def speclib_split(planfile,amsplit=True,cmsplit=True,nmsplit=True,oasplit=True,vtsplit=True,el='') : """ Make a bunch of individual plan files from master, splitting [alpha/M],[C/M],[N/M],vt """ # read master plan file print('splitting: ', planfile) p=yaml.safe_load(open(planfile+'.yml','r')) # some cards removed in split par files p.pop('npart',None) p.pop('npca',None) p.pop('vmsuffix',None) if el is not '' : p['elem'] = el else: p.pop('elem',None) # make specdir the full path relative to $APOGEE_SPECLIB/synth if int(p['solarisotopes']) == 1 : isodir='solarisotopes' elif int(p['solarisotopes']) == 2 : isodir='giantisotopes' #for key in ['synthcode','atmos','specdir','linelist','config'] : # p[key] = p[key].decode().strip("'") p['specdir'] = p['synthcode']+'/'+p['atmos']+'/'+isodir+'/'+p['specdir'] # get ranges in [alpha/M], [C/M], [N/M], and vt if amsplit : amrange=spectra.vector(p['am0'],p['dam'],p['nam']) p['nam'] = 1 else : amrange = [0] if cmsplit : cmrange=spectra.vector(p['cm0'],p['dcm'],p['ncm']) p['ncm'] = 1 else : cmrange = [0] if nmsplit : nmrange=spectra.vector(p['nm0'],p['dnm'],p['nnm']) p['nnm'] = 1 else : nmrange = [0] if oasplit : try : oarange=spectra.vector(p['oa0'],p['doa'],p['noa']) except : oasplit=False oarange=[0.] p['noa'] = 1 else : oarange = [0] if int(p['vmicrofit']) == 0 : vtrange=spectra.vector(p['vt0'],p['dvt'],p['nvt']) p.pop('vt0') p.pop('dvt') p.pop('nvt') else : vtrange = [0] vtsplit = False # loop through all and make individual plan files dw = float(p['dw']) for am in amrange : if amsplit : p['am0'] = float(am) for cm in cmrange : if cmsplit : p['cm0'] = float(cm) for nm in nmrange : if nmsplit : p['nm0'] = float(nm) for oa in oarange : if oasplit : p['oa0'] = float(oa) for vt in vtrange : # vmicro handled differently if int(p['vmicrofit']) == 0 : p['vmicro'] = [float(10.**vt)] # special handling for dw if np.isclose(dw,-1.) : if p['vmicro'] < 3.99 : p['dw'] = 0.05 else : p['dw'] = 0.10 suffix='' if amsplit : suffix+='a'+atmos.cval(am) if cmsplit : suffix+='c'+atmos.cval(cm) if nmsplit : suffix+='n'+atmos.cval(nm) if oasplit : suffix+='o'+atmos.cval(oa) if vtsplit : suffix+='v'+atmos.cval(10.**vt) p['name'] = suffix with open(planfile+'_'+suffix+el+'.yml', 'w') as fp: fp.write(yaml.dump(p,sort_keys=False,Dumper=Dumper))
def mergeholes(planfile='tgGK_180625.par', dir='marcs/giantisotopes/tgGK_180625', grid='GK', fakehole=False, cmrange=None, nmrange=None, vtrange=None, apstar=False, hard=None, out='rbf_'): # Read planfile and set output file name if not os.path.isfile(planfile): print('{:s} does not exist'.format(planfile)) return p = yanny.yanny(planfile, np=True) if dir is None: indir = os.environ['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/synth/' + p[ 'specdir'] + '/' if p.get('specdir') else './' else: indir = os.environ['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/synth/turbospec/' + dir + '/' if cmrange is None: cmrange = spectra.vector(p['cm0'], p['dcm'], p['ncm']) if nmrange is None: nmrange = spectra.vector(p['nm0'], p['dnm'], p['nnm']) if vtrange is None: try: vtrange = 10.**spectra.vector(p['vt0'], p['dvt'], p['nvt']) except: vtrange = [float(p['vmicro'])] if grid is None: if p['specdir'].find('GK_') >= 0: grid = 'GK' elif p['specdir'].find('M_') >= 0: grid = 'M' elif p['specdir'].find('F_') >= 0: grid = 'F' holefile = 'MARCS_' + grid + '_holefile.fits' holes =['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/atmos/marcs/MARCS_v3_2016/' + holefile) for icm, cm in enumerate(cmrange): for inm, nm in enumerate(nmrange): for ivt, vt in enumerate(vtrange): for iam, am in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['am0'], p['dam'], p['nam'])): print(am, cm, nm, vt) file = ('a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am), atmos.cval(cm), atmos.cval(nm), atmos.cval(vt)) filled = + file)[1].data hcm = int( round((cm - holes[0].header['CRVAL5']) / holes[0].header['CDELT5'])) if hcm < 0: #print('off carbon grid edge!',hcm) hcm = 0 ham = int( round((am - holes[0].header['CRVAL4']) / holes[0].header['CDELT4'])) holes[0].data[hcm, ham, :, :, :] = filled holes.writeto(out + holefile, overwrite=True)
