def test4(self): goods_dao = GoodsDao() add = goods_dao.add("手机", 20, "1", "电子", "kg") # res = goods_dao.query_all() # res = goods_dao.query_by_companyId('1', '苹', None) # j = json.dumps(return_success({'goodsList': GoodsDao.to_dict(res)}), cls=DecimalEncoder, ensure_ascii=False) print(add)
def test15(self): query = SellDao() queryCustomer = CustomerDao() queryGoods = GoodsDao() companyId = "5" customerId = "201353eb-4f3b-3992-bdae-347841dc304d" result = queryCustomer.query_byId(customerId) if len(result) == 1: customerName = result[0][1] else: customerName = "" sumprice = 22.5 date = "2019-7-12" id = str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, date)) goodsId = "e7f00942-5aad-3df5-90d1-c850b0839ff2" number = 5 goodsResult = queryGoods.query_byId(goodsId) if len(goodsResult) == 1: goodsName = goodsResult[0][1] else: goodsName = "" row = query.add(id, customerId, goodsId, companyId, number, sumprice, date, customerName, goodsName) if row == 1: return json.dumps(return_success("Yes!")) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess('Error: Add failed'))
def upload(): file_dir = os.path.join(basedir, UPLOAD_FOLDER) if not os.path.exists(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) f, = request.files.values() _id = request.form.get("id") print(_id) size = len( print(size) if f and allowed_file(f.filename): if size <= MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: fname = secure_filename(f.filename) print(fname) ext = fname.rsplit('.', 1)[1] new_filename = Pic_str().create_uuid() + '.' + ext # 更新photo try: goods_dao = GoodsDao() goods_dao.update_photo(_id, new_filename) # 保存图片到本地, new_filename)) f.close() return json.dumps(return_success({"new_filename": new_filename}), ensure_ascii=False) except Exception as e: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess({"new_filename": new_filename, 'Update Error': str(e)}), ensure_ascii=False) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("文件大小超出5MB"), ensure_ascii=False) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("文件格式不正确"), ensure_ascii=False)
def GetPicPurchasePrice(goodsType, purchaseResult): sumPriceByType = [] sumNumByType = [] for gType in goodsType: sumOneType = 0 sumOneNum = 0 sumPrice = 0 for sellRecord in purchaseResult: goodsList = sellRecord['goodsList'] for goods in goodsList: goodsId = goods['goodsId'] queryGoodsType = GoodsDao() sumPrice = sumPrice + goods['number'] * goods['price'] goodType = queryGoodsType.queryType_byId(goodsId) if goodType[0][0] == gType: sumOneType = sumOneType + goods['number'] * goods['price'] sumOneNum = sumOneNum + goods['number'] sumPriceByType.append(sumOneType) sumNumByType.append(sumOneNum) datas = {} ah = {} datas['type'] = 'pie' datas['summary'] = '进货状况饼状图' print(len(goodsType)) for i in range(0, len(sumPriceByType)): ah[goodsType[i]] = sumPriceByType[i] datas['diagram'] = ah return datas, len(goodsType), sumPrice
def getPurchaseData(Purchase, time, start, end): finalResult = [] if Purchase['success'] == True: purchaseResult = Purchase['result'] print(purchaseResult) groups = [] goodsType = [] group = {} activeNames = [] items = [] for sellRecord in purchaseResult: item = {} goodsList = sellRecord['goodsList'] lists = [] content = {} for goods in goodsList: goodsId = goods['goodsId'] queryGoodsType = GoodsDao() goodType = queryGoodsType.queryType_byId(goodsId) if goodType[0][0] not in goodsType: goodsType.append(goodType[0][0]) list = {} list['title'] = goods['goodsName'] list['value'] = goods['number'] list['label'] = goods['goodsId'] lists.append(list) content['type'] = 'list' content['lists'] = lists item['title'] = sellRecord['date'] item['value'] = '供货商' + sellRecord['supplierName'] item['label'] = sellRecord['id'] item['content'] = content items.append(item) group['activeNames'] = activeNames group['items'] = items # 调用获取图片信息的函数 GetPicPurchasePriceResult = GetPicPurchasePrice( goodsType, purchaseResult) finalResult.append(GetPicPurchasePriceResult[0]) if time == 'this_month': finalResult.append(GetPicturePurchaseData(start, end)) groups.append(group) sellInfo = { 'type': 'collapse-group', 'summary': '该段时间共进了' + str(GetPicPurchasePriceResult[1]) + '种货物,共计' + str(GetPicPurchasePriceResult[2]) + '元', 'groups': groups } finalResult.append(sellInfo) print(finalResult) return json.dumps(return_success(finalResult), ensure_ascii=False, cls=DecimalEncoder) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess('不好意思,没有查到相关数据哦'))
