class CloudresourcemanagerOrganizationsTestIamPermissionsRequest(
    r"""A CloudresourcemanagerOrganizationsTestIamPermissionsRequest object.

    organizationsId: Part of `resource`. REQUIRED: The resource for which the
      policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for
      the appropriate value for this field.
    testIamPermissionsRequest: A TestIamPermissionsRequest resource to be
      passed as the request body.

    organizationsId = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    testIamPermissionsRequest = _messages.MessageField(
        'TestIamPermissionsRequest', 2)
Пример #2
class CloudiotProjectsLocationsRegistriesDevicesStatesListRequest(
    r"""A CloudiotProjectsLocationsRegistriesDevicesStatesListRequest object.

    name: The name of the device. For example, `projects/p0/locations/us-
      central1/registries/registry0/devices/device0` or `projects/p0/locations
    numStates: The number of states to list. States are listed in descending
      order of update time. The maximum number of states retained is 10. If
      this value is zero, it will return all the states available.

    name = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    numStates = _messages.IntegerField(2, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
Пример #3
class CloudiotProjectsLocationsRegistriesTestIamPermissionsRequest(
    r"""A CloudiotProjectsLocationsRegistriesTestIamPermissionsRequest object.

    resource: REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being
      requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for
      this field.
    testIamPermissionsRequest: A TestIamPermissionsRequest resource to be
      passed as the request body.

    resource = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    testIamPermissionsRequest = _messages.MessageField(
        'TestIamPermissionsRequest', 2)
class GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1MutateTagTemplateRequestMutationFieldUpsertOperation(_messages.Message):
  r"""Operation for upserting a field to the template. If `field_name` doesn't
  exist, adds a new field to the tag template. If `field_name` exists, the
  field will be updated using the new `field_template`.

    fieldName: The name of the field to create/modify.
    fieldTemplate: The specification of the field. Currently only the
      `display_name` can be updated using this operation. Attempting to update
      any other components of the field, such as the type, will return an

  fieldName = _messages.StringField(1)
  fieldTemplate = _messages.MessageField('GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1TagFieldTemplate', 2)
class AccessLevel(_messages.Message):
    r"""An `AccessLevel` is a label that can be applied to requests to GCP
  services, along with a list of requirements necessary for the label to be
  applied. `AccessLevels` can be referenced in `AccessZones` and in the `Cloud
  Org Policy` API.

    basic: A `BasicLevel` composed of `Conditions`.
    createTime: Output only. Time the `AccessLevel` was created in UTC.
    description: Description of the `AccessLevel` and its use. Does not affect
    name: Required. Resource name for the Access Level. The `short_name`
      component must begin with a letter and only include alphanumeric and
      '_'. Format: `accessPolicies/{policy_id}/accessLevels/{short_name}`
    title: Human readable title. Must be unique within the Policy.
    updateTime: Output only. Time the `AccessLevel` was updated in UTC.

    basic = _messages.MessageField('BasicLevel', 1)
    createTime = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    name = _messages.StringField(4)
    title = _messages.StringField(5)
    updateTime = _messages.StringField(6)
class DatafusionProjectsLocationsInstancesUpgradeRequest(_messages.Message):
    r"""A DatafusionProjectsLocationsInstancesUpgradeRequest object.

    name: Name of the Data Fusion instance which need to be upgraded in the
      form of projects/{project}/locations/{location}/instances/{instance}
      Instance will be upgraded with the latest stable version of the Data
    upgradeInstanceRequest: A UpgradeInstanceRequest resource to be passed as
      the request body.

    name = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    upgradeInstanceRequest = _messages.MessageField('UpgradeInstanceRequest',
Пример #7
class PubsubProjectsSnapshotsCreateRequest(_messages.Message):
    """A PubsubProjectsSnapshotsCreateRequest object.

    createSnapshotRequest: A CreateSnapshotRequest resource to be passed as
      the request body.
    name: Optional user-provided name for this snapshot. If the name is not
      provided in the request, the server will assign a random name for this
      snapshot on the same project as the subscription. Note that for REST API
      requests, you must specify a name. Format is

    createSnapshotRequest = _messages.MessageField('CreateSnapshotRequest', 1)
    name = _messages.StringField(2, required=True)
Пример #8
class StyleSetting(_messages.Message):
    r"""Represents a complete StyleSettings object. The primary key is a
  combination of the tableId and a styleId.

