Пример #1
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.

        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_move = moves[0]

        # If it is the computers turn
        if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None:
            case = []
            # Store all cards of the same suit in an array
            for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                if move[0] is not None:
                    if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(state.get_opponents_played_card()):
Пример #2
	def __evaluate_trick(self, trick):
		Evaluates who the winner of the specified trick is and returns it

		:param trick: A tuple signifying the trick which is evaluated
		:return: The winner's id as an integer

		if len(trick) != 2:
			raise RuntimeError("Incorrect trick format. List of length 2 needed.")
		if trick[0] is None or trick[1] is None:
			raise RuntimeError("An incomplete trick was attempted to be evaluated.")
		# If the two cards of the trick have the same suit
		if Deck.get_suit(trick[0]) == Deck.get_suit(trick[1]):

			# We only compare indices since the convention we defined in Deck 
			# puts higher rank cards at lower indices, when considering the same color.
			return 1 if trick[0] < trick[1] else 2

		if Deck.get_suit(trick[0]) ==  self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
			return 1

		if Deck.get_suit(trick[1]) ==  self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
			return 2

		# If the control flow has reached this point, the trick consists of two
		# different non-trump cards. Since the new leader is determined by the
		# output of this function, at this point the state object still considers
		# it to be the non-leading player's turn. Thus, we determine that the winner
		# is the other player, i.e. the leading player. Thanks: Daan Raven
		return util.other(self.whose_turn())
Пример #3
    def get_move(self, state):
        whose_turn = state.whose_turn()
        leader = state.leader()
        trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

        if whose_turn == leader:
            global kb
            moves = state.moves()

            # We look for a possible trump exchange
            for move in moves:
                if move[0] is None:
                    return move

            # We look for a possible marriage
            for move in moves:
                if move[1] is not None:
                    return move

            # We compare the bot's points with the threshold value and decide on playing hard.
            if state.get_points(whose_turn) >= 50:
                for move in moves:
                    if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == trump_suit:
                        return move

            for move in moves:
                if not self.kb_consistent(state, move):
                    # print "Strategy Applied"
                    return move

            if random.randint(1, 2) == 1:
                # We play the highest possible card if none of the cards in hand is entailed by the KB
                chosen_move = moves[0]
                for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 <= chosen_move[
                            0] % 5:
                        chosen_move = move

                return chosen_move
                # We play the lowest possible card if none of the cards in hand is entailed by the KB
                lowest_card, _ = moves[0]
                for move in moves:
                    candidate_card, _ = move
                    if candidate_card != None:
                        if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) != trump_suit:
                            if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                                lowest_card = candidate_card

                if Deck.get_suit(lowest_card) == trump_suit:
                    for move in moves:
                        candidate_card, _ = move
                        if candidate_card != None:
                            if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                                lowest_card = candidate_card
                return (lowest_card, None)

            return self.returnMove(state)
Пример #4
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
       	TODO: add some more explanation
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.

        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_move = moves[0]
        moves_trump_suit = []

        moves_trump_suit = []

        # If the opponent has played a card
        if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None:

            moves_same_suit = []

            # Get all moves of the same suit as the opponent's played card
            for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                        move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(

            #Get a card with higher rank than opponent and same suit as opponent
            if len(moves_same_suit) > 0:
                for index, move in enumerate(moves_same_suit):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 < (
                            state.get_opponents_played_card() % 5):
                        chosen_move = move
                        return chosen_move

        # Get all trump suit moves available
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():

            if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
                chosen_move = moves_trump_suit[0]
                return chosen_move

        # Get move with lowest rank available, of any suit
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 >= chosen_move[0] % 5:
                chosen_move = move

        return chosen_move
Пример #5
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
       	TODO: add some more explanation
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.

