def test_getStations(self): ah = ApiHandler() result1 = ah.get_stations("2194") result2 = ah.get_stations("830000") self.assertIsInstance(result1, list, msg="result is not list.") self.assertEqual(result2, [], msg="for wrong postcode should return empty list.")
def test_accessToken(self): ah = ApiHandler() result = ah.get_accessToken() self.assertIsInstance(result, str, msg="not valid access token.") self.assertEqual(len(result), 28, msg="access token length is not equal to 28.")
def __init__(self, version): self.path = os.getcwd() self.version = version self.parser = create_parser(self.version) uuid_v4 = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.args = vars(self.parser.parse_args()) self.debug = self.args.get("debug") self.tcp_handler = TcpHandler(uuid_v4, self.args.get("debug")) self.api_handler = ApiHandler(uuid_v4)
def __init__( self, identity: str, start_port: int, transport_protocol: str, endpoint: str, ledger_url: str, local_ip: str, wallet_name: str, wallet_key: str, seed: str = "random", public_did: bool = True, auto_response: bool = False, ): # Construct docker container object to maintain a running container self.docker_container = Container( identity=identity, endpoint=endpoint, seed=seed, indbound_transport_port=start_port, outbound_transport_port=start_port + 1, transport_protocol=transport_protocol, wallet_name=wallet_name, wallet_key=wallet_key, webhook_url= f"{transport_protocol}://{local_ip}:{start_port+2}/webhooks", #TODO: genesis_url=f"{ledger_url}/genesis") # Construct Api Handler object that handles all Api calls self.api_handler = ApiHandler( # TODO: Ledger transport protocol toevoegen api_url=local_ip, port=start_port + 1) # Construct a webhook server object that handles incoming messages self.webhook_server = WebhookServer( identity=identity, webhook_ip=local_ip, webhook_protocol=transport_protocol, webhook_port=start_port + 2, api_handler=self.api_handler ) # TODO: webhook IP is not per definitie gelijk aan ledger ip self.identity = identity self.start_port = start_port self.ledger_url = ledger_url self.local_ip = local_ip self.seed = seed self.public_did = public_did self.auto_response = auto_response # TODO: Register DID weghalen en verplaatsen naar api handler self.client_session = ClientSession() self.transport_protocol = transport_protocol # TODO: random seed ja? rand_name = str(random.randint(100_000, 999_999)) self.seed = (("my_seed_000000000000000000000000" + rand_name)[-32:] if seed == "random" else seed)
def test_postCode(self): ah = ApiHandler() result = ah.get_postcode("liverpool") self.assertTrue(result.isnumeric(), msg="postcode is not numeric.") self.assertEqual(len(result), 4, msg="postcode length is not equal to 4.") result = ah.get_postcode("urumqi") self.assertIsNone(result, msg="for wrong suburb should return None.")
class ParkingService(Base): def __init__(self): super(ParkingService, self).__init__() self._api_handler = ApiHandler() self._content_handler = ContentHandler() # db_handler is public for testing purpose self.db_handler = DateBaseHandler() # TODO: implement functionality for multiple images def check_plate(self, image_name): response = self._api_handler.post_by_file_name(image_name) text = self._content_handler.get_parsed_text(response) is_allowed = not self._is_transport_with_no_letters(text) and \ not self._is_public_transport(text) and \ not self._is_military_transport(text) self._store_result(text, is_allowed) self.debug_info('Plate', text) self._print_result(is_allowed) # Returning text and status for testing purpose return [text, is_allowed] def set_wrong_api_url(self): """ For testing purpose ONLY """ self._api_handler = ApiHandler( api_url='') def _is_public_transport(self, text): last_symbol = text[-1] return last_symbol == 'G' or last_symbol == '6' def _is_military_transport(self, text): return 'L' in text or 'M' in text def _is_transport_with_no_letters(self, text): return text.isdecimal() def _store_result(self, plate, is_allowed): if is_allowed: status = 'allowed' else: status = 'rejected' self.db_handler.store_plate_info(plate, status) def _print_result(self, is_allowed): if is_allowed: print('You may park here') return print('YOU SHALL NOT PASS')
def ask_region(): ''' User Input: Either NSW Suburb name or Postcode (Delivery Area) Returns: Postal Code of NSW Delivery Area Example: 2000, 2170 ''' # Create ApiHandler Class instance # This class handles all API calls and data collections api = ApiHandler() print("This app will find petrol stations around you") print("based on the 'suburb' or 'postcode' provided.\n") print("press 'q' to quit.\n") user_input = input('Please Enter your Postcode or Suburb: (q to exit)\n') while True: clear() if user_input.lower() == 'q': print('Thanks for using this app, Bye!') sys.exit() if user_input.isnumeric(): if postcode_exists(user_input): return user_input else: print( 'Entered Postcode is not valid NSW Delivery Area Postal Code' ) print( 'Please make sure the postcode is a valid postcode (e.g.: starts with 2 and 4 digit long)' ) else: postcode = api.get_postcode(user_input) if postcode: return postcode else: print( "The system cannot match the entered suburb to a valid NSW postal code." ) print("Please enter valided or nearby adjacent suburbs...") user_input = input('Please Enter Postcode or Suburb: \n')
def test_fuelName(self): ah = ApiHandler() fuel_names = [ "Unleaded 91", "Ethanol 94", "Premium 95", "Premium 98", "Diesel" ] result1 = ah.get_fuel_name("E10") result2 = ah.get_fuel_name("U91") result3 = ah.get_fuel_name("DL") result4 = ah.get_fuel_name("P98") result5 = ah.get_fuel_name("P93") self.assertIn(result1, fuel_names, msg=f"{result1} not in {fuel_names}") self.assertIn(result2, fuel_names, msg=f"{result2} not in {fuel_names}") self.assertIn(result3, fuel_names, msg=f"{result3} not in {fuel_names}") self.assertIn(result4, fuel_names, msg=f"{result4} not in {fuel_names}") self.assertIsNone(result5, msg=f"{result5} is not None.")
