def post_details(pid, related=None): p = db.query("SELECT * FROM posts p join forums as f on f.fid = p.forum_id join users u on = p.user_id where = %s" , (pid)) if p.__len__() > 0: post = { 'parent': p[0]['parent'], 'isApproved': bool(p[0]['approved']), 'isHighlighted': bool(p[0]['highlighted']), 'isEdited': bool(p[0]['edited']), 'isSpam': bool(p[0]['spam']), 'isDeleted': bool(p[0]['deleted']), 'date': str(p[0]['date']), 'thread': p[0]['thread_id'], 'message': p[0]['message'], 'id': p[0]['pid'], 'likes': p[0]['likes'], 'dislikes': p[0]['dislikes'], 'points': p[0]['likes'] - p[0]['dislikes'] } if related is not None: if 'user' in related: post['user'] = user_details(p[0]['user_id'], 'id', p) if 'thread' in related: post['thread'] = thread_details(post['thread']) if 'forum' in related: post['forum'] = forum_details(p[0]['forum_id'], 'fid', p) if 'user' not in post: post['user'] = p[0]['email'] if 'forum' not in post: post['forum'] = p[0]['shortname'] return post return {}
def thread_details(thread, related=None, src=None): query = "SELECT * from threads " query += " JOIN users u ON" query += " JOIN forums f ON forum_id=f.fid" query += " WHERE tid=%s" thr = db.query(query, thread) if src is None else src resp = {} if thr.__len__() != 0: if related is not None: if 'user' in related: resp['user'] = user_details(thr[0]['user_id'], 'id', thr) if 'forum' in related: resp['forum'] = forum_details(thr[0]['forum_id'], 'fid', thr) if 'user' not in resp: resp['user'] = thr[0]['email'] if 'forum' not in resp: resp['forum'] = thr[0]['shortname'] resp['date'] = str(thr[0]['date']) resp['title'] = thr[0]['title'] resp['message'] = thr[0]['message'] resp['dislikes'] = thr[0]['dislikes'] resp['likes'] = thr[0]['likes'] resp['points'] = thr[0]['likes'] - thr[0]['dislikes'] resp['slug'] = thr[0]['slug'] resp['id'] = thr[0]['tid'] resp['isClosed'] = bool(thr[0]['closed']) resp['isDeleted'] = bool(thr[0]['deleted']) resp['posts'] = count_posts(thr[0]['tid']) return resp
def forum_details(forum, how, src=None): details = {} res = db.query("SELECT * from forums where %s=%%s" % how, forum) if(src is None) else src if res.__len__() > 0: details['id'] = res[0]['fid'] details['short_name'] = res[0]['shortname'] details['name'] = res[0]['fname'] details['user'] = email_by_id(res[0]['founder_id']) return details
def all(): tasks = db.query('SELECT id, name, description, active FROM tasks') all_tasks = [] for task in tasks: if task['active'] == '0': active = 'Inativa' else: active = 'Ativa' all_tasks += [(task['id'], task['name'], task['description'], active)] return jsonify(tasks=all_tasks)
def all(): tasks = db.query("SELECT id, name, description, active FROM tasks") all_tasks = [] for task in tasks: if task["active"] == "0": active = "Inativa" else: active = "Ativa" all_tasks += [(task["id"], task["name"], task["description"], active)] return jsonify(tasks=all_tasks)
def all(): tasks = db.query('SELECT id, name, description, active FROM tasks') all_tasks = [] for task in tasks: if task['active'] == '0': active = 'done' elif task['active'] == '1': active = 'in progress' else: active = 'not started' all_tasks += [(task['id'], task['name'], task['description'], active)] return jsonify(tasks=all_tasks)
def listing(json, what): how = '' id = -1 if 'thread' in json and what in ['post']: how = 'thread_id' id = json['thread'] if 'forum' in json and what in ['post', 'thread', 'user']: how = 'forum_id' id = id_by_sname(json['forum']) if 'user' in json and what in ['post', 'thread']: how = 'user_id' id = id_by_email(json['user']) if 'related' in json: related = json['related'] else: related = [] if id < 0 or how == '': return [] query = "SELECT %s %s FROM %s where %s=%%s" % (tables[what][2], tables[what][0], tables[what][1], how) params = () params += (id,) if 'since' in json: query += " AND date >= %s" params += (json['since'],) if 'since_id' in json: query += " AND user_id >= %s" params += (json['since_id'],) if 'order' in json: order = json['order'] else: order = 'desc' type_order = 'date' if what is not 'user' else 'user_id' query += " ORDER BY %s %s" % (type_order, order) if 'limit' in json: query += " LIMIT %s" % (json['limit']) lst = db.query(query, params) result = [] if lst.__len__() > 0: if what == 'user': for ids in lst: # TODO FIX THIS thr = entity_handlers[what](ids[tables[what][0]], 'id') result.append(thr) else: for ids in lst: # for every id get entity info, may be slow... thr = entity_handlers[what](ids[tables[what][0]], related) result.append(thr) return result
def user_details(ident, method, src=None): query = "SELECT * FROM users where %s=%%s" % method if src is not None: res = src else: res = db.query(query, ident) user = {} if res.__len__() != 0: user['id'] = uid = res[0]["id"] user["followers"] = get_followers(uid) user["following"] = get_following(uid) user["subscriptions"] = get_subscriptions(uid) user["isAnonymous"] = bool(res[0]["anonymous"]) user["email"] = res[0]["email"] user["username"] = res[0]["username"] user["about"] = res[0]["about"] user["name"] = res[0]["name"] return user
def get_followers(id): res = db.query("SELECT email FROM followers INNER JOIN users on follower=id where followee=%s and active=1", id) result = [] for followee in res: result.append(followee['email']) return result
def showall(): tasks = db.query('SELECT id, name, description, active FROM tasks') return render_template('task/showall.html', tasks=tasks)
def showall(): tasks = db.query("SELECT id, name, description, active FROM tasks") return render_template("task/showall.html", tasks=tasks)
def is_exist(what, id): thr = db.query("SELECT %s from %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (tables[what][0], tables[what][1], tables[what][0]), id) return 1 if (thr.__len__() > 0) else 0
def get_subscriptions(id): res = db.query("SELECT threads_id FROM subscriptions where users_id=%s AND active=1 order by threads_id desc", id) result = [] for subs in res: result.append(subs['threads_id']) return result
def count_posts(thread): thr = db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt from posts WHERE thread_id=%s", thread) return thr[0]['cnt']
def email_by_id(id): res = db.query("SELECT email FROM users where id=%s", id) return res[0]['email']
def sname_by_id(id): name = db.query("SELECT shortname from forums where fid=%s", id) return name[0]['shortname']
def id_by_sname(name): id = db.query("SELECT fid from forums where shortname=%s", name) if id.__len__() > 0: return id[0]['fid'] else: return -1
def user_by_email(email): res = db.query("SELECT id FROM users where email=%s", email) if res.__len__() > 0: return res[0]['id'] return -1