        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_move = moves[0]

        move_trump_suit = []

        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():

        if len(move_trump_suit) > 0 :
            chosen_move = move_trump_suit[0]
            return chosen_move

        if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None :

            move_same_suit = []
            move_lowest = []

            for index, move in enumerate(moves):

                if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(state.get_opponents_played_card()):
                    if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 < state.get_opponents_played_card() % 5 :

                elif move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 > chosen_move[0] % 5:

            if len(move_same_suit) > 0 :
                chosen_move = move_same_suit[0]
                return chosen_move

            elif len(move_lowest) > 0 :
                chosen_move = move_lowest[0]
                return chosen_move

        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 <= chosen_move[0] % 5:
                chosen_move = move

        # Return a random choice
        return chosen_move
Пример #6
 def how_many_card_can_beat_it(state, myList, card) -> int:
     # see how many trump cards exist that are better
     cardsThatCanBeatMyCard = 0
     for ints in myList:
         ints = int(ints)
         # print(ints,card[0])
         if (ints % 5 < card[0] % 5) or \
                 (Deck.get_suit(card[0]) != state.get_trump_suit()
                  and Deck.get_suit(ints) == state.get_trump_suit()):
             cardsThatCanBeatMyCard += 1
     return cardsThatCanBeatMyCard
Пример #7
    def returnMove(self, state):
        moves = state.moves()
        trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

        played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()

        # If we are past the threshold, reply to a trump with highest trump, else trump with lowest trump
        if Deck.get_suit(
                played_card) == trump_suit:  # Check if played card is trump
            for move in moves:
                candidate_card, _ = move
                if candidate_card != None:
                    if Deck.get_suit(
                    ) == trump_suit:  # Still not checking for the lowest possible trump card
                        if candidate_card % 5 < played_card % 5:
                            return (candidate_card, None)

            lowest_card, _ = moves[0]
            for move in moves:
                candidate_card, _ = move
                if candidate_card != None:
                    if Deck.get_suit(
                    ) != trump_suit:  # Logic will still give exception if nothing is present other than trump cards, which is absurd, because that is not possible (think about it)
                        if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                            lowest_card = candidate_card

            return (lowest_card, None)

        for move in moves:  # Else try to find a stronger card of same suit
            candidate_card, _ = move
            if candidate_card != None:
                if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) == Deck.get_suit(played_card):
                    if candidate_card % 5 < played_card % 5:
                        return (candidate_card, None)

        for move in moves:  # Else try to find a a card from trump suit
            candidate_card, _ = move
            if candidate_card != None:
                if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) == trump_suit:
                    return (candidate_card, None)

        lowest_card, _ = moves[0]

        for move in moves:  # By this position, losing the trick is certain, so we try and find the lowest card
            candidate_card, _ = move
            if candidate_card != None:
                if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) != trump_suit:
                    if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                        lowest_card = candidate_card

        if Deck.get_suit(lowest_card) == trump_suit:
            for move in moves:
                candidate_card, _ = move
                if candidate_card != None:
                    if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                        lowest_card = candidate_card

        return (lowest_card, None)
Пример #8
def get_trump_moves(state, moves):
    trump_moves = []
    for move in moves:
        if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
    return trump_moves
Пример #9
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
       	TODO: add some more explanation
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.

        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()

        for move in moves:
            if move[0] != None and move[1] != None:
                return move
            elif state.get_opponents_played_card():
                if state.get_opponents_played_card(
                ) % 5 == 1 or state.get_opponents_played_card() % 5 == 0:
                    if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
                        return move
            #Trump exchange
            elif move[0] == None and move[1] != None:
                return move

        return moves[0]
Пример #10
def get_suit(card_index):
    Returns the suit of a card
    :param card_index:
    return Deck.get_suit(card_index)
Пример #11
def eval_points(opponents_card, move):

    if opponents_card is None or move is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "An incomplete trick was attempted to be evaluated.")

    # If the two cards of the trick have the same suit
    if Deck.get_suit(opponents_card[0]) == Deck.get_suit(move[0]):
        # We only compare indices since the convention we defined in Deck
        # puts higher rank cards at lower indices, when considering the same color.
        return 1 if opponents_card < move else 2

    if Deck.get_suit(opponents_card[0]) == self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
        return 1

    if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
        return 2
Пример #12
 def getTrumpMoves(self, state, moves):
     new_moves = copy.deepcopy(moves)
     trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()
     for move in new_moves:
         card, _ = move
         if Deck.get_suit(card) != trump_suit:
     return new_moves
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
        Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
        Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
        don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
       	TODO: add some more explanation
        :param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
            the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
        :return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
            indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
            potential spouse.