    kind: Type name: an individual style setting. A StyleSetting contains the
      style defintions for points, lines, and polygons in a table. Since a
      table can have any one or all of them, a style definition can have
      point, line and polygon style definitions.
    markerOptions: Style definition for points in the table.
    name: Optional name for the style setting.
    polygonOptions: Style definition for polygons in the table.
    polylineOptions: Style definition for lines in the table.
    styleId: Identifier for the style setting (unique only within tables).
    tableId: Identifier for the table.

    kind = _messages.StringField(1, default=u'fusiontables#styleSetting')
    markerOptions = _messages.MessageField('PointStyle', 2)
    name = _messages.StringField(3)
    polygonOptions = _messages.MessageField('PolygonStyle', 4)
    polylineOptions = _messages.MessageField('LineStyle', 5)
    styleId = _messages.IntegerField(6, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
    tableId = _messages.StringField(7)
Пример #9
class FusiontablesQuerySqlRequest(_messages.Message):
    r"""A FusiontablesQuerySqlRequest object.

    hdrs: Should column names be included (in the first row)?. Default is
    typed: Should typed values be returned in the (JSON) response -- numbers
      for numeric values and parsed geometries for KML values? Default is

    hdrs = _messages.BooleanField(1)
    sql = _messages.StringField(2, required=True)
    typed = _messages.BooleanField(3)
class CommitServicePerimetersRequest(_messages.Message):
  r"""A request to commit dry-run specs in all Service Perimeters belonging to
  an Access Policy.

    etag: Optional. The etag for the version of the Access Policy that this
      commit operation is to be performed on. If, at the time of commit, the
      etag for the Access Policy stored in Access Context Manager is different
      from the specified etag, then the commit operation will not be performed
      and the call will fail. This field is not required. If etag is not
      provided, the operation will be performed as if a valid etag is

  etag = _messages.StringField(1)
Пример #11
class ListOrganizationsResponse(_messages.Message):
    """The response returned from the `ListOrganizations` method.

    nextPageToken: A pagination token to be used to retrieve the next page of
      results. If the result is too large to fit within the page size
      specified in the request, this field will be set with a token that can
      be used to fetch the next page of results. If this field is empty, it
      indicates that this response contains the last page of results.
    organizations: The list of Organizations that matched the list query,
      possibly paginated.

    nextPageToken = _messages.StringField(1)
    organizations = _messages.MessageField('Organization', 2, repeated=True)
class CloudiotProjectsLocationsRegistriesDevicesModifyCloudToDeviceConfigRequest(_messages.Message):

    modifyCloudToDeviceConfigRequest: A ModifyCloudToDeviceConfigRequest
      resource to be passed as the request body.
    name: The name of the device. For example, `projects/p0/locations/us-
      central1/registries/registry0/devices/device0` or `projects/p0/locations

  modifyCloudToDeviceConfigRequest = _messages.MessageField('ModifyCloudToDeviceConfigRequest', 1)
  name = _messages.StringField(2, required=True)
Пример #13
class PubsubTarget(_messages.Message):
    """Pub/Sub target. Jobs will be delivered by publishing a message to the
  given Pub/Sub topic.

    PubsubMessageValue: Required.  This pubsub message is sent when the job is
      attempted.  `pubsub_message` should be a google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage.

    pubsubMessage: Required.  This pubsub message is sent when the job is
      attempted.  `pubsub_message` should be a google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage.
    topicName: Required.  The name of the Cloud Pub/Sub topic to which
      messages will be published when a job is delivered. The topic name must
      be in the same format as required by PubSub's [](http
      equest), for example `projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID`.  The topic
      must be in the same project as the Cloud Scheduler job.
    class PubsubMessageValue(_messages.Message):
        """Required.  This pubsub message is sent when the job is attempted.
    `pubsub_message` should be a google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a PubsubMessageValue

      additionalProperties: Properties of the object. Contains field @type
        with type URL.
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            """An additional property for a PubsubMessageValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A extra_types.JsonValue attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.MessageField('extra_types.JsonValue', 2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    pubsubMessage = _messages.MessageField('PubsubMessageValue', 1)
    topicName = _messages.StringField(2)
Пример #14
class CreateSnapshotRequest(_messages.Message):
    r"""Request for the `CreateSnapshot` method.<br><br> <b>ALPHA:</b> This
  feature is part of an alpha release. This API might be changed in backward-
  incompatible ways and is not recommended for production use. It is not
  subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.

