import os import telebot import time import random import threading from telebot import types from pymongo import MongoClient import traceback import apiai, json from import Agent token = '' bot = telebot.TeleBot(token) neiro = apiai.ApiAI('') parent = '' agent = Agent( 'cipraded', '', '', ) training = False teachers = [268486177, 792414733, 441399484] @bot.message_handler(commands=['train']) def ctrain(m): pass
from MessageForm import * from Ten_Carousel import * #AI自然語言分析(DialogFlow) import apiai #Google表單 import sys import datetime import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials as SAC app = Flask(__name__) #LINEAPI認證 ai = apiai.ApiAI('084bce6e157c47d39d5cb23715b47b69') line_bot_api = LineBotApi( 'TNwu7tqho7m8MnMSmG8jpAF8tWl+hzBQzb/JKdbDBJv3HkMAUJiz8uo0nS0hG89tbsjQk8IV02p/v5ChZ1txRKjMlvPufgBPak5Y5AEwJt84wc9Mocg+yeZ8oyRQcfwFKnfmNaNRJR27Qc9r6iY38AdB04t89/1O/w1cDnyilFU=' ) handler = WebhookHandler('d184dfc3ec38e22fb7edf6b7275023a8') static_tmp_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static', 'tmp') # 監聽所有來自 /callback 的 Post Request @app.route("/callback", methods=['POST']) def callback(): # get X-Line-Signature header value signature = request.headers['X-Line-Signature'] # get request body as text body = request.get_data(as_text=True)
import os.path import sys import json import speech_recognition as sr #import win32com.client try: import apiai except ImportError: sys.path.append( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir)) r = sr.Recognizer() CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = '2c087495015448aabb887b153f6e81fd' ai = apiai.ApiAI(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN) #speaker = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice") def say(words): print('Robot Say: ' + words) # Represent robot 'say' function #speaker.Speak(words) class Speech(): def __init__(self): self.interrupt_intents = [ 'GoWashroom' ] # List of interruption events. Now it only contains goWashroom. self.guest_bot = 'name' self.name_bot = '' self.response = ''
def __init__(self): = apiai.ApiAI(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN)
def handle_command(message): print("text2") if obj.xs == 1: if obj.count == 0: des = message.text newt.setDes(des) obj.count += 1 bot.send_message(, "Enter required number of performed tasks") elif obj.count == 1: fer = int(message.text) newt.setReq(fer) obj.count += 1 bot.send_message(, "Enter priority as digit(1(lowest priority)-10(highest priority))") elif obj.count == 2: prior = int(message.text) newt.setPrior(prior) obj.count += 1 bot.send_message(, "Is this for special person?(enter answer and id of holder)") elif obj.count == 3: obj.cur = None text = message.text if text.lower().find('yes') != -1 or text.lower() == "y": textList = text.split(" ") zip = int(textList[1]) newt.setHolderId(zip) newt.setNum(0) newt.setId(obj.ids()) Tas.append(Tasks().create(newt)) else: for z in Sta: id = new_id(Sta) if z.depid == obj.cur.depid: newt.setDepId(0) newt.setNum(0) newt.setId(id) newt.setHolderId(0) Tas.append(Tasks().create(newt)) with open('tasks.dat', "wb") as file: pickle.dump(Tas, file) task_buttons(message) elif obj.xs == 2: dele = int(message.text) for t in Tas: if == dele: Tas.remove(t) with open('tasks.dat', "wb") as file: pickle.dump(Tas, file) task_buttons(message) else: if message.text == "/Client": client(message) elif message.text == "/Stuff": stuff(message) elif message.text == "/Admin": admin(message) elif message.text.lower() == "займи мне место": myQueue = bq.take_queue( t1 = threading.Thread(, args=(myQueue, t1.start() elif message.text.lower() == "покажи водителя": driver = get_driver() bot.send_message(, "Driver:") bot.send_message(, "name: {}".format(driver['name'])) bot.send_message(, "surname: {}".format(driver['surname'])) bot.send_message(, "age: {}".format(driver['age'])) bot.send_message(, "Driver class: {}".format(driver['dr_class'])) elif message.text.lower() == "покажи мои билеты": mytickets = get_tickets() for t in mytickets: bot.send_message(, "Booked seat:{}".format(t['sid'])) bot.send_message(, "source: {}".format(t['source'])) bot.send_message(, "destination: {}".format(t['destination'])) bot.send_message(, "leaving time: {}".format(t['ltime'])) bot.send_message(, "arrival time: {}".format(t['atime'])) bot.send_message(, "Driver: {}".format(t['driver'])) bot.send_message(, "Bus: {}".format(t['bus'])) elif message.text.lower() == "покажи автобус": bus = get_bus() bot.send_message(, "Bus:{}".format(bus['id'])) bot.send_message(, "Mark: {}".format(bus['mark'])) bot.send_message(, "Year: {}".format(bus['year'])) bot.send_message(, "Amount of seats: {}".format(bus['seats'])) elif message.text.lower() == "покажи расписание": schedule = get_schedule() myQueue = bq.take_queue( bot.send_message(, "Schedule") bot.send_message(, "id:{}".format(schedule['id'])) bot.send_message(, "source: {}".format(schedule['source'])) bot.send_message(, "destination: {}".format(schedule['destination'])) bot.send_message(, "Bus: {}".format(schedule['bus'])) bot.send_message(, "Driver: {}".format(schedule['driver'])) elif message.text.lower().find("купи билеты") is not -1 or message.text.lower().find("купить билеты") is not -1: msg = message.text.lower() global busid busid = 0 seats = [] isFirst = True for str in msg.split(): if str.isdigit(): if isFirst: busid = int(str) break else: seats.append(int(str)) bseats, sid = bus_bus_ticket(busid, seats) if bseats is None: print("Life is good") bot.send_message(, text="Дело сделано!") else: str = "Unfortunately, these seats are occupied already: " for bs in bseats: str += bs + " " if len(seats) > len(bseats): str += "But I have booked the rest" bot.send_message(chat_id=, text= str) msg = "Here are the seats of bus: {}\n".format(busid) ss = get_seats(sid) for s in range(0, len(ss)): key = False if s[0] == 1: key = True msg += "id: {} booked: {}\n".format(s[0], key) bot.send_message(, text=msg) else: # bot.send_message(, message.text) request = apiai.ApiAI('b9c84a1d9d2d4626884a0033964085d4').text_request() # Токен API к Dialogflow request.lang = 'ru' # На каком языке будет послан запрос request.session_id = 'AIYAv1' # ID Сессии диалога (нужно, чтобы потом учить бота) request.query = message.text # Посылаем запрос к ИИ с сообщением от юзера... responseJson = json.loads(request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8')) response = responseJson['result']['fulfillment']['speech'] # Разбираем JSON и вытаскиваем ответ # Если есть ответ от бота - присылаем юзеру, если нет - бот его не понял if response: bot.send_message(chat_id=, text=response) else: bot.send_message(, text='Я Вас не совсем поняла!')