        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()
        # starting with a random move
        chosen_move = random.choice(moves)
        # List of all legal moves, not being of a trump suit
        not_trump_suit = []
        # Which player this bot is
        player = state.whose_turn()
        leader = state.leader

        # If a mariage or jack exchange is possible, play it
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if move[1] != None:
                return move

        # Get all not trump suit moves
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    move[0]) != state.get_trump_suit():

        # starting with a random move
        if len(not_trump_suit) > 0:
            chosen_move = random.choice(not_trump_suit)

        # play the highest not trump cards first
        if len(not_trump_suit
               ) > 0 and player == leader and not_trump_suit != []:
            for index, move in enumerate(not_trump_suit):
                if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 <= chosen_move % 5:
                    chosen_move = move
                    return chosen_move

        # if player != leader:
        #     played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
        #     suit_of_card = Deck.get_suit(played_card)
        #     for index, move in enumerate(moves):
        #         if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(move[0])

        return chosen_move
    def checkForMarriage(self, state):

        position = None
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_suit = []
        trumpSuit = state.get_trump_suit()
        queens = []
        kings = []

        # Get all queens and kings from the possible moves
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                    moves[index][0]) == "Q":
            elif moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(
                    moves[index][0]) == "K":

        isLooping = True

        if len(queens) and len(kings) > 0:
            for index, move in enumerate(queens):
                for index2, move2 in enumerate(kings):
                    # if a Queen and a King of same suit has been found return the suit of that Queen
                    # also first prioritize the Royal Marriage
                    if Deck.get_suit(queens[index]) == Deck.get_suit(kings[index2]) \
                            and Deck.get_suit(queens[index]) == trumpSuit:
                        chosen_suit = Deck.get_suit(queens[index])
                        # variable used to break out of a nested loop
                        isLooping = False

                    elif Deck.get_suit(queens[index]) == Deck.get_suit(
                        chosen_suit = Deck.get_suit(queens[index])
                        isLooping = False

                if isLooping == False:

        # if such a Marriage exists in the possible moves return the index of that Queen
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) == chosen_suit \
                    and Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == "Q":
                position = index

        return position
Пример #15
    def get_move(self, state):
        # type: (State) -> tuple[int, int]
		Function that gets called every turn. This is where to implement the strategies.
		Be sure to make a legal move. Illegal moves, like giving an index of a card you
		don't own or proposing an illegal mariage, will lose you the game.
		TODO: add some more explanation
		:param State state: An object representing the gamestate. This includes a link to
			the states of all the cards, the trick and the points.
		:return: A tuple of integers or a tuple of an integer and None,
			indicating a move; the first indicates the card played in the trick, the second a
			potential spouse.
        # All legal moves
        moves = state.moves()
        chosen_move = moves[0]

        if state.get_phase() == 2:
            chosen_move = moves[len(moves) - 1]

        # If the opponent has played a card
        if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None:
            moves_same_suit = []

            # Get all moves of the same suit as the opponent's played card
            for index, move in enumerate(moves):
                if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                        move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(

            # Play the cheapest card in phase two if you cant beat the trick, else play the highest card
            if len(moves_same_suit) > 0:
                if state.get_phase() == 2 and (
                        state.get_opponents_played_card() % 5 <
                    return moves_same_suit[len(moves_same_suit) - 1]
                chosen_move = moves_same_suit[0]
                return chosen_move

        return chosen_move
Пример #16
    def kb_consistent_matching_win(self, state, move):

        # type: (State,move) -> bool

        kb = KB()

        opp_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
        opp_card_suit = Deck.get_suit(opp_card)
        opp_card_rank = opp_card % 5

        p_card = move[0]
        p_card_suit = Deck.get_suit(p_card)
        p_card_rank = opp_card % 5

        variable_string = "wt" + str(p_card_rank) + str(opp_card_rank) + str(p_card_suit) + str(opp_card_suit)
        strategy_variable = Boolean(variable_string)


        return kb.satisfiable()
Пример #17
    def kb_consistent_trump_win(self,state,move):