def addGoods(): _json = request.json print(_json) goods_dao = GoodsDao() try: res = goods_dao.add(_json.get('name'), _json.get('sellprice'), _json.get('companyId'), _json.get('type'), _json.get('unitInfo'), _json.get('barcode')) return json.dumps(return_success({"id": res["id"]})) except Exception as e: print(e) return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("添加商品失败 " + str(e)), ensure_ascii=False)
def update_goods_info(): _json = request.json goods_dao = GoodsDao() res = goods_dao.query_byId(_json.get('id')) if len(res) is not 1: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("未找到该商品"), ensure_ascii=False) try: goods_dao.update_info(_json.get('id'), _json.get('name'), _json.get('sellprice'), _json.get('type'), _json.get('unitInfo'), _json.get('barcode')) return json.dumps(return_success("更新商品信息成功"), ensure_ascii=False) except Exception as e: print(e) return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("添加商品失败"), ensure_ascii=False)
def queryGoodsStoreByGoodsId(): _json = request.json company_id = _json.get('companyId') goods_id = _json.get('goodsId') goods_dao = GoodsDao() try: res = goods_dao.query_store_by_goods_id(company_id, goods_id) if len(res) > 0: return json.dumps(return_success( GoodsDao.to_ware_goods_amount_dict(res)), ensure_ascii=False) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("未找到该商品"), ensure_ascii=False) except Exception as e: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("查询商品失败 " + str(e)), ensure_ascii=False)
def queryGoods(): _json = request.json companyId = _json.get('companyId') name = _json.get('name') type = _json.get('type') id = _json.get('id') goods_dao = GoodsDao() result = goods_dao.query_by_companyId(companyId, name, type, id) size = len(result) if size >= 0: return json.dumps(return_success( {'goodsList': GoodsDao.to_dict(result)}), cls=DecimalEncoder, ensure_ascii=False) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess("查询失败"), ensure_ascii=False)
def query_by_warehouse(): _json = request.json _companyId = _json.get("companyId") _wareHouseId = _json.get("wareHouseId") _name = _json.get('name') _type = _json.get('type') print(_json) goods_dao = GoodsDao() res = goods_dao.query_by_warehouse(_companyId, _wareHouseId, _name, _type) size = len(res) if size >= 0: return json.dumps(return_success( {'goodsList': GoodsDao.to_ware_dict(res)}), cls=DecimalEncoder, ensure_ascii=False) else: return jsonify(return_unsuccess("查询失败"))
def addSell(): conn = MyHelper() queryCustomer = CustomerDao() queryGoods = GoodsDao() _json = request.json params = [] sqls = [] companyId = _json.get('companyId') customerId = _json.get('customerId') result = queryCustomer.query_byId(customerId) if len(result) == 1: customerName = result[0][1] else: customerName = "" date = _json.get('date') goodsList = _json.get('goodsList') id = str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, str(time.time()))) # print(goodsList) for puchase in goodsList: sumprice = puchase['sumprice'] goodsId = puchase['goodsId'] number = puchase['number'] goodsResult = queryGoods.query_byId(goodsId) if len(goodsResult) == 1: goodsName = goodsResult[0][1] goodsUnit = goodsResult[0][5] else: goodsName = "" params.append([ id, customerId, goodsId, companyId, number, sumprice, date, customerName, goodsName, goodsUnit ]) sqls.append( "insert into Sell (id,customerId, goodsId, companyId, number, sumprice,date,customerName,goodsName,unitInfo) " "values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)") rows = conn.executeUpdateTransaction(sqls=sqls, params=params) if rows: return json.dumps(return_success(id)) else: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess('Error: Add failed'))
