Пример #1
def test_focus_scans_correctly():

    focus_position = array([0.1, 0.2, 3], dtype=dtype(float))
    focus_velocity = array([0, 0, 0], dtype=dtype(float))
    time = 1e-4

    ray1 = RayParaxial([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], op_wavelength)
    aol1 = AolSimple.create_aol(4, order, op_wavelength, ac_velocity,
                                aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio,
                                focus_position, focus_velocity)
    aol1.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray1, time, focus_position[2])

    ray2 = RayParaxial([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], op_wavelength)
    aol2 = AolSimple.create_aol(4, -order, op_wavelength, ac_velocity,
                                aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio,
                                focus_velocity)  # opposite order!
    aol2.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray2, time, focus_position[2])

    expected_position1 = focus_position + offset + time * focus_velocity
    expected_position2 = focus_position + [
        -base_angle * aod_spacing[0:2].sum(),
        -base_angle * aod_spacing[1:3].sum(),
    ] + time * focus_velocity
    assert allclose(ray1.position, expected_position1, atol=tol,
                    rtol=0) and allclose(
                        ray2.position, expected_position2, atol=tol, rtol=0)
Пример #2
def test_find_base_ray_positions():
    aol_const = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(num_aods, order, spacing,
                                                [1e6] * 4, [0] * 4, wavelength)
    aol_chirp = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(num_aods, order, spacing,
                                                [1e6] * 4, [1e6] * 4,
    assert allclose(aol_const.base_ray_positions,
                    atol=0) and not aol_chirp.acoustic_drives[0].linear == 0
Пример #3
def test_no_chirp_at_tzero():
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(order, spacing, [0]*4, array([1e6]*4), wavelength)
    wavevec = [0,0,1]
    ray = Ray([0,0,0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray, 0, 10)
    assert allclose(ray.wavevector_unit, wavevec, atol=0)
Пример #4
def test_deflect_right_way():
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(num_aods, order, spacing,
                                          [1, 0, 0, 0], [0] * 4, wavelength)
    wavevec = [0, 3. / 5, 4. / 5]
    ray = Ray([0, 0, 0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray, 0)
    assert ray.wavevector_unit[0] < 0
Пример #5
def test_constant_freq_for_zero_chirp():
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(order, spacing, [10]*4, [0]*4, wavelength)
    wavevec = [0,3./5,4./5]
    ray1 = Ray([0,0,0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray1, 0)
    ray2 = Ray([0,0,0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray2, 1e-3)
    assert allclose(ray1.wavevector_unit, ray2.wavevector_unit, atol=0)    
Пример #6
def test_focus_scans_correctly():
    focus_position = array([0.1,0.2,3], dtype=dtype(float))
    focus_velocity = array([0,0,0], dtype=dtype(float))
    time = 1e-4
    ray1 = RayParaxial([0,0,0], [0,0,1], op_wavelength)
    aol1 = AolSimple.create_aol(order, op_wavelength, ac_velocity, aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position, focus_velocity) 
    aol1.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray1, time, focus_position[2])
    ray2 = RayParaxial([0,0,0], [0,0,1], op_wavelength)
    aol2 = AolSimple.create_aol(-order, op_wavelength, ac_velocity, aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position, focus_velocity)# opposite order!
    aol2.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray2, time, focus_position[2])
    expected_position1 = focus_position + offset + time * focus_velocity
    expected_position2 = focus_position + [-base_angle*aod_spacing[0:2].sum(),-base_angle*aod_spacing[1:3].sum(),aod_spacing.sum()] + time * focus_velocity
    assert allclose(ray1.position, expected_position1, atol=tol, rtol=0) and allclose(ray2.position, expected_position2, atol=tol, rtol=0) 
Пример #7
def test_no_chirp_at_tzero():
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(num_aods, order, spacing, [0] * 4,
                                          array([1e6] * 4), wavelength)
    wavevec = [0, 0, 1]
    ray = Ray([0, 0, 0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray, 0, 10)
    assert allclose(ray.wavevector_unit, wavevec, atol=0)
Пример #8
def test_plot():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(order, spacing, array([1]*4)*1e6, [1]*4, wavelength)
    wavevec = [0,3./5,4./5]
    ray = Ray([0,0,0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.plot_ray_through_aol(ray, 1, aol.aod_spacing.sum())
    assert allclose(ray.position, [0,0,0], atol=0) and allclose(ray.wavevector_unit, wavevec, atol=0)
Пример #9
def test_constant_freq_for_zero_chirp():
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(num_aods, order, spacing, [10] * 4,
                                          [0] * 4, wavelength)
    wavevec = [0, 3. / 5, 4. / 5]
    ray1 = Ray([0, 0, 0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray1, 0)
    ray2 = Ray([0, 0, 0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray2, 1e-3)
    assert allclose(ray1.wavevector_unit, ray2.wavevector_unit, atol=0)
Пример #10
def test_plot():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(num_aods, order, spacing,
                                          array([1] * 4) * 1e6, [1] * 4,
    wavevec = [0, 3. / 5, 4. / 5]
    ray = Ray([0, 0, 0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.plot_ray_through_aol(ray, 1, aol.aod_spacing.sum())
    assert allclose(ray.position, [0, 0, 0], atol=0) and allclose(
        ray.wavevector_unit, wavevec, atol=0)
Пример #11
def test_ray_passes_through_focus():
    focus_position = array([1e-3,2e-3,3], dtype=dtype(float))
    focus_velocity = array([0,0,0], dtype=dtype(float))
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol(order, op_wavelength, ac_velocity, aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position, focus_velocity)