def __init__(self): self.token = 'e677f19897554756861dd69150c87d58' # faq client = apiai.ApiAI(self.token) self.session_id = ''
def apiaiCon(self): self.CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = "" = apiai.ApiAI(self.CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN) self.request = self.request.lang = 'de' #Default : English self.request.session_id = "<SESSION ID, UNIQUE FOR EACH USER>"
def handle_message(event): # 連ALTAS userId = event.source.user_id client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb+srv://edison:[email protected]/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority") db = collection = db.user condition = {'userId': userId} user = collection.find_one(condition) text = event.message.text language = 'zh-TW' country = translate_text(text,"auto","en")# 防止系統以為簡體轉繁體產生error,先轉成en if (country.get('SourceLanguageCode') == "zh"): zh_text = country.get('TranslatedText') text = translate_text(zh_text,"en","zh-TW").get('TranslatedText') else: result = translate_text(text,"auto","zh-TW") # 轉成中文 language = result.get('SourceLanguageCode') #偵測使用者語言 text = result.get('TranslatedText') print('SourceLanguageCode: ' + language) print('TranslatedText: ' + text) if text == "餐廳": print(event.message.text) # user沒資料 if user == None or user['lat'] == None: language = "zh-TW" if user: language = user['lan'] relocation = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) # 給予定位 bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url=relocation, size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="hello", contents=bubble1) line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText')), message1]) else: # user有資料 # 拿user經緯度 lat = user['lat'] lng = user['lng'] print(lat) print(lng) # 離user最近的五筆推薦 res = getRestuarantsByPref(user['preference'],[lng,lat]) #print(res) #######這裡要改,沒有網址跟地址 def getphoto(name,lat,lng):###拿照片METHOD restaurantSearch ="{},{}&rankby=distance&type=restaurant&language=zh-TW".format(lat,lng) restaurantReq = requests.get(restaurantSearch) restaurant_dict = restaurantReq.json() newname=name.split(' - ') photoReference='' photoWidth='' address='無地址' for i in range(len(restaurant_dict)): if newname[0] in str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['name']) : try: photoReference= restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['photo_reference'] except: photoReference='' try: photoWidth=restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['width'] except: photoWidth='' try: address=restaurant_dict['results'][i]['vicinity'] except: address='無地址' if photoReference=='': thumbnailImageUrl ="" else: thumbnailImageUrl = "{}&maxwidth={}".format(photoReference,photoWidth) return thumbnailImageUrl,address,newname[0] bubble_list = list(map(lambda i: RestuarantBubble( name=trans_txt((getphoto(i['title'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'])[2]),user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), address=trans_txt((getphoto(i['title'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'])[1]),user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), time="10:00 - 23:00", ##image="", image=getphoto(i['title'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'])[0], website="", lat=i['location']['lat'], lng=i['location']['lng'], lan = user['lan'], rating=i['rating']), res)) #print(bubble_list) carousel = CarouselContainer(contents=bubble_list) #######這裡要改 newBubble = BubbleContainer( body=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', contents=[ TextComponent(text=trans_txt('需要更詳細的推薦嗎?',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')), ButtonComponent(action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location',text=trans_txt('重新定位',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), label=trans_txt('重新定位',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'))), ButtonComponent(action=URIAction(uri='',text=trans_txt('重新設定喜好',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), label=trans_txt('重新設定喜好',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'))) ] ) ) # 轉成使用者輸入的語言回覆 line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [ TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt('讓我來推薦你附近餐廳~',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')), FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("推薦餐廳",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), contents=carousel), FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("額外設定",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), contents=newBubble) ]) elif text == '住宿' or event.message.text == '宿泊施設': print(event.message.text) def getphoto(name,lat,lng):###拿照片METHOD restaurantSearch ="{},{}&rankby=distance&language=zh-TW".format(lat,lng) restaurantReq = requests.get(restaurantSearch) restaurant_dict = restaurantReq.json() newname=name.split(' - ') photoReference='' photoWidth='' address='無地址' for i in range(len(restaurant_dict)): if newname[0] in str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['name']) or newname[0] == str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['name']) or str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['name']) in newname[0] : try: photoReference= restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['photo_reference'] except: photoReference='' try: photoWidth=restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['width'] except: photoWidth='' try: address=restaurant_dict['results'][i]['vicinity'] except: address='無地址' if photoReference=='': thumbnailImageUrl ="" else: thumbnailImageUrl = "{}&maxwidth={}".format(photoReference,photoWidth) return thumbnailImageUrl,address,newname[0] # user沒資料 if(user == None or user['lat'] == None): language = "zh-TW" if user: language = user['lan'] relocation = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) # 給予定位 bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url=relocation, size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText'), contents=bubble1) line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText')), message1]) else: # user有資料 # 拿user經緯度 lat = user['lat'] lng = user['lng'] print(lat) print(lng) # 離user最近的五筆推薦 lodging = lodging.ensure_index([('location', '2d')]) res = lodging.find({"location": {"$near": [lat, lng]}}).limit(5) # build bubble list bubble_list = list(map(lambda i: LodgingBubble( name=trans_txt((getphoto(i['title'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'])[2]),user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), address=trans_txt((getphoto(i['title'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'])[1]),user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), lat=i['location']['lat'], lng=i['location']['lng'], lan=user['lan'], picture=getphoto(i['title'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'])[0], ), res)) carousel = CarouselContainer(contents=bubble_list) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("讓我來推薦你附近住宿~",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')), FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("讓我來推薦你附近住宿~",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), contents=carousel)]) elif text == '活動' or event.message.text == '활동에 참여할 수 있습니다' : print(event.message.text) # user沒資料 if user == None or user['lat'] == None: language = "zh-TW" if user: language = user['lan'] relocation = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) # 給予定位 bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText'), contents=bubble1) line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText')), message1]) else: # user有資料 # 拿user經緯度 lat = user['lat'] lng = user['lng'] print(lat) print(lng) # 離user最近的五筆推薦 activity = activity.ensure_index([('location', '2d')]) res = activity.find({"location": {"$near": [lat, lng]}}).limit(5) # build bubble list bubble_list = list(map(lambda i: ActivityBubble( name=trans_txt(i['name'],user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), address=trans_txt((i['Add']or "無地址"),user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), lat=i['location']['lat'], lng=i['location']['lng'], lan=user['lan'], picture=checkUrl(i['Picture']), website=i['Website']or "{searchname}".format(searchname=i['name']) ), res)) carousel = CarouselContainer(contents=bubble_list) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("讓我來推薦你附近活動~",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')), FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("讓我來推薦你附近活動~",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), contents=carousel)]) elif text == '景點' or event.message.text == '観光名所': print(event.message.text) # user沒資料 if user == None or user['lat'] == None: language = "zh-TW" if user: language = user['lan'] relocation = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText'), contents=bubble1) line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("資料庫沒有你的位置資料,請重新定位位置喔!",language).get('TranslatedText')), message1]) else: lat = user['lat'] lng = user['lng'] print(lat) print(lng) scenic_spot = scenic_spot.ensure_index([('location', '2d')]) res = scenic_spot.find( {"location": {"$near": [lng, lat]}}).limit(5) def getphoto(name,lat,lng,add): restaurantSearch ="{},{}&rankby=distance&locationbias=circle:20000&language=zh-TW".format(lat,lng) restaurantReq = requests.get(restaurantSearch) restaurant_dict = restaurantReq.json() photoReference='' photoWidth='' for i in range(len(restaurant_dict)): if str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['name']) in name or name in str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['name']) : try: photoReference= restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['photo_reference'] photoWidth=restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['width'] except: photoReference='' elif add in str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['vicinity']) or str(restaurant_dict['results'][i]['vicinity']) in add: try: photoReference= restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['photo_reference'] photoWidth=restaurant_dict['results'][i]['photos'][0]['width'] except: photoReference='' break if photoReference=='': thumbnailImageUrl ="" else: thumbnailImageUrl = "{}&maxwidth={}".format(photoReference,photoWidth) return thumbnailImageUrl bubble_list = list(map(lambda i: ScenicSpotBubble( name=trans_txt(i['name'],user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), address=trans_txt(i['Add'],user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), description=trans_txt((i['Description']or "無敘述"),user['lan']).get('TranslatedText') , lat=i['location']['lat'], lng=i['location']['lng'], lan=user['lan'], mapurl='西堤牛排中和板南店', image=getphoto(i['name'],i['location']['lat'],i['location']['lng'],i['Add']), ), res)) carousel = CarouselContainer(contents=bubble_list) #print(carousel) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage(text=trans_txt("讓我來推薦你附近景點~",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')), FlexSendMessage(alt_text=trans_txt("讓我來推薦你附近景點~",user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), contents=carousel)]) elif text == '登入': line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, TextSendMessage( text=f"{os.environ.get('LOGIN_ID')}&redirect_uri={os.environ.get('LOGIN_REDIRECT')}&state=abcde&scope=openid%20profile")) elif text == "定位": message = TemplateSendMessage( alt_text='Confirm template', template=ConfirmTemplate( text=trans_txt('是否要修改定位?',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), actions=[ PostbackTemplateAction( label='postback', text='postback text', data='action=buy&itemid=1' ), URITemplateAction( label='location', uri='line://nv/location' ) ] ) ) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, message) elif text == "選單" or text == "功能表" or text == "從選單中選取" or text == "選擇菜單": # user沒資料 if user == None: bubble = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', body=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', contents=[ # title TextComponent(text='功能推薦 / Recommendations', weight='bold', size='lg'), ], ), footer=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', spacing='xs', contents=[ # first row BoxComponent( layout='horizontal', spacing='xs', contents=[ # callAction, separator, websiteAction SpacerComponent(size='sm'), # callAction ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label='餐廳', text='餐廳') ), # separator SeparatorComponent(), # websiteAction ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label='住宿', text='住宿') ) ] ), # second row BoxComponent( layout='horizontal', spacing='xs', contents=[ # callAction, separator, websiteAction SpacerComponent(size='sm'), # callAction ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label='景點', text='景點') ), # separator SeparatorComponent(), # websiteAction ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label='活動', text='活動') ) ] ), ] ), ) message = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="hello", contents=bubble) #重新定位 bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="hello", contents=bubble1) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [message, message1]) else: fuctiontxt = { 'zh-TW' : '功能推薦 / Recommendations', 'en' : 'Recommendations', 'ja' : '機能に関する推奨事項', 'ko' : '기능 권장 사항' }.get(user['lan'], None) #圖片更改 pic_res = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) pic_hotel = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) pic_act = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) pic_spot = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) #功能推薦 bubble = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', body=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', contents=[ # title TextComponent(text=fuctiontxt, weight='bold', size='lg'), ], ), footer=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', spacing='xs', contents=[ # first row BoxComponent( layout='horizontal', spacing='xs', contents=[ # callAction, separator, websiteAction SpacerComponent(size='sm'), # callAction ImageComponent( url=pic_res, size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label=trans_txt('餐廳',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), text=trans_txt('餐廳',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')) ), # separator SeparatorComponent(), # websiteAction ImageComponent( url=pic_hotel, size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label=trans_txt('住宿',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), text=trans_txt('住宿',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')) ) ] ), # second row BoxComponent( layout='horizontal', spacing='xs', contents=[ # callAction, separator, websiteAction SpacerComponent(size='sm'), # callAction ImageComponent( url=pic_spot, size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label=trans_txt('景點',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), text=trans_txt('景點',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')) ), # separator SeparatorComponent(), # websiteAction ImageComponent( url=pic_act, size='full', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover', action=MessageAction(label=trans_txt('活動',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), text=trans_txt('活動',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText')) ) ] ), ] ), ) message = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="hello", contents=bubble) relocation = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) #重新定位 bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url=relocation, size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="hello", contents=bubble1) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [message, message1]) elif text == "語言": newbubble = BubbleContainer( body=BoxComponent(layout='vertical', contents=[ TextComponent(text='語言 / Language / 言語 / 언어 / язык'), ButtonComponent(action=MessageAction( label='中文', text='中文')), ButtonComponent(action=MessageAction( label='English', text='English')), ButtonComponent(action=MessageAction( label='日本語', text='日本語')), ButtonComponent(action=MessageAction( label='한국어', text='한국어')), ])) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, FlexSendMessage( alt_text="語言設定", contents=newbubble)) elif text == "中文" or text == "英語" or text == "日本語" or text == "韓國人": lan = { '中文' : 'zh-TW', '英語' : 'en', '日本語' : 'ja', '韓國人' : 'ko', }.get(text, None) if (user != None): # user有資料,更新 print("NOT EMPTY") print("language = "+lan) user['lan'] = lan # print("user_lan="+str(user['lan'])) collection.update_one(condition, {'$set': user}) else: # user沒有資料,新增 print("EMPTY") userdict = {"userId": userId, "lat": None, "lng": None, "lan": lan, "preference": {"like": [], "ok": [], "dislike": []}} collection.insert_one(userdict) bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=MessageAction(label=trans_txt('選單',lan).get('TranslatedText'), text=trans_txt('選單',lan).get('TranslatedText')) ), ) print("選單:"+trans_txt('選單',lan).get('TranslatedText')) # 轉成使用者輸入的語言回覆 trans_text = translate_text("已變更你的語言囉~開始使用推薦功能吧!","zh-TW",lan).get('TranslatedText') line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [TextSendMessage( text=trans_text), FlexSendMessage(alt_text="已變更你的語言囉~開始使用推薦功能吧!", contents=bubble1)]) elif text == "天氣": if (user['lat'] != None): # user有資料,拿經緯度 print("NOT EMPTY") lat = user['lat'] lng = user['lng'] # 去天氣API拿天氣資料 並回傳JSON 處理JSON拿天氣資料 complete_url = '{}&lon={}&appid=0056a083378c9466f69a017d5c17c4f4&lang=zh_tw'.format( lat, lng) print(complete_url) response = requests.get(complete_url) #print(response) x = response.json() # 拿天氣資料 city_name = x['name'] icon = x['weather'][0]['icon'] # 天氣狀況 icon_url = '{}@2x.png'.format(icon) print(icon_url) description = x['weather'][0]['description'] temp_min = repr(x['main']['temp_min']) # 最低溫度 temp_min = repr(round((float(temp_min)-273.15), 2)) temp_max = repr(x['main']['temp_max']) # 最最高溫度 temp_max = repr(round((float(temp_max)-273.15), 2)) print(description) # 以上皆對 # 天氣資訊欄 bubble_1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url=icon_url, # 貌似出錯 解法: 一定要+S在HTTP後面 size='lg', aspect_ratio='20:13', aspect_mode='cover' ), body=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', contents=[ # title TextComponent(text=city_name, weight='bold', size='xl'), # review # info BoxComponent( layout='vertical', margin='lg', spacing='sm', contents=[ BoxComponent( layout='baseline', spacing='sm', contents=[ TextComponent( text=trans_txt('天氣狀況',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), color='#aaaaaa', size='sm', flex=5 ), TextComponent( text=trans_txt(description,user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), wrap=True, color='#666666', size='sm', flex=5 ) ], ), BoxComponent( layout='baseline', spacing='sm', contents=[ TextComponent( text=trans_txt('最高溫度',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), color='#aaaaaa', size='sm', flex=7 ), TextComponent( text=temp_max, wrap=True, color='#666666', size='sm', flex=5, ), ], ), BoxComponent( layout='baseline', spacing='sm', contents=[ TextComponent( text=trans_txt('最低溫度',user['lan']).get('TranslatedText'), color='#aaaaaa', size='sm', flex=7 ), TextComponent( text=temp_min, wrap=True, color='#666666', size='sm', flex=5, ), ], ), ], ) ], ), footer=BoxComponent( layout='vertical', spacing='sm', contents=[ TextComponent( text=' ', color='#aaaaaa', size='sm', flex=1 ) ] ) ) message1 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="天氣狀況", contents=bubble_1) relocation = { 'zh-TW' : '', 'en' : '', 'ja' : '', 'ko' : '' }.get(user['lan'], None) bubble_2 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url=relocation, size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ) ) message2 = FlexSendMessage(alt_text="定位", contents=bubble_2) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, [message1, message2]) else: # user沒有資料,要定位 print("EMPTY") bubble1 = BubbleContainer( direction='ltr', hero=ImageComponent( url='', size='full', aspect_ratio='5:1', aspect_mode='fit', action=URIAction(uri='line://nv/location', label='label') ), ) line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, FlexSendMessage(alt_text="定位", contents=bubble1)) else: ai = apiai.ApiAI(os.environ.get('CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN')) request = ai.text_request() request.lang = 'tw' # optional, default value equal 'en' request.query = event.message.text response = request.getresponse().read().decode() result = json.loads(response) # 轉成使用者輸入的語言回覆 trans_text = translate_text(result['result']['fulfillment']['speech'],"zh-TW",language).get('TranslatedText') line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, TextSendMessage( text=trans_text))
from flask import Flask, request, abort from linebot import (LineBotApi, WebhookHandler) from linebot.exceptions import (InvalidSignatureError) from linebot.models import * import os.path import sys import json import apiai import star2 import random from chatBot import cafeChatbot import read_jokes app = Flask(__name__) # YOUR GOOGLE DIALOGFLOW API KEY ai = apiai.ApiAI('YOUR GOOGLE DIALOGFLOW API KEY') # Channel Access Token line_bot_api = LineBotApi('LINE CHANNEL ACCESS TOKEN') # Channel Secret handler = WebhookHandler('LINE CHANNEL SECRET') #man men = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] #WEMEN wemen = [
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.core.mail import send_mail from user.models import Client # Create your views here. import requests import json MAIL_SERVER = '' import apiai ai = apiai.ApiAI("5024b204fe004def95ee70793929c0f0") def message_to_bot(message, client): request = ai.text_request() request.query = message response = request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8') return json.loads(response) @csrf_exempt def recieve_mail(request): mails = process_request(request)['mail'] for mail in mails: user = mail['to']
import urllib.request import urllib.parse import codecs import json,re from config import * import apiai import retreiveData as retreive client=apiai.ApiAI(APIAIKey) need_list = ["food","shelter","water","medicine","cloth","hygene"] def apiai_query(message): req=client.text_request() req.lang="de" req.session_id="<SESSION ID, UNIQUE FOR EACH USER>" req.query=message response=json.loads(req.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8')) responseStatus = response['status']['code'] print(response) if responseStatus == 200 : text = response['result']['fulfillment']['speech'] else: text="No Match Found" result=response["result"] param=result["parameters"] if len(param.keys())==0:
def get_text_messages(message): #bot.forward_message(127924504, message.chat_id, message_id) GODmsg = "Сообщение " + message.text + " от " + str(message.from_user) bot.send_message(127924504, GODmsg) if message.text == "Сколько ещё ждать?" or message.text == "/wait": # Пишем приветствие bot.send_message(, "Скажи, куда ты собрался?") # Готовим кнопки keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() # По очереди готовим текст и обработчик для каждого знака зодиака key_chegem = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Чегем', callback_data='chegem') # И добавляем кнопку на экран keyboard.add(key_chegem) key_splav = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Сплав с Олегом', callback_data='splav') keyboard.add(key_splav) key_chuhloma = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Чухлома', callback_data='chuhloma') keyboard.add(key_chuhloma) key_bear = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Камчатка', callback_data='bear') keyboard.add(key_bear) key_veget = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Никуда', callback_data='veget') keyboard.add(key_veget) # Показываем все кнопки сразу и пишем сообщение о выборе bot.send_message(, text='Я скажу сколько ещё ждать', reply_markup=keyboard) elif message.text == '/ID': IDmsg = "Ваш ID в Телеграм: " + str( bot.send_message(, IDmsg) elif message.text == '/help': bot.send_message(, "Сколько ещё ждать? или /wait - расчёт дней до ближайшей поездки. /ID - покажет ваш ID в Telegram. На любой другой запрос ответит встроенный искуственный идиот" ) elif message.text == '/start': bot.send_message(, "Привет! Я умею рассказывать сколько дней до ближайшей поездки (для этого надо спросить 'Сколько ещё ждать?') или можем просто поболтать о жизни с помощью моего искуственного интеллекта." ) else: request = apiai.ApiAI( dialogflowtoken).text_request() # Токен API к Dialogflow request.lang = 'ru' # На каком языке будет послан запрос request.session_id = 'Bot_Idiot' # ID Сессии диалога (нужно, чтобы потом учить бота) request.query = message.text # Посылаем запрос к ИИ с сообщением от юзера responseJson = json.loads(request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8')) response = responseJson['result']['fulfillment'][ 'speech'] # Разбираем JSON и вытаскиваем ответ # Если есть ответ от бота - присылаем юзеру, если нет - бот его не понял if response: bot.send_message(, response) else: bot.send_message(, 'Я Вас не совсем понял! Попробуйте повторить запрос или введите команду /help для получения справки' )
