Пример #1
def preload_state(state: Dict[str, Any], routes: routing.RoutesConfig) -> None:
    components = get_preloaded_components(routes)
    for component in components:
        builder = getattr(component, 'build')
        pipeline = pipelines.build_pipeline(function=builder,
        pipelines.run_pipeline(pipeline, state)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, routes: List[Route]):
        required_type = wsgi.WSGIResponse
        initial_types = [wsgi.WSGIEnviron, URLPathArgs]

        rules = []
        views = {}

        for (path, method, view) in routes:
            view_signature = inspect.signature(view)
            uritemplate = URITemplate(path)

            # Ensure view arguments include all URL arguments
            for arg in uritemplate.variable_names:
                assert arg in view_signature.parameters, (
                    'URL argument "%s" in path "%s" must be included as a '
                    'keyword argument in the view function "%s"' %
                    (arg, path, view.__name__))

            # Create a werkzeug path string
            werkzeug_path = path[:]
            for arg in uritemplate.variable_names:
                param = view_signature.parameters[arg]
                if param.annotation == inspect.Signature.empty:
                    annotated_type = str
                    annotated_type = param.annotation
                converter = self.converters[annotated_type]
                werkzeug_path = werkzeug_path.replace(
                    '{%s}' % arg, '<%s:%s>' % (converter, arg))

            # Create a werkzeug routing rule
            name = view.__name__
            rule = Rule(werkzeug_path, methods=[method], endpoint=name)

            # Determine any inferred type annotations for the view
            extra_annotations = {}
            for param in view_signature.parameters.values():

                if param.annotation == inspect.Signature.empty:
                    annotated_type = str
                    annotated_type = param.annotation

                if param.name in uritemplate.variable_names:

                    class TypedURLPathArg(URLPathArg):
                        schema = annotated_type

                    extra_annotations[param.name] = TypedURLPathArg
                elif (annotated_type in primitive_types) or issubclass(
                        annotated_type, schema_types):

                    class TypedQueryParam(http.QueryParam):
                        schema = annotated_type

                    extra_annotations[param.name] = TypedQueryParam

            if 'return' not in view.__annotations__:
                extra_annotations['return'] = http.ResponseData

            # Determine the pipeline for the view.
            pipeline = pipelines.build_pipeline(view, initial_types,
            views[name] = Endpoint(view, pipeline)

        # Add pipelines for 404 and 405 cases.
        pipeline = pipelines.build_pipeline(view_404, initial_types,
                                            required_type, {})
        self.not_found = (None, pipeline, {})
        pipeline = pipelines.build_pipeline(view_405, initial_types,
                                            required_type, {})
        self.method_not_allowed = (None, pipeline, {})

        self.routes = routes
        self.adapter = Map(rules).bind('example.com')
        self.views = views
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
                 routes: RoutesConfig,
                 initial_types: List[type] = None) -> None:
        required_type = wsgi.WSGIResponse

        initial_types = initial_types or []
        initial_types += [wsgi.WSGIEnviron, URLPathArgs, Exception]

        rules = []
        views = {}

        for (path, method, view) in walk(routes):
            view_signature = inspect.signature(view)
            uritemplate = URITemplate(path)

            # Ensure view arguments include all URL arguments
            for arg in uritemplate.variable_names:
                assert arg in view_signature.parameters, (
                    'URL argument "%s" in path "%s" must be included as a '
                    'keyword argument in the view function "%s"' %
                    (arg, path, view.__name__))

            # Create a werkzeug path string
            werkzeug_path = path[:]
            for arg in uritemplate.variable_names:
                param = view_signature.parameters[arg]
                if param.annotation is inspect.Signature.empty:
                    converter = 'string'
                elif issubclass(param.annotation, (schema.String, str)):
                    if getattr(param.annotation, 'format', None) == 'path':
                        converter = 'path'
                        converter = 'string'
                elif issubclass(param.annotation, (schema.Number, float)):
                    converter = 'float'
                elif issubclass(param.annotation, (schema.Integer, int)):
                    converter = 'int'
                    msg = 'Invalid type for path parameter, %s.' % param.annotation
                    raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(msg)

                werkzeug_path = werkzeug_path.replace(
                    '{%s}' % arg, '<%s:%s>' % (converter, arg))

            # Create a werkzeug routing rule
            name = view.__name__
            rule = Rule(werkzeug_path, methods=[method], endpoint=name)

            # Determine any inferred type annotations for the view
            extra_annotations = {}  # type: Dict[str, type]
            for param in view_signature.parameters.values():

                if param.annotation is inspect.Signature.empty:
                    annotated_type = str
                    annotated_type = param.annotation

                if param.name in uritemplate.variable_names:

                    class TypedURLPathArg(URLPathArg):
                        schema = annotated_type

                    extra_annotations[param.name] = TypedURLPathArg
                elif (annotated_type in primitive_types) or issubclass(
                        annotated_type, schema_types):
                    if method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'):
                        if issubclass(annotated_type, schema.Object):

                            class TypedDataParam(http.RequestData):
                                schema = annotated_type

                            extra_annotations[param.name] = TypedDataParam

                            class TypedFieldParam(http.RequestField):
                                schema = annotated_type

                            extra_annotations[param.name] = TypedFieldParam

                        class TypedQueryParam(http.QueryParam):
                            schema = annotated_type

                        extra_annotations[param.name] = TypedQueryParam

            return_annotation = view_signature.return_annotation
            if return_annotation is inspect.Signature.empty:
                extra_annotations['return'] = http.ResponseData
            elif issubclass(
                (schema_types, primitive_types, typing_types)):  # type: ignore
                extra_annotations['return'] = http.ResponseData

            # Determine the pipeline for the view.
            pipeline = pipelines.build_pipeline(view, initial_types,
            views[name] = Endpoint(view, pipeline)

        self.exception_pipeline = pipelines.build_pipeline(
            exception_handler, initial_types, required_type, {})
        self.routes = routes
        self.adapter = Map(rules).bind('example.com')
        self.views = views