def validate(path, format, encoding, verbose): options = { 'schema': { 'path': path, 'format': format, 'encoding': encoding } } config = _load_config(options, verbose=verbose) path = config['schema']['path'] format = config['schema']['format'] encoding = config['schema']['encoding'] with open(path, 'rb') as schema_file: content = try: apistar.validate(content, format=format, encoding=encoding) except (ParseError, ValidationError) as exc: _echo_error(exc, content, verbose=verbose) sys.exit(1) success_summary = { 'json': 'Valid JSON', 'yaml': 'Valid YAML', 'config': 'Valid APIStar config.', 'jsonschema': 'Valid JSONSchema document.', 'openapi': 'Valid OpenAPI schema.', 'swagger': 'Valid Swagger schema.', }[format] click.echo('✓ ', fg='green') + success_summary)
def test_openapi(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as input_file: content = path, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) encoding = {".json": "json", ".yaml": "yaml"}[extension] apistar.validate(content, format='openapi', encoding=encoding)
def _load_config(options, verbose=False): if not os.path.exists("apistar.yml"): # If the config file is not used, then --path is required. if options["schema"]["path"] is None: raise click.UsageError('Missing option "--path".') config = options else: with open("apistar.yml", "rb") as config_file: content = try: config = apistar.validate(content, format="config", encoding="yaml") except (ParseError, ValidationError) as exc: click.echo('Errors in configuration file "apistar.yml":') _echo_error(exc, content, verbose=verbose) sys.exit(1) # Anything passed in 'options' should override the config file. # Ensure all values are populated with 'None' if unset. for section in options.keys(): config.setdefault(section, {}) for key, value in options[section].items(): config[section].setdefault(key, None) if value is not None: config[section][key] = value path = config["schema"]["path"] if not os.path.exists(path): raise click.UsageError('Schema file "%s" not found.' % path) if config["schema"]["encoding"] is None: config["schema"]["encoding"] = _encoding_from_filename(path) return config
def validate(path, format, encoding, verbose): options = { "schema": { "path": path, "format": format, "encoding": encoding } } config = _load_config(options, verbose=verbose) path = config["schema"]["path"] format = config["schema"]["format"] encoding = config["schema"]["encoding"] with open(path, "rb") as schema_file: content = try: apistar.validate(content, format=format, encoding=encoding) except (typesystem.ParseError, typesystem.ValidationError) as exc: if isinstance(exc, typesystem.ParseError): summary = { "json": "Invalid JSON.", "yaml": "Invalid YAML.", None: "Parse error.", }[encoding] else: summary = { "config": "Invalid APIStar config.", "jsonschema": "Invalid JSONSchema document.", "openapi": "Invalid OpenAPI schema.", "swagger": "Invalid Swagger schema.", None: "Invalid schema.", }[format] _echo_error(exc, content, summary=summary, verbose=verbose) sys.exit(1) success_summary = { "json": "Valid JSON", "yaml": "Valid YAML", "config": "Valid APIStar config.", "jsonschema": "Valid JSONSchema document.", "openapi": "Valid OpenAPI schema.", "swagger": "Valid Swagger schema.", }[format] click.echo("✓ ", fg="green") + success_summary)
def test_openapi(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as input_file: content = path, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) encoding = {".json": "json", ".yaml": "yaml"}[extension] document = apistar.validate(content, format="openapi", encoding=encoding) if document.url is not None: for link_info in document.walk_links(): assert document.url in
def __init__(self, schema, format=None, encoding=None, auth=None, decoders=None, encoders=None, headers=None, session=None, allow_cookies=True): self.document = apistar.validate(schema, format=format, encoding=encoding) self.transport = self.init_transport(auth, decoders, encoders, headers, session, allow_cookies)
def spec_errors(spec): try: apistar.validate(spec, format='swagger') return [] except apistar.validators.ValidationError as error: return error.args[0]