Пример #1
 def ls(self, rev, path, recursive=False, recursive_dirs=False,
        directory=False, report=[]):
   if isinstance(report, (tuple, list)):
     report = ','.join(report)
   result = self._post('ls', rev=rev, path=path, recursive=recursive,
                       recursive_dirs=recursive_dirs, directory=directory,
   return [attrdict(x) for x in result]
Пример #2
def get_directory_contents(repo, rev, path, key=None, reverse=False,
                           parents=True, reverse_func=None,
                           resolve_commits=False, **kw):
  Get repository contents suitable for using in a template context.

  With `key` and `reverse`, modify the sort order via `sorted()` of the
  directory contents. The default is to sort by name.

  With `parents` modify whether or not to include links to parent directories.
  The default is to include them.

  Provide a callable `reverse_func` to transform an entry into a URL. The
  default is to generate relative links.

  With `resolve_commits`, also include the commit log entry which last modified
  the entry. The default is to not. This forces commits to be reported from the
  call to `VCSRepo.ls()`.

  path = _normpath(path)
  key = key or (lambda e: e.name)

  # Force the report commit flag if not specified and resolve_commits is True.
  report = tuple(kw.get('report', ()))
  if resolve_commits and 'commit' not in report:
    report += ('commit',)
    kw['report'] = report

  contents = sorted(repo.repo.ls(rev, path, **kw), key=key, reverse=reverse)

  # Use relative paths by default for the URL.
  reverse_func = reverse_func or (lambda e: e.name)

  # Loop over the contents and add extra information in.
  cache = {}
  for entry in contents:
    if entry.type != 'l':
      entry.url = reverse_func(entry)
    # XXX The check for the commit is a hack around python-anyvcs#65
    if resolve_commits and 'commit' in entry:
      commit = entry.commit
        entry.log = cache[commit]
      except KeyError:
        entry.log = cache[commit] = repo.repo.log(revrange=commit)

  # Add parent directories if requested.
  parent_path = _normpath(_pardir(path))
  if path != '/' and parents:
    entry = attrdict(name='..', path=parent_path.lstrip('/'), type='d')
    entry.url = reverse_func(entry)
    contents.insert(0, entry)
  return contents