def stations_by_postcode(): ''' User need to provide Location (NSW Only): - Postcode (Delivery Area) - Suburb ''' # Initiate API Handling Class api = ApiHandler() # Obtain User input (location info) region = ask_region() # calling API stage # API call uses free account, hence the limit of API call per minute # if quoata is exceeded, Error will be thrown, catching it here try: ps = api.stations_with_fuel_types(region) except Exception as e: # Trying to wait for one more minute to see if the quoata limit is lifted. print(e) print("There has been an network issue, trying in a minute again...") print("Please be patient...") for i in range(1, 7): time.sleep(10) print(f'{i * 10} seconds elapsed...') try: # calling API again ps = api.stations_with_fuel_types(region) except Exception as e2: print(e2) print( "An unknow Network error occurred. The Data(API) privder is being now contacted for further troubleshoot." ) print( "Sorry for any inconvenience, please try this app later again. Thanks!!!" ) sys.exit() return ps
class TitsaBot: CUSTOM_OR_DEFAULT, INSERT_CUSTOM, TRANVIA, BROADCAST_TEXT = range(4) def __init__(self): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'bot_config.ini') bot_token = config.get("TELEGRAM", "token") titsa_idApp = config.get("TITSA", "idApp") self.adminId = config.get("ADMIN", "chatId") self.apiHandler = ApiHandler(titsa_idApp) self.dbHandler = DbHandler() self.transportThread = OpenTransitThread( "", 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) self.transportThread.start() updater = Updater(token=bot_token, use_context=True) logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) b1 = telegram.KeyboardButton("⭐ Consultar favorito ⭐") b2 = telegram.KeyboardButton("✖️ Borrar favorito ✖️") b3 = telegram.KeyboardButton("🚊 Tranvia de Tenerife 🚊") b4 = telegram.KeyboardButton("📍 Ver paradas cercanas 📍", request_location=True) self.keyboard = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[b3, b4], [b1, b2]], resize_keyboard=True) h1 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^.+Consultar favorito.+$"), self.favKeyBoard) h2 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(u"^\U0001F68F.+(\d{4})"), self.replyToFav) h3 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^.+Borrar favorito.+$"), self.favKeyBoard) h4 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(u"^\u2716.+(\d{4})"), self.eraseFav) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", self.start)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^\d{4}$"), self.responder_a_codigo)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h1) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h2) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h3) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h4) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler( entry_points=[ MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^.+Tranvia de Tenerife.+$"), self.listStops), ], states={ TitsaBot.TRANVIA: [MessageHandler(Filters.all, self.queryTram)] }, fallbacks=[])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( MessageHandler(Filters.location, self.nearStops)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler( entry_points=[ CommandHandler("broadcast", self.newBroadcast), ], states={ TitsaBot.BROADCAST_TEXT: [MessageHandler(Filters.all, self.broadcast)] }, fallbacks=[])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler(entry_points=[ CommandHandler("addFav", self.addFavCommand, pass_args=True, pass_user_data=True), CallbackQueryHandler(self.addFavQuery, pattern=r"^\d{4}$", pass_user_data=True) ], states={ TitsaBot.CUSTOM_OR_DEFAULT: [ CallbackQueryHandler( self.setFavNameOption, pass_user_data=True) ], TitsaBot.INSERT_CUSTOM: [ MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.customName, pass_user_data=True) ] }, fallbacks=[h1, h2, h3, h4])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler(entry_points=[ CallbackQueryHandler(self.reloadStationQuery, pattern=r"^Repetir \d{4}$", pass_user_data=True) ], states={ TitsaBot.CUSTOM_OR_DEFAULT: [ CallbackQueryHandler( self.reloadStationQuery, pass_user_data=True) ] }, fallbacks=[h1, h2, h3, h4])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( CallbackQueryHandler(self.sendStopAndLocation, pattern=r"^Locate \d{4}$", pass_user_data=True)) updater.start_polling() updater.idle() self.transportThread.stop() def build_minutes_text(self, status, bus=True): if status is not None: text = "🚏 *" + + "* 🚏\n\n" sorted_lines = sorted(status.minutes.items(), key=lambda line: int(line[1][0]["minutes"])) print(sorted_lines) for linea, data in sorted_lines: for entry in data: emoji = "🚊*" if not bus else "🚍*" text += emoji + linea + "* (" + entry["dest"] + \ "): "+ entry["minutes"] + " minutos \n" return text, 1 else: text = "⚠ Parada no encontrada o sin pasos registrados ⚠" return text, 0 def start(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text= "Hola! Gracias por usarme! \nEnvíame el código de una parada :)", reply_markup=self.keyboard) def addFavCommand(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): return self.newFavMethod(, context.args[0],,, context.user_data) def addFavQuery(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): return self.newFavMethod(,,,, context.user_data) def reloadStationQuery(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): codeText ="Repetir ", "") self.stationQuery(, update.callback_query.message.chat_id,, codeText) def newFavMethod(self, user, station, bot, chat, user_data): if self.dbHandler.check_duplicate(user, station): bot.send_message(chat_id=chat, text="Ya está en favoritos", reply_markup=None) return -1 else:"New fav required user:%s id:%s" % (user, station)) stationName = StopsHandler.stationName(station) text = "Nombre: " + stationName + "\n¿Quiere usar otro?" b1 = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Sí", callback_data="si") b2 = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text="No", callback_data="no") b3 = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌Cancelar", callback_data="cancel") bot.send_message(chat_id=chat, text=text, reply_markup=telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[b1, b2, b3]])) user_data["currentFavStationId"] = station user_data["currentFavStationName"] = stationName return TitsaBot.CUSTOM_OR_DEFAULT