def make_photerror_plot(tile): """ This function produces a photometry error plot for bands J, H and Ks using given tile. :param tile: :return: """ file = tile.get_file(data_dir) table = read_fits_table(file) fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0}) fig.suptitle(f'Photometric error for tile {}') kargs_plot = dict(markersize=1.0, alpha=0.1) axs[0].plot(table['mag_J'], table['er_J'], '.', **kargs_plot, label='J', color='b') axs[1].plot(table['mag_H'], table['er_H'], '.', **kargs_plot, label='H', color='g') axs[2].plot(table['mag_Ks'], table['er_Ks'], '.', **kargs_plot, label='Ks', color='r') axs[2].set_xlabel('Magnitudes') # Hide x labels and tick labels for all but bottom plot. Tweak some default plot configuration for ax in axs: ax.label_outer() ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 0.4) ax.set_xlim(9.9, 22.1) ax.legend(loc='upper left', markerscale=0, markerfirst=False, framealpha=0.00) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma$') fig.savefig(f'figphoterr_{}.png', overwrite=True) fig.clf()
def make_photerror_plot(tile): """ This function produces a photometry error plot for bands J, H and Ks using given tile. :param tile: :return: """ file = tile.get_file(data_dir) table = read_fits_table(file) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311, projection='scatter_density') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312, projection='scatter_density') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313, projection='scatter_density') fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.suptitle(f'Photometric error for tile {}') norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=0., vmax=1000, stretch=LogStretch()) ax1.scatter_density(table['mag_J'], table['er_J'], color='blue', norm=norm, label='J') ax2.scatter_density(table['mag_H'], table['er_H'], color='green', norm=norm, label='H') ax3.scatter_density(table['mag_Ks'], table['er_Ks'], color='red', norm=norm, label='Ks') ax3.set_xlabel('Magnitudes') # Hide x labels and tick labels for all but bottom plot. Tweak default plot configuration for ax, lbl in zip([ax1, ax2, ax3], ['J', 'H', 'Ks']): ax.label_outer() ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 0.4) ax.set_xlim(9.9, 22.1) red_patch = mpatches.Patch(label=lbl, alpha=0.00) ax.legend(handles=[red_patch], loc='upper left', markerscale=0, markerfirst=False, framealpha=0.00) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma$') fig.savefig(f'figphoterr_{}_v2.png', overwrite=True) fig.clf()
def read_catalog(input_catalog, times=2.0): table = read_fits_table(input_catalog) date_time = datetime.utcnow() metadata = { 'FILE': input_catalog, 'TIMES': times, 'STAGE': 'read_catalog', 'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') } table.meta.update(metadata) return table
tile_number += 1 if write_fits: log_table.write(path.join(output_dir, f'log_tiling_bf{partitioning_id}.ecsv'), format='ascii.ecsv') tiles_objects_dict = dict() for t in tile_list: tiles_objects_dict.update({t[0]: models.Tessera(*t)}) return tiles_objects_dict table = read_fits_table( path.join(dirconfig.test_tiling, 'complete_region.fits')) l_min_roi = table['l'].min() l_max_roi = table['l'].max() b_min_roi = table['b'].min() b_max_roi = table['b'].max() tile_size = 4.0 / 60 # tiles of 4 arcmin (deg) # Grid aligned to the left top corner of the roi l_grid_0 = np.arange(l_min_roi, l_max_roi + tile_size, tile_size) b_grid_0 = np.arange(b_min_roi, b_max_roi + tile_size, tile_size) tiles_0 = rectangular_tiling(table, l_grid_0, b_grid_0, 0, True) # Grid aligned to the left top corner of the roi