    ray1 = RayParaxial([0,0,0], [0,0,1], op_wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray1, 0, focus_position[2]) # t = 0
    ray2 = RayParaxial([0,0,0], [0,0,1], op_wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray2, 1e-6, focus_position[2]) # t != 0
    ray3 = RayParaxial([1e-2,0,0], [0,0,1], op_wavelength) # position not origin
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray3, 0, focus_position[2]) # t = 0
    expected_position = focus_position + offset
    assert allclose(ray1.position, expected_position, atol=tol, rtol=0) and allclose(ray2.position, expected_position, atol=tol, rtol=0) and allclose(ray3.position, expected_position, atol=tol, rtol=0)
Пример #12
def test_ray_passes_through_base_point():
    focus_position = array([0, 0, 10], dtype=dtype(float))
    focus_velocity = array([0, 0, 0], dtype=dtype(float))

    aol = AolSimple.create_aol(4, order, op_wavelength, ac_velocity,
                               aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio,
                               focus_position, focus_velocity)

    ray1 = RayParaxial([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], op_wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray1, 0, focus_position[2])  # t = 0

    ray2 = RayParaxial([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], op_wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray2, 1e-3, focus_position[2])  # t != 0

    ray3 = RayParaxial([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1],
                       op_wavelength)  # position not origin
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray3, 0, focus_position[2])  # t = 0

    expected_position = focus_position + offset
    assert allclose(ray1.position, expected_position, atol=tol, rtol=0) and \
            allclose(ray2.position, expected_position, atol=tol, rtol=0) and \
            allclose(ray3.position, expected_position, atol=tol, rtol=0)
Пример #13
def test_non_unit_direction():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                  1, [1, 1, 1], [0] * 4, [0] * 4,
                  aod_directions=[[1, 0, 0.1], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0],
                                  [0, -1, 0]])
Пример #14
focus_velocity = [1, 1, 0]

aod_spacing = array([5e-2] * 3)

