]
                valid_time = anuga.parse_time(key)
                if not self.final_time is None:
                    if valid_time > self.final_time: continue
                if not self.start_time is None:                    
                    if valid_time < self.start_time: continue

                if self.debug :
                    print filename
                file_counter +=1
                if file_counter == 1:
                    self.radar_data_title = "RADAR_Data_"+filename[-20:-3]

                data = NetCDFFile(os.path.join(root, filename), 'r') 
                # RADAR NetCDF files have Dimensions, Attributes, Variables
                if self.debug:
                    print 'VARIABLES:'
                    print 'Reference LAT, LONG = ',data.reference_longitude, data.reference_latitude

                # Check Time for key 
                valid_time = anuga.parse_time(key)
                file_start_time = data.variables['start_time'][0]
                file_valid_time = data.variables['valid_time'][0]
                new_time_step = file_valid_time - file_start_time
                if self.debug:
                    print 'VARIABLES:'
                    print 'Reference times ', file_start_time, file_valid_time, valid_time
                # This handles format changes in the files from BOM !!!!
                possible_precip_names = ['precipitation',  'precip', 'rain_amount'] 
                # Go through each of the possible names
                for name in possible_precip_names:  # Check if name is a key in the variables dictionary
                    if name in data.variables:
                        precip_name = name
                        if self.debug:
                            print 'BOM Reference name tag in this file:'
                            print precip_name

                if first:
                    first = False
                    self.base_filename = filename[:-20]
                    self.time_step = file_valid_time - file_start_time
                    if self.debug: print ' Accumulate rainfall here....'
                    self.x = data.variables['x_loc'][:]
                    self.y = data.variables['y_loc'][:]
                    if self.y[0] < 0:
                        pass # Check if y[0] = -ve if not reverse...  arr[::-1]
                        self.y = self.y[::-1]  # Check if y[0] = -ve if not reverse...  arr[::-1]
                    self.reference_longitude = data.reference_longitude
                    self.reference_latitude =  data.reference_latitude
                    # Convert to UTM offsets
          , self.offset_x, self.offset_y = anuga.LLtoUTM(self.reference_latitude, self.reference_longitude)
                    # Convert to UTM
                    self.x = self.x*1000 + self.offset_x
                    self.y = self.y*1000 + self.offset_y
                    data_slice = data.variables[precip_name][:]/1000  # convert from mm to m
                    data_accumulated = data_slice.copy() # Put into new Accumulating ARRRAY
                    data_max_in_period  = max(np.max(data_slice),data_max_in_period)  
                else:  # ---If NOT FIRST !!!
                    data_slice = data.variables[precip_name][:]/1000 # convert from mm to m

                    data_accumulated += data_slice
                    if self.debug: print ' Keep accumulating rainfall....'

                    data_max_in_period  = max(np.max(data_slice),data_max_in_period)
                    assert np.allclose(self.time_step,new_time_step), "Timesteps not equal"

        self.data_max_in_period = data_max_in_period
        times = np.array(times)
        ids = np.argsort(times)
        if len(times) > 0:
            self.times = times[ids]   
            self.data_slices = np.array([ data_slices[tid] for tid in ids ])
            self.start_time = self.times[0]-self.time_step
            self.data_accumulated = data_accumulated 
            print "+++++", np.sum(data_accumulated)
            # Test sorting
            for i, tid in enumerate(ids):
                np.allclose(times[tid], self.times[i])
                np.allclose(data_slices[tid], self.data_slices[i])
            self.times = []  
            self.data_slices = []
            self.start_time = []
            self.data_accumulated = []
        self.extent = (self.x.min(), self.x.max(), self.y.min(), self.y.max())

        if self.verbose:
            print "    From UTC time: %s"% datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.start_time).strftime('%c')
            print "    To UTC time:   %s"% datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.final_time).strftime('%c')
            print "    Read in %g time slices" % len(self.times)