Пример #1
	def importRefSkeleton( self, *a ):
		main = getMain()
		assert cmd.objExists( main ), "Cannot find the main control.  Please load the rig file."

		if cmd.objExists( '%s.smdModelSourceLocation' % main ):
			smdRef = Path( cmd.getAttr( '%s.smdModelSourceLocation' % main ) )
				smdRef = cmd.fileDialog( directoryMask=Path( '%VCONTENT%/%VMOD%/models/*.smd' ), mode=0, title="Browse to the Smd Reference File" )
				smdRef = Path( smdRef )
				if not smdRef.exists:
					raise Exception

				if not cmd.objExists( '%s.smdModelSourceLocation' % main ):
					cmd.addAttr( main, longName='smdModelSourceLocation', dt='string' )

				cmd.setAttr( '%s.smdModelSourceLocation' % main, smdRef << '%VCONTENT%', typ='string' )
			except Exception:
				api.melPrint( "no smd source file located - may not have been defined?" )

		if not smdRef.exists:
			P4File( smdRef ).toDepotPath().sync( force=True )

		if not smdRef.exists:
			api.melPrint( "can't find reference file - tried syncing but it still doesn't exist..." )

		api.importFile( smdRef )
Пример #2
	def setRefSkeleton( self, *a ):
		smdRef = cmd.fileDialog( directoryMask=Path( '%VCONTENT%/%VMOD%/models/*.smd' ), mode=0, title="Browse to the Smd Reference File" )
		smdRef = Path( smdRef )

		if not smdRef.exists:
			api.melPrint( 'no file specified...' )

		main = getMain()
		if not cmd.objExists( '%s.smdModelSourceLocation' % main ):
			cmd.addAttr( main, longName='smdModelSourceLocation', dt='string' )

		cmd.setAttr( '%s.smdModelSourceLocation' % main, smdRef << '%VCONTENT%', typ='string' )
Пример #3
def saveWeights(geos, filepath=None):
    start = time.clock()
    miscData = api.writeExportDict(TOOL_NAME, TOOL_VERSION)

    #if filepath is None, then generate a default filepath based on the location of the file
    if filepath is None:
        filepath = getDefaultPath()
        filepath = Path(filepath)

    geoAndData = {}
    skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
    xform = cmd.xform

    #define teh data we're gathering
    masterJointList = []
    weightData = []

    #data gathering time!
    rigidBindObjects = []
    for geo in geos:
        skinClusters = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
        if len(skinClusters) > 1:
            api.melWarning("more than one skinCluster found on %s" % geo)

        #so the geo isn't skinned in the traditional way - check to see if it is parented to a joint.  if so,
        #stuff it into the rigid bind list to be dealt with outside this loop, and continue
        if not skinClusters:
            dealtWith = False
            for p in iterParents(geo):
                if cmd.nodeType(p) == 'joint':
                    rigidBindObjects.append((geo, p))
                    masterJointList = removeDupes(masterJointList)
                    dealtWith = True

            if not dealtWith:
                msg = "cannot find a skinCluster for %s" % geo


        skinCluster = skinClusters[0]
        masterJointList += cmd.skinCluster(skinCluster, q=True, inf=True)
        masterJointList = removeDupes(masterJointList)

        verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True),
        for idx, vert in enumerate(verts):
            jointList = skinPercent(skinCluster,
            weightList = skinPercent(skinCluster,
            if jointList is None:
                raise SkinWeightException(
                    "I can't find any joints - sorry.  do you have any post skin cluster history???"

            pos = xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
            vertData = VertSkinWeight(pos)
            vertData.populate(geo, idx,
                              [masterJointList.index(j) for j in jointList],

    #deal with rigid bind objects
    for geo, j in rigidBindObjects:

        verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True),
        for idx, vert in enumerate(verts):
            jIdx = masterJointList.index(j)

            pos = xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
            vertData = VertSkinWeight(pos)
            vertData.populate(geo, idx, [jIdx], [1])

    #sort the weightData by ascending x values so we can search faster

    #turn the masterJointList into a dict keyed by index
    joints = {}
    for n, j in enumerate(masterJointList):
        joints[n] = j

    #generate joint hierarchy data - so if joints are missing on load we can find the best match
    jointHierarchies = {}
    for n, j in joints.iteritems():
        jointHierarchies[n] = getAllParents(j)

    toWrite = miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData

    filepath = Path(filepath)
    filepath.pickle(toWrite, False)
    melPrint('Weights Successfully Saved to %s: time taken %.02f seconds' %
             (filepath, time.clock() - start))

    return filepath
Пример #4
def loadWeights(objects,
	loads weights back on to a model given a file

    #nothing to do...
    if not objects:
        print 'No objects given...'

    if filepath is None:
        filepath = getDefaultPath()

    if not filepath.exists:
        print 'File does not exist %s' % filepath

    start = time.clock()

    #setup the mappings
    VertSkinWeight.MESH_NAME_REMAP_DICT = meshNameRemapDict
    VertSkinWeight.JOINT_NAME_REMAP_DICT = jointNameRemapDict

    #cache heavily access method objects as locals...
    skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
    progressWindow = cmd.progressWindow
    xform = cmd.xform

    #now get a list of all weight files that are listed on the given objects - and
    #then load them one by one and apply them to the appropriate objects
    objItemsDict = {}
    for obj in objects:
        items = []  #this holds the vert list passed in IF any
        if obj.find('.') != -1:
            items = [obj]
            obj = obj.split('.')[0]

        except KeyError:
            objItemsDict[obj] = items

    numItems = len(objItemsDict)
    curItem = 1
                   title='loading weights from file %d items' % numItems)

    #load the data from the file
    miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = Path(filepath).unpickle()

    #build the search tree
    tree = BinarySearchTree(weightData)
    findMethod = tree.getWithin
    findMethodKw = {'tolerance': tolerance}

    if averageVerts:
        findMethod = tree.getWithinRatio
        findMethodKw = {'ratio': tolerance}

    #see if the file versions match
    if miscData[api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER] != TOOL_VERSION:
            "WARNING: the file being loaded was stored from an older version (%d) of the tool - please re-generate the file.  Current version is %d."
            % (miscData[api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER], TOOL_VERSION))

