Пример #1
def getApmonInstance():
    global apmonInstance
    global apmonInit
    if apmonInstance is None and not apmonInit:
        apmonInit = True
        if apmonUseUrl:
            apm = None
            #print "Creating ApMon with dynamic configuration/url"
                apm = apmon.ApMon(apmonUrlList, apmonLoggingLevel)
            except Exception as e:
            if apm is not None and not apm.initializedOK():
                #print "Setting ApMon to static configuration"
                except Exception as e:
                    apm = None
            apmonInstance = apm
        if apmonInstance is None:
            #print "Creating ApMon with static configuration"
                apmonInstance = apmon.ApMon(apmonConf, apmonLoggingLevel)
            except Exception as e:
    return apmonInstance
Пример #2
def getApmonObj(inDest):
    """ Checks if inDest is an object and if not tries to create one."""
    if isinstance(inDest, (str, unicode, basestring)):
        apMonDestinations = tuple(inDest.split(','))
        apMon = apmon.ApMon(apMonDestinations)
        return apMon
        return inDest
Пример #3
    def connect(self):
        initialize via _connect_

        self.apmon = apmon.ApMon(self.apmonConf, apmonLoggingLevel)
        self.apmon.sendParameter(self.clusterName, self.nodeName, 'InstanceId',

Пример #4
def doStuff(i):
    print("start", i)
    apm = apmon.ApMon('http://monalisa.cern.ch/apmon/destinations.conf')
    apm.sendParameter('cluster', 'node', 'param', 34 + i)
    apm.sendParameter('cluster', 'node', 'param', -34 + i)
    apm.sendParameter('cluster', 'node', 'param', i)
    # You absolutely have to call this function here!
    print("end", i)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, configurationPath, socketPath):
        self._configurationPath = configurationPath
        self._socketPath = socketPath
        self._container = docker_utils.DockerUtils(socketPath)

        # Initialize ApMon specifying that it should not send information about the system.
        # Note that in this case the background monitoring process isn't stopped, in case you may
        # want later to monitor a job.
        self._apm = apmon.ApMon(self._configurationPath)
        self._apm.confCheck = False
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, config=None, max_rate=20, log_level="INFO"):
        super(Apmon, self).__init__()

        import apmon
        log_level = getattr(apmon.Logger, log_level.upper())
        self._apmon = apmon.ApMon(config or self.default_config, log_level)
        self._apmon.maxMsgRate = int(max_rate * 1.5)

        # hotfix of a bug occurring in apmon for too large pids
        for key, value in self._apmon.senderRef.items():
            value["INSTANCE_ID"] = value["INSTANCE_ID"] & 0x7fffffff

        self._max_rate = max_rate
        self._queue = six.moves.queue.Queue()
        self._stop_event = threading.Event()
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, *destination):
     super(AliceApMonBackend, self).__init__()
     self._logger = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' %
                                      (__name__, self.__class__.__name__))
     # initialization
     self.destination = destination
     # initialize ApMon, reroute logging by replacing Logger at module level
     apmon_logger, apmon.Logger = apmon.Logger, ApMonLogger
     self._apmon = apmon.ApMon(destination)
     apmon.Logger = apmon_logger
     # BUGFIX: apmon can create an invalid identifier on systems with pids > 32767
     if any(senderRef['INSTANCE_ID'] > 2147483647
            for senderRef in self._apmon.senderRef.values()):
         raise RuntimeError(
             'invalid ApMon INSTANCE_ID'
         )  # https://github.com/MonALISA-CIT/apmon_py/issues/4
     # background monitoring
     self._background_monitor_sitename = None
     self._service_job_monitor = set()
Пример #8
# Also, note that:
# - you can monitor multiple jobs
# - the retrieved information is a sum for all processes forked from the given pid
# - you can stop background processes with stopBgProcesses() and still do system and
#   job monitoring. You just have to call sendBgMonitoring() whenever you want to
#   send the data. However, note that also the config checker process is stopped, so
#   if you get the config from a URL, and the configuration changes, you will not get the
#   changes.
from __future__ import print_function
import apmon
import time
import os

# Each 10 seconds send information about given jobs and no information about the system
apm = apmon.ApMon(['dest_3.conf'])
print("apmon was init")
# Monitor this process and all its children
# apm.addJobToMonitor(os.getpid(), os.getcwd(), "JobInfoTest", "job")
apm.addJobToMonitor("1", os.getcwd(), "JobInfoTest", "job")

t = 40

print('Sleeping for 40 seconds')

print('Working for 40 seconds')
start = time.time()
while start + t > time.time():
Пример #9
# This example shows how ApMon can be used to send parameters with a
# given time, set by user to the MonALISA service
# This feature can be useful, for example, if you generate the parameters by
# parsing a log file and you want that they have the time from the log.
from __future__ import print_function
import apmon
import time
import random