def tile_routine(tile_file, output_dir, space_param='Mini-alternative',): """ This function implement a routine to be used with separate tiles files, including read file, add pseudo-color column, Parameters ---------- space_param tile_file output_dir Returns ------- """ table = read_fits_table(tile_file) tile_name = path.splitext(path.basename(tile_file))[0] # Check if file exists, if so return False expected_filename = path.join(output_dir, tile_name) if glob(expected_filename + '*'): print(f'Tile {tile_name} already processed. Skipping...') return False table.meta.update({'FILE': path.basename(tile_file)}) table.meta.update({'TILENAME': tile_name}) print('Processing', tile_name) add_pseudocolor(table, color_excess=1.8) scores = perform_grid_score(table, mcs_range=(5, 50), ms_range=(5, 50), space_param=space_param, cols=None, cluster_selection_method='leaf', noise_cluster=False, make_plots=False, out_dir=output_dir) # In case that clustering was not successfully return False if len(scores) == 0: print('-' * 20) print('No clusters found in tile: ', tile_name) print('-' * 20) return False score_filepath = path.join(output_dir, 'scores_' + tile_name + '.ecsv') scores.write(score_filepath, format='ascii.ecsv') summarized_scores = summarize_score(scores) score_filepath = path.join(output_dir, 'summary_' + tile_name + '.ecsv') summarized_scores.write(score_filepath, format='ascii.ecsv') best_mcs = summarized_scores['mcs_start'][0] best_ms = summarized_scores['ms'][0] ctools.do_hdbscan(table, space_param=space_param, cols=None, min_cluster_size=int(best_mcs), min_samples=int(best_ms), cluster_selection_method='leaf') cplots.plot_clustered_data(table, output_dir, summarized_scores) return True
from os import path import time """ The purpose of this script is to measure how much time take to process a complete tile using a grid of hyper-parameters """ # '/home/jorge/Documents/DATA/test/neighbors/bigtile_with_tiling_v2.fits' # 2048 # '/home/jorge/Documents/DATA/test/neighbors/bigtile_with_tiling_v3.fits' # 1024 # '/home/jorge/Documents/DATA/test/neighbors/bigtile_with_tiling_v4.fits' # 512 # '/home/jorge/Documents/DATA/test/neighbors/bigtile_with_tiling_v5.fits' # 768 out_dir = path.join(dirconfig.test_tiling, '2048') make_dir(out_dir) catalog_filename = '/home/jorge/Documents/DATA/test/neighbors/bigtile_with_tiling_v2.fits' # 2048 table = read_fits_table(catalog_filename) tile_selection = table[table['tile'] == 100] add_pseudocolor(tile_selection, color_excess=1.8) start = time.time() scores = perform_grid_score(tile_selection, mcs_range=(5, 50), ms_range=(5, 50), space_param='Mini-alternative', cols=None, cluster_selection_method='leaf', noise_cluster=False, make_plots=False, out_dir=out_dir, memory='/home/jorge/Documents/DATA/memory') end = time.time()
def make_completeness_plot(tile, data_dir): """ This function produces a completeness histograms for all J, H and Ks bands for a given tile. :param data_dir: :param tile: :return: """ file = tile.get_file(data_dir) table = read_fits_table(file) fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0}) fig.suptitle(f'Histogram of magnitudes per band for tile {}') kwargs = dict(histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.5, ec="k") start = 4 stop = 21 bin_width = 0.25 hbins = np.arange(start, stop, bin_width) axs[0].hist(table['mag_J'], bins=hbins, label='J (VVV/2MASS)', color='b', **kwargs) axs[0].hist(table['mag_J'][table['catalog'] == '2MASS'], bins=hbins, label='J (2MASS)', color='darkblue', **kwargs) axs[1].hist(table['mag_H'], bins=hbins, label='H (VVV/2MASS)', color='g', **kwargs) axs[1].hist(table['mag_H'][table['catalog'] == '2MASS'], bins=hbins, label='H (2MASS)', color='darkgreen', **kwargs) axs[2].hist(table['mag_Ks'], bins=hbins, label='Ks (VVV/2MASS)', color='r', **kwargs) axs[2].hist(table['mag_Ks'][table['catalog'] == '2MASS'], bins=hbins, label='Ks (2MASS)', color='darkred', **kwargs) axs[2].set_xlabel('Magnitudes') # Hide x labels and tick labels for all but bottom plot. Tweak some default plot configuration for ax in axs: ax.label_outer() ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim(0.5, 590400) #ax.set_xlim(9.9, 22.1) ax.legend(loc='upper left', markerscale=0, markerfirst=True, framealpha=0.00) #ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma$') fig.savefig(f'fighist_{}.png', overwrite=True) fig.clf()