        # type: (State,move) -> bool

        kb = KB()


        opp_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
        opp_card_suit = Deck.get_suit(opp_card)
        opp_card_rank = opp_card & 5

        p_card = move[0]
        p_card_suit = Deck.get_suit(p_card)
        p_card_rank = p_card % 5

        trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

        constraint_a = Integer('me') > Integer('op')
        constraint_b = Integer('op') > Integer('me')

        if opp_card_suit == trump_suit:
            if p_card_suit == trump_suit:
                if opp_card_rank < p_card_rank:
                    strategy_variable = constraint_b
                    strategy_variable = constraint_a
                strategy_variable = constraint_b
            variable_string = "wtt" + str(p_card_suit) + str(trump_suit)
            strategy_variable = Boolean(variable_string)


        return kb.satisfiable()
Пример #18
    def get_move(self, state):
        moves_trump_suit = []

        if random.random() < self.__non_trump_move:

            # IMPLEMENT: Make the best non-trump move you can. Use the best_non_trump_card method written below.

            # bully bot
            moves = state.moves()
            chosen_move = moves[0]  # take the 1st available

            #Get all trump suit moves available
            for index, move in enumerate(moves):

                if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
                    moves_trump_suit.append(move)	# find all cards same suit

            if len(moves_trump_suit) > 0:
                chosen_move = moves_trump_suit[0] # choose the 1st trump-suit card
                return chosen_move

            # No trump suit moves available:

            # # If the opponent has played a card
            # if state.get_opponents_played_card() is not None:
            #     moves_same_suit = []
            #     # Get all moves of the same suit as the opponent's played card
            #     for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            #         if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == Deck.get_suit(state.get_opponents_played_card()):
            #             moves_same_suit.append(move)
            #     if len(moves_same_suit) > 0:
            #         chosen_move = moves_same_suit[0]
            #         return chosen_move
            # # Get move with highest rank available, of any suit
            # for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            #     if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 <= chosen_move[0] % 5:
            #         chosen_move = move
            # return chosen_move

        #IMPLEMENT: Make a random move (but exclude the best non-trump move from above)
        moves_none_trump = list(set(state.moves()) - set(moves_trump_suit))

        # Return a random choice
        return random.choice(moves_none_trump)
Пример #19
    def check_marriage(self, state, moves):
        possible_marriages = []
        for index in moves:
            if index[0] is not None and index[1] is not None:

        # Check for royal marriages
        if possible_marriages:
            possible_royal_marriages = []
            for index in possible_marriages:
                if Deck.get_suit(index[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
                    return possible_royal_marriages

        return possible_marriages
Пример #20
def get_number_trumps_or_ace(state, Deck):

    moves = state.moves()

    util_point = 0

    for move in moves:
        if move[0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                move[0]) == state.get_trump_suit():
            util_point += 1

        if move[0] is not None and move[0] % 5 == 0:
            util_point += 1

    return util_point / len(moves)
Пример #21
    def kb_consistent(self, state, move):
        # type: (State, move) -> bool

        index = move[0]

        if (Deck.get_suit(index) == state.get_trump_suit()):
            return True

        kb = self.prepareKB(state)


        variable_string = "pc" + str(index)
        strategy_variable = Boolean(variable_string)


        return kb.satisfiable()
    def findLowestCardOfSameSuit(self, state):
        lowestRank = None
        position = None

        # All possible moves
        moves = state.moves()

        # Opponents card suit
        opponentsCardSuit = Deck.get_suit(state.get_opponents_played_card())

        moves_suit = []

        # Get all the moves available with the same suit as opponent's played card suit
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:

        # Check your hand for same suit cards as opponent
        # If opponent's card rank is '10' check for lowest value card which is 'J'
        if len(moves_suit) > 0:
            for index, move in enumerate(moves_suit):
                if Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "J" \
                        and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                    lowestRank = "J"

                # otherwise check for the next lowest value which is 'Q'
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "Q" \
                        and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                    lowestRank = "Q"

                # and so forth
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_suit[index][0]) == "K" \
                        and Deck.get_suit(moves_suit[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit \
                        and lowestRank != "Q":
                    lowestRank = "K"

                # also this function will not play high value cards like '10' and 'A'
                # becaues in our strategy we are saving the high value card for future
                # possible cases when we could win the hand

        # If there is such a card with a smaller value than the opponent's
        # played card and of the same suit, return the index
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):
            if Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == lowestRank \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) == opponentsCardSuit:
                position = index

        return position
Пример #23
    def kb_trump(self, state, move):