    LabelsValue: User labels.

    labels: User labels.
    subscription: The subscription whose backlog the snapshot retains.
      Specifically, the created snapshot is guaranteed to retain:  (a) The
      existing backlog on the subscription. More precisely, this is
      defined as the messages in the subscription's backlog that are
      unacknowledged upon the successful completion of the
      `CreateSnapshot` request; as well as:  (b) Any messages published to the
      subscription's topic following the      successful completion of the
      CreateSnapshot request. Format is
    class LabelsValue(_messages.Message):
        r"""User labels.

      AdditionalProperty: An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

      additionalProperties: Additional properties of type LabelsValue
        class AdditionalProperty(_messages.Message):
            r"""An additional property for a LabelsValue object.

        key: Name of the additional property.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = _messages.StringField(1)
            value = _messages.StringField(2)

        additionalProperties = _messages.MessageField('AdditionalProperty',

    labels = _messages.MessageField('LabelsValue', 1)
    subscription = _messages.StringField(2)
class UpdateFeedRequest(_messages.Message):
  r"""Update asset feed request.

    feed: The new values of feed details. It must match an existing feed and
      the field `name` must be in the format of:
      projects/project_number/feeds/feed_id or
      folders/folder_number/feeds/feed_id or
    updateMask: Only updates the `feed` fields indicated by this mask. The
      field mask must not be empty, and it must not contain fields that are
      immutable or only set by the server.

  feed = _messages.MessageField('Feed', 1)
  updateMask = _messages.StringField(2)
Пример #16
class ProjectCreationStatus(_messages.Message):
    r"""A status object which is used as the `metadata` field for the Operation
  returned by CreateProject. It provides insight for when significant phases
  of Project creation have completed.

    createTime: Creation time of the project creation workflow.
    gettable: True if the project can be retrieved using GetProject. No other
      operations on the project are guaranteed to work until the project
      creation is complete.
    ready: True if the project creation process is complete.

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    gettable = _messages.BooleanField(2)
    ready = _messages.BooleanField(3)
class CloudassetFeedsPatchRequest(_messages.Message):
  r"""A CloudassetFeedsPatchRequest object.

    name: Required. The format will be
      projects/{project_number}/feeds/{client-assigned_feed_identifier} or
      folders/{folder_number}/feeds/{client-assigned_feed_identifier} or
      assigned_feed_identifier}  The client-assigned feed identifier must be
      unique within the parent project/folder/organization.
    updateFeedRequest: A UpdateFeedRequest resource to be passed as the
      request body.

  name = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  updateFeedRequest = _messages.MessageField('UpdateFeedRequest', 2)
Пример #18
class CloudfunctionsProjectsLocationsFunctionsGenerateUploadUrlRequest(
    """A CloudfunctionsProjectsLocationsFunctionsGenerateUploadUrlRequest

    generateUploadUrlRequest: A GenerateUploadUrlRequest resource to be passed
      as the request body.
    parent: The project and location in which the Google Cloud Storage signed
      URL should be generated, specified in the format

    generateUploadUrlRequest = _messages.MessageField(
        'GenerateUploadUrlRequest', 1)
    parent = _messages.StringField(2, required=True)
Пример #19
class ListProjectBillingInfoResponse(_messages.Message):
    """Request message for `ListProjectBillingInfoResponse`.

    nextPageToken: A token to retrieve the next page of results. To retrieve
      the next page, call `ListProjectBillingInfo` again with the `page_token`
      field set to this value. This field is empty if there are no more
      results to retrieve.
    projectBillingInfo: A list of `ProjectBillingInfo` resources representing
      the projects associated with the billing account.

    nextPageToken = _messages.StringField(1)
    projectBillingInfo = _messages.MessageField('ProjectBillingInfo',
class LabelKey(_messages.Message):
  r"""A label key, used to group a set of label values.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. Label key lifecycle state.

    createTime: Output only.
    deleteTime: Output only.
    description: Optional user-assigned description of the label key. Must not
      exceed 256 characters.  Read-write.
    displayName: Required user-assigned display name for label key. Display
      name should be unique for label keys within the same parent resource.
      The display name must be 1-63 characters, beginning and ending with an
      alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_),
      dots (.), and alphanumerics between.  Read-write.
    etag: Entity tag passed to prevent race conditions. Always set in server
      responses, and optionally set by user for UpdateLabelKey. See
      UpdateLabelKeyRequest for details.
    name: Resource name for label key. Must be in the format labelKeys/123.
    parent: The resource name of the new label key's parent. Must be of the
      form `folders/{folder_id}` or `organizations/{org_id}`.  Immutable.
    state: Output only. Label key lifecycle state.

  class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
    r"""Output only. Label key lifecycle state.

      LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified state.  This is only
        used/useful for distinguishing unset values.
      ACTIVE: The normal and active state.
      DELETE_REQUESTED: The label key  has been marked for deletion by the
        user (by invoking: DeleteLabelKey) or by the system (Google Cloud
        Platform).  This can generally be reversed by invoking:
    ACTIVE = 1

  createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
  deleteTime = _messages.StringField(2)
  description = _messages.StringField(3)
  displayName = _messages.StringField(4)
  etag = _messages.StringField(5)
  name = _messages.StringField(6)
  parent = _messages.StringField(7)
  state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 8)
class OutputConfig(_messages.Message):
  r"""OutputConfig contains a destination for writing trace data.

    bigqueryConfig: Optional. Additional options governing the export behavior
      when the selected destination is a BigQuery dataset.
    destination: The destination for writing trace data. Supported formats
    pubsubConfig: Optional. Additional options governing the export behavior
      when the selected destination is a Pub/Sub queue.

  bigqueryConfig = _messages.MessageField('BigQueryOutputConfig', 1)
  destination = _messages.StringField(2)
  pubsubConfig = _messages.MessageField('PubsubOutputConfig', 3)
class LabelValue(_messages.Message):
    r"""A LabelValue is a child of a particular LabelKey. This is used to group
  cloud resources for the purpose of controlling them via policies.

    StateValueValuesEnum: Output only. LabelValue lifecycle state.

    createTime: Output only. Creation time.
    deleteTime: Output only. Deletion time. This value is cleared on undelete.
    description: Optional. User-assigned description of the LabelValue. Must
      not exceed 256 characters.  Read-write.
    displayName: Required. Immutable. User-assigned display name for
      LabelValue. Display name should be unique for LabelValues within the
      same parent LabelKey.  The display name must be 63 characters or less,
      beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with
      dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.
    etag: Optional. Entity tag which users can pass to prevent race
      conditions. This field is always set in server responses. See
      UpdateLabelValueRequest for details.
    name: Immutable. Resource name for LabelValue in the format
    parent: Immutable. The resource name of the new LabelValue's parent
      LabelKey. Must be of the form `labelKeys/{label_key_id}`.
    state: Output only. LabelValue lifecycle state.
    class StateValueValuesEnum(_messages.Enum):
        r"""Output only. LabelValue lifecycle state.

      LIFECYCLE_STATE_UNSPECIFIED: Unspecified state.  This is only
        used/useful for distinguishing unset values.
      ACTIVE: The normal and active state.
      DELETE_REQUESTED: The LabelValue has been marked for deletion by the
        user (by invoking: DeleteLabelValue) or by the system (Google Cloud
        Platform).  This can generally be reversed by invoking:
        ACTIVE = 1

    createTime = _messages.StringField(1)
    deleteTime = _messages.StringField(2)
    description = _messages.StringField(3)
    displayName = _messages.StringField(4)
    etag = _messages.StringField(5)
    name = _messages.StringField(6)
    parent = _messages.StringField(7)
    state = _messages.EnumField('StateValueValuesEnum', 8)
class PubsubProjectsSubscriptionsPatchRequest(_messages.Message):
  """A PubsubProjectsSubscriptionsPatchRequest object.

    name: The name of the subscription. It must have the format
      `"projects/{project}/subscriptions/{subscription}"`. `{subscription}`
      must start with a letter, and contain only letters (`[A-Za-z]`), numbers
      (`[0-9]`), dashes (`-`), underscores (`_`), periods (`.`), tildes (`~`),
      plus (`+`) or percent signs (`%`). It must be between 3 and 255
      characters in length, and it must not start with `"goog"`.
    updateSubscriptionRequest: A UpdateSubscriptionRequest resource to be
      passed as the request body.