from import join_tiles from import dirconfig from apolo.catalog_proc.utils import read_fits_table, write_fits_table from os import path path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia, 't067_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits') t067 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia, 't067_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t0105 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia,'t105_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t067_t105 = join_tiles(t067, t0105) file_t067_t105 = path.join(dirconfig.test_tiling, 't067_t105.fits') write_fits_table(t067_t105, file_t067_t105) t068 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia,'t068_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t0106 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia,'t106_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t068_t106 = join_tiles(t068, t0106) file_t068_t106 = path.join(dirconfig.test_tiling, 't068_t106.fits') write_fits_table(t068_t106, file_t068_t106) t069 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia,'t069_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t0107 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia,'t107_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t069_t107 = join_tiles(t069, t0107) file_t069_t107 = path.join(dirconfig.test_tiling, 't069_t107.fits') write_fits_table(t069_t107, file_t069_t107) t070 = read_fits_table(path.join(dirconfig.cross_vvv_combis_gaia,'t070_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits')) t0108 = read_fits_table('t108_vvv-2mass-combi-gaia_clean.fits') t070_t108 = join_tiles(t070, t0108) file_t070_t108 = path.join(dirconfig.test_tiling, 't070_t108.fits') write_fits_table(t070_t108, file_t070_t108)
def add_proper_motions(phot_file, pm_file, out_dir=dirconfig.test_knowncl): """ Function that match proper motion catalog and VVV clean catalogs. :param pm_file: :param phot_file: :param out_dir: :return: """ # Check if files exist if files_exist(pm_file, phot_file): print(f'Processing files:', phot_file, pm_file) # Read tables tbl_phot = read_fits_table(phot_file) tbl_pm = read_fits_table(pm_file) # Check if tile numbers match if not tbl_phot.meta['TILE'] == tbl_pm.meta['TILE']: raise ValueError(f'Files do not correspond to the same tile') # Cross-match cphot = SkyCoord(tbl_phot['ra'], tbl_phot['dec']) cpm = SkyCoord(tbl_pm['ra'], tbl_pm['dec']) idx, d2d, d3d = cphot.match_to_catalog_sky(cpm) match = d2d < 0.34 * u.arcsec # Remove duplicated matches # In this case we prefer to omit sources with duplicated matches unique_idx, count = np.unique(idx[match], return_counts=True) duplicated_idxs = unique_idx[count > 1] for i in duplicated_idxs: match[idx == i] = False # join table of matched sources join_table = hstack([tbl_phot, tbl_pm[idx]], uniq_col_name='{col_name}{table_name}', table_names=['', '_pm']) match_table = join_table[match] # Setup names and output file tile_number = tbl_phot.meta['TILE'] catype = tbl_phot.meta['CATYPE'] + '-' + tbl_pm.meta['CATYPE'] date_time = datetime.utcnow() match_table.meta = { 'TILE': tile_number, 'FCOMBI': pm_file, 'FPHOT': phot_file, 'STAGE': 'add_proper_motions', 'CATYPE': catype, 'NPHOT': len(tbl_phot), 'NCOMBI': len(tbl_pm), 'NDUPL': len(idx[match]) - len(np.unique(idx[match])), 'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais' } # Save file fname = f't{tile_number:03d}_{catype}.fits' outfile = path.join(out_dir, fname) write_fits_table(match_table, outfile)
