Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.twt_print = TwtPrinter()
Пример #2
class GameManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.twt_print = TwtPrinter()

    def testDB(self):
        print("hello world")
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        c = conn.cursor()

        this = """SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS"""
        getStuff = c.fetchall()

        charTuple = getStuff[0]
        cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                      charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])
        print(cha.name.split(' ')[0])

    def new_game(self, userName):
        firstHalf = "Ger Sym Hugh Ger Bysh Riff Vin Heg Gile Gau Ewl Gyl Van Syn Gath Par" \
                  "Rar Helm Thu Coel Erf Cane Fol Knet Leth Dene Hav Tun Thun Ara Bur".split() #24

        seconHalf = "y ey te nah ney ley alt ort man der dar dor da ess ke fin son kin wyn nia bre ia mir".split() #18

        nickName1 = "Silent Horse Iron Grim Shadow Warrior Cold Queen King Prince Princess" \
                    " Mumble Quick  Flame".split() #14

        nickName2 = "Tongue Preserver Mouth Phantom Wonder Guardian Watcher Fist " \
                    "Slayer Hammer Sword Arrow".split() #12

        nickName3 = "Big Small Flamming Last First Great Final Burning Smug".split()

        nickName = ""

        # Total of 456 first name combinations
        if (random.randint(0,1) == 0): #Flips coin, determins if name will have one or two syllables
            firstName = random.choice(firstHalf) + random.choice(seconHalf)
            firstName = random.choice(firstHalf)

        if (random.randint(0,1) == 0):#Flips coin, determins if name will have one or two syllables
            secondName = random.choice(firstHalf) + random.choice(seconHalf)
            secondName = random.choice(firstHalf)
        while(firstName == secondName): #If first and last name are both the same, remakes last name.
            if (random.randint(0,1) == 0):
                secondName = random.choice(firstHalf) + random.choice(seconHalf)
                firstName = random.choice(firstHalf)
        name = firstName + " " + secondName

        if (random.randint(0,1) == 0):

            if (random.randint(0,1) == 0):
                nickName += nickName1[random.randint(0,13)] + " " + nickName2[random.randint(0,11)]
                nickName += nickName2[random.randint(0,11)] + " " + nickName1[random.randint(0,13)]
        else: #Big Small Flamming Last First Great Final Burning
            if (random.randint(0,1) == 0):
                nickName = nickName1[random.randint(0,13)]
                nickName = nickName2[random.randint(0,11)]
            if (random.randint(0,1) == 0): #If Nickname appears as only one word then there is another flip to add another word
                nickName = nickName3[random.randint(0,6)] + " " + nickName

        if (random.randint(0,1) == 0 or nickName == "Tongue" or nickName == "Silent"or nickName == "Big"or nickName == "Small"
          or nickName == "Princess"):
            nickName = "the " + nickName
            nickName = "of the " + nickName + "s"
        fullName = name #Getting rid of nicknames for the moment.
        # chkName = self.checkName(fullName)

        gold = random.randint(1,5)
        job = ["Warrior", "Thief","Rager","War Priest","Knight","Paladin","Nomad","Hunter","Quisitor","Brawler"]
        youJob =  random.choice(job)

        sharpWeapons = ["sword","axe","spear","lance","saber","shield"]
        bluntWeapons = ["mace","hammer","flail","staff"]
        otherWeapons = ["twin axes","daggers","knife","whip", "fists"]

        elementMods = ['flaming', 'icy','electric','bright','shadow','black','dark','golden','silver','steel','iron']
        godMod = ['rightous','holy',"unholy","divine","vile","depraved","pious",'valiant','smiting']
        palMods = ['rightous','holy',"divine","pious",'valiant','smiting','devout']
        oddMod = ["odd","quick","fierce","strange","great","quiet",'stone','bloodied','ancient','rusted']
        weapon = ""
        if "Warrior" in youJob or "Rager" in youJob or "Paladin" in youJob or "Knight" in youJob:
            weapon = random.choice(sharpWeapons)
        elif "War Priest" in youJob or "Brawler" in youJob:
            weapon = random.choice(bluntWeapons)
        elif "Thief" in youJob or "Nomad" in youJob or "Hunter" in youJob or "Quisitor" in youJob in youJob:
            weapon = random.choice(otherWeapons)

        if "War Priest" in youJob or "Quisitor" in youJob or "Paladin" in youJob or "Knight" in youJob:
            weapon = random.choice(godMod) + " " + weapon
        elif "Nomad" in youJob or "Rager" in youJob or "Brawler" in youJob:
            weapon = random.choice(oddMod) + " " + weapon
        elif "Warrior" in youJob or "Thief" in youJob or "Hunter" in youJob:
            weapon = random.choice(elementMods) + " " + weapon

        health = random.randint(80,400)
        #The longest sentence possible is a max of 123 characters to avoid going over twitters char limit
        if gold > 1:
            # text ="You are " + fullName + ". You are a " + youJob + ". You begin your adventure with only " + str(gold) + " coins."
            goldText =  str(gold) + " gold coins they join the battle"
            # text = "You're " + fullName + ". You are a " + youJob + ". You begin your adventure with only a single coin."
            goldText = "a single coin they join the battle"

