def get_card_description(card_id, api_response = True): '''Returns the dexcription of the card of which the id is associated''' card = card_select.card_description(card_id) return response.success(card.serialize())
def get_current_sprint(project_id, api_response = True): sprint = sprint_select.current_sprint(project_id) if api_response: return response.success(json.dumps(sprint.serialize())) else: return sprint.serialize()
def get_current_sprint_with_cards(project_id): sprint = sprint_select.current_sprint(project_id) standard_cards = card_select.standard_cards_from_sprint(sprint) for card in standard_cards: sprint.add_card(card) return response.success(sprint.serialize())
def sprint_for(card_id, sprint_id, cursor = None): cursor.execute(""" UPDATE card SET sprint = %(sprint_id)s WHERE = %(card_id)s;""", {'card_id' : card_id, 'sprint_id' : sprint_id}) return response.success()
def get_archive(project_id): '''Returns all closed Cards''' archive = card_select.archive(project_id) serialized_archive = serialize_array(archive) return response.success(serialized_archive)
def get_active_epics(project_id): epics = card_select.active_epics(project_id) serialized_epics = [] for epic in epics: serialized_epics.append(epic.serialize()) return response.success(serialized_epics)
def get_card_details(card_id, api_response = True): '''this returns the section containing the epic, poc, creation date, and updated date''' #TODO, consider better naming card = card_select.card_details(card_id) return response.success(card.serialize())
def get_backlog(project_id): '''Returns all cards that are open, but not assigned to a sprint''' backlog = card_select.backlog(project_id) serialized_backlog = serialize_array(backlog) return response.success(serialized_backlog)
def initialize_creation_page(project_id): index = get_next_index(project_id); statuses = get_statuses(); users = get_users(project_id); epics = get_epics(project_id); data = '{{"card_index" : "{index}", "statuses" : {statuses} , "users" : {users}, "epics": {epics} }}'.format( index = index, statuses = statuses, users = users, epics = epics) return response.success(json.loads(data))
def get_project(project_id, api_response = True): project = project_select.project(project_id) serialized_project = project.serialize() if api_response: return response.success(serialized_project) else: return serialized_project
def initialize_home_page(project_id): cards = card_workflow.get_card_with_user_task(project_id, api_response = False) sprint = sprint_workflow.get_current_sprint(project_id, api_response = False) project = project_workflow.get_project(project_id, api_response = False) data = '{{"cards" : {cards}, "sprint" : {sprint} , "project" : {project} }}'.format( cards = json.dumps(cards), sprint = json.dumps(sprint), project = json.dumps(project)) return response.success(json.loads(data))
def name(card, cursor = None): cursor.execute(""" UPDATE card SET = %(card_name)s, card.updated = NOW() WHERE = %(card_id)s""", {'card_id':, 'card_name':}) return response.success()
def new_card(card, cursor = None): cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO card ( project, proj_number, name, type, epic, created, updated, status, points, poc) values ( %(project)s, %(proj_num)s, %(name)s, %(type)s, %(epic)s, NOW(), NOW(), %(status)s, %(points)s, %(poc)s);""", {'project': card.project, 'proj_num': card.proj_number(), 'name':, 'type':CardType[card.type].value, 'epic':, 'status' : Status[card.status].value, 'points': card.points, 'poc' :}) cursor.execute("""SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();""") new_id = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO card_description ( card_id, description) values ( %(card_id)s, %(description)s)""", {'card_id': new_id['LAST_INSERT_ID()'], 'description': card.description}) for step in card.steps: cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO card_steps ( card_id, task, assigned, status) values ( %(card_id)s, %(task)s, %(assigned_to)s, %(status)s)""", {'card_id': new_id['LAST_INSERT_ID()'], 'task' : step.task, 'assigned_to':, 'status': Status[step.status].value}) return response.success()
def description(card, cursor = None): cursor.execute(""" UPDATE card, card_description SET card_description.description = %(card_description)s, card.updated = NOW() WHERE card_description.card_id = %(card_id)s AND = %(card_id)s""", {'card_id':, 'card_description': card.description}) return response.success()
def new_epic(card, cursor = None): cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO card ( project, proj_number, name, type, created, updated, status, points, poc) values ( %(project)s, %(proj_num)s, %(name)s, %(type)s, NOW(), NOW(), %(status)s, %(points)s, %(poc)s);""", {'project': card.project, 'proj_num': card.proj_number(), 'name':, 'type':CardType[card.type].value, 'status' : Status[card.status].value, 'points': card.points, 'poc' :}) cursor.execute("""SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();""") card_id = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO card_description ( card_id, description) values ( %(card_id)s, %(description)s)""", {'card_id': card_id['LAST_INSERT_ID()'], 'description': card.description}) cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO epic ( background_color, foreground_color) values ( %(background_color)s, %(foreground_color)s)""", {'background_color': card.epic.background_color, 'foreground_color': card.epic.foreground_color}) cursor.execute("""SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();""") epic_id = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("""UPDATE card SET card.epic = %(epic)s WHERE = %(card_id)s""", {'card_id': card_id['LAST_INSERT_ID()'], 'epic': epic_id['LAST_INSERT_ID()']}) return response.success()