    #the miscData contains a dictionary with a bunch of data stored from when the weights was saved - do some
    #sanity checking to make sure we're not loading weights from some completely different source
    curFile = cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)
    origFile = miscData['scene']
    if curFile != origFile:
            'the file these weights were saved in a different file from the current: "%s"'
            % origFile)

    #remap joint names in the saved file to joint names that are in the scene - they may be namespace differences...
    missingJoints = set()
    for n, j in joints.iteritems():
        if not cmd.objExists(j):
            #see if the joint with the same leaf name exists in the scene
            idxA = j.rfind(':')
            idxB = j.rfind('|')
            idx = max(idxA, idxB)
            if idx != -1:
                leafName = j[idx + 1:]
                if objExists(leafName):
                    joints[n] = leafName
                    search = cmd.ls('%s*' % leafName, r=True, type='joint')
                    if search:
                        joints[n] = search[0]
                        print '%s remapped to %s' % (j, search[0])

    #now that we've remapped joint names, we go through the joints again and remap missing joints to their nearest parent
    #joint in the scene - NOTE: this needs to be done after the name remap so that parent joint names have also been remapped
    for n, j in joints.iteritems():
        if not cmd.objExists(j):
            dealtWith = False
            for jp in jointHierarchies[n]:
                if cmd.objExists(jp):
                    joints[n] = jp
                    dealtWith = True

            if dealtWith:
                print '%s remapped to %s' % (j, jp)


    #now remove them from the list
    [joints.pop(n) for n in missingJoints]

    #axisMults can be used to alter the positions of verts saved in the weightData array - this is mainly useful for applying
    #weights to a mirrored version of a mesh - so weights can be stored on meshA, meshA duplicated to meshB, and then the
    #saved weights can be applied to meshB by specifying an axisMult=(-1,1,1) OR axisMult=(-1,)
    if axisMult is not None:
        for data in weightData:
            for n, mult in enumerate(axisMult):
                data[n] *= mult

        #we need to re-sort the weightData as the multiplication could have potentially reversed things...  i could probably
        #be a bit smarter about when to re-order, but its not a huge hit...  so, meh
        weightData = sortByIdx(weightData)

        #using axisMult for mirroring also often means you want to swap parity tokens on joint names - if so, do that now.
        #parity needs to be swapped in both joints and jointHierarchies
        if swapParity:
            for joint, target in joints.iteritems():
                joints[joint] = str(names.Name(target).swap_parity())
            for joint, parents in jointHierarchies.iteritems():
                jointHierarchies[joint] = [
                    str(names.Name(p).swap_parity()) for p in parents

    for geo, items in objItemsDict.iteritems():
        #if the geo is None, then check for data in the verts arg - the user may just want weights
        #loaded on a specific list of verts - we can get the geo name from those verts
        skinCluster = ''
        verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(items if items else geo,

        #do we have a skinCluster on the geo already?  if not, build one
        skinCluster = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
        if not skinCluster:
            skinCluster = cmd.skinCluster(geo, joints.values())[0]
            verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True),
            skinCluster = skinCluster[0]

        #if we're using position, the restore weights path is quite different
        vertJointWeightData = []
        if usePosition:
                           status='searching by position: %s (%d/%d)' %
                           (geo, curItem, numItems),

            vCount = -1
            for vert in verts:
                vCount += 1
                pos = Vector(xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True))
                foundVerts = findMethod(pos, **findMethodKw)

                #accumulate found verts
                jointWeightDict = {}
                for v in foundVerts:
                    for joint, weight in zip(v.joints, v.weights):
                        actualJoint = joints[joint]
                        weight += jointWeightDict.get(actualJoint, 0)
                        jointWeightDict[actualJoint] = weight

                #normalize the weights
                weightSum = float(sum(jointWeightDict.values()))
                if weightSum != 1:
                    for joint, weight in jointWeightDict.iteritems():
                        jointWeightDict[joint] = weight / weightSum

                #append the data
                vertJointWeightData.append((vert, jointWeightDict.items()))

                #deal with the progress window - this isn't done EVERY vert because its kinda slow...
                if vCount % 50 == 0:
                    progressWindow(e=True, progress=vCount)

                    #bail if we've been asked to cancel
                    if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

            progressWindow(e=True, status='maya is setting skin weights...')
            setSkinWeights(skinCluster, vertJointWeightData)

        #otherwise simply restore by id
                           status='searching by vert name: %s (%d/%d)' %
                           (geo, curItem, numItems),

            #rearrange the weightData structure so its ordered by vertex name
            weightDataById = {}
                                          (i.joints, i.weights))
                for i in weightData

            for vert in verts:
                #progressWindow(edit=True, progress=cur / num * 100.0)
                #if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

                #cur += 1
                    jointList, weightList = weightDataById[vert]
                except KeyError:
                    #in this case, the vert doesn't exist in teh file...
                    print '### no point found for %s' % vert
                    jointList = [joints[j] for j in jointList]
                    jointsAndWeights = zip(jointList, weightList)
                    skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, tv=jointsAndWeights)

        #remove unused influences from the skin cluster
        cmd.skinCluster(skinCluster, edit=True, removeUnusedInfluence=True)
        curItem += 1

    end = time.clock()
    api.melPrint('time for weight load %.02f secs' % (end - start))
Пример #5
def saveWeights( geos, filepath=None, mode=kAPPEND ):
	start = time.clock()
	miscData = api.writeExportDict(TOOL_NAME, TOOL_VERSION)

	#if filepath is None, then generate a default filepath based on the location of the file
	if filepath is None:
		filepath = getDefaultPath()
	else: filepath = Path(filepath)

	geoAndData = {}
	skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
	xform = cmd.xform

	#define teh data we're gathering
	joints = {}
	jointHierarchies = {}
	weightData = []

	#does the weight file already exist?  if so, load it up and append data if append mode is true
	if filepath.exists and mode == kAPPEND:
		tmpA, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = filepath.unpickle()

	#data gathering time!
	for geo in geos:
		geoNode = geo
		verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True), fl=True)
		skinClusters = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
		if len(skinClusters) > 1:
			api.melWarning("more than one skinCluster found on %s" % geo)

		try: skinCluster = skinClusters[0]
		except IndexError:
			msg = "cannot find a skinCluster for %s" % geo
			#raise SkinWeightException(msg)

		for idx, vert in enumerate(verts):
			jointList = skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, ib=1e-4, q=True, transform=None)
			weightList = skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, ib=1e-4, q=True, value=True)
			if jointList is None:
				raise SkinWeightException("I can't find any joints - sorry.  do you have any post skin cluster history???")

