Пример #1
def fake_session():
    session = Session()
    screenshots = load_all_screenshots( Paths.shots_dir )
    screenshots.sort( key=operator.attrgetter('time') )
    session_shots = screenshots[-100:]
    start_time = session_shots[0].time-1
    end_time = session_shots[-1].time+1
    session.start = start_time
    session.end = end_time
    api.create_session( session )
    api.start_session( session )
    map( upload_shot, session_shots )
    api.end_session( session )
Пример #2
def stock_stores(conn, some_bar, window, some_label, some_queue):
    # TODO: This is a seam
    canceled = False
    count = 0
    time_to_install = time.time()
    store_dict = stores.stores()    # {'some_store':[1,2,3,4,5]} Used to tell which items in which stores - ints are ids
    url = api.construct_api_url('equipment')
    s = api.create_session()
    response = api.call_api(url, s)
    response_dict = api.get_api_all(response)
    usable_dict = api.get_nested_api_dict(response_dict, 'results')  # [{'name': 'some_name', 'url': 'some_url'}]
    # TODO: This is a seam
    for dic in usable_dict:
        temp = {}
        # TODO: Make sure to do with conn: around phases instead of each sql statement. Will require need execute_sql.
        for key, value in dic.items():
            # TODO: First thing will always be to slice ID off url via regex and add to dictionary as 'index'
            # TODO: Then add item name, url and index to temp dictionary for DB insertion
            if not temp:    # If temp dictionary is empty
                temp['item'] = value    # add value with key 'item'
                temp['api'] = value     # add value with key 'api'

            # TODO: This will be a pool of API calls, post phase1 DB insertion
            item_value = api.get_item_value(temp['item'], character.Character.list_of_item_dicts, s)
            temp['currency'] = item_value

            # TODO: This should be done prior to phase1 DB insertion.
            if value[0:37] == url:  # if one of those values beings with a url like string
                num = api.regex(value, 'equipment/')    # slices number off url and captures as variable

                # This logic compares the captured number to the numbers in the dict imported earlier
                # Then it adds a 'store':'some_store' key:value to the temp dictionary
                if num in store_dict['GS']:
                    temp['store'] = 'General Store'
                elif num in store_dict['BS']:
                    temp['store'] = 'Blacksmith'
                elif num in store_dict['Ship']:
                    temp['store'] = 'Shipyard'
                elif num in store_dict['Stables']:
                    temp['store'] = 'Stables'
                    temp['store'] = 'No Store'

        # TODO: This will be phase2 DB insertion. Inserting the item values where index
        # TODO: add_store_item will need to be reworked, and, most likely, split into multiple functions
        # adds an item to a store table based on information stored in dictionary
        database.add_store_item(conn, sql.add_store_item(), temp)
        count += 1
        # TODO: Change this to a Daemon thread to avoid having to do this cancel workaround
        if not some_queue.empty():
            canceled = some_queue.get()
        update_mainloop(some_bar, count, some_label, window, canceled)

    print('done in: ', time.time() - time_to_install)
    print('Done with everything.')
Пример #3
#get the exe path, which is the absolute path to the parent directory of the module's direcotry
exe_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
exe_path = exe_path[:-1] if exe_path[len(exe_path) - 1] == '/' else exe_path
exe_path = exe_path[:exe_path.rfind('/') + 1]

#add module lookup paths to sys.path so that import can find them
#we are inserting at the begining of sys.path so that we can be sure that we are importing the right module
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/websocket_client')
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'src')
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib')

#to avoid the bug reported at http://bugs.python.org/issue13684 we use a stable httplib version available with CPython 2.7.3 and 3.2.3
#since httplib has been renamed to http, we have to add that also in the path so that import can find it
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/httplib')

import exit_status

try:  #it is possible that the agent was removed from the UI, in that case it already had removed config files. so import api can raise an exception
    import api
             )  #any exception should be considered as success

)  #required to set the post event, as the post event is set only after auth
status = api.session.unregister()  #unregister the agent
sys.exit(exit_status.AGENT_ERR_SUCCESS if api.is_not_connected(status) ==
         False else exit_status.AGENT_ERR_FAILED_CONNECT)
Пример #4
import sys

#get the exe path, which is the absolute path to the parent directory of the module's direcotry
exe_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
exe_path = exe_path[:-1] if exe_path[len(exe_path) - 1] == '/' else exe_path
exe_path = exe_path[:exe_path.rfind('/') + 1]

#add module lookup paths to sys.path so that import can find them
#we are inserting at the begining of sys.path so that we can be sure that we are importing the right module
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/websocket_client') 
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'src')
sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib')

#to avoid the bug reported at http://bugs.python.org/issue13684 we use a stable httplib version available with CPython 2.7.3 and 3.2.3
#since httplib has been renamed to http, we have to add that also in the path so that import can find it
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    sys.path.insert(0, exe_path + 'lib/httplib')

import exit_status

try:  #it is possible that the agent was removed from the UI, in that case it already had removed config files. so import api can raise an exception
    import api
    sys.exit(exit_status.AGENT_ERR_SUCCESS)  #any exception should be considered as success

api.session.ping()  #required to set the post event, as the post event is set only after auth
status = api.session.unregister()  #unregister the agent
sys.exit(exit_status.AGENT_ERR_SUCCESS if api.is_not_connected(status) == False else exit_status.AGENT_ERR_FAILED_CONNECT)