  name = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  updateSubscriptionRequest = _messages.MessageField('UpdateSubscriptionRequest', 2)
Пример #24
class SetIamPolicyRequest(_messages.Message):
  r"""Request message for `SetIamPolicy` method.

    policy: REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the `resource`. The
      size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a
      valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects)
      might reject them.
    updateMask: OPTIONAL: A FieldMask specifying which fields of the policy to
      modify. Only the fields in the mask will be modified. If no mask is
      provided, the following default mask is used: paths: "bindings, etag"
      This field is only used by Cloud IAM.

  policy = _messages.MessageField('Policy', 1)
  updateMask = _messages.StringField(2)
class ModifyAckDeadlineRequest(_messages.Message):
  """Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method.

    ackDeadlineSeconds: The new ack deadline with respect to the time this
      request was sent to the Pub/Sub system. For example, if the value is 10,
      the new ack deadline will expire 10 seconds after the
      `ModifyAckDeadline` call was made. Specifying zero may immediately make
      the message available for another pull request. The minimum deadline you
      can specify is 0 seconds. The maximum deadline you can specify is 600
      seconds (10 minutes).
    ackIds: List of acknowledgment IDs.

  ackDeadlineSeconds = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  ackIds = _messages.StringField(2, repeated=True)
Пример #26
class IapProjectsBrandsIdentityAwareProxyClientsResetSecretRequest(
    r"""A IapProjectsBrandsIdentityAwareProxyClientsResetSecretRequest object.

    name: Required. Name of the Identity Aware Proxy client to that will have
      its secret reset. In the following format: projects/{project_number/id}/
    resetIdentityAwareProxyClientSecretRequest: A
      ResetIdentityAwareProxyClientSecretRequest resource to be passed as the
      request body.

    name = _messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    resetIdentityAwareProxyClientSecretRequest = _messages.MessageField(
        'ResetIdentityAwareProxyClientSecretRequest', 2)
class CreateSnapshotRequest(_messages.Message):
  """Request for the `CreateSnapshot` method.

    subscription: The subscription whose backlog the snapshot retains.
      Specifically, the created snapshot is guaranteed to retain:  (a) The
      existing backlog on the subscription. More precisely, this is
      defined as the messages in the subscription's backlog that are
      unacknowledged upon the successful completion of the
      `CreateSnapshot` request; as well as:  (b) Any messages published to the
      subscription's topic following the      successful completion of the
      CreateSnapshot request. Format is

  subscription = _messages.StringField(1)
class ListCryptoKeyVersionsResponse(_messages.Message):
    """Response message for KeyManagementService.ListCryptoKeyVersions.

    cryptoKeyVersions: The list of CryptoKeyVersions.
    nextPageToken: A token to retrieve next page of results. Pass this value
      in ListCryptoKeyVersionsRequest.page_token to retrieve the next page of
    totalSize: The total number of CryptoKeyVersions that matched the query.

    cryptoKeyVersions = _messages.MessageField('CryptoKeyVersion',
    nextPageToken = _messages.StringField(2)
    totalSize = _messages.IntegerField(3, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
Пример #29
class GkehubProjectsLocationsFeaturesGetIamPolicyRequest(_messages.Message):
  r"""A GkehubProjectsLocationsFeaturesGetIamPolicyRequest object.

    options_requestedPolicyVersion: Optional. The policy format version to be
      returned.  Valid values are 0, 1, and 3. Requests specifying an invalid
      value will be rejected.  Requests for policies with any conditional
      bindings must specify version 3. Policies without any conditional
      bindings may specify any valid value or leave the field unset.
    resource: REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested.
      See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this

  options_requestedPolicyVersion = _messages.IntegerField(1, variant=_messages.Variant.INT32)
  resource = _messages.StringField(2, required=True)
Пример #30
class EndpointsListResponse(_messages.Message):
    """A response containing a partial list of Endpoints and a page token used
  to build the next request if the request has been truncated. Next available
  tag: 6

    endpoints: The endpoints contained in this response.
    nextPageToken: [Output Only] This token allows you to get the next page of
      results for list requests. If the number of results is larger than
      maxResults, use the nextPageToken as a value for the query parameter
      pageToken in the next list request. Subsequent list requests will have
      their own nextPageToken to continue paging through the results.

    endpoints = _messages.MessageField('Endpoint', 1, repeated=True)
    nextPageToken = _messages.StringField(2)