			#so this is kinda dumb - but using a dict here we can easily remap on restore if joint names
			#are different by storing the dict's value as the joint to use, and the key as the joint that
			#the vert was originally weighted to
			for j in jointList:
				joints[j] = j

			pos = xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
			vertData = VertSkinWeight( pos )
			vertData.populate(geo, idx, jointList, weightList)

		#lastly, add an attribute to the object describing where the weight file exists
		dirOfCurFile = Path(cmd.file(q=True,sn=True)).up()
		if geoNode.find('.') != -1: geoNode = geo.split('.')[0]
		if not cmd.objExists('%s.weightSaveFile' % geoNode):
			cmd.addAttr(geoNode, ln='weightSaveFile', dt='string')

		relToCur = filepath.relativeTo(dirOfCurFile)
		if relToCur is None: relToCur = filepath
		cmd.setAttr('%s.weightSaveFile' % geoNode, relToCur.asfile(), type='string')

	#sort the weightData by ascending x values so we can search faster
	weightData = sortByIdx(weightData)

	#generate joint hierarchy data - so if joints are missing on load we can find the best match
	for j in joints.keys():
		jointHierarchies[j] = getAllParents(j)

	toWrite = miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData

	filepath = Path(filepath)
	filepath.pickle(toWrite, False)
	melPrint('Weights Successfully %s to %s: time taken %.02f seconds' % ('Saved' if mode == kREPLACE else 'Appended', filepath.resolve(), time.clock()-start))

	return filepath
Пример #6
def loadWeights( objects, filepath=None, usePosition=True, tolerance=TOL, axisMult=None, swapParity=True, averageVerts=True, doPreview=False, meshNameRemapDict=None, jointNameRemapDict=None ):
	loads weights back on to a model given a file.  NOTE: the tolerance is an axis tolerance
	NOT a distance tolerance.  ie each axis must fall within the value of the given vector to be
	considered a match - this makes matching a heap faster because vectors can be culled from
	the a sorted list.  possibly implementing some sort of oct-tree class might speed up the
	matching more, but...  the majority of weight loading time at this stage is spent by maya
	actually applying skin weights, not the positional searching
	start = time.clock()

	#setup the mappings
	VertSkinWeight.MESH_NAME_REMAP_DICT = meshNameRemapDict
	VertSkinWeight.JOINT_NAME_REMAP_DICT = jointNameRemapDict

	#cache heavily access method objects as locals...
	skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
	progressWindow = cmd.progressWindow
	xform = cmd.xform

	#now get a list of all weight files that are listed on the given objects - and
	#then load them one by one and apply them to the appropriate objects
	filesAndGeos = {}
	dirOfCurFile = Path(cmd.file(q=True,sn=True)).up()
	for obj in objects:
		items = []  #this holds the vert list passed in IF any
		if obj.find('.') != -1:
			items = [obj]
			obj = obj.split('.')[0]

			file = Path( dirOfCurFile + cmd.getAttr('%s.weightSaveFile' % obj) if filepath is None else filepath )
			if file.exists and not file.isfile():
				raise TypeError()
		except TypeError:
			#in this case, no weightSave file existed on the object, so try using the default file if it exists
			file = getDefaultPath() if filepath is None else filepath
			if not file.exists:
				api.melError('cant find a weightSaveFile for %s - skipping' % obj)

		filesAndGeos.setdefault(file, {})
		try: filesAndGeos[file][obj].extend( items )
		except KeyError: filesAndGeos[file][obj] = items

	print filesAndGeos

	unfoundVerts = []
	for filepath, objItemsDict in filesAndGeos.iteritems():
		numItems = len(objItemsDict)
		curItem = 1
		progressWindow(e=True, title='loading weights from file %d items' % numItems)

		miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = Path(filepath).unpickle()
		if miscData[ api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER ] != TOOL_VERSION:
			api.melWarning( "WARNING: the file being loaded was stored from an older version (%d) of the tool - please re-generate the file.  Current version is %d." % (miscData[ api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER ], TOOL_VERSION) )

		for geo, items in objItemsDict.iteritems():
			#the miscData contains a dictionary with a bunch of data stored from when the weights was saved - do some
			#sanity checking to make sure we're not loading weights from some completely different source
			curFile = cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)
			origFile = miscData['scene']
			if curFile != origFile:
				api.melWarning('the file these weights were saved in a different file from the current: "%s"' % origFile)
				#response = cmd.confirmDialog(t='files differ...', m='the file these weights were saved from was %s\nthis is different from your currently opened file.\n\nis that OK?' % origFile, b=('Proceed', 'Cancel'), db='Proceed')
				#if response == 'Cancel': return

			#axisMults can be used to alter the positions of verts saved in the weightData array - this is mainly useful for applying
			#weights to a mirrored version of a mesh - so weights can be stored on meshA, meshA duplicated to meshB, and then the
			#saved weights can be applied to meshB by specifying an axisMult=(-1,1,1) OR axisMult=(-1,)
			if axisMult is not None:
				for data in weightData:
					for n, mult in enumerate(axisMult): data[n] *= mult

				#we need to re-sort the weightData as the multiplication could have potentially reversed things...  i could probably
				#be a bit smarter about when to re-order, but its not a huge hit...  so, meh
				weightData = sortByIdx(weightData)