def message(): data = json.loads( message_id = data['data']['id'] session_id = data['data']['personEmail'] + data['data']['roomId'] room_id = data['data']['roomId'] if data['data']['personEmail'] == '*****@*****.**': return "true" if session_id not in session: session[session_id] = uuid.uuid1() headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer evenMoreSecret'} data = requests.get('' + str(message_id), headers=headers) data = json.loads(data.text) text = data['text'] ai = apiai.ApiAI("more secret") r = ai.text_request() r.lang = 'es' # optional, default value equal 'en' r.session_id = 'asd' r.query = text response = r.getresponse() response = print(response) response = json.loads(response) if response['result']['actionIncomplete'] is False: if 'sw' in response['result']['parameters']: swtich = response['result']['parameters']['sw'] port = response['result']['parameters']['port'] swtich = swtich.replace("OSCI ", "") port = port.replace("OSCI ", "") print("sw", swtich) print("port", port) import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.WarningPolicy()) ssh.connect(swtich.strip(), port=22, username="******", password="******", look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("show interfaces " + port) stdout = stdout.readlines() txt_response = '\n'.join(stdout) print("stf", stdout) ssh.close() else: txt_response = response['result']['fulfillment']['speech'] else: txt_response = response['result']['fulfillment']['speech'] payload = {'roomId': room_id, 'text': txt_response} data ='', headers=headers, data=payload) data = json.loads(data.text) print(data) return "true"
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='query Api.Ai web agent.') parser.add_argument( '--testset', dest='testset', action='store', metavar='TESTSET', required=True, help= 'The testset dir to be used, value can be: default or specified. If specified specifyTestSetInfo.txt will be read.' ) parser.add_argument( '--token', dest='token', action='store', metavar='TOKEN', required=True, help= 'The APIAI client access token which you get when you create the agent.' ) args = parser.parse_args() client_access_token = "" if args.token is not None: client_access_token = args.token else: raise RuntimeError, 'Usage: python progName --testset default/specified --token clientToken' testset = "" if args.testset is not None: testset = args.testset else: raise RuntimeError, 'Usage: python progName --testset default/specified --token clientToken' testset = testset.lower() rootDirTop = "../.." infoFile = rootDirTop + '/allGeneFileNames/allGeneFileNames.txt' dictkv = getDictInfoFromFile(infoFile) serviceName = dictkv["serviceName_APIAI"] trainset = dictkv["apiaiActuallyUsedTrainset"] resultsIdx = dictkv[ "apiaiLatestTestResultsIdx"] # used for label testResults dir to allow multiple tests crntIdx = int(resultsIdx) + 1 srcFiles = [] trainTimeStamp = dictkv["timeStamp"] textTestsetDir = "" annoTestsetDir = "" # for saveInfo, used by evaluator if testset == "default": annoTestsetDir = dictkv[ "testSetAnnotated"] # testSetAnnotated was added when first generating data textTestsetDir = dictkv["testSetPureTextDir"] srcFiles = getFiles(textTestsetDir) else: testInfoFile = rootDirTop + '/allGeneFileNames/specifyTestSetInfo.txt' testsetkv = getDictInfoFromFile(testInfoFile) testTimeStamp = testsetkv["testTimeStamp"] testFileStr = testsetkv["testIntentFiles"] testDirPref = rootDirTop + "/preprocessResults/autoGeneFromRealAnno/autoGene_" testDirSuff = "/DomainIntentNoDupShuffleSubset_Test/text" textTestsetDir = testDirPref + testTimeStamp + testDirSuff annoTestsetDir = testDirPref + testTimeStamp + "/DomainIntentNoDupShuffleSubset_Test/annotated" if testFileStr == "full": srcFiles = getFiles(textTestsetDir) else: srcFiles = getFilesFromStr(testFileStr) srcBaseDir = textTestsetDir baseDestDir = rootDirTop + "/testResults/" + serviceName if (not os.path.exists(baseDestDir)): os.mkdir(baseDestDir) baseDestDir = baseDestDir + "/" + serviceName + "_TestResults_" + trainset + "_" + trainTimeStamp + "-" + str( crntIdx) if (not os.path.exists(baseDestDir)): os.mkdir(baseDestDir) # save saveinfo -- append to file: allGeneFileNames/allGeneFileNames.txt crntTimeStamp ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f')[:-3] saveinfo = [] saveinfo.append("\n# ---- written by") saveinfo.append("crntTimeStamp=" + crntTimeStamp) saveinfo.append("apiaiLatestTestResultsIdx=" + str(crntIdx)) #TODO rasa would use serviceName saveinfo.append("apiaiLatestTestResultsDir=" + baseDestDir) # evaluater read this saveinfo.append("apiaiTestSetAnnotated=" + annoTestsetDir) # evaluator read this saveinfo.append("apiaiQueriedClientToken=" + client_access_token) saveinfo.append("apiaiQueriedTestset=" + testset) write2fileAppend(infoFile, saveinfo) numUtt = 500 # max num of utt to test totalUttProcessed = 0 ai = apiai.ApiAI(client_access_token) # new generated test input text files are contained in one directory # not have further subdirectory for each domain as before. # srcFiles = getFiles(srcBaseDir) === got from above. start_time = time.time() for i in range(len(srcFiles)): results = {'results': []} domainFile = srcFiles[i] print "srcFiles:" + domainFile fileUri = os.path.join(srcBaseDir, domainFile) print "fileUri:" + fileUri utterances = readFile2List(fileUri) num = numUtt # numUtt is the max num of utt to test if (num > len(utterances)): num = len(utterances) print "num of utt to test:" + str(num) for j in range(num): utt = utterances[j] utt = utt.lower() print "query:" + str(j) + " = " + utt #res = queryApiai(utt) request = ai.text_request() request.query = utt response = request.getresponse() jo = res = json.loads(jo) results['results'].append(res) totalUttProcessed = totalUttProcessed + 1 print "totalUttProcessed:" + str(totalUttProcessed) # wait a bit, then query again for another utt. # time.sleep(0.3) # Time in seconds. consider limit of 5 calls per second time.sleep( 0.2 ) # 0.2 should be enough, as query itself takes time. Apiai is quicker than Luis and Watson. domainName = domainFile[0:domainFile.rfind(".")] print "domainName:" + domainName saveJson2File(baseDestDir, domainName, results) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print "==== APIAI query finished ==== Elapsed Time: " + str(elapsed_time)
