class DcSettingsSerializer(s.InstanceSerializer): """ vms.models.Dc.settings """ _global_settings = None _model_ = Dc modules = settings.MODULES # Used in gui forms third_party_modules = [] # Class level storage, updated only with the decorator function third_party_settings = [] # Class level storage, updated only with the decorator function # List of settings which cannot be changed when set to False in (local_) (booleans only) _override_disabled_ = settings.MODULES _blank_fields_ = frozenset({ 'SITE_LOGO', 'SITE_ICON', 'SHADOW_EMAIL', 'SUPPORT_PHONE', 'VMS_DISK_IMAGE_DEFAULT', 'VMS_DISK_IMAGE_ZONE_DEFAULT', 'VMS_DISK_IMAGE_LX_ZONE_DEFAULT', 'VMS_NET_DEFAULT', 'VMS_STORAGE_DEFAULT', 'MON_ZABBIX_HTTP_USERNAME', 'MON_ZABBIX_HTTP_PASSWORD', 'MON_ZABBIX_HOST_VM_PROXY', 'DNS_SOA_DEFAULT', 'EMAIL_HOST_USER', 'EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD', 'SMS_FROM_NUMBER', 'SMS_SERVICE_USERNAME', 'SMS_SERVICE_PASSWORD', }) _null_fields_ = frozenset({ 'VMS_VM_DEFINE_LIMIT', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_DEFINE_LIMIT', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_AUTO', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_MANUAL', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_MANUAL_DEFAULT', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_LIMIT', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT', 'VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_DC_SIZE_LIMIT', 'VMS_VM_BACKUP_DEFINE_LIMIT', 'VMS_VM_BACKUP_LIMIT', 'VMS_VM_BACKUP_DC_SIZE_LIMIT', 'VMS_NET_LIMIT', 'VMS_IMAGE_VM', 'VMS_IMAGE_LIMIT', 'VMS_ISO_LIMIT' }) dc = s.CharField(label=_('Datacenter'), read_only=True) # Modules VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Snapshots')) VMS_VM_BACKUP_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Backups')) MON_ZABBIX_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Monitoring')) DNS_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('DNS')) SUPPORT_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Support')) REGISTRATION_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Registration')) FAQ_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('FAQ')) # Not part of MODULES (can be overridden even if disabled in settings) # Advanced settings VMS_VM_DOMAIN_DEFAULT = s.RegexField(r'^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\._/-]*$', label='VMS_VM_DOMAIN_DEFAULT', max_length=255, min_length=3, help_text=_('Default domain part of the hostname of a newly ' 'created virtual server.')) COMPANY_NAME = s.CharField(label='COMPANY_NAME', max_length=255, help_text=_('Name of the company using this virtual datacenter.')) SITE_NAME = s.CharField(label='SITE_NAME', max_length=255, help_text=_('Name of this site used mostly in email and text message templates.')) SITE_LINK = s.CharField(label='SITE_LINK', max_length=255, help_text=_('Link to this site used mostly in email and text message templates.')) SITE_SIGNATURE = s.CharField(label='SITE_SIGNATURE', max_length=255, help_text=_('Signature attached to outgoing emails related ' 'to this virtual datacenter.')) SITE_LOGO = s.URLField(label='SITE_LOGO', max_length=2048, required=False, help_text=_('URL pointing to an image, which will be displayed as a logo on the main page. ' 'If empty the default Danube Cloud logo will be used.')) SITE_ICON = s.URLField(label='SITE_ICON', max_length=2048, required=False, help_text=_('URL pointing to an image, which will be displayed as an icon in the navigation ' 'bar. If empty the default Danube Cloud icon will be used.')) SUPPORT_EMAIL = s.EmailField(label='SUPPORT_EMAIL', max_length=255, help_text=_('Destination email address used for all support tickets ' 'related to this virtual datacenter.')) SUPPORT_PHONE = s.CharField(label='SUPPORT_PHONE', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Phone number displayed in the support contact details.')) SUPPORT_USER_CONFIRMATION = s.BooleanField(label='SUPPORT_USER_CONFIRMATION', help_text=_('Whether to send a confirmation email to the user after ' 'a support ticket has been sent to SUPPORT_EMAIL.')) DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = s.EmailField(label='DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL', max_length=255, help_text=_('Email address used as the "From" address for all outgoing emails ' 'related to this virtual datacenter.')) EMAIL_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label='EMAIL_ENABLED', help_text=_('Whether to completely disable sending of emails ' 'related to this virtual datacenter.')) API_LOG_USER_CALLBACK = s.BooleanField(label='API_LOG_USER_CALLBACK', help_text=_('Whether to log API user callback requests into the