def responder_a_codigo(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): self.stationQuery(, update.message.chat_id,, update.message.text) def stationQuery(self, bot, chat_id, user_id, text): if not self.dbHandler.check_duplicate_user(chat_id): self.dbHandler.addUser(chat_id)"Message %s" % (text)) if text.isdigit() and len(text) == 4: texto = self.build_minutes_text(self.apiHandler.new_request(text), True)[0] button = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( text="⭐ Añadir a favoritos ⭐", callback_data=text) buttonReload = telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔃 Repetir consulta 🔃", callback_data="Repetir " + text) if not self.dbHandler.check_duplicate(user_id, text): keyboard = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([[button], [buttonReload]]) else: keyboard = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([[buttonReload]]) bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=texto, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=keyboard) else: bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Código inválido") bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Escribe el número de parada", reply_markup=self.keyboard) def setFavNameOption(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): msg="Answer for the fav question: user:%s reply:%s" % (, if == "no": self.dbHandler.addUserFav(, context.user_data["currentFavStationId"], context.user_data["currentFavStationName"]) text = "*Favorito añadido*\n" + context.user_data[ "currentFavStationName"] + "(" + context.user_data[ "currentFavStationId"] + ")" text,, update.callback_query.message.message_id, reply_markup=None, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN), text="Escribe el número de parada", reply_markup=self.keyboard) return -1 elif == "si": "¿Qué nombre?",, update.callback_query.message.message_id, reply_markup=None) return TitsaBot.INSERT_CUSTOM else:, update.callback_query.message.message_id, None) context.user_data.pop("currentFavStationId", None) context.user_data.pop("currentFavStationName", None), text="Escribe el número de parada", reply_markup=self.keyboard) return -1 def customName(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):"Custom name: user:%s reply:%s" % (, update.message.text)) self.dbHandler.addUserFav(, context.user_data["currentFavStationId"], update.message.text) text = "*Favorito añadido*\n" + update.message.text + "(" + context.user_data[ "currentFavStationId"] + ")", text=text, reply_markup=self.keyboard, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return -1 def listStops(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): if not self.dbHandler.check_duplicate_user(update.message.chat_id): self.dbHandler.addUser(update.message.chat_id)"Listing tram stations") stations = self.apiHandler.tranvia_stations() if stations is not None and len(stations) > 0: buttons = [] for station in stations.items(): buttons.append([ telegram.KeyboardButton(u"🚋" + station[0] + " (" + station[1] + ")") ]), text="Elige estación", reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(buttons), resize_keyboard=True) return TitsaBot.TRANVIA return -1 def queryTram(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): p = re.compile(u"^\U0001F68B.+(\w{3})") stop = status = self.apiHandler.tranvia_request(stop) texto = self.build_minutes_text(status, False)[0], text=texto, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=self.keyboard) return -1 def favKeyBoard(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):"Fav request from user %s" % ( stations = self.dbHandler.getUserFavs( if len(stations) > 0: buttons = [] emoji = u"🚏" if not "Borrar" in update.message.text else u"✖️" for station in stations: buttons.append([ telegram.KeyboardButton(emoji + station[1] + " (" + station[0] + ")") ]), text="Elige estación", reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(buttons), resize_keyboard=True) else:, text="No tienes favoritos", reply_markup=self.keyboard, resize_keyboard=True) def replyToFav(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): p = re.compile(u"^\U0001F68F.+(\d{4})") code = update.message.text = code self.responder_a_codigo(update, context) def eraseFav(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): p = re.compile(u"^\u2716.+(\d{4})") code = self.dbHandler.deleteUserFav(, code), text="Favorito eliminado", reply_markup=self.keyboard, resize_keyboard=True) def broadcast(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):"Broadcasting message %s" % update.message.text) if ( == int(self.adminId)): for user in self.dbHandler.getAllUsers():"Broadcasted to %s" % (user)), text=update.message.text, reply_markup=self.keyboard, resize_keyboard=True) return -1 def newBroadcast(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): return TitsaBot.BROADCAST_TEXT def nearStops(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):"Nearest from user %s" % ( stations = StopsHandler.nearestStops( 4, float(update.message.location.latitude), float(update.message.location.longitude)) if stations is not None: buttons = [] for station in stations: buttons.append([ telegram.InlineKeyboardButton( text=f"{} ({})", callback_data=f"Locate {}") ]), text="Estas son tus estaciones cercanas", reply_markup=telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) else:, text="⚠ No hay información disponible ⚠", reply_markup=self.keyboard, resize_keyboard=True) def sendStopAndLocation(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):"Requested from nearest( user %s)" % (update.callback_query.message.chat_id)) id ="Locate ", "") location = StopsHandler.stopLocation(id), latitude=location[0], longitude=location[1]) self.stationQuery(, update.callback_query.message.chat_id,, id)
data = request.json devices_info = api_handler.get_devices_info() return devices_info # Static files @app.route('/favicon.ico') def send_favicon(): return send_from_directory('static/ico/', "favicon.ico") @app.route('/js/<path:path>') def send_js(path): return send_from_directory('static/js', path) @app.route('/css/<path:path>') def send_css(path): return send_from_directory('static/css', path) if __name__ == '__main__': print("Initializing Devices...") api_handler = ApiHandler() api_handler.start() print("Devices Initialized."), use_debugger=False, use_reloader=False, passthrough_errors=True)