def api_main(Querry): ai = apiai.ApiAI(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN) request = ai.text_request() request.lang = 'en' # optional, default value equal 'en' request.session_id = "<SESSION ID>" request.query = Querry response = request.getresponse() # print ( JsonData = JsonToPython = json.loads(JsonData) print(JsonToPython['result']) ActionName = JsonToPython['result']['action'] ActionIncomplete = JsonToPython['result']['actionIncomplete'] if ActionName == 'input.Claim_Initiated' and ActionIncomplete == False: UserClaimNumber = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters'][ 'Claim-Number'][0]['number.original'] print(UserClaimNumber) aftr_clm = AfterClaim(UserClaimNumber) return (aftr_clm) # print (UserClaimNumber) elif ActionName == 'input.Coverage_Amount' and ActionIncomplete == False: UserPolicyNumber = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters'][ 'Policy_Number'] init_stat = ( "<span style='color: #666766;font-weight: 500;'>Coverage Details</span><span class='list-card-description'>Cool. You're all set. You are covered for </span>" ) CA = PolicyAmount(UserPolicyNumber) final_statement = init_stat + str(CA) return (final_statement) elif ActionName == 'input.PropertyDamage': UserPolicyNumber = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters'][ 'Policy_Number'] ini_stat = ( "<span style='color: #666766;font-weight: 500;'>Property Damage</span><span style='display:block;'><img src='static/images/propertyDamage.jpg' style='height: 100%;width: 100%;'></span><span class='list-card-description'>You are covered for damage to </span>" ) prop_dmg = PropertyDamage(UserPolicyNumber) close_stat = ( "<span style='display:block'>Is their any other information I can help you with ?</span>" ) fl_stat = ini_stat + str(prop_dmg) + close_stat return (fl_stat) elif ActionName == 'input.ClaimAdjuster': UserClaimNumber = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters'][ 'Claim-Number'][0]['number.original'] print(UserClaimNumber) fnl_statement = ClaimAdjuster(UserClaimNumber) return (fnl_statement) elif ActionName == 'input.Link_Not_Working': UserPolicyNumber = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters'][ 'Policy_Number'] Cause = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters'][ 'Accident.original'] TIME = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters']['time'] DATE = JsonToPython['result']['contexts'][0]['parameters']['date'][0] print(DATE) TimeStamp = str(DATE) + "T" + str(TIME) + "Z" UQ.Claim_Number = Random() UQ.AdjusterName = Adjuster[random.randint(0, 3)] import datetime mylist = [] b = a = b + timedelta(days=5) mylist.append(a) UQ.DateOfVisit = mylist[0] UQ.ContactNumber = Number[random.randint(0, 3)] UQ.Date = DATE UQ.Time = TIME UQ.Cause = Cause UQ.PolicyNumber = UserPolicyNumber with open('claim.csv', 'a') as Ques_Ans: writer = csv.writer(Ques_Ans) writer.writerow([ UQ.Claim_Number, UQ.AdjusterName, UQ.DateOfVisit, UQ.ContactNumber, UQ.Date, UQ.Time, UQ.Cause, UQ.PolicyNumber ]) final = ( "<span style='color: #666766;font-weight: 500;margin-bottom: 2px;'>Claim Registration</span><span class='list-card-description'>Your Claim has been initiated and your claim registration number is <span style='color: #f9eeaa;font-weight: bold;'>" + str(UQ.Claim_Number) + ".</span></span><span style='display: block;margin-bottom: 20px;'> You will shortly recieve a call from our Claims Team who will assist you further</span> <span style='display:block;margin-bottom: 2px;'> Is there anything else that I may help you with ?</span><div class='quick-replies-buttons'><button type='button' class='btn pmd-btn-outline pmd-ripple-effect btn-info .pmd-btn-fab apiQuickreplybtnPayload' data-apiquickrepliespayload='Yes, Please'>Yes, Please</button><button type='button' class='btn pmd-btn-outline pmd-ripple-effect btn-info .pmd-btn-fab apiQuickreplybtnPayload' data-apiquickrepliespayload='No, Thanks'>No, Thanks</button></div>" ) print(final) return (final) elif ActionName == 'input.unknown': a = classifier(Querry) if a == 'machine': flag = 0 csv_file = csv.reader(open('sanchit.csv'), delimiter=",") qstn = Querry for row in csv_file: print("checking...") if qstn == row[0]: return (row[1]) flag = flag + 1 if (flag == 0): return (False) elif a == 'no machine': return ("I am not trained for this scope..") else: return (JsonToPython)
sha256.update(text) return sha256.hexdigest() if __name__ == '__main__': # with open("./movr.ini") as f: # movr_config = # config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) # config.readfp(io.BytesIO(movr_config)) # ai = apiai.ApiAI(config.get('api_ai', 'client_access_token')) # request = ai.text_request() # request.session_id = config.get('api_ai', 'session_id') ai = apiai.ApiAI('17dac27f07a24b47b39aece331efc3ad') request = ai.text_request() request.session_id = 'api_ai', '<SESSION ID, UNIQUE FOR EACH USER>' # main() r = sr.Recognizer() m = sr.Microphone() with m as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) # r.pause_threshold = 1 r.operation_timeout = 8 stop_listening = r.listen_in_background(m, speech_recog_cb)
import json from flask import Flask, request import apiai import twilio.twiml from import TwilioRestClient import config # Configurations for twilio, apiai, and flask. client = TwilioRestClient(config.account_sid, config.auth_token) ai = apiai.ApiAI(config.client_access_token) app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/test") def hello(): return "Hello World!" @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def server(): # get SMS input via twilio resp = twilio.twiml.Response() # get SMS metadata msg_from = request.values.get("From", None) msg = request.values.get("Body", None) # prepare request req = ai.text_request() req.lang = 'en' # optional, default value equal 'en'
def __init__(self): self.serena = apiai.ApiAI(token) self.session_id = util.generate_id(20) self.response = {}
def __init__(self): #Connexion api
#get bot id BOT_ID = os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_ID') #get slack bot token SLACK_BOT_TOKEN = os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN') #get aiapi access token APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ.get('APIAI_DEVELOPER_ACCESS_TOKEN') #APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN = "696bcad329ed4327981a0ba711b4f663" #set slack client slack_client = SlackClient(SLACK_BOT_TOKEN) #set apiai client apiai_client = apiai.ApiAI(APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN) # constants AT_BOT = "<@" + BOT_ID + ">" EXAMPLE_COMMAND = "do" def parse_slack_output(slack_rtm_output): output_list = slack_rtm_output if output_list and len(output_list) > 0: for output in output_list: # print "output: ", len(output.keys()), output , "\n\n", BOT_ID, "\n\n" if output and 'text' in output and AT_BOT in output['text']: # return text after the @ mention, whitespace removed return output['text'].split(
import apiai, json import photo_proc txt_request = apiai.ApiAI('733a0aad1eb0479c88c862e1ec1a26e7').text_request( ) # Токен API к Dialogflow txt_request.lang = 'ru' # На каком языке будет послан запрос txt_request.session_id = 'Comparator3000' # ID Сессии диалога (нужно, чтобы потом учить бота) txt_request.query = 'Ты здесь?' # Посылаем запрос к ИИ с сообщением от юзера txt_responseJson = json.loads(txt_request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8')) txt_response = txt_responseJson['result']['fulfillment'][ 'speech'] # Разбираем JSON и вытаскиваем ответ # Если есть ответ от бота - присылаем юзеру, если нет - бот его не понял print('Проверяем работает ли бот; Спросим: Ты здесь?') if txt_response: print('Бот готов; его ответ: ' + txt_response) else: print('Подключение отсутствует, бот не отвечает') photo_request = '/test_photo.jpg' try: photo_response = photo_proc.class_detector(photo_request) print('Обработка фото функционирует нормально') except: print('Что-то пошло не так при обработке фотографии')