tasklog.')) VMS_ZONE_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label='VMS_ZONE_ENABLED', # Module help_text=_('Whether to enable support for SunOS and Linux zones in ' 'this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_VM_DEFINE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_DEFINE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of virtual servers that can be defined in ' 'this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_VM_CPU_CAP_REQUIRED = s.BooleanField(label='VMS_VM_CPU_CAP_REQUIRED', help_text='When disabled, the vCPUs server parameter on SunOS and Linux ' 'Zones can be set to 0, which removes the compute node CPU ' 'limit (cpu_cap) for the virtual server.') VMS_VM_STOP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_STOP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT', help_text='Default time period (in seconds) for a graceful VM stop or ' 'reboot, after which a force stop/reboot is send to the VM ' '(KVM only).') VMS_VM_STOP_WIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_STOP_WIN_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT', help_text='This is the same setting as VMS_VM_STOP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT' ' but for a VM with Windows OS type, which usually takes' ' longer to shutdown.') VMS_VM_OSTYPE_DEFAULT = s.IntegerChoiceField(label='VMS_VM_OSTYPE_DEFAULT', choices=Vm.OSTYPE, help_text=_('Default operating system type. One of: 1 - Linux VM, ' '2 - SunOS VM, 3 - BSD VM, 4 - Windows VM, ' '5 - SunOS Zone, 6 - Linux Zone.')) VMS_VM_MONITORED_DEFAULT = s.BooleanField(label='VMS_VM_MONITORED_DEFAULT', help_text=_('Controls whether server synchronization with the monitoring ' 'system is enabled by default.')) VMS_VM_CPU_SHARES_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_CPU_SHARES_DEFAULT', min_value=0, max_value=1048576, help_text=_("Default value of the server's CPU shares, " "relative to other servers.")) VMS_VM_ZFS_IO_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_ZFS_IO_PRIORITY_DEFAULT', min_value=0, max_value=1024, help_text=_("Default value of the server's IO throttling " "priority, relative to other servers.")) VMS_VM_RESOLVERS_DEFAULT = s.IPAddressArrayField(label='VMS_VM_RESOLVERS_DEFAULT', max_items=8, help_text=_('Default DNS resolvers used for newly ' 'created servers.')) VMS_VM_SSH_KEYS_DEFAULT = s.ArrayField(label='VMS_VM_SSH_KEYS_DEFAULT', max_items=32, required=False, help_text=_('List of public SSH keys added to every virtual machine ' 'in this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_VM_MDATA_DEFAULT = s.MetadataField(label='VMS_VM_MDATA_DEFAULT', required=False, validators=(validate_mdata(Vm.RESERVED_MDATA_KEYS),), help_text=_('Default VM metadata (key=value string pairs).')) VMS_DISK_MODEL_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='VMS_DISK_MODEL_DEFAULT', choices=Vm.DISK_MODEL, help_text=_('Default disk model of newly created server disks. One of: ' 'virtio, ide, scsi.')) VMS_DISK_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='VMS_DISK_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT', choices=Vm.DISK_COMPRESSION, help_text=_('Default disk compression algorithm. ' 'One of: off, lzjb, gzip, gzip-N, zle, lz4.')) VMS_DISK_IMAGE_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='VMS_DISK_IMAGE_DEFAULT', max_length=64, required=False, help_text=_('Name of the default disk image used for ' 'newly created server disks.')) VMS_DISK_IMAGE_ZONE_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='VMS_DISK_IMAGE_ZONE_DEFAULT', max_length=64, required=False, help_text=_('Name of the default disk image used for ' 'newly created SunOS zone servers.')) VMS_DISK_IMAGE_LX_ZONE_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='VMS_DISK_IMAGE_LX_ZONE_DEFAULT', max_length=64, required=False, help_text=_('Name of the default disk image used for ' 'newly created Linux zone servers.')) VMS_NIC_MODEL_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='VMS_NIC_MODEL_DEFAULT', choices=Vm.NIC_MODEL, help_text=_('Default virtual NIC model of newly created server NICs. ' 'One of: virtio, e1000, rtl8139.')) VMS_NIC_MONITORING_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_NIC_MONITORING_DEFAULT', min_value=NIC_ID_MIN, max_value=NIC_ID_MAX, help_text=_('Default NIC ID, which will be used for ' 'external monitoring.')) VMS_NET_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='VMS_NET_DEFAULT', max_length=64, required=False, help_text=_('Name of the default network used for newly created server NICs.')) VMS_NET_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_NET_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of DC-bound networks that can be created in ' 'this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_NET_VLAN_RESTRICT = s.BooleanField(label='VMS_NET_VLAN_RESTRICT', help_text=_('Whether to restrict VLAN IDs to the ' 'VMS_NET_VLAN_ALLOWED list.')) VMS_NET_VLAN_ALLOWED = s.IntegerArrayField(label='VMS_NET_VLAN_ALLOWED', required=False, help_text=_('List of VLAN IDs available for newly created DC-bound ' 'networks in this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_NET_VXLAN_RESTRICT = s.BooleanField(label='VMS_NET_VXLAN_RESTRICT', help_text=_('Whether to restrict VXLAN IDs to the ' 'VMS_NET_VXLAN_ALLOWED list.')) VMS_NET_VXLAN_ALLOWED = s.IntegerArrayField(label='VMS_NET_VXLAN_ALLOWED', required=False, help_text=_('List of VXLAN IDs available for newly created DC-bound ' 'networks in this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_IMAGE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_IMAGE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of DC-bound server images that can be created in ' 'this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_ISO_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_ISO_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of DC-bound ISO images that can be created in ' 'this virtual datacenter.')) VMS_STORAGE_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='VMS_STORAGE_DEFAULT', max_length=64, required=False, help_text=_('Name of the default storage used for newly created servers ' 'and server disks.')) VMS_VGA_MODEL_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='VMS_VGA_MODEL_DEFAULT', choices=Vm.VGA_MODEL, help_text=_('Default VGA emulation driver of newly created servers. ' 'One of: std, cirrus, vmware.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_DEFINE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_DEFINE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of snapshot definitions per server.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_AUTO = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_AUTO', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of automatic snapshots per server.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_MANUAL = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_MANUAL', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of manual snapshots per server.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_MANUAL_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_MANUAL_DEFAULT', required=False, help_text=_('Predefined manual snapshot limit ' 'for new servers.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum size (MB) of all snapshots per server.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT', required=False, help_text=_('Predefined snapshot size limit (MB) for new ' 'servers.')) VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_DC_SIZE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_SNAPSHOT_DC_SIZE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum size (MB) of all snapshots in this ' 'virtual datacenter.')) VMS_VM_BACKUP_DEFINE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_BACKUP_DEFINE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum number of backup definitions per server.')) VMS_VM_BACKUP_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_BACKUP_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Upper retention limit used for new backup definitions.')) VMS_VM_BACKUP_DC_SIZE_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_VM_BACKUP_DC_SIZE_LIMIT', required=False, help_text=_('Maximum size (MB) of all backups in this ' 'virtual datacenter.')) VMS_VM_BACKUP_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='VMS_VM_BACKUP_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT', choices=BackupDefine.COMPRESSION, help_text=_('Predefined compression algorithm for ' 'new file backups.')) DNS_PTR_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='DNS_PTR_DEFAULT', max_length=255, min_length=4, help_text=_("Default value used for reverse DNS records of virtual server " "NIC's IP addresses. Available placeholders are: " "{ipaddr}, {hostname}, {alias}.")) MON_ZABBIX_SERVER = s.RegexField(r'^https?://.