class Client: def __init__(self, version): self.path = os.getcwd() self.version = version self.parser = create_parser(self.version) uuid_v4 = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.args = vars(self.parser.parse_args()) self.debug = self.args.get("debug") self.tcp_handler = TcpHandler(uuid_v4, self.args.get("debug")) self.api_handler = ApiHandler(uuid_v4) def go_config(self): if self.args.get("set_token"): set_token_to_json_config(self.args.get("set_token")) elif self.args.get("set_default_namespace"): if not self.test_namespace(self.args.get("set_default_namespace")): return set_default_namespace_to_json_config( self.args.get("set_default_namespace")) else: show_namespace_token_from_config() @staticmethod def logout(): set_token_to_json_config("") print("Bye!") def login(self): email_regex = r"(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)" is_valid = re.compile(email_regex) try: email = input('Enter your email: ') except KeyboardInterrupt: return if not is_valid.findall(email): print("Email is not valid") return try: pwd = getpass() except KeyboardInterrupt: return json_to_send = { "username": email, "password": md5((email + pwd).encode()).hexdigest() } if self.args.get("debug"): self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() api_result = self.api_handler.login(json_to_send) if 'ok' in api_result: set_token_to_json_config(api_result['token']) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('post') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def go(self): self.check_file_existence() self.check_arguments() if self.args.get("kind") in ("deployments", "deploy", "deployment"): self.args["kind"] = "deployments" elif self.args.get("kind") in ("po", "pods", "pod"): self.args["kind"] = "pods" elif self.args.get("kind") in ("service", "services", "svc"): self.args["kind"] = "services" else: self.args["kind"] = "namespaces" if self.args['command'] == 'run': self.go_run() elif self.args['command'] == 'create': self.go_create() elif self.args['command'] == 'get': self.go_get() elif self.args['command'] == 'delete': self.go_delete() elif self.args['command'] == 'replace': self.go_replace() elif self.args['command'] == 'config': self.go_config() elif self.args['command'] == 'expose': self.go_expose() elif self.args['command'] == 'login': self.login() elif self.args['command'] == 'logout': self.logout() elif self.args['command'] == 'set': self.go_set() elif self.args['command'] == 'restart': self.go_restart() elif self.args['command'] == 'scale': self.go_scale() def go_restart(self): self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() namespace = self.args['namespace'] if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") api_result = self.api_handler.delete("deployments", self.args["name"], namespace, True) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('restart') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def go_scale(self): if self.args.get("debug"): self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() namespace = self.args.get('namespace') if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") count = self.args.get("count") try: replicas_count = int(count) json_to_send = {"replicas": replicas_count} api_result = self.api_handler.scale(json_to_send, self.args.get("name"), namespace) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('{}{}{} {}'.format( BColors.FAIL, "Error: ", "Count is not integer", BColors.ENDC, )) return if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('scale') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def go_set(self): if self.args.get("debug"): self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() namespace = self.args.get('namespace') if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") args = self.args.get("args") if args: if '=' in args: container_name, image = args.split('=') json_to_send = {"name": self.args.get("name"), "image": image} api_result = self.api_handler.set(json_to_send, container_name, namespace) else: try: replicas_count = int(args) json_to_send = {"replicas": replicas_count} api_result = self.api_handler.set(json_to_send, self.args.get("name"), namespace) except (ValueError, TypeError): print('{}{}{} {}'.format( BColors.FAIL, "Error: ", "Count is not integer", BColors.ENDC, )) return if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('set') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return else: print('{}{}{} {}'.format( BColors.FAIL, "Error: ", "Empty args", BColors.ENDC, )) return def go_run(self): json_to_send = self.construct_run() if not json_to_send: return if self.debug: self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() namespace = self.args.get('namespace') if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") api_result =, namespace) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('run') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def go_expose(self): namespace = self.args.get('namespace') if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") json_to_send = self.construct_expose(namespace) if self.debug: self.log_time() if not json_to_send: return self.tcp_connect() api_result = self.api_handler.expose(json_to_send, namespace) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('expose') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def go_create(self): if self.args.get("debug"): self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() json_to_send = self.get_json_from_file() namespace = json_to_send["metadata"].get("namespace") if not namespace: namespace = self.args.get('namespace') if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") api_result = self.api_handler.create(json_to_send, namespace) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('create') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def test_namespace(self, namespace): if self.debug: self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() api_result = self.api_handler.get_namespaces(namespace) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('check namespace') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, "check namespace"): return return True def go_get(self): kind, name = self.construct_get() if self.debug: self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() self.namespace = self.args.get('namespace') if not self.namespace: self.namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") if kind == "namespaces": if self.args.get("name"): api_result = self.api_handler.get_namespaces( self.args.get("name")) else: api_result = self.api_handler.get_namespaces() else: api_result = self.api_handler.get(kind, name, self.namespace) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('get') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, "get"): return return json_result def get_and_handle_tcp_result(self, command_name): try: tcp_result = self.tcp_handler.receive() if command_name == 'get': if not tcp_result.get('status') == 'Failure': if self.args.get("debug"): print('{}{}{}'.format(BColors.OKBLUE, 'get result:\n', BColors.ENDC)) self.print_result(tcp_result) return tcp_result except RuntimeError as e: print('{}{}{}'.format(BColors.FAIL, e, BColors.ENDC)) return None def go_delete(self): kind, name = self.construct_delete() self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() self.args['output'] = 'yaml' namespace = self.args['namespace'] if not namespace: namespace = config_json_data.get("default_namespace") if kind != 'namespaces': api_result = self.api_handler.delete(kind, name, namespace, self.args.get("pods")) else: api_result = self.api_handler.delete_namespaces(name) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('delete') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def go_replace(self): self.log_time() self.tcp_connect() self.args['output'] = 'yaml' namespace = self.args['namespace'] json_to_send = self.get_json_from_file() kind = '{}s'.format(json_to_send.get('kind')).lower() if kind != 'namespaces': api_result = self.api_handler.replace(json_to_send, namespace) else: api_result = self.api_handler.replace_namespaces(json_to_send) if not self.handle_api_result(api_result): return json_result = self.get_and_handle_tcp_result('replace') self.tcp_handler.close() if not check_http_status(json_result, self.args.get("command")): return def check_file_existence(self): if 'file' in self.args: if self.args.get('file'): if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.path, self.args.get('file'))): self.parser.error('no such file: {}'.format( os.path.join(self.path, self.args.get('file')))) def check_arguments(self): if not (self.args.get('version') or self.args.get('help') or self.args.get('command')): self.parser.print_help() def handle_api_result(self, api_result): if api_result.get('id'): if self.debug: print('{}{}...{} {}OK{}'.format(BColors.OKBLUE, 'api connection', BColors.ENDC, BColors.BOLD, BColors.ENDC)) print('{}{}{}{}'.format( BColors.OKGREEN, 'Command Id: ', api_result.get('id'), BColors.ENDC, )) return True elif 'error' in api_result: print('{}api error: {}{}'.format(BColors.FAIL, api_result.get('error'), BColors.ENDC)) self.tcp_handler.close() return def tcp_connect(self): try: tcp_auth_result = self.tcp_handler.connect() if tcp_auth_result.get('ok') and self.debug: # print(tcp_auth_result) print('{}{}...{} {}OK{}'.format(BColors.OKBLUE, 'tcp authorization', BColors.ENDC, BColors.BOLD, BColors.ENDC)) except RuntimeError as e: print('{}{}{}'.format(BColors.FAIL, e, BColors.ENDC)) def print_result(self, result): if self.args.get("command") != "expose": if self.args.get('output') == 'yaml': result = result["results"] print(yaml.dump(result, default_flow_style=False)) elif self.args['output'] == 'json': result = result["results"] print(json.dumps(result, indent=4)) else: deploy = self.args.get("deploy") TcpApiParser(result, deploy=deploy) def log_time(self): if self.args["debug"]: print('{}{}{}'.format(BColors.WARNING, str([11:19:], BColors.ENDC)) def construct_run(self): json_to_send = deployment_json if not self.args["name"].islower(): e = LOWER_CASE_ERROR print('{}{}{} {}'.format( BColors.FAIL, "Error: ", e, BColors.ENDC, )) return json_to_send['metadata']['name'] = self.args['name'] if self.args["configure"] and not self.args.get("image"): runconfigure = RunConfigure() param_dict = runconfigure.get_data_from_console() if not param_dict: return image = param_dict["image"] ports = param_dict["ports"] labels = param_dict["labels"] env = param_dict["env"] cpu = param_dict["cpu"] memory = param_dict["memory"] replicas = param_dict["replicas"] commands = param_dict["commands"] elif self.args.get("image") and not self.args["configure"]: image = self.args["image"] ports = self.args["ports"] labels = self.args["labels"] env = self.args["env"] cpu = self.args["cpu"] memory = self.args["memory"] replicas = self.args["replicas"] commands = self.args["commands"] if not self.args["configure"] and not self.args["image"]: self.parser.error(NO_IMAGE_AND_CONFIGURE_ERROR) return json_to_send['spec']['replicas'] = replicas json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'name'] = self.args['name'] json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'image'] = image if commands: json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'command'] = commands if ports: json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'ports'] = [] for port in ports: json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'ports'].append({'containerPort': port}) if labels: for key, value in labels.items(): json_to_send['metadata']['labels'].update({key: value}) json_to_send['spec']['template']['metadata']['labels'].update( {key: value}) if env: json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'env'] = [{ "name": key, "value": value } for key, value in env.items()] json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources'][ "requests"]['cpu'] = cpu json_to_send['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['resources'][ "requests"]['memory'] = memory with open(os.path.join( os.getenv("HOME") + "/.containerum/src/", JSON_TEMPLATES_RUN_FILE), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w: json.dump(json_to_send, w, indent=4) return json_to_send def get_json_from_file(self): file_name = os.path.join(self.path, self.args['file']) try: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: body = json.load(f) return body except FileNotFoundError: self.parser.error('no such file: {}'.format(file_name)) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: pass try: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: body = yaml.load(f) return body except FileNotFoundError: self.parser.error('no such file: {}'.format(file_name)) except yaml.YAMLError as e: self.parser.error('bad json or yaml: {}'.format(e)) def construct_delete(self): if self.args['file'] and self.args[ 'kind'] == "namespaces" and not self.args['name']: body = self.get_json_from_file() name = body['metadata']['name'] kind = '{}s'.format(body['kind'].lower()) return kind, name elif not self.args['file'] and self.args[ 'kind'] != "namespaces" and self.args['name']: kind = self.args['kind'] name = self.args['name'] return kind, name elif not self.args['file'] and self.args['kind'] == "namespaces": self.parser.error(ONE_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT_ERROR) elif self.args['file'] and self.args['kind'] == "namespaces": self.parser.error(KIND_OR_FILE_BOTH_ERROR) elif self.args['file'] and self.args['name']: self.parser.error(NAME_OR_FILE_BOTH_ERROR) elif self.args['kind'] != "namespaces" and not self.args['name']: self.parser.error(NAME_WITH_KIND_ERROR) def construct_get(self): if self.args.get('file') and not self.args.get( 'kind') and not self.args.get('name'): body = self.get_json_from_file() name = body['metadata']['name'] kind = '{}s'.format(body['kind'].lower()) return kind, name elif not self.args.get('file') and self.args.get('kind'): kind = self.args['kind'] name = self.args.get('name') return kind, name elif not self.args['file'] and not self.args['kind']: self.parser.error(ONE_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT_ERROR) elif self.args['file'] and self.args['kind']: self.parser.error(KIND_OR_FILE_BOTH_ERROR) elif self.args['file'] and self.args['name']: self.parser.error(NAME_OR_FILE_BOTH_ERROR) def construct_expose(self, namespace): labels = {} is_external = {"external": "true"} json_to_send = service_json ports = self.args.get("ports") self.args["kind"] = "deployments" if ports: for p in ports: p = p.split(":") if len(p) == 3: if p[2].upper() == "TCP" or p[2].upper() == "UDP": json_to_send["spec"]["ports"].append({ "name": p[0], "protocol": p[2].upper(), "targetPort": int(p[1]) }) else: json_to_send["spec"]["ports"].append({ "name": p[0], "protocol": "TCP", "port": int(p[2]), "targetPort": int(p[1]) }) is_external["external"] = "false" if len(p) == 4: json_to_send["spec"]["ports"].append({ "name": p[0], "port": int(p[2]), "protocol": p[3].upper(), "targetPort": int(p[1]) }) is_external["external"] = "false" elif len(p) == 2: json_to_send["spec"]["ports"].append({ "name": p[0], "protocol": "TCP", "targetPort": int(p[1]) }) result = self.go_get() if not result: return namespace_hash = sha256(namespace.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:32] labels.update({namespace_hash: self.args.get("name")}) json_to_send["metadata"]["labels"].update(labels) json_to_send["metadata"]["labels"].update(is_external) json_to_send["metadata"]["name"] = self.args["name"] + "-" + \ md5((self.args.get("name")+str( .encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:4] json_to_send["spec"]["selector"].update(labels) with open(os.path.join( os.getenv("HOME") + "/.containerum/src/", JSON_TEMPLATES_EXPOSE_FILE), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w: json.dump(json_to_send, w, indent=4) return json_to_send
#!/usr/bin/python3 from http_server_socket import HttpServerSocket from api_handler import ApiHandler from web_handler import WebHandler from db_manager import DbManager from console_breaker import ConsoleBreaker breaker = ConsoleBreaker() web_server = HttpServerSocket('', 80) web_server.bind_http_handler( ApiHandler(DbManager('./db/api.db', './db/api_db.sql', './db/queries/'))) web_server.bind_http_handler(WebHandler('./web')) breaker.install_breaker()
def set_wrong_api_url(self): """ For testing purpose ONLY """ self._api_handler = ApiHandler( api_url='')
def __init__(self): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'bot_config.ini') bot_token = config.get("TELEGRAM", "token") titsa_idApp = config.get("TITSA", "idApp") self.adminId = config.get("ADMIN", "chatId") self.apiHandler = ApiHandler(titsa_idApp) self.dbHandler = DbHandler() self.transportThread = OpenTransitThread( "", 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) self.transportThread.start() updater = Updater(token=bot_token, use_context=True) logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) b1 = telegram.KeyboardButton("⭐ Consultar favorito ⭐") b2 = telegram.KeyboardButton("✖️ Borrar favorito ✖️") b3 = telegram.KeyboardButton("🚊 Tranvia de Tenerife 🚊") b4 = telegram.KeyboardButton("📍 Ver paradas cercanas 📍", request_location=True) self.keyboard = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[b3, b4], [b1, b2]], resize_keyboard=True) h1 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^.+Consultar favorito.+$"), self.favKeyBoard) h2 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(u"^\U0001F68F.+(\d{4})"), self.replyToFav) h3 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^.+Borrar favorito.+$"), self.favKeyBoard) h4 = MessageHandler(Filters.regex(u"^\u2716.+(\d{4})"), self.eraseFav) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", self.start)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^\d{4}$"), self.responder_a_codigo)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h1) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h2) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h3) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(h4) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler( entry_points=[ MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r"^.+Tranvia de Tenerife.+$"), self.listStops), ], states={ TitsaBot.TRANVIA: [MessageHandler(Filters.all, self.queryTram)] }, fallbacks=[])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( MessageHandler(Filters.location, self.nearStops)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler( entry_points=[ CommandHandler("broadcast", self.newBroadcast), ], states={ TitsaBot.BROADCAST_TEXT: [MessageHandler(Filters.all, self.broadcast)] }, fallbacks=[])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler(entry_points=[ CommandHandler("addFav", self.addFavCommand, pass_args=True, pass_user_data=True), CallbackQueryHandler(self.addFavQuery, pattern=r"^\d{4}$", pass_user_data=True) ], states={ TitsaBot.CUSTOM_OR_DEFAULT: [ CallbackQueryHandler( self.setFavNameOption, pass_user_data=True) ], TitsaBot.INSERT_CUSTOM: [ MessageHandler(Filters.text, self.customName, pass_user_data=True) ] }, fallbacks=[h1, h2, h3, h4])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( ConversationHandler(entry_points=[ CallbackQueryHandler(self.reloadStationQuery, pattern=r"^Repetir \d{4}$", pass_user_data=True) ], states={ TitsaBot.CUSTOM_OR_DEFAULT: [ CallbackQueryHandler( self.reloadStationQuery, pass_user_data=True) ] }, fallbacks=[h1, h2, h3, h4])) updater.dispatcher.add_handler( CallbackQueryHandler(self.sendStopAndLocation, pattern=r"^Locate \d{4}$", pass_user_data=True)) updater.start_polling() updater.idle() self.transportThread.stop()
