Пример #1
def update_kv_action(params):
    更改数据库的 kv 配置,处理之前的参数合格性校验
    :param params:
    name = params.get('name')
    value = params.get('value')

    if name == cfg_keys.get('FAC_NUM'):
        if check_len(value, 4):
            return dict(type=True)
            return param_err('猪场代码')
    elif name == cfg_keys.get('SHOW_SELECT_LANGUAGE'):
        if check_in(value, ('false', 'true')):
            return dict(type=True)
            return param_err('显示选择语言')
    elif name == cfg_keys.get('SHOW_TIME_SYNC'):
        if check_in(value, ('false', 'true')):
            return dict(type=True)
            return param_err('显示时间同步')
    elif name == cfg_keys.get('PIG_BASE_DATA_FIELDS'):
        # value 是一个数组,数组中的所有制必须在执行的列中
        if type(value) == list\
            and check_arr_all_in(value, cfg_allowed_values.get('PIG_BASE_DATA_ALLOWED_FIELDS')):
            return dict(type=True)
            return param_err('种猪基础信息')

    return param_err('键名')
Пример #2
def signup_action(params):
    :param params:
    username = params.get('username')
    password = params.get('password')
    email = params.get('email')
    phone = params.get('phone')

    # 用户名长度在 [1,30] 之间
    if is_none(username) or not (check_len(username, 1, 'ge')
                                 and check_len(username, 30, 'le')):
        return param_err('用户名长度')
    # 密码长度在 [6-30] 之间
    if is_none(password) or not (check_len(password, 6, 'ge')
                                 and check_len(password, 30, 'le')):
        return param_err('密码长度')
    if is_none(email) or not check_is_email(email):
        return param_err('邮箱')
    if is_none(phone) or not check_is_phone(phone):
        return param_err('手机号')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #3
def weight_change_action(params):
    r_type = params.get('type')
    start_time = params.get('startTime')
    end_time = params.get('endTime')
    stationid = params.get('stationId')
    pid = params.get('pid')

    if not check_in(r_type, ('station', 'pig')):
        return param_err('查询类型(测定站或者种猪)')

    if r_type == 'station':
        if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
            return param_err(define_name['stationid'])

    if is_none(start_time):
        return param_err('开始时间')

    if is_none(end_time):
        return param_err('结束时间')

    if r_type == 'pig':
        if is_none(pid):
            return param_err('种猪 id')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #4
def entry_one_action(params):
    入栏一头猪 参数校验
    :param params:
    pid = params.get('pid')
    animalnum = params.get('animalNum')
    earid = params.get('earId')
    stationid = params.get('stationId')

    if is_none(pid) or not check_len(pid, 15, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['pid'])

    if is_none(stationid):
        return param_err(define_name['station'])
    if not stationid_exist(stationid):
        return dict(type=False, err_msg=define_name['stationid'] + '不存在')

    if is_none(animalnum) or not check_len(animalnum, 15, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['animalnum'])

    if is_none(earid) or not check_len(earid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['earid'])

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #5
def update_station_action(params):
    编辑加测定站 的数据校验
    :param params:
    stationid = params.get('stationid')
    comment = params.get('comment')
    status = params.get('status')
    errorcode = params.get('errorcode')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        # 必须有 测定站id
        return param_err('测定站')
    if not is_none(comment) and not check_len(comment, 50, 'le'):
        # 可以没有 comment,如果有,则必须限制长度
        return param_err('备注长度')
    if not is_none(status) and not check_in(status, ('on', 'off')):
        # 可以没有 status,如果有,则只能 on 或者 off
        return param_err('测定站状态')
    if not is_none(errorcode) and not check_is_errorcode(errorcode):
        # 可以没有 status,如果有,则只能 on 或者 off
        return param_err('故障码')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #6
def total_perstation_action(params):
    stationid = params.get('stationId')
    time = params.get('time')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['stationid'])