        if "twin" in weapon:
            text =  fullName + " The " + youJob + " enters the land. with " + weapon + " and " + goldText
            text = fullName + " The " + youJob + " enters the land. with a " + weapon + " and " + goldText
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        c = conn.cursor()
        ch= conn.cursor()

        ch.execute("SELECT PLAYER FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?",(userName,))
        check = ch.fetchall()
        if len(check) == 0: #Checks if user already has a character and replaces current character if yes
            # player|name|job|health|gold|runs|org|weapon|map|RARM|LARM|RLEG|LLEG|HEAD 14 in total
            c.execute('INSERT INTO CHARACTERS VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (userName, fullName, youJob, health, gold,0,"null",weapon,"null","null","null","null","null","null"))
            text = "You already possess a character"



    def checkName (self, name): # FINISH THIS!
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        c = conn.cursor()
        numerals = ['II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X','XI','XII','XIII','XIV','XV','XVI','XVII','XVIII','XIX','XX']
        checkName = name
        c.execute('SELECT NAME FROM CHARACTERS WHERE NAME = ?',[checkName])

        chk = c.fetchall()
        count = 0
        secondCount = 0

        while count < len(chk):
            if chk[count] in name:
                name = name + " The " + numerals[secondCount]
                secondCount += 1
                if secondCount > 18:
                count += 1
        return name


    def instructions(self,userName):
        #A story in 123 characters.
        text = 'You are one of the Last to resist The End. There is no rest. Each struggle calls you closer to death. Now fight on.'

    def player_stats(self, userName):
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        p = conn.cursor()
        p.execute("SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?", (userName,))
        charData = p.fetchall()
        if len(charData) == 0:
            text = "You do not possess a character!"
            charTuple = charData[0]

            cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                      charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])

            if 'a' in cha.job[0] or 'e' in cha.job[0]or 'i' in cha.job[0]or 'o' in cha.job[0] or 'u' in cha.job[0]:
                text = "You are " + str(cha.name) + " an " + str(cha.job) + ". You possess " + str(cha.gold) + \
                   " gold and your health is " + str(cha.health) + "."
                text = "You are " + str(cha.name) + " a " + str(cha.job) + ". You possess " + str(cha.gold) + \
                   " gold and your health is " + str(cha.health) + "."

    def player_options(self,userName):
        text = "Your options are: make a [new] character, " \
               "learn about [who] you are or [continue] on. You may also learn [about] this world"

    def the_road_monster(self, userName):
        # player|name|job|health|gold|runs|org|weapon|map|RARM|LARM|RLEG|LLEG|HEAD
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        d = conn.cursor()
        c = conn.cursor()
        d.execute('SELECT * FROM BIGSCARIES')
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?', (userName,))
        monsters = d.fetchall()
        character = c.fetchall()
        dmg = random.randint(1,8)
        randoMon = random.randint(0, len(monsters)-1)
        monsterTuple = monsters[randoMon]
        mob = monDAO(monsterTuple[0], monsterTuple[1], int(monsterTuple[2]))
            if len(character) == 0:
                text = "The End cannot be overcome by those that standby and observe"
                # self.twt_print.printTweet(userName,text)
                charTuple = character[0]
                cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                              charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])

                text = "On the road " + cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " encounters a " + mob.name + ". " + cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " overcame it with their " + cha.weapon.split(' ')[-1] + \
                       " but took " + str(dmg) + " wound. DunSuRu grows safer"

            c.execute("UPDATE CHARACTERS SET HEALTH = ? WHERE PLAYER = ?",(str(cha.health-dmg),userName))
        except Exception as e:
            print('Try/catch error occured: ' + e)

    def the_road_people(self,userName):
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        c = conn.cursor()
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?', (userName,))
        character = c.fetchall()
        charTuple = character[0]
        cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                          charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])

        num = random.randint(0,2)

        if num == 0:
            text = "On the roads near DunSuRu "+ cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " comes across a caravan. Though exhausted the eagerly trade Story and Song."
        elif num == 1:
            text = "On the road from DunSuRu "+ cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " passes a group of refugees. They pass in silence, fear of The End show in their tired eyes"
            text = cha.name.split(' ')[0] +" travels the roads near DunSuRu but finds no trace of others. The End draws closer."


    def ruins_monster(self, userName):
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        d = conn.cursor()
        c = conn.cursor()
        d.execute('SELECT * FROM BIGSCARIES')
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?', (userName,))
        monsters = d.fetchall()
        character = c.fetchall()

        dmg = random.randint(1,8)
        randoMon = random.randint(0, len(monsters)-1)
        monsterTuple = monsters[randoMon]
        mob = monDAO(monsterTuple[0], monsterTuple[1], int(monsterTuple[2]))
            if len(character) == 0:
                text = "You must enter the realm first. Go! Begin your stuggle!"
                # self.twt_print.printTweet(userName,text)
                charTuple = character[0]
                cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                              charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])

                text =  cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " searches the forgotten ruins for ancient texts but finds a " + mob.name+ ". The battle was quick but " + \
                        cha.name.split(' ')[0]+ " took " + str(dmg) + " wound"