class Agent: """ An Aries CloudAgent object This object has all the tools needed to interact with the ledger. 1. It sets-up a docker container, 2. It sets-up a webhook server to handle incoming communications 3. It has a build-in API handler to handle interaction with the ledger """ def __init__( self, identity: str, start_port: int, transport_protocol: str, endpoint: str, ledger_url: str, local_ip: str, wallet_name: str, wallet_key: str, seed: str = "random", public_did: bool = True, auto_response: bool = False, ): # Construct docker container object to maintain a running container self.docker_container = Container( identity=identity, endpoint=endpoint, seed=seed, indbound_transport_port=start_port, outbound_transport_port=start_port + 1, transport_protocol=transport_protocol, wallet_name=wallet_name, wallet_key=wallet_key, webhook_url= f"{transport_protocol}://{local_ip}:{start_port+2}/webhooks", #TODO: genesis_url=f"{ledger_url}/genesis") # Construct Api Handler object that handles all Api calls self.api_handler = ApiHandler( # TODO: Ledger transport protocol toevoegen api_url=local_ip, port=start_port + 1) # Construct a webhook server object that handles incoming messages self.webhook_server = WebhookServer( identity=identity, webhook_ip=local_ip, webhook_protocol=transport_protocol, webhook_port=start_port + 2, api_handler=self.api_handler ) # TODO: webhook IP is not per definitie gelijk aan ledger ip self.identity = identity self.start_port = start_port self.ledger_url = ledger_url self.local_ip = local_ip self.seed = seed self.public_did = public_did self.auto_response = auto_response # TODO: Register DID weghalen en verplaatsen naar api handler self.client_session = ClientSession() self.transport_protocol = transport_protocol # TODO: random seed ja? rand_name = str(random.randint(100_000, 999_999)) self.seed = (("my_seed_000000000000000000000000" + rand_name)[-32:] if seed == "random" else seed) async def initialize(self) -> None: """ Start a webhook server, register a DID and start a docker container process """ await self.webhook_server.start_process() await self.register_did() await self.docker_container.start_process() # TODO: Timeout toevoegen, wanneer verkeerde key wordt gegeven, geeft hij alsog aan dat er een goeie connectie is if self.api_handler.test_connection() is False: return self.admin_url = f"{self.transport_protocol}://{self.local_ip}:{self.start_port+1}" self.endpoint = f"{self.transport_protocol}://{self.local_ip}:{self.start_port}" log_msg(f"Admin URL is at: {self.admin_url}", color=LOG_COLOR) log_msg(f"Endpoint URL is at: {self.endpoint}", color=LOG_COLOR) async def connections(self, *, alias_query: str = None, invitation_key_query: str = None, my_did_query: str = None, connection_state_query: str = None, their_did_query: str = None, their_role_query: str = None) -> dict: """ List and Query agent-to-agent connections Function can be called with no KWARGS to list ALL conenctions Function can also be called with KWARGS to query the list of connections :param alias_query: Only list connections with this alias :param invitation_key_query: Only list connections with this invitation key :param my_did_query: Only list connections with this "my did" value :param connection_state_query: Only list connections with this connection state :param their_did_query: Only list connections with this "their did" value :param their_role_query: Only list connections with this "their role" value :return: Queried list of agent-to-agent connections with their states """ return self.api_handler.connections( alias_query=alias_query, invitation_key_query=invitation_key_query, my_did_query=my_did_query, connection_state_query=connection_state_query, their_did_query=their_did_query, their_role_query=their_did_query) async def generate_invitation(self, auto_accept: bool = True, multi_use: bool = False, display_qr: bool = False) -> tuple: """ Create a connection invitation :param auto_accept: Auto accept connection handshake? :param multi_use: Can this invite be used multiple times? :param display_qr: Bool to indicate whether a QR code should be displayed in the terminal :return: A tuple containing the connection id and base64 encoded invite url """ invitation_id, invitation = self.api_handler.create_invitation( alias=self.identity, multi_use=multi_use, auto_accept=auto_accept) if display_qr: qr = QRCode(border=1) qr.add_data(json.dumps(invitation)) log_msg( f"Use the following JSON to accept the invite from another demo agent. Or use the QR code to connect from a mobile agent.", color=LOG_COLOR) log_msg(f"Invitation Data:", json.dumps(invitation), color=LOG_COLOR) qr.print_ascii(invert=True) return invitation_id, invitation async def send_message(self, connection_id: str, message: str): """ Send a message to another connected agent :param connection_id: The connection id of the connection between this agent and the connected agent :param message: Message to send to the other agent :return: Response of the operation """ connection_id = await prompt( "Send message to <connection id> :" ) # TODO: Throw exception when invitation is invalid message = await prompt("Message <message>:") self.api_handler.send_message(connection_id, message) async def create_schema(self, schema: dict = None) -> dict: """ Create a schema on the ACA-Py instance :param schema: The schema to create :return: The created schema as a dict """ schema = await prompt("Schema :" ) # TODO: Throw exception when schema is invalid schema = json.loads(schema) return self.api_handler.create_schema(schema) async def