    if is_none(time):
        return param_err('时间')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #7
def add_one_record_action(params):
    种猪一次采食,数据插入表中 参数校验
    :param params:
    # 测定站只会将 earid 传输过来,从数据库中获取到 earid 对应的 pid,stationid,animalnum 等相关信息
    earid = params.get('earid')
    stationid = params.get('stationid')

    food_intake = params.get('food_intake')
    weight = params.get('weight')
    body_long = params.get('body_long')
    body_width = params.get('body_width')
    body_height = params.get('body_height')
    body_temp = params.get('body_temp')
    env_temp = params.get('env_temp')
    env_humi = params.get('env_humi')
    start_time = params.get('start_time')
    end_time = params.get('end_time')

    if is_none(earid) or not check_len(earid, 12, 'eq'):
        return param_err(define_name['earid'])

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['stationid'])

    if is_none(food_intake):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['food_intake'])

    if is_none(weight):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['weight'])

    if is_none(body_long):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['body_long'])

    if is_none(body_width):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['body_width'])

    if is_none(body_height):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['body_height'])

    # if is_none(body_temp):
    #     return param_err(define_name_pigbase['body_temp'])
    # if is_none(env_temp):
    #     return param_err(define_name_pigbase['env_temp'])
    # if is_none(env_humi):
    #     return param_err(define_name_pigbase['env_humi'])

    if is_none(start_time):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['start_time'])

    if is_none(end_time):
        return param_err(define_name_pigbase['end_time'])

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #8
def intake_trend_action(params):
    pid = params.get('pid')
    start_time = params.get('startTime')
    end_time = params.get('endTime')

    if is_none(pid):
        return param_err('种猪id')

    if is_none(start_time):
        return param_err(define_name_pig_daily_assess['start_time'])

    if is_none(end_time):
        return param_err(define_name_pig_daily_assess['end_time'])

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #9
def daily_weight_gain_and_fcr_action(params):
    stationid = params.get('stationId')
    start_time = params.get('startTime')
    end_time = params.get('endTime')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['stationid'])

    if is_none(start_time):
        return param_err('开始时间')

    if is_none(end_time):
        return param_err('结束时间')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #10
def forget_pass_action(params):
    :param params:
    email = params.get('email')
    password = params.get('password')

    if is_none(email) or not check_is_email(email):
        return param_err('邮箱')
    if is_none(password) or not (check_len(password, 6, 'ge')
                                 and check_len(password, 30, 'le')):
        return param_err('密码长度')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #11
def add_station_action(params):
    添加测定站 的数据校验
    :param params:
    stationid = params.get('stationid')
    comment = params.get('comment')
    status = params.get('status')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err('测定站')
    if is_none(comment) or not check_len(comment, 50, 'le'):
        return param_err('备注长度')
    if is_none(status) or not check_in(status, ('on', 'off')):
        return param_err('测定站状态')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #12
def signin_action(params):
    :param params:
    username = params.get('username')
    password = params.get('password')

    # 用户名长度在 [1,30] 之间
    if is_none(username) or not (check_len(username, 1, 'ge')
                                 and check_len(username, 30, 'le')):
        return param_err('用户名长度')
    # 密码长度在 [6-30] 之间
    if is_none(password) or not (check_len(password, 6, 'ge')
                                 and check_len(password, 30, 'le')):
        return param_err('密码长度')

    return dict(type=True)
def get_station_weekly_assessment_info_action(params):
    测定站周采食量统计 参数校验
    :param params:
    stationid = params.get('stationId')
    start_time = params.get('startTime')
    end_time = params.get('endTime')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['stationid'])

    if is_none(start_time):
        return param_err(define_name_pig_daily_assess['start_time'])

    if is_none(end_time):
        return param_err(define_name_pig_daily_assess['end_time'])