*$', label='MON_ZABBIX_SERVER', max_length=1024, help_text=_('URL address of Zabbix server used for external monitoring of servers ' 'in this virtual datacenter. WARNING: Changing this and other ' 'MON_ZABBIX_* values in default virtual datacenter will ' 'affect the built-in internal monitoring of servers and ' 'compute nodes.')) MON_ZABBIX_SERVER_SSL_VERIFY = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_SERVER_SSL_VERIFY', help_text=_('Whether to perform HTTPS certificate verification when ' 'connecting to the Zabbix API.')) MON_ZABBIX_TIMEOUT = s.IntegerField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TIMEOUT', min_value=1, max_value=180, help_text=_('Timeout in seconds used for connections to the Zabbix API.')) MON_ZABBIX_USERNAME = s.CharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_USERNAME', max_length=255, help_text=_('Username used for connecting to the Zabbix API.')) MON_ZABBIX_PASSWORD = s.CharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_PASSWORD', max_length=255, help_text=_('Password used for connecting to the Zabbix API.')) MON_ZABBIX_HTTP_USERNAME = s.CharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HTTP_USERNAME', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Username used for the HTTP basic authentication required for ' 'connections to the Zabbix API.')) MON_ZABBIX_HTTP_PASSWORD = s.CharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HTTP_PASSWORD', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Password used for the HTTP basic authentication required for ' 'connections to the Zabbix API.')) MON_ZABBIX_VM_SLA = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_VM_SLA', help_text=_('Whether to fetch and display the SLA value of virtual servers.')) MON_ZABBIX_VM_SYNC = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_VM_SYNC', help_text=_('Whether newly created virtual servers can be automatically ' 'synchronized with the monitoring server.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUP_VM = s.SafeCharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUP_VM', max_length=255, help_text=_('Existing Zabbix host group, which will be used for all ' 'monitored servers in this virtual datacenter.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM', max_items=32, required=False, help_text=_('List of Zabbix host groups, which will be used ' 'for all monitored servers in this virtual datacenter. ' 'Available placeholders are: {ostype}, {ostype_text}, ' '{disk_image}, {disk_image_abbr}, {dc_name}.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM_RESTRICT = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM_RESTRICT', help_text=_('Whether to restrict Zabbix host group names to the ' 'MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM_ALLOWED list.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM_ALLOWED = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM_ALLOWED', max_items=32, required=False, help_text=_('List of Zabbix host groups that can be used by servers' ' in this virtual datacenter. Available placeholders' ' are: {ostype}, {ostype_text}, {disk_image},' ' {disk_image_abbr}, {dc_name}.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM', max_items=128, required=False, help_text=_('List of existing Zabbix templates, which will be used for all ' 'monitored servers in this virtual datacenter. ' 'Available placeholders are: {ostype}, {ostype_text}, ' '{disk_image}, {disk_image_abbr}, {dc_name}.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_MAP_TO_TAGS = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_MAP_TO_TAGS', help_text=_('Whether to find and use existing Zabbix templates' ' according to tags of a monitored ' 'virtual server.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_RESTRICT = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_RESTRICT', help_text=_('Whether to restrict Zabbix template names to the ' 'MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_ALLOWED list.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_ALLOWED = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_ALLOWED', max_items=128, required=False, help_text=_('List of Zabbix templates that can be used by servers ' 'in this virtual datacenter. Available placeholders are:' ' {ostype}, {ostype_text}, {disk_image},' ' {disk_image_abbr}, {dc_name}.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_NIC = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_NIC', max_items=16, required=False, help_text=_('List of Zabbix templates that will be used for all ' 'monitored servers, for every virtual NIC of a server. ' 'Available placeholders are: {net}, {nic_id} + ' 'MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM placeholders.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_DISK = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_DISK', max_items=16, required=False, help_text=_('List of Zabbix templates that will be used for all ' 'monitored servers, for every virtual disk of a server. ' 'Available placeholders: {disk}, {disk_id} + ' 'MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM placeholders.