create_credential_definition( self, schema_id: str = None, schema_tag: str = None, support_revocation: bool = False) -> str: """ Create a credentials definition on the Ledger :param schema_id: The id of the schema that the credential definition needs to be created from :param schema_tag: The tag of the schema :param supports_revocation: Bool to indicate if the credential definition needs to support revocation or not """ schema_id = await prompt( "Schema ID <id>:" ) # TODO: Throw exception when invitation is invalid schema_tag = await prompt( "Schema tag <tag>:" ) # TODO: Throw exception when invitation is invalid return self.api_handler.create_credential_definition( schema_id, schema_tag, support_revocation) async def issue_credential(self) -> dict: """ Issue a credential to one of the agent. Promts the user for inputs. :return: The result of the issue credential operation """ connection_id = await prompt("Connection ID <id>: ") cred_def_id = await prompt("Connection definition ID <id>: ") schema = json.loads(await prompt("Schema <schema>: ")) log_msg(schema) attributes = json.loads(await prompt("Attributes <attributes>: ")) log_msg(attributes) return self.api_handler.issue_credential(connection_id, cred_def_id, attributes, schema) async def get_credentials(self): return self.api_handler.get_credentials() async def register_did(self, ledger_ip: str = None, alias: str = None, did: str = None, verkey: str = None, role: str = "TRUST_ANCHOR"): """ Function registers a DID on the ledger :param ledger_url: The ledger_url of the ledger :param alias: The alias to gerister on the ledger :param did: Did to register :param verkey: Verkey to register :param role: role of the registered DID :raises Exception: raises an exception when an invalid response is given by the ledger """ log_msg(f"Registering {self.identity} ...", color=LOG_COLOR) data = {"alias": alias or self.identity, "role": role} if did and verkey: data["did"] = did data["verkey"] = verkey else: data["seed"] = self.seed async with"{self.ledger_url}/register", json=data) as resp: if resp.status != 200: raise Exception( f"Error registering DID, response code {resp.status}") nym_info = await resp.json() self.did = nym_info["did"] log_msg(f"nym_info: {nym_info}", color=LOG_COLOR) log_msg(f"Registered DID: {self.did}", color=LOG_COLOR) async def receive_invitation(self, invitation, alias=None, auto_accept=False) -> str: """ Receive invitation url :param invitation: The base64 encoded invite url str :param alias: The alias to give to the connection as a str :param auto_accept: Auto accept connection handshake? :return: The connection id as a str """ # TODO: Throw exception when invitation is invalid invitation = await prompt("Invite details: ") auto_accept = await prompt("Auto accept invitation? n/y: ") if auto_accept == "y": auto_accept = True else: auto_accept = False return self.api_handler.receive_invitation(invitation_url=invitation, alias=self.identity, auto_accept=True) async def get_connection_state(self, connection_id) -> int: """ Get the connection state of a given connection id :param connection_id: The connection id :return: The state (see states dict) """ # TODO: Throw exception when connection_id is invalid connection_id = await prompt("Connection state: ") return self.api_handler.get_connection_state(connection_id) async def terminate(self): """ Terminate the Agent by closing the admin API, webhook server and docker container. :return: True if termination is complete """ log_msg(f"Shutting down {self.identity}", color=LOG_COLOR) await self.client_session.close() # Close session to admin api await self.webhook_server.terminate() # Shut down web hooks first await self.docker_container.terminate() # now shut down the agent return True
import json import textwrap from qrcode import QRCode sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.append('../Lib') from localtunnel import LocalTunnel from utilities import log_msg, prompt_loop from api_handler import ApiHandler LOG_COLOR = "hot pink" if __name__ == "__main__": print(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) api_handler = ApiHandler(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) options = ( "1. Show Connections\n2. Generate invitation\n3. Receive inivtaiotn\n4. Send Message\n5. Get connection state\n6. Create Schema\n7. Create credential definition\n8. Issue credential\n9. Get credentials\n10. Exit\n" ) alias = "api_handler_test" while True: option = input(options) try: if int(option) == 1: connections = api_handler.connections() log_msg(f"{json.dumps(connections, indent=4, sort_keys=True)}", color=LOG_COLOR) log_msg(f"Total connections:", len(connections["results"]),
def __init__(self): super(ParkingService, self).__init__() self._api_handler = ApiHandler() self._content_handler = ContentHandler() # db_handler is public for testing purpose self.db_handler = DateBaseHandler()
from flask_api import FlaskAPI from flask import request from api_handler import ApiHandler from form.form import MainForm from flask import render_template, flash app = FlaskAPI(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'you-will-never-guess' api_handler = ApiHandler() @app.route('/example/') def example(): return {'hello': 'world'} @app.route('/recommend/', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def recommend(): inputs = request.args.getlist('inputs') print(inputs) output = api_handler.get_recommend_output(inputs=inputs) return output @app.route('/index/', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def index(): if request.method == 'POST': print() form = MainForm()
from api_handler import ApiHandler import sys import math """Creates the ApiHndler""" authorization = { "email": sys.argv[1], "password": sys.argv[2], "grant_type": "password" } handler = ApiHandler(authorization, True) users_friends = [] vertices = [] checked = [] unchecked = [] beets = [] flags = [] def verticeMaker(people_friends): while (people_friends): if (people_friends[0][1]['friends']): if ((people_friends[0][0], people_friends[0][0][1]['friends'][0]['uid'], people_friends[0][0][1]['friends'][0]['length']) not in vertices): vertices.append( people_friends[0][0], people_friends[0][0][1]['friends'][0]['uid'], people_friends[0][0][1]['friends'][0]['length']) people_friends.remove(people_friends[0][0][1]['friends'][0])