def handle(msg): # imprime a mensagem print "%s\n" % msg # pega os dados básicos da mensagem content_type, chat_type, chatid = telepot.glance(msg) print 'content_type: %s\n' % content_type print 'chat_type: %s\n' % chat_type try: msg['reply_to_message'] IsReply = 1 ReplyPara = msg['reply_to_message']['from']['username'] except: IsReply = 0 print 'IsReply = %d' % IsReply # caso seja alguém entrando no grupo, envia mensagem de boas vindas if content_type == 'new_chat_member': # se o novo participante for um bot já expulsa. if msg['new_chat_participant']['is_bot']: bot.sendMessage(chatid, mensagem.userbot) bot.kickChatMember(chatid, msg['new_chat_participant']['id']) # se o novo participante não for um bot tenta ver se ele tem um nome. else: try: NomeNovoMembro = msg['new_chat_participant']['first_name'] except: NomeNovoMembro = u'Sem Nome' # verifica se o novo membro é um ser humano fazendo um teste simples, perguntando quanto é 2+2 bot.sendMessage(chatid, u'Olá, ' + NomeNovoMembro + u'. Antes de te dar boas vindas vou verificar se tu é realmente uma pessoa, ok? Quanto é dois mais dois? Você tem 30 segundos para responder.') DadosNovoMembro['memberid'] = msg['new_chat_participant']['id'] DadosNovoMembro['chatid'] = chatid # avisa quando alguém deixa o grupo elif content_type == 'left_chat_member': # tenta ler o nome de quem saiu try: NomeMembroSaindo = msg['left_chat_participant']['first_name'] except: NomeMembroSaindo = u'Sem Nome' # avisa grupo que membro saiu bot.sendMessage(chatid, NomeMembroSaindo + mensagem.tchau) ########################################### # A PARTIR DESSE PONTO ELE DETECTA TEXTOS # ########################################### elif content_type == 'text': # todas as mensagens são convertida para caracteres minúsculos MensagemGrupo = msg['text'].lower() # se a flag de novo membro estiver ativa e esse cara respondeu corretamente, zera o timeout para kick if (MensagemGrupo.find('4') >= 0 or MensagemGrupo.find('quatro') >= 0) and msg['from']['id'] == DadosNovoMembro['memberid']: DadosNovoMembro['memberid'] = 0 DadosNovoMembro['chatid'] = 0 bot.sendMessage(chatid, u'Agora sim. ' + mensagem.boasvindas) #verifica se a menssagem é para o Fauro e envia a menssagem para o DialogFlow #elif MensagemGrupo != False and bool('\\@FauroIA_bot\\b', MensagemGrupo, re.IGNORECASE)): elif ((IsReply and ReplyPara == u'faurorex_bot') or bool('\\@faurorex_bot\\b', MensagemGrupo, re.IGNORECASE))): MensagemGrupoModificada = MensagemGrupo.replace('@faurorex_bot','') #remove da menssagem o nome do Bot request = apiai.ApiAI(config.token_dialogflow).text_request() # Conecta ao Dialogflow através da API Token request.lang = 'pt-BR' # Seta a lingua a ser utilizada no dialogflow request.session_id = 'Small-Talk' # ID Sessão de Dialogo (para terinamento do bot) request.query = MensagemGrupoModificada# Envia a menssagem para o dialogflow responseJson = json.loads(request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8')) response = responseJson['result']['fulfillment']['speech'] # pega a resposta do JSON if response: bot.sendMessage(chatid, text=response) #Resposta a ser enviada para o BOT # comando para mostrar último episódio do feed do podcast elif MensagemGrupo == '/ultimo': feed = feedparser.parse(config.url_feed) # imprime o status do feed (códigos http, exemplo, 404 é feed não encontrado. 200 é ok e 301 é redirecionado) print feed.status if feed.status == 200 or feed.status == 301: print feed.entries[0].links[1].href keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text = u'Ouvir', url = feed.entries[0].links[1].href, callback_data='url')], ]) bot.sendMessage(chatid, feed.entries[0].title, reply_markup=keyboard)
from django.conf import settings from .users import userfb, user_save import apiai import json from .actions import send_message from .messages import typing, send_text AI = apiai.ApiAI(settings.CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_DIALOG_FLOW) MAX_TIME = 5 def recived_message(message): sender_id = message['sender']['id'] message_text = message['message']['text'] request = AI.text_request() request.query = message_text response = json.loads(request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8')) print("SENDER_ID ", sender_id) speech = response['result']['fulfillment']['speech'] _user_data = userfb(sender_id)
def __init__(self, token): = apiai.ApiAI(token)
def main(): # ./preprocessResults/out4RasaReal/rasa_json_2018_03_22-13_01_25_169_80Train/ # CrossValidation/KFold_1/testset/text parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='query Apiai web server.') parser.add_argument('--timestamp', dest='timestamp', action='store', metavar='TIMESTAMP', required=True, help='The timestamp of generated data.') parser.add_argument('--kfold', dest='kfold', action='store', metavar='KFOLD', required=True, help='order number of the kfold, e.g. 1,2,...') parser.add_argument( '--token', dest='token', action='store', metavar='TOKEN', required=True, help= 'The APIAI client access token which you get when you create the agent.' ) args = parser.parse_args() client_access_token = "" if args.token is not None: client_access_token = args.token else: raise RuntimeError, 'Usage: python progName --testset default/specified --token clientToken' timestamp = "" if args.timestamp is not None: timestamp = args.timestamp else: raise RuntimeError, 'Usage: python progName --timestamp tm --kfold Num' kfold = "" if args.kfold is not None: kfold = args.kfold else: raise RuntimeError, 'Usage: python progName --timestamp tm --kfold Num' rootDirTop = "../.." textTestsetDir = rootDirTop + "/preprocessResults/autoGeneFromRealAnno/autoGene_" + timestamp + "/CrossValidation/KFold_" + kfold + "/testset/text" srcFiles = getFiles(textTestsetDir) crntIdx = 1 serviceName = "APIAI" trainset = "KFold" trainTimeStamp = timestamp baseDestDir = rootDirTop + "/testResults/" + serviceName if (not os.path.exists(baseDestDir)): os.mkdir(baseDestDir) baseDestDir = baseDestDir + "/" + serviceName + "_TestResults_" + trainset + "_" + trainTimeStamp + "-" + str( crntIdx) baseDestDir = baseDestDir + "/KFold_" + kfold if (not os.path.exists(baseDestDir)): os.mkdir(baseDestDir) numUtt = 500 # max num of utt to test totalUttProcessed = 0 ai = apiai.ApiAI(client_access_token) # new generated test input text files are contained in one directory # not have further subdirectory for each domain as before. # srcFiles = getFiles(srcBaseDir) === got from above. srcBaseDir = textTestsetDir start_time = time.time() for i in range(len(srcFiles)): results = {'results': []} domainFile = srcFiles[i] print "srcFiles:" + domainFile fileUri = os.path.join(srcBaseDir, domainFile) print "fileUri:" + fileUri utterances = readFile2List(fileUri) num = numUtt # numUtt is the max num of utt to test if (num > len(utterances)): num = len(utterances) print "num of utt to test:" + str(num) for j in range(num): utt = utterances[j] utt = utt.lower() print "query:" + str(j) + " = " + utt #res = queryApiai(utt) request = ai.text_request() request.query = utt response = request.getresponse() jo = res = json.loads(jo) results['results'].append(res) totalUttProcessed = totalUttProcessed + 1 print "totalUttProcessed:" + str(totalUttProcessed) # wait a bit, then query again for another utt. # time.sleep(0.3) # Time in seconds. consider limit of 5 calls per second time.sleep( 0.2 ) # 0.2 should be enough, as query itself takes time. Apiai is quicker than Luis and Watson. domainName = domainFile[0:domainFile.rfind(".")] print "domainName:" + domainName saveJson2File(baseDestDir, domainName, results) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print "==== APIAI query finished ==== Elapsed Time: " + str(elapsed_time)
def __init__(self, client_access_token): = apiai.ApiAI(client_access_token) self.request = = 'en'
records = news_records.find({"sender_id": user_id}) return records def pushRECORD(record): """ function to push news record to collection """ news_records.insert_one(record) #################################################################################### # client APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN = "APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN" ai = apiai.ApiAI(APIAI_ACCESS_TOKEN) # endpoint of the news API GNEWS_API_ENDPOINT = "" # available news categories news_categories = [('sports', 'sports news'), ('political', 'political news'), ('business', 'business news'), ('top stories', 'top stories news'), ('world', 'world news'), ('national', 'national news'), ('technology', 'technology news'), ('entertainment', 'entertainment news')] # a help message HELP_MSG = """ Hey! I am NewsBot.