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOST_VM_PROXY = s.CharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOST_VM_PROXY', min_length=1, max_length=128, required=False, help_text=_('Name or ID of the monitoring proxy, which will be used to ' 'monitor all monitored virtual servers.')) def __init__(self, request, dc, *args, **kwargs): # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment global_settings = self.get_global_settings() if global_settings and not dc.is_default(): # Displaying global settings for non default DC dc1_settings = DefaultDc().settings # These setting should be read-only and read from default DC dc_settings = DefAttrDict(dc.custom_settings, defaults=dc1_settings) # instance else: dc1_settings = None dc_settings = dc.settings # instance self.dc_settings = dc_settings dc_settings['dc'] = super(DcSettingsSerializer, self).__init__(request, dc_settings, *args, **kwargs) self._update_fields_ = self.fields.keys() self._update_fields_.remove('dc') self.settings = {} self.dc = dc if dc1_settings is not None: for i in global_settings: self.fields[i].read_only = True @classmethod def get_global_settings(cls): if cls._global_settings is None: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences cls._global_settings = frozenset(set(cls.base_fields.keys()) - set(DcSettingsSerializer.base_fields.keys())) return cls._global_settings @staticmethod def _filter_sensitive_data(dictionary): """Replace sensitive data in input dict with ***""" for key in dictionary.keys(): if any([i in key for i in SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAMES]): dictionary[key] = SENSITIVE_FIELD_VALUE return dictionary def _setattr(self, instance, source, value): # noinspection PyProtectedMember super(DcSettingsSerializer, self)._setattr(instance, source, value) self.settings[source] = value def detail_dict(self, **kwargs): # Remove sensitive data from detail dict return self._filter_sensitive_data(super(DcSettingsSerializer, self).detail_dict(**kwargs)) @property def data(self): if self._data is None: # Remove sensitive data from output self._data = self._filter_sensitive_data(super(DcSettingsSerializer, self).data) return self._data # noinspection PyPep8Naming def validate_VMS_VM_DOMAIN_DEFAULT(self, attrs, source): if self.dc_settings.DNS_ENABLED: try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: try: domain = Domain.objects.get(name=value) except Domain.DoesNotExist: raise s.ValidationError(_('Object with name=%s does not exist.') % value) else: if not self.dc.domaindc_set.filter( raise s.ValidationError(_('Domain is not available in this datacenter.')) return attrs # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_VMS_VM_SSH_KEYS_DEFAULT(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: for key in value: validate_ssh_key(key) return attrs # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_DNS_PTR_DEFAULT(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: testvalue = placeholder_validator(value, ipaddr='test', hostname='test', alias='test') RegexValidator(r'^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.-]+[a-z0-9]$')(testvalue) return attrs # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM(self, attrs, source): return validate_array_placeholders(attrs, source, VM_KWARGS) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_VM_ALLOWED(self, attrs, source): return validate_array_placeholders(attrs, source, VM_KWARGS) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM(self, attrs, source): return validate_array_placeholders(attrs, source, VM_KWARGS) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_ALLOWED(self, attrs, source): return validate_array_placeholders(attrs, source, VM_KWARGS) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_NIC(self, attrs, source): return validate_array_placeholders(attrs, source, VM_KWARGS_NIC) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_VM_DISK(self, attrs, source): return validate_array_placeholders(attrs, source, VM_KWARGS_DISK) def validate(self, attrs): # Check if it is possible to override a boolean setting for source, value in attrs.items(): if source in self._override_disabled_ and not getattr(settings, source, False) and value: self._errors[source] = s.ErrorList([_('Cannot override global setting.')]) del attrs[source] return attrs