def fill(planfile='tgGK_180625.par', dir='marcs/giantisotopes/tgGK_180625', cmrange=None, nmrange=None, vtrange=None, grid='GK', apstar=False, threads=30, fakehole=False, out='rbf_', r0=1.0): """ routine to fill grid holes using RBF interpolation routine from Szabolcs """ # Read planfile and set output file name if not os.path.isfile(planfile): print('{:s} does not exist'.format(planfile)) return p = yaml.safe_load(open(planfile, 'r')) if p.get('r0'): r0 = float(p['r0']) vmicrofit = int(p['vmicrofit']) if p.get('vmicrofit') else 0 vmicro = np.array(p['vmicro']) if p.get('vmicro') else 0. # input directory if dir is None: indir = os.environ['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/synth/' + p[ 'specdir'] + '/' if p.get('specdir') else './' else: indir = os.environ['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/synth/turbospec/' + dir + '/' print('indir: ', indir) if cmrange is None: cmrange = spectra.vector(p['cm0'], p['dcm'], p['ncm']) if nmrange is None: nmrange = spectra.vector(p['nm0'], p['dnm'], p['nnm']) if vtrange is None: try: vtrange = 10.**spectra.vector(p['vt0'], p['dvt'], p['nvt']) except: vtrange = vmicro # get configuration for grid # sizes of subgrids for RBF interpolation in [alpha/M], [M/H], logg, and Teff teffsize = subgrid(int(p['nteff'])) amsize = subgrid(int(p['nam'])) mhsize = subgrid(int(p['nmh'])) loggsize = subgrid(int(p['nlogg'])) if grid is None: if p['specdir'].find('GK_') >= 0: grid = 'GK' elif p['specdir'].find('M_') >= 0: grid = 'M' elif p['specdir'].find('F_') >= 0: grid = 'F' # read holes file holefile = 'MARCS_' + grid + '_holefile.fits' holes =['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/atmos/marcs/MARCS_v3_2016/' + holefile)[0] # total number of frequencies, and pixels to use if apstar: prefix = '' nfreq = aspcap.nw_chip.sum() pix_apstar = aspcap.gridPix() pix_aspcap = aspcap.gridPix(apStar=False) else: prefix = '' file = (prefix + 'a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(0.), atmos.cval(cmrange[0]), atmos.cval(nmrange[0]), atmos.cval(vtrange[0])) grid = + file)[0] nfreq =[-1] # loop over [C/M], [N/M], and vmicro, and set up the subgrids for interpolation nrbf = 0 for icm, cm in enumerate(cmrange): hcm = int(round( (cm - holes.header['CRVAL5']) / holes.header['CDELT5'])) if hcm < 0: #print('off carbon grid edge!',hcm) hcm = 0 for inm, nm in enumerate(nmrange): for ivt, vt in enumerate(vtrange): # load into grids of [alpha,mh,logg,teff,wave] data = np.zeros([ int(p['nam']), int(p['nmh']), int(p['nlogg']), int(p['nteff']), nfreq ], dtype=np.float32) for iam, am in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['am0'], p['dam'], p['nam'])): file = (prefix + 'a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am), atmos.cval(cm), atmos.cval(nm), atmos.cval(vt)) grid = + file)[0] if apstar: # select out ASPCAP grid wavelengths for pasp, pap in zip(pix_aspcap, pix_apstar): data[iam, :, :, :, pasp[0]:pasp[1]] =[:, :, :, pap[0]:pap[1]] else: data[iam, :, :, :, :] = # within each of these grids, do rbf in subsets in parallel, so set up input for subgrids pars = [] npars = 0 sam = 0 for nam in amsize: smh = 0 for nmh in mhsize: slogg = 0 for nlogg in loggsize: steff = 0 for nteff in teffsize: # get the subgrid of holes # try to extend subgrid by one to avoid edges am1, am2, ham1, ham2 = extend( sam, sam + nam, spectra.vector(p['am0'], p['dam'], p['nam']), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 4)) mh1, mh2, hmh1, hmh2 = extend( smh, smh + nmh, spectra.fits2vector(grid.header, 4), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 3)) logg1, logg2, hlogg1, hlogg2 = extend( slogg, slogg + nlogg, spectra.fits2vector(grid.header, 3), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 2)) teff1, teff2, hteff1, hteff2 = extend( steff, steff + nteff, spectra.fits2vector(grid.header, 2), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 1)) # get range in holes file ham = int( round((float(p['am0']) + sam * float(p['dam']) - holes.header['CRVAL4']) / holes.header['CDELT4'])) hmh = int( round((grid.header['CRVAL4'] + smh * grid.header['CDELT4'] - holes.header['CRVAL3']) / holes.header['CDELT3'])) hlogg = int( round((grid.header['CRVAL3'] + slogg * grid.header['CDELT3'] - holes.header['CRVAL2']) / holes.header['CDELT2'])) hteff = int( round((grid.header['CRVAL2'] + steff * grid.header['CDELT2'] - holes.header['CRVAL1']) / holes.header['CDELT1'])) nholes = len( np.where([hcm, ham:ham + nam, hmh:hmh + nmh, hlogg:hlogg + nlogg, hteff:hteff + nteff] > 0)[0]) # add "fake" holes if desired if fakehole:[hcm, ham + nam / 2, hmh + nmh / 2, hlogg + nlogg / 2, hteff] += 100.[hcm, ham + nam / 2, hmh + nmh / 2, hlogg, hteff + nteff / 2] += 100.[hcm, ham + nam / 2, hmh, hlogg + nlogg / 2, hteff + nteff / 2] += 100.[hcm, ham, hmh + nmh / 2, hlogg + nlogg / 2, hteff + nteff / 2] += 100. # set up input for RBF: (name, data, holes) name = out + 'c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}_{:02d}'.format( atmos.cval(cm), atmos.cval(nm), atmos.cval(vt), npars) print(name, am1, am2, mh1, mh2, logg1, logg2, teff2, teff2, hcm, ham1, ham2, hmh1, hmh2, hlogg1, hlogg2, hteff1, hteff2) pars.append( (name, r0, data[am1:am2, mh1:mh2, logg1:logg2, teff1:teff2, :], np.squeeze([hcm, ham1:ham2, hmh1:hmh2, hlogg1:hlogg2, hteff1:hteff2]))) npars += 1 steff += nteff slogg += nlogg smh += nmh sam += nam # do the RBF in parallel for the subgrids pool = mp.Pool(threads) specs = pool.map_async(dorbf, pars).get() pool.close() pool.join() # fill in the holes in the full 4D grid with the interpolated spectra that are returned # but don't use the "extended" regions ii = 0 sam = 0 for nam in amsize: smh = 0 for nmh in mhsize: slogg = 0 for nlogg in loggsize: steff = 0 for nteff in teffsize: am1, am2, ham1, ham2 = extend( sam, sam + nam, spectra.vector(p['am0'], p['dam'], p['nam']), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 4)) mh1, mh2, hmh1, hmh2 = extend( smh, smh + nmh, spectra.fits2vector(grid.header, 4), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 3)) logg1, logg2, hlogg1, hlogg2 = extend( slogg, slogg + nlogg, spectra.fits2vector(grid.header, 3), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 2)) teff1, teff2, hteff1, hteff2 = extend( steff, steff + nteff, spectra.fits2vector(grid.header, 2), spectra.fits2vector(holes.header, 1)) # get range in holes file ham = int( round((float(p['am0']) + sam * float(p['dam']) - holes.header['CRVAL4']) / holes.header['CDELT4'])) hmh = int( round((grid.header['CRVAL4'] + smh * grid.header['CDELT4'] - holes.header['CRVAL3']) / holes.header['CDELT3'])) hlogg = int( round((grid.header['CRVAL3'] + slogg * grid.header['CDELT3'] - holes.header['CRVAL2']) / holes.header['CDELT2'])) hteff = int( round((grid.header['CRVAL2'] + steff * grid.header['CDELT2'] - holes.header['CRVAL1']) / holes.header['CDELT1'])) nholes = len( np.where([hcm, ham:ham + nam, hmh:hmh + nmh, hlogg:hlogg + nlogg, hteff:hteff + nteff] > 0)[0]) name = out + 'c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}_{:02d}'.format( atmos.cval(cm), atmos.cval(nm), atmos.cval(vt), ii) print('loading: ', name, am1, am2, mh1, mh2, logg1, logg2, teff2, teff2, hcm, ham1, ham2, hmh1, hmh2, hlogg1, hlogg2, hteff1, hteff2) # replace data and holes with filled data data[sam:sam+nam,smh:smh+nmh,slogg:slogg+nlogg,steff:steff+nteff,:] = \ specs[ii][0][sam-am1:sam-am1+nam,smh-mh1:smh-mh1+nmh,slogg-logg1:slogg-logg1+nlogg,steff-teff1:steff-teff1+nteff,:] try:[hcm,ham:ham+nam,hmh:hmh+nmh,hlogg:hlogg+nlogg,hteff:hteff+nteff] = \ specs[ii][1][ham-ham1:ham-ham1+nam,hmh-hmh1:hmh-hmh1+nmh,hlogg-hlogg1:hlogg-hlogg1+nlogg,hteff-hteff1:hteff-hteff1+nteff] except: pdb.set_trace() ii += 1 steff += nteff slogg += nlogg smh += nmh sam += nam # write out the 4D grid across appropreiate output files (separate for each [alpha/m]) for iam, am in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['am0'], p['dam'], p['nam'])): file = ('a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am), atmos.cval(cm), atmos.cval(nm), atmos.cval(vt)) grid = + prefix + file) if apstar: # fill in apStar wavelengths for pasp, pap in zip(pix_aspcap, pix_apstar): grid[0].data[:, :, :, pap[0]:pap[1]] = data[iam, :, :, :, pasp[0]:pasp[1]] else: grid[0].data = data[iam, :, :, :, :] grid[0].header.add_comment( 'holes filled using RBF interpolation') grid[0].header.add_comment('APOGEE_VER:' + os.environ['APOGEE_VER']) grid[0].header.append( ('R0', r0, 'value of r0 used for RBF interpolation')) ham = int( round((am - holes.header['CRVAL4']) / holes.header['CDELT4'])) # append the modified holes file for this subgrid hout = fits.ImageHDU( np.squeeze([hcm, ham, :, :, :])) for idim in range(1, 4): spectra.add_dim(hout.header, holes.header['CRVAL' + str(idim)], holes.header['CDELT' + str(idim)], 1, holes.header['CTYPE' + str(idim)], idim) new = fits.HDUList() new.append(grid[0]) new.append(hout) new.writeto(indir + out + file, overwrite=True)
def comp(planfile='tgGK_180625.par', dir='marcs/giantisotopes/tgGK_180625', grid='GK', fakehole=False, cmrange=None, nmrange=None, vtrange=None, apstar=False, hard=None, out='rbf_'): # Read planfile and set output file name if not os.path.isfile(planfile): print('{:s} does not exist'.format(planfile)) return p = yanny.yanny(planfile, np=True) # input directory if dir is None: indir = os.environ['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/synth/' + p[ 'specdir'] + '/' if p.get('specdir') else './' else: indir = os.environ['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/synth/turbospec/' + dir + '/' if grid is None: if p['name'].find('GK_'): grid = 'GK' elif p['name'].find('M_'): grid = 'M' elif p['name'].find('F_'): grid = 'F' if cmrange is None: cmrange = spectra.vector(p['cm0'], p['dcm'], p['ncm']) if nmrange is None: nmrange = spectra.vector(p['nm0'], p['dnm'], p['nnm']) if vtrange is None: try: vtrange = 10.