Пример #1
def edit():
    Edit the user profile
    user_id = eval(request.cookies.get('user_id'))
    if request.method == 'GET':
        command = f'SELECT name, phone, address, password FROM users WHERE user_id = {user_id}'
        profile = db.get_from_db(command).fetchall()
        if len(profile) > 0:
            profile = profile[0]
            return make_response(
        return Response("Need to log in to access profile information", 401)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form['name']
        address = request.form['address']
        phone = request.form['phone']
        password = request.form['password']
        if name:
            command = f'UPDATE users SET name = "{name}" WHERE user_id = {user_id}'
        if address:
            command = f'UPDATE users SET address = "{address}" WHERE user_id = {user_id}'
        if phone:
            command = f'UPDATE users SET phone = "{phone}" WHERE user_id = {user_id}'
        if password:
            command = f'UPDATE users SET password = "******" WHERE user_id = {user_id}'
        return make_response(redirect(url_for('profile.profile')))
Пример #2
def register():
    Register Profile View
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form['name']
        address = request.form['address']
        phone = request.form['phone']
        email = request.form['email']
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['password']
        # passwordRepeat = request.form['passwordRepeat']

        command = f'INSERT INTO users (username, name, email, phone, address, password, access_level) VALUES ("{username}", "{name}", "{email}", "{phone}", "{address}", "{password}", 1)'

        if db.push_into_db(command):
            # Inserts new user, if username is not in use
            # Directs to profile page as new user
            return make_response(redirect(url_for('login.login')))
            return make_response(render_template('register.html'))

        # Add here exception for already logged in.
        return make_response(render_template('register.html'))
Пример #3
def test_push_into_db(app):
    with app.app_context():
        name = "test"
        price = 10
        description = "description"
        image = "imagestring"
        stock = 10
        command = f'INSERT INTO products (name, price, description, image, stock) VALUES ("{name}", "{price}", "{description}", "{image}", "{stock}")'
        assert push_into_db(command)
        assert bool(get_from_db(f'SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = "{name}" AND price = {price} AND description = "{description}" AND image = "{image}" AND stock = {stock}'))
Пример #4
def shopping_cart():
    Shopping cart view

    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('cart.html')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.cookies.get('logged_in') == "True":
            product_ids = eval(request.cookies.get(
                '{}'))  #list of product ids, get product ids from cookie
            shopping_cart = dict()
            user_id = request.cookies.get('user_id')

            cart = {}
            for pid, amount in product_ids.items():
                # Ignore items that have 0 amount
                if amount != 0:
                    command = f'SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id = {pid}'
                    prod = db.get_from_db(command)
                    prod = prod.fetchall()[0]
                    cart[prod["name"]] = [
                        amount, round(prod["price"] * amount, 2)
            cart = str(cart)
            t = time.asctime()
            command = f'INSERT INTO purchase_history (user_id, shopping_cart, timestamp) VALUES ("{ user_id }", "{ cart }", "{ t }")'
            if db.push_into_db(command):
                resp = make_response(
                # Reset shopping cart
                resp = make_response("Cannot make purchase!")

            resp = make_response("Please login to make a purchase")

        return resp
Пример #5
def create_product():
    Creates a new product. Currently not possible to set product image, uses assets/placeholder.png
    Name, price, description and stock need to be provided
    Visible is optional (defaults to 1)
    example: /admin/create_product?name=<name>&price=<price>&description=<description>&stock=<stock>

    vals = request.args

    # Check access level from database
    user_id = eval(request.cookies.get('user_id'))
    command = f'SELECT access_level FROM users WHERE user_id="{user_id}"'
    user = db.get_from_db(command).fetchone()
    access_level = user["access_level"]

    if access_level < 2:
        return Response("Unauthorized", 403)
    command = f'INSERT INTO products (name, price, description, stock, image, visible) VALUES ("{vals.get("name")}", "{vals.get("price")}", "{vals.get("description")}", "{vals.get("stock")}", "assets/placeholder.png", "{vals.get("visible", 1)}")'
    if db.push_into_db(command):
        return "Created product"
    return "Failed to create product"
Пример #6
def create_product_yaml():
    Eat a yaml, and create product from the data.
    Example curl command. Only admin (user id 0) has the required access level to use this:
    curl --cookie 'user_id=1' -X POST '' --data-binary @prod_list.yml

    Sample of prod_list.yml:
    - name: test
      price: 1
      description: testdesc
      stock: 4
      image: test
      visible: 1
    - name: another_test
      price: 20
      description: Very cool
      stock: 20
      image: another_test
      visible: 0

    # Check access level from database
    user_id = eval(request.cookies.get('user_id'))
    command = f'SELECT access_level FROM users WHERE user_id="{user_id}"'
    user = db.get_from_db(command).fetchone()
    access_level = user["access_level"]
    if access_level < 2:
        return Response("Unauthorized", 403)

    product_yaml = full_load(request.get_data())
    products = product_yaml.get("products", [])
    for p in products:
        command = f'INSERT INTO products (name, price, description, stock, image, visible) VALUES ("{p.get("name")}", "{p.get("price")}", "{p.get("description")}", "{p.get("stock")}", "assets/placeholder.png", "{p.get("visible", 1)}")'
        if not db.push_into_db(command):
            return f"Failed to create product {p}"
    return f"Created {len(products)} products."
Пример #7
def submit_review(product_id=None):
    Post a review for a product
    if request.cookies.get('logged_in') == "True":
        message = request.form['message']
        user_id = request.cookies.get('user_id')

        command = f'SELECT username FROM users WHERE user_id = {user_id}'
        username = db.get_from_db(command)
        username = username.fetchall()[0]
        username = username["username"]

        command = f'INSERT INTO reviews (text, username, product_id) VALUES ("{message}", "{username}", "{product_id}")'
        if db.push_into_db(command):
            resp = make_response(product(product_id))
            resp = make_response(
                "You have already posted a review for this product!")
        resp = make_response("Please login to leave review!")

    return resp