def gaia_cleaning(fname_phot, fname_gaia, clean_dir=dirconfig.cross_vvv_gaia, cont_dir=dirconfig.cross_vvv_gaia_cont, save_contam=True, distance=1.0): """ This function matches gaia sources against VVV sources. Sources with a distance less than 1 kpc are considered contaminants and are removed from vvv catalog. This function generate two tables, one with the cleaned table and the other with the contaminants. :param fname_phot: String, path to the catalog to be cleaned :param fname_gaia: String, path to the gaia catalog :param clean_dir: String, output dir :param cont_dir: String, output dir for contaminants :param save_contam: Boolean :param distance: Float, distance in kpc :return: """ # Check if files exist if files_exist(fname_phot, fname_gaia): print(f'Processing files: ', fname_phot, fname_gaia) # Load tables tbl_phot = read_fits_table(fname_phot) tbl_gaia = read_fits_table(fname_gaia) # Check if tile match if not tbl_phot.meta['TILE'] == tbl_gaia.meta['TILE']: raise ValueError(f'Files do not correspond to the same tile') tile_number = tbl_phot.meta['TILE'] # Apply threshold to gaia data threshold = 1.0 / distance match_parallax = tbl_gaia['parallax'] >= threshold tbl_gaia_par = tbl_gaia[match_parallax] # Cross-match cphot = SkyCoord(tbl_phot['ra'], tbl_phot['dec']) cgaia = SkyCoord(tbl_gaia_par['ra'], tbl_gaia_par['dec']) idx, d2d, d3d = cphot.match_to_catalog_sky(cgaia) match = d2d < 0.34 * u.arcsec # Remove duplicated matches # We only consider sources with 1 to 1 match unique_idx, count = np.unique(idx[match], return_counts=True) duplicated_idxs = unique_idx[count > 1] for i in duplicated_idxs: match[idx == i] = False # join table of matched sources join_table = hstack([tbl_phot, tbl_gaia_par[idx]]) # Catalog with contaminants (objects that are closer than "distance") contam_table = join_table[match] # Add metadata catype = tbl_phot.meta['CATYPE'] + '-' + tbl_gaia.meta['CATYPE'] date_time = datetime.utcnow() contam_table.meta = { 'TILE': int(tile_number), 'FGAIA': fname_gaia, 'FPHOT': fname_phot, 'STAGE': 'gaia_cleaning', 'CATYPE': catype + 'CONT', 'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'DIST': distance, 'SELECT': 'contaminants', 'NDUPL': len(idx[match]) - len(np.unique(idx[match])), 'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais' } # Cleaned catalog clean_catalog = tbl_phot[~match] clean_catalog.meta = { 'TILE': int(tile_number), 'FGAIA': fname_gaia, 'FPHOT': fname_phot, 'STAGE': 'gaia_cleaning', 'CATYPE': catype, 'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'DIST': distance, 'SELECT': 'clean', 'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais' } # Save clean catalog to a fits file filename = f't{tile_number:03d}_{catype}' path_out = path.join(clean_dir, filename + '_clean.fits') write_fits_table(clean_catalog, path_out) # Save contaminants if save_contam: path_out = path.join(cont_dir, filename + '_contaminants.fits') write_fits_table(contam_table, path_out)