        # type: (State,move) -> bool

        kb = KB()


        p_card = move[0]
        p_card_suit = Deck.get_suit(p_card)

        trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

        variable_string = "wtt" + str(p_card_suit) + str(trump_suit)
        strategy_variable = Boolean(variable_string)


        return kb.satisfiable()
Пример #24
    def get_move(self, state):

        moves = state.moves()


        for move in moves:

            if not self.kb_consistent(state, move):
                # Plays the first move that makes the kb inconsistent. We do not take
                # into account that there might be other valid moves according to the strategy.
                # Uncomment the next line if you want to see that something happens.
                # print "Strategy Applied"
                print(str(Deck.get_rank(move[0]) + Deck.get_suit(move[0])),
                      " has been played")
                #str(Deck.get_rank(move[0]) + Deck.get_suit(move[0]))

                return move

        # If no move that is entailed by the kb is found, play random move
        return random.choice(moves)
Пример #25
    def get_move(self, state):
        whose_turn = state.whose_turn()
        leader = state.leader()
        trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

        if whose_turn == leader:
            global kb
            moves = state.moves()

            # We look for a possible trump exchange
            for move in moves:
                if move[0] is None:
                    return move

            # We look for a possible marriage
            for move in moves:
                if move[1] is not None:
                    # print("+1")
                    return move

            # If we are in stage 2, we give priority to playing Aces
            if state.get_phase() == 2:
                # We try to return a non-trump Ace
                for move in moves:
                    if move[0] % 5 == 0 and Deck.get_suit(
                            move[0]) != trump_suit:
                        return move

                # We try to return any Ace
                for move in moves:
                    if move[0] % 5 == 0:
                        return move

            moves = self.saveMarriage(state)
            # We compare the bot's points with the threshold value and decide on playing hard.
            if state.get_points(whose_turn) >= 50:
                for move in moves:
                    if Deck.get_suit(move[0]) == trump_suit:
                        return move

            for move in moves:
                if not self.kb_consistent(state, move):
                    # print "Strategy Applied"
                    return move

            if random.randint(1, 2) == 1:
                # We play the highest possible card if none of the cards in hand is entailed by the KB
                highest_card, _ = moves[0]
                for move in moves:
                    candidate_card, _ = move
                    if candidate_card != None:
                        if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) != trump_suit:
                            if candidate_card % 5 < highest_card % 5:
                                highest_card = candidate_card

                if Deck.get_suit(highest_card) == trump_suit:
                    for move in moves:
                        candidate_card, _ = move
                        if candidate_card != None:
                            if candidate_card % 5 < highest_card % 5:
                                highest_card = candidate_card
                return (highest_card, None)
                # We play the lowest possible card if none of the cards in hand is entailed by the KB
                lowest_card, _ = moves[0]
                for move in moves:
                    candidate_card, _ = move
                    if candidate_card != None:
                        if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) != trump_suit:
                            if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                                lowest_card = candidate_card

                if Deck.get_suit(lowest_card) == trump_suit:
                    for move in moves:
                        candidate_card, _ = move
                        if candidate_card != None:
                            if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                                lowest_card = candidate_card
                return (lowest_card, None)

            return self.returnMove(state)
Пример #26
 def isTrump(self, state, card):
     if Deck.get_suit(card) == state.get_trump_suit():
         return True
         return False
Пример #27
    def returnMove(self, state):
        moves = self.saveMarriage(state)
        trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

        played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()

        if Deck.get_suit(
                played_card) == trump_suit:  # Check if played card is trump
            for move in moves:
                candidate_card, _ = move
                if candidate_card != None:
                    if Deck.get_suit(
                    ) == trump_suit:  # Still not checking for the lowest possible trump card
                        if candidate_card % 5 < played_card % 5:
                            return (candidate_card, None)

            lowest_card, _ = moves[0]
            for move in moves:
                candidate_card, _ = move
                if candidate_card != None:
                    if Deck.get_suit(
                    ) != trump_suit:  # Logic will still give exception if nothing is present other than trump cards, which is absurd, because that is not possible (think about it)
                        if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                            lowest_card = candidate_card

            return (lowest_card, None)

        for move in moves:  # Else try to find a stronger card of same suit
            candidate_card, _ = move
            if candidate_card != None:
                if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) == Deck.get_suit(played_card):
                    if candidate_card % 5 < played_card % 5:
                        return (candidate_card, None)