				#using axisMult for mirroring also often means you want to swap parity tokens on joint names - if so, do that now.
				#parity needs to be swapped in both joints and jointHierarchies
				if swapParity:
					for joint, target in joints.iteritems():
						joints[joint] = str( names.Name(target).swap_parity() )
					for joint, parents in jointHierarchies.iteritems():
						jointHierarchies[joint] = [str( names.Name(p).swap_parity() ) for p in parents]

			#if the geo is None, then check for data in the verts arg - the user may just want weights
			#loaded on a specific list of verts - we can get the geo name from those verts
			skinCluster = ''
			verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(items if items else geo, toVertex=True), fl=True)

			#remap joint names in the saved file to joint names that are in the scene - they may be namespace differences...
			missingJoints = set()
			for j in joints.keys():
				if not cmd.objExists(j):
					#see if the joint with the same leaf name exists in the scene
					idxA = j.rfind(':')
					idxB = j.rfind('|')
					idx = max(idxA, idxB)
					if idx != -1:
						leafName = j[idx:]
						search = cmd.ls('%s*' % leafName, r=True, type='joint')
						if len(search):
							joints[j] = search[0]

			#now that we've remapped joint names, we go through the joints again and remap missing joints to their nearest parent
			#joint in the scene - NOTE: this needs to be done after the name remap so that parent joint names have also been remapped
			for j, jRemap in joints.iteritems():
				if not cmd.objExists(jRemap):
					dealtWith = False
					for n, jp in enumerate(jointHierarchies[j]):
						#if n > 2: break
						remappedJp = jp
						if jp in joints: remappedJp = joints[jp]
						if cmd.objExists(remappedJp):
							joints[j] = remappedJp
							dealtWith = True

					if dealtWith: continue

			#now remove them from the list
			[joints.pop(j) for j in missingJoints]
			for key, value in joints.iteritems():
				if key != value:
					print '%s remapped to %s' % (key, value)

			#do we have a skinCluster on the geo already?  if not, build one
			skinCluster = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
			if not skinCluster:
				skinCluster = cmd.skinCluster(geo,joints.values())[0]
				verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True), fl=True)
			else: skinCluster = skinCluster[0]

			num = len(verts)
			cur = 0.0
			inc = 100.0/num

			findMethod = findBestVector
			if averageVerts:
				findMethod = getDistanceWeightedVector

			#if we're using position, the restore weights path is quite different
			if usePosition:
				progressWindow(edit=True, status='searching by position: %s (%d/%d)' % (geo, curItem, numItems))
				queue = api.CmdQueue()

				print "starting first iteration with", len( weightData ), "verts"

				iterationCount = 1
				while True:
					unfoundVerts = []
					foundVerts = []
					for vert in verts:
						progressWindow(edit=True, progress=cur)
						cur += inc

						pos = Vector( xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True) )
						vertData = findMethod(pos, weightData, tolerance, doPreview)

							#unpack data to locals
								jointList, weightList = vertData.joints, vertData.weights
							except AttributeError: raise NoVertFound

								#re-map joints to their actual values
								actualJointNames = [ joints[ j ] for j in jointList ]

								#check sizes - if joints have been remapped, there may be two entries for a joint
								#in the re-mapped jointList - in this case, we need to re-gather weights
								actualJointsAsSet = set( actualJointNames )
								if len( actualJointsAsSet ) != len( actualJointNames ):
									#so if the set sizes are different, then at least one of the joints is listed twice,
									#so we need to gather up its weights into a single value
									new = {}
									[ new.setdefault(j, 0) for j in actualJointNames ]  #init the dict with 0 values
									for j, w in zip(actualJointNames, weightList):
										new[ j ] += w

									#if the weightList is empty after renormalizing, nothing to do - keep loopin
									actualJointNames, weightList = new.keys(), new.values()
									if not weightList: raise NoVertFound
							except KeyError:
								#if there was a key error, then one of the joints was removed from the joints dict
								#as it wasn't found in the scene - so get the missing joints, remove them from the
								#list and renormalize the remaining weights
								jointListSet = set(jointList)
								diff = missingJoints.difference(jointListSet)
								weightList = renormalizeWeights(jointList, weightList, diff)
								actualJointNames = [ joints[ j ] for j in jointList ]

								#if the weightList is empty after renormalizing, nothing to do - keep loopin
								if not weightList: raise NoVertFound

							#normalize the weightlist
							weightList = normalizeWeightList( weightList )

							#zip the joint names and their corresponding weight values together (as thats how maya
							#accepts the data) and fire off the skinPercent cmd
							jointsAndWeights = zip(actualJointNames, weightList)

							queue.append( 'skinPercent -tv %s %s %s' % (' -tv '.join( [ '%s %s' % t for t in jointsAndWeights ] ), skinCluster, vert) )
							foundVertData = VertSkinWeight( pos )
							foundVertData.populate( vertData.mesh, vertData.idx, actualJointNames, weightList )
							foundVerts.append( foundVertData )
						except NoVertFound:
							unfoundVerts.append( vert )
							#print '### no point found for %s' % vert

					#so with the unfound verts - sort them, call them "verts" and iterate over them with the newly grown weight data
					#the idea here is that when a vert is found its added to the weight data (in memory not on disk).  by performing
					#another iteration for the previously un-found verts, we should be able to get a better approximation
					verts = unfoundVerts
					if unfoundVerts:
						if foundVerts:
							weightData = sortByIdx( foundVerts )
							print "### still unfound verts, but no new matches were made in previous iteration - giving up.  %d iterations performed" % iterationCount
						print "### all verts matched!  %d iterations performed" % iterationCount

					iterationCount += 1
					print "starting iteration %d - using" % iterationCount, len( weightData ), "verts"
					#for www in weightData: print www

				#bail if we've been asked to cancel
				if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

				progressWindow(e=True, status='maya is setting skin weights...')

