def build_list_occurences(start_date, end_date, request):
    """ Creates a list of occurrences
    @param start_date Initial date.
    @param end_data Final date.
    @return List of occurrences

        # DAO object from basic occurrence
        occurrences_dao = OcorrenciaBasicaDAO()
        # list of occurrences
        occurrences_list = occurrences_dao.lista_ocorrencias_por_periodo(
            start_date, end_date, _MAX_QUERIES)
    except (MySQLdb.Error, ResultadoConsultaNuloError):
        raise MySQLdb.Error(ResultadoConsultaNuloError)

    return occurrences_list
class TestOcorrencia(DAO_Tests):

    """docstring for TestOcorrencia
    Class that tests the methods from ocorrencia_basica_dao

    def test_existing_ocorrencia_dao_instance(self):
        Tests to see if the occurrence was correctly instantiated

        self.ocorrencia = OcorrenciaBasicaDAO()

    def test_ocorrencia_por_regiao(self):
        Tests is the number of occurrences were instantiated, for a defined
        and an undefined limit.
        Also verifies if the return for the occurrences are in the same state.

        @brief Local variables
            oco -
                A list of occurences on a region.

        self.ocorrencia = OcorrenciaBasicaDAO()
        _brasilia = 97012
        oco = self.ocorrencia.lista_ocorrencias_por_regiao(_brasilia)
        oco = self.ocorrencia.lista_ocorrencias_por_regiao(_brasilia, limite=3)
        self.assertLess(len(oco), 4)

        # verifica se todos os retornos estão no DF
        for i in oco:
            self.assertEqual(i.tmuuf, 'DF')

    def test_ocorrencia_por_periodo(self):
        Tests is the number of occurrences were instantiated in a determined
        period, for a defined and an undefined limit.
        Also verifies if the return for the occurrences are in the same year.

        @brief Local variables
            oco -
                A list of occurences on a period.

        self.ocorrencia = OcorrenciaBasicaDAO()
        oco = self.ocorrencia.lista_ocorrencias_por_periodo(
        oco = self.ocorrencia.lista_ocorrencias_por_periodo(
            '06/01/06', '06/12/06', limite=3)
        self.assertLess(len(oco), 4)

        # verifica se as ocorrencias aconteceram em 2006
        for i in oco:
            self.assertEqual(2006, i.ocodataocorrencia.year)