def queryPurchase(): query = PurchaseDao() querySupplierName = SupplierDao() queryGoodsPhoto = GoodsDao() _json = request.json companyId = _json.get('companyId') results = [] if _json.get('id') == None: if _json.get('date') == None: idResult = query.queryAllId(companyId) else: if _json.get('start') != None: start = _json.get('start') end = _json.get('end') else: date = _json.get('date') start = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) n_days = start + delta end = n_days.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') idResult = query.query_byDate(companyId, start, end) size = len(idResult) if size == 0: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess('Error: No data')) else: for j in range(0, len(idResult)): result = [] id = idResult[j][0] goodsList = [] goodsResult = query.query_byId(id) for i in range(0, len(goodsResult)): status = goodsResult[i][8] supplierId = goodsResult[i][3] PhothResult = queryGoodsPhoto.query_byId(goodsResult[i][1]) goodsPhoto = PhothResult[0][7] NameResult = querySupplierName.query_byId(supplierId) supplierName = NameResult[0][1] date = goodsResult[i][7] goods = [] goods.append(goodsResult[i][6]) goods.append(goodsResult[i][1]) goods.append(goodsPhoto) goods.append(goodsResult[i][2]) goods.append(goodsResult[i][5]) goodsList.append(goods) result.append(id) result.append(status) result.append(supplierId) result.append(date) result.append(supplierName) result.append(goodsList) results.append(result) else: id = _json.get('id') result = [] goodsList = [] goodsResult = query.query_byId(id) if len(goodsResult) >= 0: for i in range(0, len(goodsResult)): status = goodsResult[i][8] supplierId = goodsResult[i][3] PhothResult = queryGoodsPhoto.query_byId(goodsResult[i][1]) goodsPhoto = PhothResult[0][7] NameResult = querySupplierName.query_byId(supplierId) supplierName = NameResult[0][1] date = goodsResult[i][7] goods = [] goods.append(goodsResult[i][6]) goods.append(goodsResult[i][1]) goods.append(goodsPhoto) goods.append(goodsResult[i][2]) goods.append(goodsResult[i][5]) goodsList.append(goods) result.append(id) result.append(status) result.append(supplierId) result.append(date) result.append(supplierName) result.append(goodsList) results.append(result) size = len(results) if size == 0: return json.dumps(return_unsuccess('Error: No data')) else: return json.dumps(return_success(PurchaseDao.to_dict(results)), ensure_ascii=False, cls=DecimalEncoder)
def test8(self): goods = GoodsDao() res = goods.query_by_warehouse("5", None) print(json.dumps(GoodsDao.to_ware_dict(res), cls=DecimalEncoder, ensure_ascii=False))
def test15(self): res = GoodsDao().query_store_by_goods_id('5', '81e40a91-6554-3605-824b-d944634c1d71') print(res)
def test14(self): res = GoodsDao().query_by_warehouse("5", None, None, None) print(res)
def test12(self): companyId = "5" date1 = "2019-07-24 19:11:03" date = "2019-07-24" d = datetime.datetime.strptime(date1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') language = "" jieba.load_userdict("../app/utils/dict.txt") # 去除停用词 stopwords = {}.fromkeys(['的', '包括', '等', '是', '多少', "所有", "一下"]) today = ['今天', '这一天'] yesterday = ['昨天', '上一天'] this_week = ['这周', '这一周'] last_week = ['上周', '上一周'] this_month = ['这个月'] ac_in_money = ['赚', '挣', '卖', '收入', '盈利', '进账'] ac_purchase = ['进', '买', "进了", "买了"] ac_query = ['查', '看', '查看', "查询"] ac_out_money = ['花', '消费', '支出'] goods = ['东西', '商品', '货', "货物"] money = ['钱'] price = ['价格'] inPrice = ['进价'] outPrice = ['售价'] store = ['库存'] supplier = ['供货商', '供应商', '进货商'] customer = ['顾客', '客户'] tables = ['利润表', '资产负债表', '经营日报', '利润分析'] text1 = "这个月卖了什么货" text2 = "这个月挣了多少钱" text3 = "查一下商品可口可乐的售价" text4 = "这个月挣了多少钱" # 精确模式 segs = jieba.cut(text3, cut_all=False) final = [] for seg in segs: if seg not in stopwords: final.append(seg) print(final) time = "today" for item in final: if time == "today": if item in yesterday: time = "yesterday" if item in this_week: time = "this_week" if item in last_week: time = "last_week" if item in this_month: time = "this_month" if item in ac_in_money: action = "ac_in_money" if item in ac_purchase: action = "ac_purchase" if item in ac_query: action = "ac_query" if item in ac_out_money: action = "ac_out_money" if item in goods: nouns = "goods" if item in money: nouns = "money" if item in store: nouns = "store" if item in price: nouns = "price" if item in inPrice: nouns = "inPrice" if item in outPrice: nouns = "outPrice" if item in supplier: nouns = "supplier" if item in customer: nouns = "customer" if item in tables: nouns = "tables" print(time) print(action) print(nouns) querySell = SellDao() queryPurchase = PurchaseDao() inputTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') # 对时间进行判断 if time == "today": start = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month,, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) end = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month, + 