			#otherwise simply restore by id
				progressWindow(edit=True, status='searching by vert name: %s (%d/%d)' % (geo, curItem, numItems))
				queue = api.CmdQueue()

				#rearrange the weightData structure so its ordered by vertex name
				weightDataById = {}
				[ weightDataById.setdefault(i.getVertName(), (i.joints, i.weights)) for i in weightData ]

				for vert in verts:
					progressWindow(edit=True, progress=cur / num * 100.0)
					if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

					cur += 1
						jointList, weightList = weightDataById[vert]
					except KeyError:
						#in this case, the vert doesn't exist in teh file...
						print '### no point found for %s' % vert
						jointsAndWeights = zip(jointList, weightList)
						skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, tv=jointsAndWeights)

			#remove unused influences from the skin cluster
			cmd.skinCluster(skinCluster, edit=True, removeUnusedInfluence=True)
			curItem += 1

	if unfoundVerts: cmd.select( unfoundVerts )
	end = time.clock()
	api.melPrint('time for weight load %.02f secs' % (end-start))
Пример #7
def saveWeights( geos, filepath=None ):
	start = time.clock()
	miscData = api.writeExportDict(TOOL_NAME, TOOL_VERSION)

	#if filepath is None, then generate a default filepath based on the location of the file
	if filepath is None:
		filepath = getDefaultPath()
	else: filepath = Path(filepath)

	geoAndData = {}
	skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
	xform = cmd.xform

	#define teh data we're gathering
	masterJointList = []
	weightData = []

	#data gathering time!
	rigidBindObjects = []
	for geo in geos:
		skinClusters = cmd.ls( cmd.listHistory( geo ), type='skinCluster' )
		if len( skinClusters ) > 1:
			api.melWarning("more than one skinCluster found on %s" % geo)

		#so the geo isn't skinned in the traditional way - check to see if it is parented to a joint.  if so,
		#stuff it into the rigid bind list to be dealt with outside this loop, and continue
		if not skinClusters:
			dealtWith = False
			for p in iterParents( geo ):
				if cmd.nodeType( p ) == 'joint':
					rigidBindObjects.append( (geo, p) )
					masterJointList.append( p )
					masterJointList = removeDupes( masterJointList )
					dealtWith = True

			if not dealtWith:
				msg = "cannot find a skinCluster for %s" % geo


		skinCluster = skinClusters[ 0 ]
		masterJointList += cmd.skinCluster( skinCluster, q=True, inf=True )
		masterJointList = removeDupes( masterJointList )

		verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True), fl=True)
		for idx, vert in enumerate(verts):
			jointList = skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, ib=1e-4, q=True, transform=None)
			weightList = skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, ib=1e-4, q=True, value=True)
			if jointList is None:
				raise SkinWeightException("I can't find any joints - sorry.  do you have any post skin cluster history???")

			pos = xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
			vertData = VertSkinWeight( pos )
			vertData.populate( geo, idx, [ masterJointList.index( j ) for j in jointList ], weightList )
			weightData.append( vertData )

	#deal with rigid bind objects
	for geo, j in rigidBindObjects:

		verts = cmd.ls( cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True), fl=True )
		for idx, vert in enumerate( verts ):
			jIdx = masterJointList.index( j )

			pos = xform( vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True )
			vertData = VertSkinWeight( pos )
			vertData.populate( geo, idx, [jIdx], [1] )
			weightData.append( vertData )

	#sort the weightData by ascending x values so we can search faster

	#turn the masterJointList into a dict keyed by index
	joints = {}
	for n, j in enumerate( masterJointList ):
		joints[ n ] = j

	#generate joint hierarchy data - so if joints are missing on load we can find the best match
	jointHierarchies = {}
	for n, j in joints.iteritems():
		jointHierarchies[ n ] = getAllParents( j )

	toWrite = miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData

	filepath = Path( filepath )
	filepath.pickle( toWrite, False )
	melPrint( 'Weights Successfully Saved to %s: time taken %.02f seconds' % (filepath, time.clock()-start) )

	return filepath
Пример #8
def loadWeights( objects, filepath=None, usePosition=True, tolerance=TOL, axisMult=None, swapParity=True, averageVerts=True, doPreview=False, meshNameRemapDict=None, jointNameRemapDict=None ):
	loads weights back on to a model given a file

	#nothing to do...
	if not objects:
		print 'No objects given...'

	if filepath is None:
		filepath = getDefaultPath()

	if not filepath.exists:
		print 'File does not exist %s' % filepath

	start = time.clock()

	#setup the mappings
	VertSkinWeight.MESH_NAME_REMAP_DICT = meshNameRemapDict
	VertSkinWeight.JOINT_NAME_REMAP_DICT = jointNameRemapDict

	#cache heavily access method objects as locals...
	skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
	progressWindow = cmd.progressWindow
	xform = cmd.xform

	#now get a list of all weight files that are listed on the given objects - and
	#then load them one by one and apply them to the appropriate objects
	objItemsDict = {}
	for obj in objects:
		items = []  #this holds the vert list passed in IF any
		if obj.find('.') != -1:
			items = [obj]
			obj = obj.split('.')[0]

		try: objItemsDict[obj].extend( items )
		except KeyError: objItemsDict[obj] = items

	numItems = len(objItemsDict)
	curItem = 1
	progressWindow(e=True, title='loading weights from file %d items' % numItems)

	#load the data from the file
	miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = Path( filepath ).unpickle()

	#build the search tree
	tree = BinarySearchTree( weightData )
	findMethod = tree.getWithin
	findMethodKw = { 'tolerance': tolerance }

	if averageVerts:
		findMethod = tree.getWithinRatio
		findMethodKw = { 'ratio': tolerance }

	#see if the file versions match
	if miscData[ api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER ] != TOOL_VERSION:
		api.melWarning( "WARNING: the file being loaded was stored from an older version (%d) of the tool - please re-generate the file.  Current version is %d." % (miscData[ api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER ], TOOL_VERSION) )

	#the miscData contains a dictionary with a bunch of data stored from when the weights was saved - do some
	#sanity checking to make sure we're not loading weights from some completely different source
	curFile = cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)
	origFile = miscData['scene']
	if curFile != origFile:
		api.melWarning('the file these weights were saved in a different file from the current: "%s"' % origFile)