def call_api(dict_input): global out_dict out_dict = {} out_dict['messageText'] = [] out_dict['messageSource'] = 'messageFromBot' ai = apiai.ApiAI(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN) request = ai.text_request() request.lang = 'de' request.resetContexts = False request.session_id = dict_input['user_id'] user_id = request.session_id request.query = dict_input['messageText'] print(request.query) global item response = yaml.load(request.getresponse()) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) json_data = response['result']['parameters'] pp.pprint(response) df = pd.read_csv('harvey.csv') if response['result']['metadata'] == {}: out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech']) return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata'][ 'intentName'] == 'Default Fallback Intent': out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech']) return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata'][ 'intentName'] == 'Default Welcome Intent': out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech']) return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata']['intentName'] == 'best_sellers': out_dict['messageText'].append('Here is what is trending right now..') out_dict["plugin"] = {'name': 'link', 'type': 'products', 'data': data} return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata']['intentName'] == 'hot_deals': out_dict['messageText'].append( 'Here are some amazing deals that won\'t last long! Please have a look' ) out_dict["plugin"] = { 'name': 'deals', 'type': 'products', 'data': deals, 'link': 'yes', 'values': '' } return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata']['intentName'] == 'gift_cards': out_dict['messageText'].append( 'Gift cards are always the best option when you stuck for gift ideas. Take a look below: ' ) out_dict["plugin"] = {'name': 'link', 'type': 'products', 'data': gift} return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata'] == {}: out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech']) return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata'][ 'intentName'] == 'Default Fallback Intent': out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech']) return out_dict elif response['result']['metadata']['intentName'] == 'place_order': if json_data['sub_sub_category'] == '': if json_data['Product_sub_category'] == '': if json_data['product_category'] == '': out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0] ['speech']) out_dict['plugin'] = { 'name': 'autofill', 'type': 'items', 'data': category } return out_dict else: out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0] ['speech']) out_dict['plugin'] = { 'name': 'autofill', 'type': 'items', 'data': sub_items[json_data['product_category']] } return out_dict else: out_dict['messageText'].append( response['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech']) out_dict['plugin'] = { 'name': 'autofill', 'type': 'items', 'data': sub_sub_items[json_data['Product_sub_category']] } return out_dict else: products = json_data['sub_sub_category'] lists = product_list(products) link = df.loc[df['Items'] == products, 'Link'] out_dict["plugin"] = { 'name': 'lists', 'type': 'products', 'data': lists, 'link': 'yess', 'values': link } out_dict['messageText'].append( 'Here are the products according to your preference') clear_context(user_id) return out_dict
async def on_message(message): mention = bot.user.mention if message.content.startswith(mention): anime = rq.get('').text raw_msg = message.content.split("{}".format(mention)) msg = "".join(raw_msg[1:]) ai = apiai.ApiAI(apiai_token) request = ai.text_request() request.lang = 'en' request.session_id = "<SESSION ID, UNIQUE FOR EACH USER>" request.query = msg response = request.getresponse() rope = str( rope = rope[rope.index("speech") + 10:] rope = rope[0:rope.index("\"")] if '$anime' in rope: anime = rope.replace('$anime', anime) await bot.send_message(, anime) elif 'anime' not in rope: await bot.send_message(, rope) if "$time" in rope: await bot.say( if '$yukinno' in rope: author_id = if author_id == 287369884940238849: love = [ 'I love you Yukinno', 'Yukkino, I love you!', 'I love you!', '<3' ] ran_love = random.choice(love) yukinno_love = rope.replace(rope, ran_love) await bot.send_message(, yukinno_love) elif != 287369884940238849: await bot.send_message(, rope) scope = [ '', '' ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'Annie-e432eb58860b.json', scope) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) wks ='Kurusaki_database_discord').sheet1 try: msg = message.content user_id = name = find_user_id = wks.find(user_id) #setting up spreadsheets for updates row = wks.find(user_id).row points = wks.cell(row, 3).value num_points = float(points) if len(msg) <= 2 and len(msg) > 0: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + .50) if len(msg) <= 10 and len(msg) > 2: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + .60) if len(msg) <= 20 and len(msg) > 10: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 1.20) if len(msg) <= 30 and len(msg) > 20: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 2.75) if len(msg) <= 40 and len(msg) > 30: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 3.00) if len(msg) <= 50 and len(msg) > 40: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 2.00) if len(msg) <= 60 and len(msg) > 50: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 4.50) if len(msg) <= 70 and len(msg) > 60: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 6.00) if len(msg) <= 80 and len(msg) > 70: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 7.50) if len(msg) <= 90 and len(msg) > 80: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 9.20) if len(msg) <= 100 and len(msg) > 90: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 10.55) if len(msg) <= 110 and len(msg) > 100: new_value = wks.update_cell(row, 3, num_points + 12.20) except gspread.exceptions.CellNotFound: print( "Discord {} is not in Kurusaki's database yet.\nAttempting to add {} to database." .format(name, name)) adding_user = wks.append_row([name, user_id, 2.00]) #reacting to discord user's message try: if "gay" in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👌') if "yukinno" in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='❤') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='🌸') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='😇') if 'okay' in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👌') if 'gj' in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👏') if 'good job' in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👏') if 'goodjob' in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👏') if 'bye' in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👋') if 'bai' in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='👋') if "<@287369884940238849>" in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='❤') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='🌸') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='😇') re = 287369884940238849 send_id = int( if send_id == re: await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='❤') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='🌸') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='😇') if "michelle" in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='❤') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='😇') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='🌸') if "poop" in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='🤔') await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='💩') if "shit" in message.content.lower(): await bot.add_reaction(message, emoji='💩') except: pass try: #message counter for users #connecting to GSPREAD scope = [ '', '' ] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'Annie-e432eb58860b.json', scope) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) wks ='Kurusaki_database_discord').sheet1 try: user_msg = 1 user_id = #user's id user_row = wks.find(user_id).row #finds user's row msg_value = wks.cell(user_row, 10).value #get user's msg value if msg_value == "": #check if the user has empty value adding_value = wks.update_cell( user_row, 10, 1) #if user value is empty add value =1 else: #updating the user's new message value msg_int = int(msg_value) update_msg = wks.update_cell(user_row, 10, msg_int + user_msg) except: print("Could not add msg value") except: print("Could not connect to google spreadsheet") await bot.process_commands(message)
def index(request): if request.method == 'POST': message = request.POST['message'] sessionID = request.POST['sessionID'] patientInfo_patientName = None patientInfo_patientSurname = None patientInfo_patientEhrid = None patientInfo_isDoctor = False #print("*****SESSION ID***** ",sessionID) #print("\n\n*****USER STATUS*****\nUser: "******"\nIs authenticated: ",request.user.is_authenticated,"\n\n") user_status = request.user.is_authenticated if user_status: if hasattr(request.user,"doctor"): patientInfo_isDoctor = True patientInfo_patientName = patientInfo_patientSurname = else: patientInfo_isDoctor = False patientInfo_patientName = patientInfo_patientSurname = request.user.patient.surname patientInfo_patientEhrid = request.user.patient.ehrid if message[:5] != "getE ": #BECAUSE IJS SERVER ISN'T WORKING OTHER API translation = translate(message,api_link="",yandex=True) if translation != "": message = translation #print("*** message: ",message,"***\n") contexts = [{ "lifespan": 5, "name": "user_data", "parameters": { "is_authenticated": user_status, "user_ehrid": patientInfo_patientEhrid, "user_patientName": patientInfo_patientName, "user_patientSurname": patientInfo_patientSurname, "user_isDoctor": patientInfo_isDoctor } }] ai = apiai.ApiAI(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN) request = ai.text_request() request.session_id = sessionID request.lang = 'en' request.contexts = contexts request.parameters = {"is_authenticated":user_status} request.query = message data = request.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8') answer_json = json.loads(data) print(answer_json) text_answer = answer_json['result']['fulfillment']['messages'][0]['speech'] #print(text_answer) data = "" response_type = "" url = "" if 'data' in answer_json['result']['fulfillment']: data = answer_json['result']['fulfillment']['data']['data'] response_type = answer_json['result']['fulfillment']['data']['responseType'] #print("RESPONSE TYPE: ",response_type) url = answer_json['result']['fulfillment']['data']['url'] if url[:5] != "https" and url[0] != "/": url = "https:" + url[5:] #print("data: ",data) return HttpResponse('{{"text_answer":"{0}","response_type":"{1}","data":"{2}","url":"{3}"}}'.format(text_answer,response_type,data,url)) else: return render(request,'dfchatbox/index.html')