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #14
def intake_frequency_in_day_interval_action(params):
    s_type = params.get('type')
    start_time = params.get('startTime')
    end_time = params.get('endTime')
    stationid = params.get('stationId')

    if not check_in(s_type, ('all', 'one')):
        return param_err('查询类型错误(一个或者所有测定站)')

    if s_type == 'one':
        if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
            return param_err(define_name['stationid'])

    if is_none(start_time):
        return param_err('开始时间')

    if is_none(end_time):
        return param_err('结束时间')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #15
def exit_one_action(params):
    出栏一头猪 参数校验
    :param params:
    record_id = params.get('recordId')

    if is_none(record_id):
        return param_err('记录 id')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #16
def delete_station_action(params):
    删除加测定站 的数据校验
    :param params:
    stationid = params.get('stationid')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err('测定站')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #17
def forget_pass_confirm_action(params):
    :param params:
    verifycode = params.get('code')  # 清除首尾空白字符

    if is_none(verifycode) or len(verifycode.strip()) != 128:
        return param_err('校验码格式')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #18
def stationinfo_action(params):
    :param params: 请求的 json 参数
    stationid = params.get('stationid')
    status = params.get('status')
    changetime = params.get('changetime')
    errorcode = params.get('errorcode')

    if not check_exist(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err('测定站id')
    if not check_exist(status) or not check_in(status, ('on', 'off')):
        return param_err('机器运行状态')
    if not check_exist(changetime) or not check_is_timestamp_integer(
        return param_err('状态变化时间')
    if not check_exist(errorcode) or not check_number_str_len(errorcode, 5):
        return param_err('故障编号')

    return {'type': True}
Пример #19
def exit_one_station_action(params):
    :param params:
    stationid = params.get('stationId')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['stationid'])
    if not stationid_exist(stationid):
        return dict(type=False, err_msg=define_name['stationid'] + '不存在')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #20
def get_piglist_from_station_action(params):
    按测定站查询测定站下的所有猪信息 参数校验
    :param params:
    stationid = params.get('stationId')

    if is_none(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['stationid'])
    if not stationid_exist(stationid):
        return dict(type=False, err_msg=define_name['stationid'] + '不存在')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #21
def update_piginfo_action(params):
    更改一头种猪信息 参数校验
    :param params:
    pid = params.get('pid')
    recordId = params.get('recordId')
    animalnum = params.get('animalNum')
    earid = params.get('earId')

    if is_none(pid) or not check_len(pid, 15, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['pid'])

    if is_none(animalnum) or not check_len(animalnum, 15, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['animalnum'])

    if is_none(earid) or not check_len(earid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err(define_name['earid'])
    # 检测耳标号是否已经存在
    # if earid_exist(earid):
    #     return dict(type=False, err_msg=define_name['earid'] + '已经存在')

    return dict(type=True)
Пример #22
def insert_piginfo_action(params):
    :param params: 请求的 json 参数
    earid = params.get('earid')
    stationid = params.get('stationid')
    foodintake = params.get('foodintake')
    weight = params.get('weight')
    bodylong = params.get('bodylong')
    bodywidth = params.get('bodywidth')
    bodyheight = params.get('bodyheight')
    bodytemperature = params.get('bodytemperature')
    stationtime = params.get('stationtime')

    if not check_exist(earid) or not check_len(earid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err('耳标号')
    if not check_exist(stationid) or not check_len(stationid, 12, 'le'):
        return param_err('测定站id')
    if not check_exist(foodintake):
        return param_err('进食量')
    if not check_exist(weight):
        return param_err('体重')
    if not check_exist(bodylong):
        return param_err('体长')
    if not check_exist(bodywidth):
        return param_err('体宽')
    if not check_exist(bodyheight):
        return param_err('体高')
    if not check_exist(bodytemperature):
        return param_err('温度')
    if not check_exist(stationtime):
        return param_err('测定站的时间')

    return {'type': True}
Пример #23
def get_one_kv_action(params):
    name = params.get('name')
    if name not in list(cfg_keys.keys()):
        return param_err('键名')
    return dict(type=True)