        # for move in moves:  # Else try to find a a card from trump suit
        #     candidate_card, _ = move
        #     if candidate_card != None:
        #         if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) == trump_suit:
        #             return (candidate_card, None)

        if self.getDifference(state) < THRESHOLD:
            trump_moves = self.getTrumpMoves(state, moves)
            if trump_moves:
                if self.isLow(played_card):
                    lowest_card, _ = trump_moves[0]
                    for move in trump_moves:  # Else try to find a a card from trump suit
                        candidate_card, _ = move
                        if self.isLow(candidate_card) is True:
                            if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                                lowest_card = candidate_card

                    if self.isLow(lowest_card) is True:
                        return lowest_card, _
                    if self.isHigh(played_card):
                        highest_card, _ = trump_moves[0]
                        for move in trump_moves:  # Else try to find a a card from trump suit
                            candidate_card, _ = move
                            if self.isHigh(candidate_card) is True:
                                if candidate_card % 5 < highest_card % 5:
                                    highest_card = candidate_card

                        if self.isHigh(highest_card) is True:
                            return highest_card, _
            trump_moves = self.getTrumpMoves(state, moves)
            if trump_moves:
                highest_card, _ = trump_moves[0]
                for move in trump_moves:  # Else try to find a a card from trump suit
                    candidate_card, _ = move
                    if candidate_card % 5 < highest_card % 5:
                        highest_card = candidate_card

                return highest_card, _

        lowest_card, _ = moves[0]

        for move in moves:  # By this position, losing the trick is certain, so we try and find the lowest card
            candidate_card, _ = move
            if candidate_card != None:
                if Deck.get_suit(candidate_card) != trump_suit:
                    if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                        lowest_card = candidate_card

        if Deck.get_suit(lowest_card) == trump_suit:
            for move in moves:
                candidate_card, _ = move
                if candidate_card != None:
                    if candidate_card % 5 > lowest_card % 5:
                        lowest_card = candidate_card

        return (lowest_card, None)
    def findLowestPointsCardThatIsNotTrump(self, state):
        moves = state.moves()
        smallestRank = None
        possibleRanks = ["A", "10", "K", "Q", "J"]
        position = None
        trumpSuit = state.get_trump_suit()
        moves_not_trump_suit = []

        # Get all trump suit moves available
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_suit(
                    moves[index][0]) != trumpSuit:

        if len(moves_not_trump_suit) > 0:

            for index, move in enumerate(moves_not_trump_suit):

                # Iterate through all the possible moves, and
                # find the lowest value card in your hand that is also not a trump
                # Check whether 'J' is in your hand, if so play the card

                if Deck.get_rank(
                        moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[4]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[4]

                # Otherwise check for a Queen, and keep on checking maybe the Jack will be found later
                elif Deck.get_rank(
                        moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[3]

                # and so forth
                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[2] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[4] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[2]

                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[1] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[4] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[2]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[1]

                elif Deck.get_rank(moves_not_trump_suit[index]) == possibleRanks[0] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[4] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[3] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[2] \
                        and smallestRank != possibleRanks[1]:
                    smallestRank = possibleRanks[0]

        # Return the index of the smallest value card from all the possible moves that is also not a trump suit
        # if such a card is found return it's index otherwise return None
        for index, move in enumerate(moves):

            if moves[index][0] is not None and Deck.get_rank(moves[index][0]) == smallestRank \
                    and Deck.get_suit(moves[index][0]) != trumpSuit:
                position = index

        return position
Пример #29
	def moves(self):
		:return: A list of all the legal moves that can be made by the player whose turn it is.
			A move is a tuple of length 2. There are 3 distinct cases:
				- (int, None): first element indicates the index of the card that is placed down.
				- (int, int) : first element as above, second element completes a marriage
				- (None, int): First element being None indicates a trump jack exchange,
					second element is the index of that trump jack

		hand = self.hand()

		if self.__signature is not None and len(hand) == 0:
			raise RuntimeError("\n\nGame is in phase 1. Insufficient information to derive any of the opponent's possible moves. Try to make an assumption\n")

		possible_moves = []

		# In this case, no constraints are put on the move
		if self.__phase == 1 or self.whose_turn() == self.leader():

			for card in hand:
				possible_moves.append((card, None))