# Initialize ApMon by specifying a ref to a list of hosts having a MonALISA service running
# with monXDRUDP module enabled.
# Note that background monitor process sends information about the host. In apmon.py
# is the list with default parameters. If you want to modify what is sent, you can
# take the configuration from a file or URL
apm = apmon.ApMon(('aliendb10.cern.ch:8884', ))

for i in list(range(1, 20)):
    my_time = int(time.time() - 2 * 3600 - (20 - i) * 60)
    state = int(random.randint(0, 10))
    # Note that also there's a sendTimedParams version
    apm.sendTimedParameters("LogParser", "SomeApp", my_time, {'state': state})
    print("Set for i=", i)
Пример #10

This is a simple test program for the 'apmon' Python module.

from __future__ import print_function

import apmon
import time
from Logger import Logger
# read destination hosts form file

apmonUrls = ["http://lxgate35.cern.ch:40808/ApMonConf1", "http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu:40808/ApMonConf"]
apm = apmon.ApMon(apmonUrls, Logger.DEBUG)

if not apm.initializedOK():
    print("It seems that ApMon cannot read its configuration. Setting the default destination")
    apm.setDestinations({'pcardaab.cern.ch:8884': {'sys_monitoring': 0, 'general_info': 0, 'job_monitoring': 1, 'job_interval': 300}})

# set the destinations as a tuple of strings
# apm = apmon.ApMon (('', 'ui.rogrid.pub.ro'))
# or
# apm = apmon.ApMon(('ui.rogrid.pub.ro:8884', ))   # trailing comma => tuple with a single value!

# read the destinations from a URL
# apm = apmon.ApMon("http://rb.rogrid.pub.ro/~catac/destinations.conf")

# check for changes in the configuration files
# apm.configRecheck = True
Пример #11
# This example shows how ApMon can be used to send the parameters 
# to the MonALISA service (given in the constructor)

from __future__ import print_function

import apmon
import sys

# Initialize ApMon specifying that it should not send information about the system.
# Note that in this case the background monitoring process isn't stopped, in case you may
# want later to monitor a job.
apm = apmon.ApMon('dest_2.conf')
apm.confCheck = False

maxV = 0
    maxV = int(sys.argv[1])
except IndexError as er:
    print("Error in first call parameter: " + str(er))

print("sending to", maxV)
for i in list(range(1, maxV)):
    # you can put as many pairs of parameter_name, parameter_value as you want
    # but be careful not to create packets longer than 8K.
    apm.sendParameters("SimpleCluster", "SimpleNode", {'var_i': i})
    # time.sleep(0.1);
Пример #12
            #print "Creating ApMon with dynamic configuration/url"
                apm = apmon.ApMon(apmonUrlList, apmonLoggingLevel)
            except Exception, e:
            if apm is not None and not apm.initializedOK():
                #print "Setting ApMon to static configuration"
                except Exception, e:
                    apm = None
            apmonInstance = apm
        if apmonInstance is None:
            #print "Creating ApMon with static configuration"
                apmonInstance = apmon.ApMon(apmonConf, apmonLoggingLevel)
            except Exception, e:
    return apmonInstance

# Method to free the apmon instance
def apmonFree():
    global apmonInstance
    global apmonInit
    if apmonInstance is not None:
Пример #13
# This example shows how ApMon can be used to send parameters with a
# given time, set by user to the MonALISA service
# This feature can be useful, for example, if you generate the parameters by
# parsing a log file and you want that they have the time from the log.
from __future__ import print_function
import apmon
import time
import random

# Initialize ApMon by specifying a ref to a list of hosts having a MonALISA service running
# with monXDRUDP module enabled.
# Note that background monitor process sends information about the host. In apmon.py
# is the list with default parameters. If you want to modify what is sent, you can
# take the configuration from a file or URL
apm = apmon.ApMon(('pcardaab.cern.ch:8884', ))

for i in list(range(1, 20)):
    my_time = time.time() - 2 * 3600 - (20 - i) * 60
    state = int(random.randint(0, 10))
    # Note that also there's a sendTimedParams version
    apm.sendTimedParameters("LogParser", "SomeApp", my_time, {'state': state})
    print("Set for i=", i)
Пример #14
from __future__ import print_function
# example for testing / setting up ApMon MonALISA monitoring

import apmon
import time
import random

# read destination hosts from file
#apm = apmon.ApMon("http://monalisa2.cern.ch/~catac/apmon/destinations.conf");

# set the destinations as a tuple of strings
apm = apmon.ApMon(("monalisa.cern.ch:28884", "monalisa.caltech.edu:28884"))

# check for changes in the configuration files
#apm.configRecheck = True
# apm.configRecheckInterval = 10 # (time in seconds)

print("ApmTest: Destinations:", apm.destinations)

# what happens if hostname is not specified? - puts just 'localhost'

transferId = "some_id"

print("sending stuff ...")

for i in range(20):
    par = dict(id=transferId, initialisation=random.randint(10, 30))
    apm.sendParameters("fdtcp", None, par)
Пример #15
# This is an example that shows how Log Levels can be used.
# The logLevel can also be specified in the configuration file like:
# xApMon_loglevel = INFO
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import range
import apmon
import time