def combine_vvv_2mass(vvvpsf_file, twomass_file, out_dir=dirconfig.cross_vvv_2mass, max_error=1.00): """ This function add 2MASS sources to the VVV-PSF catalog :param twomass_file: string :param vvvpsf_file: string :param out_dir: string :param max_error: number :return: """ # Check if files exist if files_exist(twomass_file, vvvpsf_file): print('Combining: ', vvvpsf_file, twomass_file) # Read catalogs twomass_table = read_fits_table(twomass_file) vvvpsf_table = read_fits_table(vvvpsf_file) # Check if tile match if not twomass_table.meta['TILE'] == vvvpsf_table.meta['TILE']: raise ValueError(f'Files do not correspond to the same tile') # Cross-match c2mass = SkyCoord(twomass_table['RAJ2000'], twomass_table['DEJ2000'], unit='deg') cvvv = SkyCoord(vvvpsf_table['ra'], vvvpsf_table['dec'], unit='deg') idx, d2d, d3d = c2mass.match_to_catalog_sky(cvvv) match = d2d > max_error * u.arcsec # In this case repeated sources are not removed (otherwise they will be included in the output catalog) unpaired_2mass_sources = twomass_table[match] # Create a new table to store combined data unp_table = Table() # Add unpaired 2MASS sources to new_catalog unp_table['ra'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['RAJ2000'] unp_table['dec'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['DEJ2000'] unp_table['l'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['l'] unp_table['b'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['b'] unp_table['mag_J'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['J_vista'] unp_table['eJ'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['e_Jmag'] unp_table['mag_H'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['H_vista'] unp_table['eH'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['e_Hmag'] unp_table['mag_Ks'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['Ks_vista'] unp_table['eKs'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['e_Kmag'] unp_table['H-Ks'] = unpaired_2mass_sources[ 'H_vista'] - unpaired_2mass_sources['Ks_vista'] unp_table['J-Ks'] = unpaired_2mass_sources[ 'J_vista'] - unpaired_2mass_sources['Ks_vista'] unp_table['J-H'] = unpaired_2mass_sources[ 'J_vista'] - unpaired_2mass_sources['H_vista'] unp_table['catalog'] = [ '2MASS' for _ in range(len(unpaired_2mass_sources)) ] unp_table['id'] = unpaired_2mass_sources['id'] # Aux catalog for VVV-PSF sources aux_table = Table() # Add VVV-PSF sources to new_catalog aux_table['ra'] = vvvpsf_table['ra'] aux_table['dec'] = vvvpsf_table['dec'] aux_table['l'] = vvvpsf_table['l'] aux_table['b'] = vvvpsf_table['b'] aux_table['mag_Z'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['mag_Z'].data, mask=np.isnan( vvvpsf_table['mag_Z'].data)) aux_table['er_Z'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['er_Z'].data, mask=np.isnan( vvvpsf_table['er_Z'].data)) aux_table['mag_Y'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['mag_Y'].data, mask=np.isnan( vvvpsf_table['mag_Y'].data)) aux_table['er_Y'] = Table.MaskedColumn(vvvpsf_table['er_Y'].data, mask=np.isnan( vvvpsf_table['er_Y'].data)) aux_table['mag_J'] = vvvpsf_table['mag_J'] aux_table['eJ'] = vvvpsf_table['er_J'] aux_table['mag_H'] = vvvpsf_table['mag_H'] aux_table['eH'] = vvvpsf_table['er_H'] aux_table['mag_Ks'] = vvvpsf_table['mag_Ks'] aux_table['eKs'] = vvvpsf_table['er_Ks'] aux_table['H-Ks'] = vvvpsf_table['H-Ks'] aux_table['J-Ks'] = vvvpsf_table['J-Ks'] aux_table['J-H'] = vvvpsf_table['J-H'] aux_table['catalog'] = ['PSF-VVV' for _ in range(len(vvvpsf_table))] aux_table['id'] = vvvpsf_table['id'] output_table = vstack([unp_table, aux_table]) # Add metadata to the new file date_time = datetime.utcnow() tile = vvvpsf_table.meta['TILE'] catype = vvvpsf_table.meta['CATYPE'] + '-' + twomass_table.meta['CATYPE'] output_table.meta = { 'TILE': tile, 'F2MASS': twomass_file, 'N2MASS': len(unp_table), 'FVVV': vvvpsf_file, 'NVVV': len(vvvpsf_table), 'STAGE': 'combine_vvv_2mass', 'CATYPE': catype, 'CDATE': date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'CTIME': date_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'AUTHOR': 'Jorge Anais' } # Write output table fname = f't{tile:03d}_{catype}.fits' output_file = path.join(out_dir, fname) write_fits_table(output_table, output_file)