class DefaultDcSettingsSerializer(DcSettingsSerializer): """ vms.models.DefaultDc.settings """ _global_settings = None default_dc_third_party_modules = [] # Class level storage, updated only with the decorator function default_dc_third_party_settings = [] # Class level storage, updated only with the decorator function ACL_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Advanced User Management')) # Global Module API_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('API access')) # Global Module VMS_DC_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('Virtual Datacenters')) # Global Module SMS_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label=_('SMS')) # Global Module VMS_NODE_SSH_KEYS_SYNC = s.BooleanField(label='VMS_NODE_SSH_KEYS_SYNC', help_text=_('WARNING: Do not disable this unless ' 'you know what you are doing!')) VMS_NODE_SSH_KEYS_DEFAULT = s.ArrayField(label='VMS_NODE_SSH_KEYS_DEFAULT', help_text=_('List of SSH keys to be added to compute nodes by default')) VMS_IMAGE_VM = s.SafeCharField(label='VMS_IMAGE_VM', required=False, help_text=_('Global image server (hostname or uuid) - primary IMGAPI source on all ' 'compute nodes. Empty value means that most of the image-related ' 'operations will be performed only in the DB.')) VMS_IMAGE_VM_NIC = s.IntegerField(label='VMS_IMAGE_VM_NIC', min_value=NIC_ID_MIN, max_value=NIC_ID_MAX, help_text=_('Image server\'s NIC ID, which will be used to determine the IP ' 'address for constructing the IMGAPI source set on all compute ' 'nodes.')) VMS_IMAGE_SOURCES = s.ArrayField(label='VMS_IMAGE_SOURCES', required=False, max_items=16, help_text=_('List of additional IMGAPI sources that will be set on all ' 'compute nodes.')) VMS_IMAGE_REPOSITORIES = s.URLDictField(label='VMS_IMAGE_REPOSITORIES', required=False, max_items=16, help_text=_('Object (key=name, value=URL) with remote disk image ' 'repositories available in every virtual datacenter.')) DNS_DOMAIN_TYPE_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='DNS_DOMAIN_TYPE_DEFAULT', choices=Domain.TYPE_MASTER, help_text='Default PowerDNS replication type of newly created domain.') DNS_HOSTMASTER = s.EmailField(label='DNS_HOSTMASTER', max_length=255, help_text=_('Default hostmaster email address used for SOA records ' 'of newly created domains.')) DNS_NAMESERVERS = s.ArrayField(label='DNS_NAMESERVERS', max_items=8, help_text=_('List of DNS servers used for NS records of newly created domains.' ' Set to an empty list to disable automatic creation of NS records.')) DNS_SOA_DEFAULT = s.CharField(label='DNS_SOA_DEFAULT', max_length=255, min_length=0, required=False, help_text=_('Default value for the SOA record of newly created domains. ' 'Available placeholders are: ' '{nameserver} (replaced by first nameserver in DNS_NAMESERVERS) and ' '{hostmaster} (replaced by DNS_HOSTMASTER). ' 'Set to an empty value to disable automatic creation of SOA records.')) EMAIL_HOST = s.SafeCharField(label='EMAIL_HOST', help_text=_('Hostname or IP address of the SMTP server used for all outgoing emails.')) EMAIL_PORT = s.IntegerField(label='EMAIL_PORT', min_value=1, max_value=65535, help_text=_('Port of the SMTP server.')) EMAIL_USE_TLS = s.BooleanField(label='EMAIL_USE_TLS', help_text=_('Whether to use an explicit TLS (secure) SMTP connection (STARTTLS).')) EMAIL_USE_SSL = s.BooleanField(label='EMAIL_USE_SSL', help_text=_('Whether to use an implicit TLS (secure) SMTP connection.')) EMAIL_HOST_USER = s.CharField(label='EMAIL_HOST_USER', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Username for SMTP authentication.')) EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = s.CharField(label='EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Password for SMTP authentication.')) SHADOW_EMAIL = s.EmailField(label='SHADOW_EMAIL', required=False, help_text=_('Email address to which hidden copies of all outgoing emails are sent.')) PROFILE_SSH_KEY_LIMIT = s.IntegerField(label='PROFILE_SSH_KEY_LIMIT', max_value=64, help_text=_('Maximum number of public SSH keys ' 'that can be stored in one user profile.')) PROFILE_COUNTRY_CODE_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='PROFILE_COUNTRY_CODE_DEFAULT', choices=UserProfile.COUNTRIES, help_text=_("Default country in user's profile.")) PROFILE_PHONE_PREFIX_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='PROFILE_PHONE_PREFIX_DEFAULT', choices=UserProfile.PHONE_PREFIXES, help_text=_("Default country phone prefix in user's profile.")) PROFILE_TIME_ZONE_DEFAULT = s.ChoiceField(label='PROFILE_TIME_ZONE_DEFAULT', choices=UserProfile.TIMEZONES, help_text=_("Default time zone in user's profile.")) MON_ZABBIX_NODE_SYNC = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_NODE_SYNC', help_text=_('Whether compute nodes should be automatically ' 'synchronized with the monitoring server.')) MON_ZABBIX_NODE_SLA = s.BooleanField(label='MON_ZABBIX_NODE_SLA', help_text=_('Whether to fetch and display the SLA value of compute nodes.