            c.execute("UPDATE CHARACTERS SET HEALTH = ? WHERE PLAYER = ?",(str(cha.health-dmg),userName))
        except Exception as e:
            print('Try/catch error occured: ' + e)

    def ruins_people(self, userName):
        conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
        d = conn.cursor()
        c = conn.cursor()
        c.execute('SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?', (userName,))
        character = c.fetchall()
        charTuple = character[0]
        cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                          charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])

        num = random.randint(0,2)
        scrolls = ["a time before The End","a treasure lost to time"," a just king that fell to The End", "a great queen who faced The End", "a duel of knights, wicked and kind",
                   "immortal lords who ruled for eons.","The Great Snake Who Laughs.","undying warriors corrupt by sorrow","a city of splendor and lights.","The Lady who waits...",
                   "a sword of heavens, now shattered.","an axe of the races, lost forever.","angels and demons that did nothing"]
        peeps = ["an ancient crypt.","another settlement of survivors.","keep corrupted with monsters","a castle corrupted with monsters","a hidden trading post.",
                 "a rumored meeting of adventurers","a fabled ancient library"]

        if num == 0:
            text = cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " comes across the ruins of a city now forgotten. They are greeted with nothing more than the howls of a " \
                                        "dying wind"
        elif num == 1:
            text =  cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " treads the forgotten ruins and finds a scroll of history. These scrolls speak of " + \
            text = cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " meets survivors hidden among the ruins. They speak of sorrow and point the way to " + random.choice(peeps)


    def dungeon_pick(self, userName):

                level = 1

                if 1 <= level <= 3:
                    conn = sqlite3.connect('DunSuciRun.sqlite')
                    c = conn.cursor()
                    m = conn.cursor()
                    n = conn.cursor()
                    p = conn.cursor()
                    c.execute('SELECT * FROM DUNGEONS WHERE DIFFICULTY =' + str(level))
                    dungeons = c.fetchall()
                    p.execute('SELECT * FROM CHARACTERS WHERE PLAYER = ?', (userName,))
                    getData = p.fetchall()
                    if len(getData) == 0:
                        text = "To continue, one must begin"
                        # self.twt_print.printTweet(userName,text)
                        charTuple = getData[0]
                        cha = CharDAO(charTuple[0], charTuple[1],charTuple[2],charTuple[3],charTuple[4], charTuple[5], charTuple[6],
                                      charTuple[7], charTuple[8], charTuple[9], charTuple[10], charTuple[11], charTuple[12], charTuple[13])
                        randomNum= random.randint(0, len(dungeons)-1)
                        newTuple = dungeons[randomNum]
                        dun = DunDAO(newTuple[0], newTuple[1], newTuple[2], newTuple[3], newTuple[4]) #
                        m.execute('SELECT * FROM BIGSCARIES WHERE THEME =?',(dun.theme,))
                        monsters = m.fetchall()
                        randoMon = random.randint(0, len(monsters)-1)
                        monsterTuple = monsters[randoMon]
                        mob = monDAO(monsterTuple[0], monsterTuple[1], int(monsterTuple[2]))
                        horde = random.randint(0,(level*dun.difficulty)) + cha.gold
                        rns = cha.runs + 1
                        entersAdj= 'runs into,traverses,stalks,enters,charges,assaults'.split(",")
                        flavText = ['cleave','slice','parry','slam']
                        #Updates character date with new health and treasure
                        if cha.health - (mob.damage*dun.difficulty) >= 0:
                            n.execute('UPDATE CHARACTERS SET HEALTH = ?, GOLD = ?, RUNS = ? WHERE PLAYER = ?',(str((cha.health - (mob.damage*dun.difficulty))), horde,rns, userName))
                            if 'a' in mob.name[0] or 'e' in mob.name[0] or 'i' in mob.name[0] or 'o' in mob.name[0] or 'u' in mob.name[0]:
                                text = cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " " + random.choice(entersAdj) + " " + dun.name + " and slew an " + mob.name + \
                               " with a mighty cleave. They find " + str(dun.difficulty*random.randint(1,5)) + " gold but take " + str((mob.damage*dun.difficulty)) + " wound"
                                text = cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " " + random.choice(entersAdj) + " " + dun.name + " and slew a " + mob.name + \
                               " with a mighty cleave. They find " + str(dun.difficulty*random.randint(1,5)) + " gold but take " + str((mob.damage*dun.difficulty)) + " wound"
                            n.execute('INSERT INTO GRAVEYARD VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(cha.user,cha.name,cha.job,cha.gold,cha.runs,cha.map,cha.weapon,dun.name,0,mob.name,"no"))
                            text = cha.name.split(' ')[0] + " " + random.choice(entersAdj) + " " + dun.name + " but fell to a " + mob.name + ". " + cha.name.split(' ')[0]
                            n.execute('DELETE FROM CHARACTERS WHERE NAME = ?',(cha.name))


                        # return text
                    print("You shouldn't be able to get here")

            except Exception as e:
                print('Try/catch error occured: ' + e)