	#remap joint names in the saved file to joint names that are in the scene - they may be namespace differences...
	missingJoints = set()
	for n, j in joints.iteritems():
		if not cmd.objExists(j):
			#see if the joint with the same leaf name exists in the scene
			idxA = j.rfind(':')
			idxB = j.rfind('|')
			idx = max(idxA, idxB)
			if idx != -1:
				leafName = j[idx + 1:]
				if objExists( leafName ):
					joints[n] = leafName
					search = cmd.ls('%s*' % leafName, r=True, type='joint')
					if search:
						joints[n] = search[0]
						print '%s remapped to %s' % (j, search[0])

	#now that we've remapped joint names, we go through the joints again and remap missing joints to their nearest parent
	#joint in the scene - NOTE: this needs to be done after the name remap so that parent joint names have also been remapped
	for n, j in joints.iteritems():
		if not cmd.objExists(j):
			dealtWith = False
			for jp in jointHierarchies[n]:
				if cmd.objExists( jp ):
					joints[n] = jp
					dealtWith = True

			if dealtWith:
				print '%s remapped to %s' % (j, jp)


	#now remove them from the list
	[ joints.pop(n) for n in missingJoints ]

	#axisMults can be used to alter the positions of verts saved in the weightData array - this is mainly useful for applying
	#weights to a mirrored version of a mesh - so weights can be stored on meshA, meshA duplicated to meshB, and then the
	#saved weights can be applied to meshB by specifying an axisMult=(-1,1,1) OR axisMult=(-1,)
	if axisMult is not None:
		for data in weightData:
			for n, mult in enumerate(axisMult): data[n] *= mult

		#we need to re-sort the weightData as the multiplication could have potentially reversed things...  i could probably
		#be a bit smarter about when to re-order, but its not a huge hit...  so, meh
		weightData = sortByIdx(weightData)

		#using axisMult for mirroring also often means you want to swap parity tokens on joint names - if so, do that now.
		#parity needs to be swapped in both joints and jointHierarchies
		if swapParity:
			for joint, target in joints.iteritems():
				joints[joint] = str( names.Name(target).swap_parity() )
			for joint, parents in jointHierarchies.iteritems():
				jointHierarchies[joint] = [str( names.Name(p).swap_parity() ) for p in parents]

	for geo, items in objItemsDict.iteritems():
		#if the geo is None, then check for data in the verts arg - the user may just want weights
		#loaded on a specific list of verts - we can get the geo name from those verts
		skinCluster = ''
		verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(items if items else geo, toVertex=True), fl=True)

		#do we have a skinCluster on the geo already?  if not, build one
		skinCluster = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
		if not skinCluster:
			skinCluster = cmd.skinCluster(geo,joints.values())[0]
			verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True), fl=True)
		else: skinCluster = skinCluster[0]

		#if we're using position, the restore weights path is quite different
		vertJointWeightData = []
		if usePosition:
			progressWindow( e=True, status='searching by position: %s (%d/%d)' % (geo, curItem, numItems), maxValue=len( verts ) )

			vCount = -1
			for vert in verts:
				vCount += 1
				pos = Vector( xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True) )
				foundVerts = findMethod( pos, **findMethodKw )

				#accumulate found verts
				jointWeightDict = {}
				for v in foundVerts:
					for joint, weight in zip( v.joints, v.weights ):
						actualJoint = joints[ joint ]
						weight += jointWeightDict.get( actualJoint, 0 )
						jointWeightDict[ actualJoint ] = weight

				#normalize the weights
				weightSum = float( sum( jointWeightDict.values() ) )
				if weightSum != 1:
					for joint, weight in jointWeightDict.iteritems():
						jointWeightDict[ joint ] = weight / weightSum

				#append the data
				vertJointWeightData.append( (vert, jointWeightDict.items()) )

				#deal with the progress window - this isn't done EVERY vert because its kinda slow...
				if vCount % 50 == 0:
					progressWindow( e=True, progress=vCount )

					#bail if we've been asked to cancel
					if progressWindow( q=True, isCancelled=True ):
						progressWindow( ep=True )

			progressWindow( e=True, status='maya is setting skin weights...' )
			setSkinWeights( skinCluster, vertJointWeightData )

		#otherwise simply restore by id
			progressWindow( e=True, status='searching by vert name: %s (%d/%d)' % (geo, curItem, numItems), maxValue=len( verts ) )

			#rearrange the weightData structure so its ordered by vertex name
			weightDataById = {}
			[ weightDataById.setdefault(i.getVertName(), (i.joints, i.weights)) for i in weightData ]

			for vert in verts:
				#progressWindow(edit=True, progress=cur / num * 100.0)
				#if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

				#cur += 1
					jointList, weightList = weightDataById[vert]
				except KeyError:
					#in this case, the vert doesn't exist in teh file...
					print '### no point found for %s' % vert
					jointList = [ joints[ j ] for j in jointList ]
					jointsAndWeights = zip(jointList, weightList)
					skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, tv=jointsAndWeights)

		#remove unused influences from the skin cluster
		cmd.skinCluster( skinCluster, edit=True, removeUnusedInfluence=True )
		curItem += 1

	end = time.clock()
	api.melPrint('time for weight load %.02f secs' % (end-start))
Пример #9
def saveWeights(geos, filepath=None, mode=kAPPEND):
    start = time.clock()
    miscData = api.writeExportDict(TOOL_NAME, TOOL_VERSION)

    #if filepath is None, then generate a default filepath based on the location of the file
    if filepath is None:
        filepath = getDefaultPath()
        filepath = Path(filepath)

    geoAndData = {}
    skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
    xform = cmd.xform

    #define teh data we're gathering
    joints = {}
    jointHierarchies = {}
    weightData = []

    #does the weight file already exist?  if so, load it up and append data if append mode is true
    if filepath.exists and mode == kAPPEND:
        tmpA, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = filepath.unpickle()

    #data gathering time!
    for geo in geos:
        geoNode = geo
        verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo, toVertex=True),
        skinClusters = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
        if len(skinClusters) > 1:
            api.melWarning("more than one skinCluster found on %s" % geo)

            skinCluster = skinClusters[0]
        except IndexError:
            msg = "cannot find a skinCluster for %s" % geo
            #raise SkinWeightException(msg)

        for idx, vert in enumerate(verts):
            jointList = skinPercent(skinCluster,
            weightList = skinPercent(skinCluster,
            if jointList is None:
                raise SkinWeightException(
                    "I can't find any joints - sorry.  do you have any post skin cluster history???"