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUP_NODE = s.SafeCharField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUP_NODE', max_length=255, help_text=_('Existing Zabbix host group, which will be used for all ' 'monitored compute nodes.')) MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_NODE = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_HOSTGROUPS_NODE', max_items=32, required=False, help_text=_('List of other Zabbix host groups, which will be ' 'used for all monitored compute nodes.')) MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_NODE = s.ArrayField(label='MON_ZABBIX_TEMPLATES_NODE', max_items=128, required=False, help_text=_('List of existing Zabbix templates, which will be used for all' ' monitored compute nodes.')) SMS_PREFERRED_SERVICE = s.ChoiceField(label='SMS_PREFERRED_SERVICE', choices=get_services(), help_text=_('Currently used SMS provider.')) SMS_SERVICE_USERNAME = s.CharField(label='SMS_SERVICE_USERNAME', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Username required for the selected SMS provider.')) SMS_SERVICE_PASSWORD = s.CharField(label='SMS_SERVICE_PASSWORD', max_length=255, required=False, help_text=_('Password required for the selected SMS provider.')) SMS_FROM_NUMBER = s.SafeCharField(label='SMS_FROM_NUMBER', max_length=64, required=False, help_text=_('Phone number used as sender for outgoing text messages.')) SMS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED = s.BooleanField(label='SMS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED', help_text=_("Whether to verify user's phone number during registration " "and phone number change")) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_VMS_NODE_SSH_KEYS_DEFAULT(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: for key in value: validate_ssh_key(key) return attrs # noinspection PyPep8Naming def validate_VMS_IMAGE_VM(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: if value: try: vm = get_vm(self.request, value, exists_ok=True, noexists_fail=True, dc_bound=False) except ObjectNotFound as exc: raise s.ValidationError(exc.detail) else: if vm.status not in (Vm.RUNNING, Vm.STOPPED): raise s.ValidationError(_('Invalid VM status; VM must be running or stopped.')) if vm.ostype != Vm.SUNOS_ZONE: raise s.ValidationError(_('Invalid OS type; VM must be a SunOS Zone.')) attrs[source] = vm.uuid return attrs # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyPep8Naming def validate_DNS_SOA_DEFAULT(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: return attrs if not value: attrs[source] = '' return attrs testvalue = placeholder_validator(value, nameserver='', hostmaster='') # {nameserver} {hostmaster} 2013010100 28800 7200 604800 86400 RegexValidator(r'^([A-Za-z0-9\._/-]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9\._-]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$')(testvalue) return attrs def validate(self, attrs): if attrs.get('EMAIL_USE_TLS', None) and attrs.get('EMAIL_USE_SSL', None): self._errors['EMAIL_USE_TLS'] = self._errors['EMAIL_USE_SSL'] = s.ErrorList([ _('Cannot enable EMAIL_USE_TLS and EMAIL_USE_SSL together.') ]) # Do not allow SMS registration without the SMS module if (attrs.get('SMS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED', None) and not attrs.get('SMS_ENABLED', self.request.dc.settings.SMS_ENABLED)): self._errors['SMS_REGISTRATION_ENABLED'] = s.ErrorList([_('SMS support must be enabled first.')]) return super(DefaultDcSettingsSerializer, self).validate(attrs)
class UserSerializer(ApiKeysSerializer): """ gui.models.User """ _model_ = User _update_fields_ = ('email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'is_super_admin', 'is_active', 'api_access', 'api_key', 'callback_key', 'groups', 'dc_bound', 'password') _default_fields_ = ('username', 'is_super_admin', 'is_active', 'api_access', 'password') username = s.RegexField(r'^[A-Za-z0-9@.+_-]*$', max_length=254) current_dc = s.SlugRelatedField(source='default_dc', slug_field='name', read_only=True, required=False) email = s.EmailField(max_length=254) first_name = s.SafeCharField(max_length=30) last_name = s.SafeCharField(max_length=30) is_super_admin = s.BooleanField(source='is_staff') is_active = s.BooleanField() api_access = s.BooleanField() groups = s.ArrayField(required=False, source='roles_api') dc_bound = s.BooleanField(source='dc_bound_bool', default=True) created = s.DateTimeField(source='date_joined', read_only=True) password = s.CharField() old_email = None # variable for value storage on email change is_staff_changed = False old_roles = () def __init__(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): super(UserSerializer, self).