# Also, we show how you can initialize using a hash of hashes.
# By default, cpu_usr cpu_sys are not sent. This way you can enable them
apm = apmon.ApMon(
        'pcardaab.cern.ch': {
            'sys_cpu_usr': True,
            'sys_cpu_sys': True,
            'job_monitoring': False
# apm.setLogLevel("DEBUG")

for i in range(1, 100):
    print('Sending i =', i)
    if i == 20:
    if i == 50:
    apm.sendParameters("MyCluster", "MyNode", {'val_i': i})
    apm.sendTimedParameters("MyClusterOld", "MyNodeOld",
                            time.time() - 5 * 3600, {'val_ii': i})
Пример #16
# This example shows how ApMon can be used as a simple host sensor to monitor and send
# the desired parameters to the MonALISA service (configured in the given file/url/list)
from __future__ import print_function
import apmon
import os
import time

# apm = apmon.ApMon('dest_3.conf');
apm = apmon.ApMon('http://monalisa2.cern.ch/~catac/apmon/destinations.conf')
# apm = apmon.ApMon('http://gangamon.cern.ch:8080/apmon/ganga.conf');
# apm = apmon.ApMon({'lxgate35.cern.ch' : {'sys_interval' : 10}});

my_host = os.popen('hostname -f').readline().strip()
# the background data about the system will be sent with this cluster and node
apm.setMonitorClusterNode("MyTestSensor", my_host)

print("host-sensor: sleeping forever; hit ctrl+c to stop")
# sleep forever
while True:
Пример #17
def main():
    task = "TestTask4"  # context['MonitorID']
    job = "TestJob4"  # context['MonitorJobID']
    ppid = os.getppid()
    cdir = os.getcwd()
    apmonUrls = [
    # apmonUrls = ["http://monalisa.cacr.caltech.edu:40808/ApMonConf"]
    # apmonUrls = []
    cdate = os.popen("date ").read()[:-1]
    print("Create apmon instance " + cdate)
    apm = apmon.ApMon(apmonUrls, apmon.Logger.ERROR)
    if not apm.initializedOK():
            "It seems that ApMon cannot read its configuration. Setting the default destination"
            'pcardaab.cern.ch:8884': {
                'sys_monitoring': 0,
                'general_info': 0,
                'job_monitoring': 1,
                'job_interval': 300
    print("ApMon Initialized\n===========================")
    print(apm.getConfig() + "===========================")
    # apm = apmon.ApMon({'': {'job_interval':60,'sys_info':False,'general_info': False}})
    # apm.setLogLevel('DEBUG')
    apm.addJobToMonitor(ppid, cdir, task, job)
    # print "ApmReport: Destinations: " + `apm.destinations`
    params = {}
    f = open("data.cms", "r")
    line = f.readline()
    while len(line) > 0:
        spc = line.find(" ")
        if spc == -1:
            print("ignoring", line)
        key = line[0:spc]
        val = line[spc + 1:-1]
            valn = float(val)
            params[key] = valn
        except ValueError:
            params[key] = val
        line = f.readline()
    cnt = 0
    lastcnt = 0
    lastsec = 0
    # params = {"a": 1, "b": 3}
    print("params:", len(params), repr(params))
    while 1:
            # print ".",
            if int(time.time()) != lastsec:
                lastsec = int(time.time())
                print("last sec i sent", (cnt - lastcnt), "packets")
                lastcnt = cnt
            cnt += 1
            print("params:", len(params), repr(params))
            print("Before sendBgMonitoring")
            print("After sendBgMonitoring")
            print("Now go out")
Пример #18
    'echo $(cat gcc --version | grep gcc)',
    'WLCG Metapackage':
    '[ -z $(echo $(rpm -qa | grep -w HEP_OSlibs) | cut -f1 -d$" ") ] && echo "Available: No" || echo "Available: Yes"'

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with zipfile.ZipFile('apmon.zip', 'r') as zip_ref:

    import apmon

    # Initialize ApMon specifying that it should not send information about the system.
    # Note that in this case the background monitoring process isn't stopped, in case you may
    # want later to monitor a job.
    apm = apmon.ApMon((url, ))
    apm.confCheck = False

    if not apm.initializedOK():
            "It seems that ApMon cannot read its configuration. Setting the default destination"
        print("ApMon initialized succesfully")

    # you can put as many pairs of parameter_name, parameter_value as you want
    # but be careful not to create packets longer than 8K.
Пример #19
# allows users to run jobs and each worker node where the job is run
# you want to report the data to the closest MonALISA service without having
# to know apriori on which site the job would run.

# Generating the config based on parameters is useful for example to send the
# the information from 2 or more different applications to different dedicated
# MonALISA services.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import time
import apmon

# change the value for appName parameter to see the difference.
# Also see the cgi script and/or the servlet that generates the configuration
apm = apmon.ApMon("http://pcardaab.cern.ch:8888/cgi-bin/ApMonConf?appName=confgen_test")


my_host = os.popen('hostname -f').readline().strip()

# the background data about the system will be sent with this cluster and node
apm.setMonitorClusterNode("MyStatus", my_host)

# just send some data
x = 0
while x < 20:
    print("Sending for x = ", x)
    apm.sendParameter("MyCluster", "MyNode", "x", x)
    x += 1