class ApiTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests ConfigManager and local/remote config access.""" def setUp(self): self.api = Api() # url='' def testCreateConfig(self): """ Create simple config object from string """ ds = self.api.get_dataset('LC81920272016240LGN00') self.assertEqual(len(ds), 1) ds = self.api.get_dataset('LE71010172003151EDC00') self.assertEqual(len(ds), 1) ds = self.api.get_dataset( 'S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160806T202847_R142_V20160805T192909_20160805T192909' ) self.assertEqual(len(ds), 21) def testCatalogSearch(self): aoi_nw = (-91.5175095, 16.8333384) aoi_se = (-91.3617268, 16.8135385) aoi_ne = (aoi_se[0], aoi_nw[1]) aoi_sw = (aoi_nw[0], aoi_se[1]) aoi = [aoi_nw, aoi_ne, aoi_se, aoi_sw, aoi_nw] # Object representation results = self.api.search_dataset(aoi, 100, parse('2015-01-01'), parse('2015-03-01'), 'landsat8', full_objects=True) self.assertEqual(len(results), 3) for item in results: self.assertTrue(type(item).__name__ == 'Catalog_Dataset') results = self.api.search_dataset(aoi, 100, parse('2015-01-01'), parse('2015-03-01'), 'landsat8', full_objects=False) # JSON representation self.assertEqual(len(results), 3) for item in results: self.assertTrue(type(item) == dict)
def main(sensor, start_date, days, api_endpoint): api = Api(api_endpoint)'Checking consistencty for %s between %s + %s' % (sensor, start_date, days)) aoi_nw = (-180, 90) aoi_se = (180, -90) aoi_ne = (aoi_se[0], aoi_nw[1]) aoi_sw = (aoi_nw[0], aoi_se[1]) aoi = [aoi_nw, aoi_ne, aoi_se, aoi_sw, aoi_nw] wrong_urls = list() for delta_day in range(1, days): start_time = time.time() start_date_date = parse(start_date)+ datetime.timedelta(days=delta_day) end_date_date = start_date_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)'Checking consistencty for %s between %s and %s' % (sensor, start_date_date.isoformat(), end_date_date.isoformat())) # Object representation results = api.search_dataset(aoi, 100, start_date_date, end_date_date, sensor, full_objects=False) url_resources = list() missing_urls = list() missing_types = list() for r in results: if r['resources']['s3public']['zip'] != None: url_resources.append(r['resources']['s3public']['zip']) else: missing_urls.append('%s:%s' % (r['tile_identifier'], r['entity_id'])) missing_types.append('zip') if r['resources']['metadata']!= None: url_resources.append(r['resources']['metadata']) else: missing_urls.append('%s:%s' % (r['tile_identifier'], r['entity_id'])) missing_types.append('metadata') if r['resources']['quicklook'] != None: url_resources.append(r['resources']['quicklook']) else: missing_urls.append('%s:%s' % (r['tile_identifier'], r['entity_id'])) missing_types.append('quicklook')'total scans: %d' %len(url_resources))'already missed resources: %d' %len(missing_urls)) if False: for counter, res in enumerate(url_resources): req = requests.head(res) if req.status_code != print res, req.status_code missing_urls.append(res) print res if (counter % 25) == 0: print counter else: counter = 0 for url_parts in chunks(url_resources, 500): counter+=1 rs = (grequests.head(u) for u in url_parts) res = for req in res: if req is not None: if req.status_code != wrong_urls.append(res) missing_types.append('zip_registered') else: print req.url, req if len(wrong_urls) > 0: for item in wrong_urls: print item for req in item: if req.status_code != append_data('/tmp/wrong_urls.txt', req.url) if len(missing_urls) > 0: append_data('/tmp/missing_urls.txt', missing_urls) if len(missing_types) > 0: for type in ['zip_registered', 'quicklook', 'metadata', 'zip']:'%d:%s' % (operator.countOf(missing_types, type), type))'wrong resources resources: %d' % len(wrong_urls))'Executed in %f secs.' % (time.time()-start_time)) print 'Wrong URLs:', wrong_urls