1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) if time == "yesterday": start = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month, - 1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) end = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month,, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) if time == "this_week": newDay = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month,, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) start = timeProcess.get_current_week(newDay) delta = datetime.timedelta(days=7) end = start + delta if time == "last_week": end = timeProcess.get_current_week(d) delta = datetime.timedelta(days=7) start = end - delta if time == "this_month": start = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) end = d.replace(year=d.year, month=d.month + 1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) print(time) print(start) print(end) # token = request.headers.get('Authorization') token = 'JWT eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NzI5NTkyOTgsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzc3NTI5OCwiZGF0YSI6eyJhY2NvdW50IjoiMTU4MjcxNTI2NzAiLCJsb2dpbl90aW1lIjoxNTY3Nzc1Mjk4fX0.UqCe-5K99K_HPL8UglxtYUHNLpj_f7rWC3M39SjNRfw' headers = {'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # 对行为进行判断 ##### 一段时期内的销售情况 ##### if action == "ac_in_money" and nouns == "goods": data = {"start": start, "end": end, 'companyId': '5', 'date': "hh"} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) sellRecords ='', data=data_json, headers=headers) SellResult = json.loads(sellRecords.content) if SellResult['success'] == True: sellResult = SellResult['result'] print(sellResult) groups = [] goodsType = [] group = {} activeNames = [] items = [] for sellRecord in sellResult: item = {} goodsList = sellRecord['goodsList'] lists = [] content = {} for goods in goodsList: goodsId = goods['goodsId'] queryGoodsType = GoodsDao() goodType = queryGoodsType.queryType_byId(goodsId) if goodType[0][0] not in goodsType: goodsType.append(goodType[0][0]) list = {} list['title'] = goods['goodsName'] list['value'] = goods['number'] list['label'] = goods['goodsId'] lists.append(list) content['type'] = 'list' content['lists'] = lists item['title'] = sellRecord['date'] item['value'] = '顾客' + sellRecord['customerName'] item['label'] = sellRecord['id'] item['content'] = content items.append(item) group['activeNames'] = activeNames group['items'] = items groups.append(group) sellInfo = { 'type': 'collapse-group', 'summary': '该段时间的销售信息如下:', 'groups': groups } print(json.dumps(sellInfo)) return json.dumps(sellInfo) ##### 某段时间内进的货物 ##### if action == "ac_purchase" and nouns == "goods": data = {'companyId': '5', 'date': "hh", 'start': start, 'end': end} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) if time == 'this_month': queryForPic = PurchaseDao() PicResult = queryForPic.query_ForPic(start, end) datas = {} datas['type'] = 'line_chart', for picData in PicResult: datas[picData[1]] = picData[0] print(datas) purchaseRecords = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) SellResult = json.loads(purchaseRecords.content) print(SellResult) if SellResult['success'] == True: sellResult = SellResult['result'] goodsType = [] print(sellResult) groups = [] group = {} activeNames = [] items = [] for sellRecord in sellResult: item = {} goodsList = sellRecord['goodsList'] lists = [] content = {} for goods in goodsList: goodsId = goods['goodsId'] queryGoodsType = GoodsDao() goodType = queryGoodsType.queryType_byId(goodsId) if goodType[0][0] not in goodsType: goodsType.append(goodType[0][0]) list = {} list['title'] = goods['goodsName'] list['value'] = goods['number'] list['label'] = goods['goodsId'] lists.append(list) content['type'] = 'list' content['lists'] = lists item['title'] = sellRecord['date'] item['value'] = '供货商' + sellRecord['supplierName'] item['label'] = sellRecord['id'] item['content'] = content items.append(item) group['activeNames'] = activeNames group['items'] = items groups.append(group) sellInfo = { 'type': 'collapse-group', 'summary': '该段时间的进货信息如下:', 'groups': groups } print(json.dumps(sellInfo)) sumPriceByType = [] sumNumByType = [] for gType in goodsType: sumOneType = 0 sumOneNum = 0 for sellRecord in sellResult: goodsList = sellRecord['goodsList'] for goods in goodsList: goodsId = goods['goodsId'] queryGoodsType = GoodsDao() goodType = queryGoodsType.queryType_byId(goodsId) if goodType[0][0] == gType: sumOneType = sumOneType + goods[ 'number'] * goods['price'] sumOneNum = sumOneNum + goods['number'] sumPriceByType.append(sumOneType) sumNumByType.append(sumOneNum) print(goodsType) print(sumPriceByType) print(sumNumByType) return json.dumps(sellInfo) ###### 查商品库存##### if action == "ac_query" and (nouns == "goods" or nouns == "store"): queryWare = WareHouseDao() Cusresult = queryWare.query_byCompanyId('5') print(Cusresult) if len(final) == 3: if final[1] in goods: groups = [] activeNames = [] group = {} items = [] for cusresult in Cusresult: item = {} content = {} data = {'companyId': '5', 'wareHouseId': cusresult[0]} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) goodsStore = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) Goodsstore = json.loads(goodsStore.content) if Goodsstore['success'] == True: goodsResult = Goodsstore['result'] goodsList = goodsResult['goodsList'] lists = [] for goods in goodsList: list = {} list['title'] = goods['name'] list['value'] = str( goods['amount']) + goods['unitInfo'] list['label'] = goods['id'] lists.append(list) content['type'] = 'list' content[lists] = lists item['content'] = content item['title'] = cusresult[1] item['value'] = cusresult[2] items.append(item) group['items'] = items group['activeNames'] = activeNames groups.append(group) print(groups) storeInfo = { 'type': 'collapse-group', 'summary': '所有仓库的库存信息如下:', 'groups': groups } print(json.dumps(storeInfo)) return json.dumps(storeInfo) else: data = {'companyId': '5', 'name': final[1]} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) goodsStore = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) Goodsstore = json.loads(goodsStore.content) if Goodsstore['success'] == True: goodsRecords = Goodsstore['result'] queryGoodsResult = goodsRecords['goodsList'] print(queryGoodsResult) summary = "" for goodResult in queryGoodsResult: summary = summary + "商品" + goodResult['name'] + "当前库存为:" + str(int(goodResult['amount'])) + \ goodResult['unitInfo'] + '\n' print(summary) storeInfo = {'type': 'text', 'summary': summary} return json.dumps(storeInfo) else: return None else: data = {'companyId': '5', 'name': final[2]} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) goodsStore = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) Goodsstore = json.loads(goodsStore.content) if Goodsstore['success'] == True: goodsRecords = Goodsstore['result'] queryGoodsResult = goodsRecords['goodsList'] print(queryGoodsResult) summary = "" for goodResult in queryGoodsResult: summary = summary + "商品" + goodResult['name'] + "当前库存为:" + str(int(goodResult['amount'])) + \ goodResult['unitInfo'] + '\n' print(summary) storeInfo = {'type': 'text', 'summary': summary} return json.dumps(storeInfo) else: return None # 查询商品的价格 if action == "ac_query" and (nouns == "price" or nouns == "inPrice" or nouns == "outPrice"): if len(final) == 3: data = {'name': final[1]} else: data = {'name': final[2]} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) judge = 0 allgroups = [] averageInmoney = 0 NewInmoney = 0 averageOutmoney = 0 NewOutmoney = 0 if nouns == "price": judge = 1 if nouns == "inPrice" or judge == 1: _respIn = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) inRecords = json.loads(_respIn.content) if inRecords['success'] == True: inRecord = inRecords['result'] groups = [] group = {} items = [] count = 0 sumPrice = 0 newPrice = 0 for inGoods in inRecord: item = {} item['title'] = inGoods['goodName'] item['value'] = inGoods['purchasePrice'] sumPrice = sumPrice + inGoods['purchasePrice'] NewInmoney = newPrice = inGoods['purchasePrice'] count = count + 1 querySupName = SupplierDao() supID = inGoods['supplierId'] querySupNameResult = querySupName.queryName_byId(supID) print(querySupNameResult[0][0]) item['label'] = '供货商:' + querySupNameResult[0][0] item['tag'] = inGoods['date'] items.append(item) group['title'] = '商品的进价情况如下' group['items'] = items allgroups.append(group) groups.append(group) averageInmoney = round(sumPrice / count, 2) Price = { 'type': 'list-group', 'summary': '商品最新进价为' + str(newPrice) + "元,平均进价为" + str(round(sumPrice / count, 2)) + "元", 'groups': groups } if nouns == "outPrice" or judge == 1: _respOut = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) inRecords = json.loads(_respOut.content) if inRecords['success'] == True: inRecord = inRecords['result'] print(inRecord) groups = [] group = {} items = [] count = 0 sumPrice = 0 newPrice = 0 for inGoods in inRecord: item = {} item['title'] = inGoods['goodsName'] item['value'] = str( round(inGoods['sumprice'] / inGoods['number'], 2)) + "元" sumPrice = sumPrice + inGoods['sumprice'] / inGoods[ 'number'] NewOutmoney = newPrice = inGoods['sumprice'] / inGoods[ 'number'] count = count + 1 item['label'] = '客户:' + inGoods['customerName'] item['tag'] = inGoods['date'] items.append(item) group['title'] = '商品的售价情况如下' group['items'] = items groups.append(group) allgroups.append(group) averageOutmoney = round(sumPrice / count, 2) Price = { 'type': 'list-group', 'summary': '商品最新售价为' + str(newPrice) + "元,平均售价为" + str(round(sumPrice / count, 2)) + "元", 'groups': groups } if nouns == "price": Price = { 'type': 'list-group', 'summary': '商品最新售价为' + str(NewOutmoney) + "元,平均售价为" + str(averageOutmoney) + "元 " + ' 商品最新进价为' + str(NewInmoney) + "元,平均进价为" + str(averageInmoney) + "元", 'groups': allgroups } print(Price) return json.dumps(Price) #### 一段时间的收入或支出#### if nouns == "money": data = {'start': start, 'end': end} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) _respCash = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) CashResult = json.loads(_respCash.content) inCash = outCash = 0 if CashResult['success'] == True: cashResult = CashResult['result'] for sinCash in cashResult: if sinCash['variation'] > 0: inCash = inCash + sinCash['variation'] else: outCash = outCash + sinCash['variation'] _respBank = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) inBank = outBank = 0 BankResult = json.loads(_respBank.content) if BankResult['success'] == True: bankResult = BankResult['result'] for sinBank in bankResult: if sinBank['amount'] > 0: inBank = inBank + sinBank['amount'] else: outBank = outBank + sinBank['amount'] if action == "ac_in_money": summary = '现金收入' + str(inCash) + '元,银行存款、转账等收入' + str( inBank) + '元,共计' + str(inBank + inCash) + '元' inMoney = {'type': 'text', 'summary': summary} return json.dumps(inMoney) if action == "ac_out_money": outBank = abs(outBank) outCash = abs(outCash) summary = '现金支出' + str(outCash) + '元,银行存款、转账等支出' + str( outBank) + '元,共计' + str(outCash + outCash) + '元' outMoney = {'type': 'text', 'summary': summary} return json.dumps(outMoney) #####查询顾客信息##### if action == "ac_query" and nouns == "customer": name = '' print(final[3]) for i in range(2, len(final) - 1): if final[i] != '信息': name = name + final[i] print(name) data = {'companyId': '5', 'name': name} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) _respCustomer = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) CustomerDaoResult = json.loads(_respCustomer.content) if CustomerDaoResult['success'] == True: customerResult = CustomerDaoResult['result'] groups = [] for supplier in customerResult: group = {} items = [] for key in supplier: res = {} res['title'] = key res['value'] = supplier[key] items.append(res) group['items'] = items groups.append(group) print(groups) supplierInfo = { 'type': 'list-group', 'summary': '客户' + name + '的信息', 'groups': groups } return json.dumps(supplierInfo) else: return None CusResult = _respCash.content customerInfo = { 'type': 'list-group', 'summary': '客户' + name + '的信息' } print(CusResult) #####查询供应商信息##### if action == "ac_query" and nouns == "supplier": name = '' for i in range(2, len(final) - 1): if final[i] != '信息': name = name + final[i] print(name) data = {'companyId': '5', 'name': name} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) _respSupplier = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) SupplierResult = json.loads(_respSupplier.content) if SupplierResult['success'] == True: supplierResult = SupplierResult['result'] groups = [] for supplier in supplierResult: group = {} items = [] for key in supplier: res = {} res['title'] = key res['value'] = supplier[key] items.append(res) group['items'] = items groups.append(group) print(groups) supplierInfo = { 'type': 'list-group', 'summary': '供应商' + name + '的信息', 'groups': groups } return json.dumps(supplierInfo) else: return None #####查询表格信息##### if action == "ac_query" and nouns == "tables": data = {'start': start, 'end': end} data_json = json.dumps(data, cls=DecimalEncoder) _respCash = url='', data=data_json, headers=headers) CashResult = _respCash.content print(CashResult)