		# If the game is in phase 2 and it's not the leader's turn, then some constraints apply
			opponent_card = self.get_opponents_played_card()
			same_suit_hand = [card for card in hand if Deck.get_suit(card) == Deck.get_suit(opponent_card)]
			playable_cards = None

			if len(same_suit_hand) > 0:
				same_suit_hand_higher = [card for card in same_suit_hand if card < opponent_card]

				if len(same_suit_hand_higher) > 0:
					playable_cards = same_suit_hand_higher

					playable_cards = same_suit_hand

			elif Deck.get_suit(opponent_card) != self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
				trump_hand = [card for card in hand if Deck.get_suit(card) == self.__deck.get_trump_suit()]
				if len(trump_hand) > 0:

					playable_cards = trump_hand

					playable_cards = hand

				playable_cards = hand

			possible_moves = [(card, None) for card in playable_cards]

		#Add possible trump jack exchanges and mariages to moves
		#Marriages and exchanges can only be made by the leading player
		if self.whose_turn() == self.leader():

			if self.__deck.can_exchange(self.whose_turn()):
				possible_moves.append((None, self.__deck.get_trump_jack_index()))

			possible_mariages = self.__deck.get_possible_mariages(self.whose_turn())
			possible_moves += possible_mariages

		return possible_moves
Пример #30
	def next(self,
			 move  # type: tuple(int, int)

		Computes the next state based on the given move

		:param move: Tuple of length 2 of which each element can either be an int or None
		:return: Newly computed state based on current state and given move

		if self.__signature is not None and self.__signature != self.whose_turn():
			raise RuntimeError('\n\nGame is in phase 1. Cannot view next state with imperfect information. Try making an assumption first.\n')

		if self.finished():
			raise RuntimeError('Gamestate is finished. No next states exist.')

		# Start with a copy of the current state
		state = self.clone()  # type: State

		# If we find an invalid move, we set the __revoked class variable
		# To the pid of the player who made the incorrect move, and return the state as is.
		if not state.__is_valid(move):
			state.__revoked = state.whose_turn()
			return state

		# If move is a trump exchange
		if move[0] is None:

			# Store the indices we need in variables
			trump_jack_index = move[1]
			trump_card_index = state.__deck.get_trump_card_index()

			# Perform trump jack exchange, perspective updated in function

			return state

		# Change turns
		state.__leads_turn = not state.__leads_turn

		#Add the given move to the trick, store the whole trick in a variable
		trick = state.__deck.set_trick(state.whose_turn(), move[0])

		# At this point, we know that the move is not a trump jack exchange.
		# Check if this move is a marriage
		if move[1] is not None:

			# A marriage cannot be melded by the non-leading player
			if state.__leads_turn:
				raise RuntimeError("Marriage was attempted to be melded by non-leading player")

			# Update perspective since an additional card is revealed by the player who performs a marriage.
			state.__deck.add_to_perspective(util.other(state.whose_turn()), move[1], "P" + str(state.whose_turn()) + "H")

			# Trump suit marriage yields 40 points, regular yields 20, to be awarded at next trick win.
			if Deck.get_suit(move[1]) == state.__deck.get_trump_suit():
				state.__reserve_pending_points(state.whose_turn(), 40)
				state.__reserve_pending_points(state.whose_turn(), 20)

		# If it is not the lead's turn, i.e. currently the trick is
		# incomplete and we already know it's not a trump jack exchange
		if not state.__leads_turn:
			other = state.whose_turn()
			state.__player1s_turn = not state.__player1s_turn
			state.__deck.add_to_perspective(state.whose_turn(), trick[other-1], "P" + str(other) + "H")
			return state

		# At this point we know that it is the lead's turn and that a complete
		# trick from the previous hand can be evaluated.

		# Evaluate the trick and store the winner in the leader variable
		leader = state.__evaluate_trick(trick)

		state.__allocate_trick_points(leader, trick)


		if state.__phase == 2 and len(state.hand()) == 0 and not state.finished():
			# If all cards are exhausted, the winner of the last trick wins the game
			state.__set_points(leader, 66)

		#Draw cards from stock
		if state.__phase == 1:
			if state.__deck.get_stock_size() == 0:
				state.__phase = 2

		# Set player1s_turn according to the leader variable
		state.__player1s_turn = True if leader == 1 else False

		# Returns state
		return state