            #so this is kinda dumb - but using a dict here we can easily remap on restore if joint names
            #are different by storing the dict's value as the joint to use, and the key as the joint that
            #the vert was originally weighted to
            for j in jointList:
                joints[j] = j

            pos = xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
            vertData = VertSkinWeight(pos)
            vertData.populate(geo, idx, jointList, weightList)

        #lastly, add an attribute to the object describing where the weight file exists
        dirOfCurFile = Path(cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)).up()
        if geoNode.find('.') != -1: geoNode = geo.split('.')[0]
        if not cmd.objExists('%s.weightSaveFile' % geoNode):
            cmd.addAttr(geoNode, ln='weightSaveFile', dt='string')

        relToCur = filepath.relativeTo(dirOfCurFile)
        if relToCur is None: relToCur = filepath
        cmd.setAttr('%s.weightSaveFile' % geoNode,

    #sort the weightData by ascending x values so we can search faster
    weightData = sortByIdx(weightData)

    #generate joint hierarchy data - so if joints are missing on load we can find the best match
    for j in joints.keys():
        jointHierarchies[j] = getAllParents(j)

    toWrite = miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData

    filepath = Path(filepath)
    filepath.pickle(toWrite, False)
    melPrint('Weights Successfully %s to %s: time taken %.02f seconds' %
             ('Saved' if mode == kREPLACE else 'Appended', filepath.resolve(),
              time.clock() - start))

    return filepath
Пример #10
def loadWeights(objects,
	loads weights back on to a model given a file.  NOTE: the tolerance is an axis tolerance
	NOT a distance tolerance.  ie each axis must fall within the value of the given vector to be
	considered a match - this makes matching a heap faster because vectors can be culled from
	the a sorted list.  possibly implementing some sort of oct-tree class might speed up the
	matching more, but...  the majority of weight loading time at this stage is spent by maya
	actually applying skin weights, not the positional searching
    start = time.clock()

    #setup the mappings
    VertSkinWeight.MESH_NAME_REMAP_DICT = meshNameRemapDict
    VertSkinWeight.JOINT_NAME_REMAP_DICT = jointNameRemapDict

    #cache heavily access method objects as locals...
    skinPercent = cmd.skinPercent
    progressWindow = cmd.progressWindow
    xform = cmd.xform

    #now get a list of all weight files that are listed on the given objects - and
    #then load them one by one and apply them to the appropriate objects
    filesAndGeos = {}
    dirOfCurFile = Path(cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)).up()
    for obj in objects:
        items = []  #this holds the vert list passed in IF any
        if obj.find('.') != -1:
            items = [obj]
            obj = obj.split('.')[0]

            file = Path(dirOfCurFile +
                        cmd.getAttr('%s.weightSaveFile' %
                                    obj) if filepath is None else filepath)
            if file.exists and not file.isfile():
                raise TypeError()
        except TypeError:
            #in this case, no weightSave file existed on the object, so try using the default file if it exists
            file = getDefaultPath() if filepath is None else filepath
            if not file.exists:
                api.melError('cant find a weightSaveFile for %s - skipping' %

        filesAndGeos.setdefault(file, {})
        except KeyError:
            filesAndGeos[file][obj] = items

    print filesAndGeos

    unfoundVerts = []
    for filepath, objItemsDict in filesAndGeos.iteritems():
        numItems = len(objItemsDict)
        curItem = 1
                       title='loading weights from file %d items' % numItems)

        miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = Path(
        if miscData[api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER] != TOOL_VERSION:
                "WARNING: the file being loaded was stored from an older version (%d) of the tool - please re-generate the file.  Current version is %d."
                % (miscData[api.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER], TOOL_VERSION))

        for geo, items in objItemsDict.iteritems():
            #the miscData contains a dictionary with a bunch of data stored from when the weights was saved - do some
            #sanity checking to make sure we're not loading weights from some completely different source
            curFile = cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)
            origFile = miscData['scene']
            if curFile != origFile:
                    'the file these weights were saved in a different file from the current: "%s"'
                    % origFile)
                #response = cmd.confirmDialog(t='files differ...', m='the file these weights were saved from was %s\nthis is different from your currently opened file.\n\nis that OK?' % origFile, b=('Proceed', 'Cancel'), db='Proceed')
                #if response == 'Cancel': return

            #axisMults can be used to alter the positions of verts saved in the weightData array - this is mainly useful for applying
            #weights to a mirrored version of a mesh - so weights can be stored on meshA, meshA duplicated to meshB, and then the
            #saved weights can be applied to meshB by specifying an axisMult=(-1,1,1) OR axisMult=(-1,)
            if axisMult is not None:
                for data in weightData:
                    for n, mult in enumerate(axisMult):
                        data[n] *= mult

                #we need to re-sort the weightData as the multiplication could have potentially reversed things...  i could probably
                #be a bit smarter about when to re-order, but its not a huge hit...  so, meh
                weightData = sortByIdx(weightData)

                #using axisMult for mirroring also often means you want to swap parity tokens on joint names - if so, do that now.
                #parity needs to be swapped in both joints and jointHierarchies
                if swapParity:
                    for joint, target in joints.iteritems():
                        joints[joint] = str(names.Name(target).swap_parity())
                    for joint, parents in jointHierarchies.iteritems():
                        jointHierarchies[joint] = [
                            str(names.Name(p).swap_parity()) for p in parents

            #if the geo is None, then check for data in the verts arg - the user may just want weights
            #loaded on a specific list of verts - we can get the geo name from those verts
            skinCluster = ''
            verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(
                items if items else geo, toVertex=True),

            #remap joint names in the saved file to joint names that are in the scene - they may be namespace differences...
            missingJoints = set()
            for j in joints.keys():
                if not cmd.objExists(j):
                    #see if the joint with the same leaf name exists in the scene
                    idxA = j.rfind(':')
                    idxB = j.rfind('|')
                    idx = max(idxA, idxB)
                    if idx != -1:
                        leafName = j[idx:]
                        search = cmd.ls('%s*' % leafName, r=True, type='joint')
                        if len(search):
                            joints[j] = search[0]