**spectra.vector(p['vt0'], p['dvt'], p['nvt']) except: vtrange = [float(p['vmicro'])] if grid is None: if p['specdir'].find('GK_') >= 0: grid = 'GK' elif p['specdir'].find('M_') >= 0: grid = 'M' elif p['specdir'].find('F_') >= 0: grid = 'F' holefile = 'MARCS_' + grid + '_holefile.fits' if fakehole: holes = + holefile)[0] else: holes =['APOGEE_SPECLIB'] + '/atmos/marcs/MARCS_v3_2016/' + holefile)[0] if apstar: prefix = '' else: prefix = '' ii = 0 nx = 5 ny = 6 figs = [] for icm, cm in enumerate(cmrange): for inm, nm in enumerate(nmrange): for ivt, vt in enumerate(vtrange): for iam, am in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['am0'], p['dam'], p['nam'])): print(am, cm, nm, vt) file = ('a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am), atmos.cval(cm), atmos.cval(nm), atmos.cval(vt)) raw = + prefix + file)[0].data filled = + file)[0].data[1].data for imh, mh in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['mh0'], p['dmh'], p['nmh'])): for ilogg, logg in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['logg0'], p['dlogg'], p['nlogg'])): for iteff, teff in enumerate( spectra.vector(p['teff0'], p['dteff'], p['nteff'])): hcm = int( round((cm - holes.header['CRVAL5']) / holes.header['CDELT5'])) if hcm < 0: #print('off carbon grid edge!',hcm) hcm = 0 ham = int( round((am - holes.header['CRVAL4']) / holes.header['CDELT4'])) hmh = int( round((mh - holes.header['CRVAL3']) / holes.header['CDELT3'])) hlogg = int( round((logg - holes.header['CRVAL2']) / holes.header['CDELT2'])) hteff = int( round((teff - holes.header['CRVAL1']) / holes.header['CDELT1'])) if ((fakehole and abs([hcm, ham, hmh, hlogg, hteff]) > 99.) or (not fakehole and abs([hcm, ham, hmh, hlogg, hteff]) > 0)): print( cm, nm, vt, am, mh, logg, teff,[hcm, ham, hmh, hlogg, hteff]) lab = '{:6.2f}{:6.2f}{:6.2f}{:6.0f}{:7.2f}'.format( am, mh, logg, teff,[hcm, ham, hmh, hlogg, hteff]) lab1 = '{:6.2f}{:6.2f}{:6.2f}'.format( cm, nm, vt) if hard: if ii % (nx * ny) == 0: fig, ax = plots.multi(nx, ny, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001, figsize=(14, 8)) iy = ii % ny ix = (ii % (nx * ny)) / ny print(ii, iy, ix) #ax[iy,ix].plot(raw[imh,ilogg,iteff,:]/np.nanmean(raw[imh,ilogg,iteff,:])) ax[iy, ix].plot(filled[imh, ilogg, iteff, :], color='g') ax[iy, ix].plot( raw[imh, ilogg, iteff, :] / np.nanmean(raw[imh, ilogg, iteff, :]) / filled[imh, ilogg, iteff, :] + 0.2) ax[iy, ix].set_ylim([0.7, 1.35]) if not np.isclose([hcm, ham, hmh, hlogg, hteff], 0.) and not np.isclose([hcm, ham, hmh, hlogg, hteff], -100.): color = 'r' else: color = 'k' ax[iy, ix].text(0.01, 0.97, lab, transform=ax[iy, ix].transAxes, va='top', fontsize='x-small', color=color) ax[iy, ix].text(0.01, 0.9, lab1, transform=ax[iy, ix].transAxes, va='top', fontsize='x-small', color=color) ii += 1 if ii % (nx * ny) == 0: fig.savefig( out + '{:02d}'.format(ii / (nx * ny)) + '.png') figs.append([ out + '{:02d}'.format(ii / (nx * ny)) + '.png' ]) plt.close() else: plt.clf() plt.plot(raw[imh, ilogg, iteff, :] / np.nanmean(raw[imh, ilogg, iteff, :]) - 0.2, color='b') plt.plot(filled[imh, ilogg, iteff, :], color='g') plt.plot(raw[imh, ilogg, iteff, :] / np.nanmean(raw[imh, ilogg, iteff, :]) / filled[imh, ilogg, iteff, :] + 0.2, color='r') plt.ylim([0.7, 1.3]) plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() html.htmltab(figs, file=out + '.html')
def dopca(pars) : """ do a single PCA decomposition for a limited number of pixels Args: pars : input tuple giving required input """ ipiece = pars[0] showtime('start piece: '+str(ipiece)) p=pars[1] wrange=pars[2] w1=wrange[0] w2=wrange[1] npix=w2-w1 npiece=p['npiece'] npca=p['npca'] whiten=p['whiten'] indir=p['indir'] outfile=p['outfile'] outdir=p['outdir'] writeraw=p['writeraw'] rawsynth=p['rawsynth'] prefix=p['prefix'] # load data for this piece pcadata=np.zeros([int(p['noa'])*int(p['nam'])*int(p['ncm'])*int(p['nnm'])*int(p['nvt'])* int(p['nrot'])*int(p['nmh'])*int(p['nlogg'])*int(p['nteff']),npix],dtype=np.float32) nmod=0 pix_apstar=aspcap.gridPix() pix_aspcap=aspcap.gridPix(apStar=False) if rawsynth: wave=np.arange(15100.,17000.01,0.05) nwave=len(wave) else : nwave=aspcap.nw_chip.sum() for ioa,oa in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['oa0'],p['doa'],p['noa'])) : for ivm,vm in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['vt0'],p['dvt'],p['nvt'])) : for icm,cm in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['cm0'],p['dcm'],p['ncm'])) : for inm,nm in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['nm0'],p['dnm'],p['nnm'])) : for iam,am in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['am0'],p['dam'],p['nam'])) : if int(p['noa']) == 1 and int(p['nvt']) >= 1 : file=('a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}v{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am),atmos.cval(cm),atmos.cval(nm),atmos.cval(10**vm)) elif int(p['noa']) > 1 and int(p['nvt']) == 1 : file=('a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}o{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am),atmos.cval(cm),atmos.cval(nm),atmos.cval(oa)) else : file=('a{:s}c{:s}n{:s}.fits').format( atmos.cval(am),atmos.cval(cm),atmos.cval(nm)) # read file and pack into ASPCAP grid size[0].data sap=sap.reshape((int(p['nrot']),int(p['nmh']),int(p['nlogg']),int(p['nteff']),sap.shape[-1])) s=np.zeros([int(p['nrot']),int(p['nmh']),int(p['nlogg']),int(p['nteff']),nwave]) for pasp,pap in zip(pix_aspcap,pix_apstar) : s[:,:,:,:,pasp[0]:pasp[1]]=sap[:,:,:,:,pap[0]:pap[1]][1].data[2].data[3].data for irot,rot in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['rot0'],p['drot'],p['nrot'])) : for imh,mh in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['mh0'],p['dmh'],p['nmh'])) : for ilogg,logg in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['logg0'],p['dlogg'],p['nlogg'])) : for iteff,teff in enumerate(spectra.vector(p['teff0'],p['dteff'],p['nteff'])) : #s=np.append(s1[imh,ilogg,iteff,:],s2[imh,ilogg,iteff,:]) #s=np.append(s,s3[imh,ilogg,iteff,:]) #s=sall[imh,ilogg,iteff,:] if s[irot,imh,ilogg,iteff,w1:w2].sum() == 0. or not np.isfinite(np.nanmean(s[irot,imh,ilogg,iteff,:])) : print('!!ZERO or NaN MODEL',am,cm,nm,vm,rot,mh,logg,teff,w1,w2) s[irot,imh,ilogg,iteff,w1:w2] = 1. # s/=np.nanmean(s) # if len(np.where(np.isfinite(s) is False)[0]) > 0 : print(imh,ilogg,iteff,np.where(np.isfinite(s) is False) ) pcadata[nmod,:] = s[irot,imh,ilogg,iteff,w1:w2]/np.nanmean(s[irot,imh,ilogg,iteff,:]) nmod+=1 #del s1, s2, s3, s del s # do the PCA decomposition if npca > 0 : if p['incremental'] : print('using incremental PCA') pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=npca,whiten=whiten,batch_size=1000) else : pca = PCA(n_components=npca,whiten=whiten) print(pcadata.shape) showtime('start pca: '+str(ipiece)) model=pca.fit_transform(pcadata) print(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) eigen = pca.components_ mean = pca.mean_ else : pca = 0 eigen = 0. mean = 0. # write out uncompressed and compressed in binary to local file showtime('start write: '+str(ipiece)) if writeraw: fraw=open(outdir+'/'+outfile+'_{:03d}_{:03d}_{:03d}.raw'.format(npiece,npca,ipiece),'wb') if npca > 0 : fpca=open(outdir+'/'+outfile+'_{:03d}_{:03d}_{:03d}.pca'.format(npiece,npca,ipiece),'wb') feigen=open(outdir+'/'+outfile+'_{:03d}_{:03d}_{:03d}.eigen'.format(npiece,npca,ipiece),'wb') for i in range(npca) : feigen.write(struct.pack('f'*npix,*eigen[i,:])) feigen.write(struct.pack('f'*npix,*mean)) feigen.close() for i in range(nmod) : if writeraw: fraw.write(struct.pack('f'*npix,*pcadata[i,:])) if npca > 0 : fpca.write(struct.pack('f'*npca,*model[i,:])) if writeraw: fraw.close() if npca > 0 : fpca.close() showtime('done piece: '+str(ipiece)) del pca del pcadata return eigen,mean