__init__(request, user, *args, **kwargs) if not kwargs.get('many', False): self._dc_bound = user.dc_bound def _normalize(self, attr, value): if attr == 'dc_bound': return self._dc_bound # noinspection PyProtectedMember return super(UserSerializer, self)._normalize(attr, value) # noinspection PyProtectedMember @atomic def save(self, **kwargs): user = self.object new_flag = (not or getattr(user, 'new', False)) if user._roles_to_save is not None: self.old_roles = set(user.roles.all()) user.roles = user._roles_to_save # Newly created user via API is automatically marked as verified # Creator has to provide correct email, or in user profile set email as not verified (since email is required)! # Email change by user will trigger email with verification code so he can finish profile! # If admin doesnt set phone user is force to set it and when phone is changed sms verification is send if new_flag: user.userprofile.email_verified = True user.userprofile.phone_verified = True # Changing a user email makes the email not verified # (unless request.user is not part of the staff or registration is disabled) if self.old_email and not self.request.user.is_staff and settings.REGISTRATION_ENABLED: user.userprofile.email_verified = False user.userprofile.email_token = user.userprofile.generate_token(6) sendmail(user, 'accounts/user/base/profile_verify_subject.txt', 'accounts/user/base/profile_verify_email.txt', extra_context={ 'email_token': user.userprofile.email_token, }) def validate_username(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: if == settings.ADMIN_USER: raise s.NoPermissionToModify elif value in INVALID_USERNAMES: raise s.ValidationError( s.WritableField.default_error_messages['invalid']) return attrs def validate_email(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: qs = User.objects if if == value: return attrs else: self.old_email = qs = qs.exclude( # Check if someone does not use this email (or username) already if qs.filter(Q(email__iexact=value) | Q(username__iexact=value)).exists(): raise s.ValidationError( _('This email is already in use. Please supply a different email.' )) return attrs # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def validate_groups(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: groups = [] for grp in value: try: group = Role.objects.get(name=grp) except Role.DoesNotExist: raise s.ObjectDoesNotExist(grp) else: if self.request.user.is_staff: groups.append(group) else: if group.dc_bound and self._dc_bound and group.dc_bound == self._dc_bound: groups.append(group) else: raise s.ValidationError( _('You don\'t have permission to use DC-unbound groups.' )) attrs[source] = groups return attrs def validate_dc_bound(self, attrs, source): try: value = bool(attrs[source]) except KeyError: pass else: if value != self.object.dc_bound_bool: if not self.request.user.is_staff: raise s.NoPermissionToModify if value: data = self.init_data or {} self._dc_bound = get_dc( self.request, data.get('dc', else: self._dc_bound = None return attrs def validate_is_super_admin(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: if self.object.is_staff != value: if == settings.ADMIN_USER: raise s.NoPermissionToModify if self.request.user.is_staff: self.is_staff_changed = self.object.is_staff != value else: raise s.NoPermissionToModify return attrs def validate_is_active(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: if self.object.is_active != value and == settings.ADMIN_USER: raise s.NoPermissionToModify return attrs def validate_api_access(self, attrs, source): try: value = attrs[source] except KeyError: pass else: if self.object.api_access != value and == settings.ADMIN_USER: raise s.NoPermissionToModify return attrs def validate(self, attrs): # User is or will be bound to this DC dc = self._dc_bound if attrs.get('dc_bound_bool', self.object.dc_bound_bool) and attrs.get( 'is_staff', self.object.is_staff): self._errors['dc_bound'] = _( 'A SuperAdmin user cannot be DC-bound.') if dc: # User is or will be member of these groups try: groups = attrs['roles_api'] except KeyError: if groups = self.object.roles.all() else: groups = () # A DC-bound user cannot be a member of a group that is assigned to another DC other than user.dc_bound if Dc.objects.filter(roles__in=groups).exclude( self._errors['dc_bound'] = s.ErrorList([ _("User's group(s) are attached into another datacenter(s)." ) ]) return attrs def _setattr(self, instance, source, value): """Update user password if parameter was passed from es""" if source == 'password': self.object.set_password(value) else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember super(UserSerializer, self)._setattr(instance, source, value) def detail_dict(self, **kwargs): dd = super(UserSerializer, self).detail_dict(**kwargs) # Remove sensitive data from detail dict if 'password' in dd: dd['password'] = '******' if 'api_key' in dd: dd['api_key'] = '***' if 'callback_key' in dd: dd['callback_key'] = '***' return dd def to_native(self, obj): """Updated so we don't display password hash""" ret = super(UserSerializer, self).to_native(obj) if 'password' in ret: del ret['password'] if 'api_key' in ret: ret['api_key'] = '***' if 'callback_key' in ret: ret['callback_key'] = '***' return ret