            #now that we've remapped joint names, we go through the joints again and remap missing joints to their nearest parent
            #joint in the scene - NOTE: this needs to be done after the name remap so that parent joint names have also been remapped
            for j, jRemap in joints.iteritems():
                if not cmd.objExists(jRemap):
                    dealtWith = False
                    for n, jp in enumerate(jointHierarchies[j]):
                        #if n > 2: break
                        remappedJp = jp
                        if jp in joints: remappedJp = joints[jp]
                        if cmd.objExists(remappedJp):
                            joints[j] = remappedJp
                            dealtWith = True

                    if dealtWith: continue

            #now remove them from the list
            [joints.pop(j) for j in missingJoints]
            for key, value in joints.iteritems():
                if key != value:
                    print '%s remapped to %s' % (key, value)

            #do we have a skinCluster on the geo already?  if not, build one
            skinCluster = cmd.ls(cmd.listHistory(geo), type='skinCluster')
            if not skinCluster:
                skinCluster = cmd.skinCluster(geo, joints.values())[0]
                verts = cmd.ls(cmd.polyListComponentConversion(geo,
                skinCluster = skinCluster[0]

            num = len(verts)
            cur = 0.0
            inc = 100.0 / num

            findMethod = findBestVector
            if averageVerts:
                findMethod = getDistanceWeightedVector

            #if we're using position, the restore weights path is quite different
            if usePosition:
                               status='searching by position: %s (%d/%d)' %
                               (geo, curItem, numItems))
                queue = api.CmdQueue()

                print "starting first iteration with", len(weightData), "verts"

                iterationCount = 1
                while True:
                    unfoundVerts = []
                    foundVerts = []
                    for vert in verts:
                        progressWindow(edit=True, progress=cur)
                        cur += inc

                        pos = Vector(xform(vert, q=True, ws=True, t=True))
                        vertData = findMethod(pos, weightData, tolerance,

                            #unpack data to locals
                                jointList, weightList = vertData.joints, vertData.weights
                            except AttributeError:
                                raise NoVertFound

                                #re-map joints to their actual values
                                actualJointNames = [
                                    joints[j] for j in jointList

                                #check sizes - if joints have been remapped, there may be two entries for a joint
                                #in the re-mapped jointList - in this case, we need to re-gather weights
                                actualJointsAsSet = set(actualJointNames)
                                if len(actualJointsAsSet) != len(
                                    #so if the set sizes are different, then at least one of the joints is listed twice,
                                    #so we need to gather up its weights into a single value
                                    new = {}
                                        new.setdefault(j, 0)
                                        for j in actualJointNames
                                    ]  #init the dict with 0 values
                                    for j, w in zip(actualJointNames,
                                        new[j] += w

                                    #if the weightList is empty after renormalizing, nothing to do - keep loopin
                                    actualJointNames, weightList = new.keys(
                                    ), new.values()
                                    if not weightList: raise NoVertFound
                            except KeyError:
                                #if there was a key error, then one of the joints was removed from the joints dict
                                #as it wasn't found in the scene - so get the missing joints, remove them from the
                                #list and renormalize the remaining weights
                                jointListSet = set(jointList)
                                diff = missingJoints.difference(jointListSet)
                                weightList = renormalizeWeights(
                                    jointList, weightList, diff)
                                actualJointNames = [
                                    joints[j] for j in jointList

                                #if the weightList is empty after renormalizing, nothing to do - keep loopin
                                if not weightList: raise NoVertFound

                            #normalize the weightlist
                            weightList = normalizeWeightList(weightList)

                            #zip the joint names and their corresponding weight values together (as thats how maya
                            #accepts the data) and fire off the skinPercent cmd
                            jointsAndWeights = zip(actualJointNames,

                                'skinPercent -tv %s %s %s' % (' -tv '.join([
                                    '%s %s' % t for t in jointsAndWeights
                                ]), skinCluster, vert))
                            foundVertData = VertSkinWeight(pos)
                            foundVertData.populate(vertData.mesh, vertData.idx,
                        except NoVertFound:
                            #print '### no point found for %s' % vert

                    #so with the unfound verts - sort them, call them "verts" and iterate over them with the newly grown weight data
                    #the idea here is that when a vert is found its added to the weight data (in memory not on disk).  by performing
                    #another iteration for the previously un-found verts, we should be able to get a better approximation
                    verts = unfoundVerts
                    if unfoundVerts:
                        if foundVerts:
                            weightData = sortByIdx(foundVerts)
                            print "### still unfound verts, but no new matches were made in previous iteration - giving up.  %d iterations performed" % iterationCount
                        print "### all verts matched!  %d iterations performed" % iterationCount

                    iterationCount += 1
                    print "starting iteration %d - using" % iterationCount, len(
                        weightData), "verts"
                    #for www in weightData: print www

                #bail if we've been asked to cancel
                if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

                               status='maya is setting skin weights...')

            #otherwise simply restore by id
                               status='searching by vert name: %s (%d/%d)' %
                               (geo, curItem, numItems))
                queue = api.CmdQueue()

                #rearrange the weightData structure so its ordered by vertex name
                weightDataById = {}
                                              (i.joints, i.weights))
                    for i in weightData

                for vert in verts:
                    progressWindow(edit=True, progress=cur / num * 100.0)
                    if progressWindow(q=True, isCancelled=True):

                    cur += 1
                        jointList, weightList = weightDataById[vert]
                    except KeyError:
                        #in this case, the vert doesn't exist in teh file...
                        print '### no point found for %s' % vert
                        jointsAndWeights = zip(jointList, weightList)
                        skinPercent(skinCluster, vert, tv=jointsAndWeights)

            #remove unused influences from the skin cluster
            cmd.skinCluster(skinCluster, edit=True, removeUnusedInfluence=True)
            curItem += 1

    if unfoundVerts: cmd.select(unfoundVerts)
    end = time.clock()
    api.melPrint('time for weight load %.02f secs' % (end - start))