aods = [0] * 4
aods[0] = Aod(normalise([0, 1, 40]), [1, 0, 0], 25e-3, 3.2e-3,
aods[1] = Aod(normalise([1, -1, 40]), [0, 1, 0], 25e-3, 3.2e-3,
aods[2] = Aod([0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0], 25e-3, 1.6e-3, crystal_thickness)
aods[3] = Aod([0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0], 25e-3, 1.6e-3, crystal_thickness)

aol = AolFull.create_aol(aods, aod_spacing, order, op_wavelength, base_freq,
                         pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position, focus_velocity)
aol_simple = AolSimple.create_aol(len(aods), order, op_wavelength, teo2_ac_vel,
                                  aod_spacing, base_freq,
                                  pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position,
                                  focus_velocity, [crystal_thickness] * 4)

def test_aol_drives_same():
    const_full = [a.const for a in aol.acoustic_drives]
    const_simple = [a.const for a in aol_simple.acoustic_drives]
    linear_full = [a.linear for a in aol.acoustic_drives]
    linear_simple = [a.linear for a in aol_simple.acoustic_drives]
    quad_full = [a.quad for a in aol.acoustic_drives]
    quad_simple = [a.quad for a in aol_simple.acoustic_drives]
    assert allclose(const_full, const_simple) and allclose(
        linear_full, linear_simple) and allclose(quad_full, quad_simple)

def test_plot():
Пример #15
def test_deflect_right_way():
    aol = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(order, spacing, [1,0,0,0], [0]*4, wavelength)
    wavevec = [0,3./5,4./5]
    ray = Ray([0,0,0], wavevec, wavelength)
    aol.propagate_to_distance_past_aol(ray, 0)
    assert ray.wavevector_unit[0] < 0    
Пример #16
def test_find_base_ray_positions():
    aol_const = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(order, spacing, [1e6]*4, [0]*4, wavelength)
    aol_chirp = AolSimple.create_aol_from_drive(order, spacing, [1e6]*4, [1e6]*4, wavelength)
    assert allclose(aol_const.base_ray_positions, aol_chirp.base_ray_positions, atol=0) and not aol_chirp.acoustic_drives[0].linear == 0 
Пример #17
crystal_thickness = 8e-3

focal_length = 1
focus_position = array([-.01,-.01,focal_length])
focus_velocity = [1,1,0]

aod_spacing = array([5e-2] * 3)

aods = [0]*4
aods[0] = Aod(normalise([0,1,40]), [ 1, 0,0], 25e-3, 3.2e-3, crystal_thickness)
aods[1] = Aod(normalise([1,-1,40]), [ 0, 1,0], 25e-3, 3.2e-3, crystal_thickness)
aods[2] = Aod([0,0,1], [-1, 0,0], 25e-3, 1.6e-3, crystal_thickness)
aods[3] = Aod([0,0,1], [ 0,-1,0], 25e-3, 1.6e-3, crystal_thickness)

aol = AolFull.create_aol(aods, aod_spacing, order, op_wavelength, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position, focus_velocity)
aol_simple = AolSimple.create_aol(order, op_wavelength, teo2_ac_vel, aod_spacing, base_freq, pair_deflection_ratio, focus_position, focus_velocity, [crystal_thickness]*4)

def test_aol_drives_same():
    const_full = [a.const for a in aol.acoustic_drives]
    const_simple = [a.const for a in aol_simple.acoustic_drives]
    linear_full = [a.linear for a in aol.acoustic_drives]
    linear_simple = [a.linear for a in aol_simple.acoustic_drives]
    quad_full = [a.quad for a in aol.acoustic_drives]
    quad_simple = [a.quad for a in aol_simple.acoustic_drives]
    assert allclose(const_full, const_simple) and allclose(linear_full, linear_simple) and allclose(quad_full, quad_simple)

def test_plot():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    x,y = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,5)*1e-2, linspace(-1,1,5)*1e-2)
    list_of_positions = zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel()) 
    rays = [Ray([xy[0], xy[1], 0], [0,0,1], op_wavelength) for xy in list_of_positions]