def token(token, cursor = None): print(token.serialize()) cursor.execute(""" UPDATE user SET user.token = %(value)s, user.token_exp = DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 4 HOUR) WHERE = %(id)s ;""", {'value': token.token_value, 'id': token.user_id} ) return response.success()
def steps(steps, cursor = None): for step in steps: cursor.execute(""" UPDATE card_steps SET card_steps.task = %(step_task)s, card_steps.assigned = %(step_assigned)s, card_steps.status = %(step_status)s WHERE = %(step_id)s""", {'step_id':, 'step_assigned' :, 'step_status': Status[step.status].value, 'step_task': step.task}) return response.success()
def details(card, cursor = None): cursor.execute(""" UPDATE card SET card.epic = %(card_epic)s, card.status = %(card_status)s, card.points = %(card_points)s, card.poc = %(card_poc)s, card.updated = NOW() WHERE = %(card_id)s""", {'card_id':, 'card_epic':, 'card_status': Status[card.status].value, 'card_points': card.points, 'card_poc' :}) return response.success()
def get_projects_for_user(): token_form = json.loads(request.form['token']) token_form = sanitize.form_keys(token_form) token = Token.map_from_form(token_form) projects = project_select.projects_for_user(token.user_id) serialized_projects = [] for project in projects: serialized_projects.append(project.serialize()) return response.success(serialized_projects)
def create_project(api_response = True): project_form = sanitize.form_keys(json.loads(request.form['payload'])) project = Project.map_from_form(project_form) token_form = sanitize.form_keys(json.loads(request.form['token'])) token = Token.map_from_form(token_form) project = project_insert.create_project(project, token.user_id) parent_url = "api/DAL/images/projects/" project.image.save_to_file_system(parent_url) return response.success(
def new_user(credentials, cursor = None): cursor.execute(''' INSERT user ( email, first_name, last_name, password) VALUES ( %(email)s, %(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(password)s);''', {'email':, 'first_name' : credentials.first_name, 'last_name': credentials.last_name, 'password' : credentials.password}) return response.success()
def open_sprint(sprint, cursor = None): cursor.execute(''' INSERT sprint ( name, start_date, end_date, open, project) VALUES ( %(name)s, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL %(end_date)s WEEK), 1, %(project)s);''', {'name':, 'end_date' : sprint.end_date, 'project': sprint.project}) return response.success()
def steps_for(card_id, steps, cursor = None): for step in steps: cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO card_steps ( card_id, task, assigned, status) values ( (SELECT id from card WHERE = %(card_id)s), %(task)s, %(assigned_to)s, %(status)s)""", {'card_id': card_id, 'task' : step.task, 'assigned_to':, 'status': Status[step.status].value}) return response.success()
def get_card_with_user_task(project_id, api_response = True): '''Using the user id on the authentication token, send back all cards that have steps or are in anyway assigned to the user''' token_form = json.loads(request.form['token']) token_form = sanitize.form_keys(token_form) token = Token.map_from_form(token_form) cards = card_select.card_with_user_task(token.user_id, project_id) serialized_cards = serialize_array(cards) if api_response: return response.success(serialized_cards) else: return serialized_cards
def get_card(card_index, project_id): '''Using the cards index, send back all information pertaining to the card Used primarily for the card details page''' card_refrence = Card() card_refrence.index = card_index card = card_select.card(project_id, card_refrence.proj_number()) if card.type is CardType(0).name: steps = card_select.card_steps( card.add_steps(steps) elif card.type is CardType(1).name: assigned_cards = card_select.cards_assigned_to_epic( card.add_assigned_cards(assigned_cards) return response.success(card.serialize())
def close_current_sprint(sprint_id, cursor=None): cursor.execute( """ UPDATE card SET card.sprint = NULL WHERE card.sprint = %(sprint_id)s AND card.status <> 3;""", {"sprint_id": sprint_id}, ) cursor.execute( """ UPDATE sprint SET = 0, sprint.closed_date = NOW() WHERE = %(sprint_id)s;""", {"sprint_id": sprint_id}, ) return response.success()
def update_card_steps(card_id): '''Updates the steps of the provided card, then returns the value from the database''' steps_form = json.loads(request.form['payload']) steps = create_objects_from_form_array(Step, steps_form) updated_steps = [] new_steps = [] for step in steps: if > 0: updated_steps.append(step) else: new_steps.append(step) card_update.steps(updated_steps) card_insert.steps_for(card_id, new_steps) steps = card_select.card_steps(card_id) return response.success(serialize_array(steps))
def get_card_name(card_id, api_response = True): card = card_select.card_name(card_id) return response.success(card.serialize())