Пример #1
def check_login(form_data):
    db = DB()
    user = unicode(form_data['user'])
    result = db.execute(get_user_cmd.format(user.encode('utf-8')), get_all=False)
    if result:
        passwd = form_data['password']
        password, is_active = db.execute(get_passwd_cmd.format(user.encode('utf-8')), get_all=False)
        if password == passwd and is_active == 'Y':
            return True, 'ok'
        elif password != passwd:
            return False, 'password error'
        return False, 'user not active'
    return False, 'user not found'
Пример #2
def get_locus_result(genename, blast_results):
    cds_seq_dict = blast_results.get('cds_seq', 'NA')
    pro_seq_dict = blast_results.get('pro_seq', 'NA')
    db = DB()
    locus_result = {}
    cmd = """select l.*, f.BLAST_Hit_Accession, f.Description, f.Pfam_ID,
             f.Interpro_ID, f.GO_ID from locus l left join func f
             on l.GENE_ID=f.GENE_ID where l.GENE_ID='{0}';
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if result:
        gene_id, chr, pos_start, pos_end = result[1:5]
        blast_hit, description, pfam_id, interpro_id, go_id = result[5:]
        locus_result['gene_identification'] = {
            'Gene Product Name': description,
            'Locus Name': genename
        locus_result['gene_attributes'] = {
            'Chromosome': chr,
            "Gene Postion": '{start} - {end}'.format(start=pos_start,
        header = [
            'Accession', 'Description', 'Pfam_ID', 'Interpro_ID', 'GO_ID'
        locus_result['gene_annotation'] = {}
        locus_result['gene_annotation']['header'] = header
        locus_result['gene_annotation']['body'] = [
            blast_hit, description, pfam_id, interpro_id, go_id
        locus_result['gene_cds_seq'] = cds_seq_dict
        locus_result['gene_pro_seq'] = pro_seq_dict
    return locus_result
Пример #3
def run_blast_result(genename):
    # before run blast rm last search results anyway
    if os.listdir(BLAST_OUT_PATH):
        rm_cmd = 'rm {}'.format(os.path.join(BLAST_OUT_PATH, '*'))
        subprocess.call(rm_cmd, shell=True)

    # get search trans genes
    db = DB()
    results = db.execute(
        "select GENE_TRANS from geneTrans_map where GENE='{gene}'".format(
    results = [result[0] for result in results]
    if results:
        blast_cmd = "blastdbcmd -entry {genename} -db '{db}' -line_length 100 -out {out}"
        for gene_trans in results:
            run_cds_cmd = blast_cmd.format(
                db=os.path.join(BASE_DB_DIR, BLAST_CDS_DB),
                out=os.path.join(BLAST_OUT_PATH, 'gene.cds.' + gene_trans))
            run_protein_cmd = blast_cmd.format(
                db=os.path.join(BASE_DB_DIR, BLAST_PROTEIN_DB),
                out=os.path.join(BLAST_OUT_PATH, 'gene.protein.' + gene_trans))
            subprocess.call(run_cds_cmd, shell=True)
            subprocess.call(run_protein_cmd, shell=True)
        blast_results = get_blast_result(results)
        return blast_results
    return {}
Пример #4
def run_snp_variations(group_info, user):
    group_name = group_info.keys()
    groupA = group_info[group_name[0]]
    groupB = group_info[group_name[1]]
    create_group_info(groupA, groupB, filename='vs'.join(group_name))

    cmd = "python {script} -i {input} -o {output} -g {group} -d {depth}".format(
        script=os.path.join(SNP_SCRIPT_DIR, SCRIPT_FILE),
        output=os.path.join(basedir, 'app', 'static', 'variation_results',
                            'vs'.join(group_name) + '_table'),
        group=os.path.join(SNP_SCRIPT_DIR, 'vs'.join(group_name)),
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
    os.chdir(os.path.join(basedir, 'app', 'static', 'variation_results'))
    zip_cmd = 'zip {0} {1}'.format('vs'.join(group_name) + '_table.zip',
                                   'vs'.join(group_name) + '_table')
    subprocess.call(zip_cmd, shell=True)
    rm_cmd = 'rm -rf {0}'.format(
        'vs'.join(group_name) + '_table'
    subprocess.call(rm_cmd, shell=True)
    db = DB()
    results = db.execute(
        "select email from user where username='******'".format(user))
    if results[0][0]:
        to = results[0][0]
                  'Snp Variation Results',
                  filename='vs'.join(group_name) + '_table')
    return 'done'
Пример #5
def fetch_blast_result(genename):
    MAX_ROW_LEN = 125
    db = DB()
    command = "select GENE_ID,VAL from {table} where GENE_ID like '{gene}%'"
    pep_results = db.execute(command.format(table='pep_tb', gene=wildcard_gene(genename)))
    cds_results = db.execute(command.format(table='cds_tb', gene=wildcard_gene(genename)))
    if len(pep_results) == 0 and len(cds_results) == 0:
        return {}
    pro_seq = {k:v for k,v in pep_results}
    cds_seq = {k:v for k,v in cds_results}
    # print it pretty
    for k,v in pro_seq.items():
        if len(v) > MAX_ROW_LEN:
            i = 0
            over_len = math.ceil(len(v) / MAX_ROW_LEN) * MAX_ROW_LEN
            tmp_str = ""
            while i < over_len:
                tmp_str += v[i:i+MAX_ROW_LEN] + '\n'
                i += MAX_ROW_LEN
            pro_seq[k] = tmp_str

    for k,v in cds_seq.items():
        if len(v) > MAX_ROW_LEN:
            i = 0
            over_len = math.ceil(len(v) / MAX_ROW_LEN) * MAX_ROW_LEN
            tmp_str = ""
            while i < over_len:
                tmp_str += v[i:i+MAX_ROW_LEN] + '\n'
                i += MAX_ROW_LEN
            cds_seq[k] = tmp_str

    return {'pro_seq': pro_seq,
            'cds_seq': cds_seq}
Пример #6
def batch_query_gene(genes, max_input=1000):
    get a gene string by search locus database
    if ',' in genes:
        gene_list = []
        genes = [each.split(',') for each in genes.split()]
        for gene_part in genes:
            gene_list += gene_part
        gene_list = genes.split()
    if len(gene_list) > max_input:
        return []
    if len(gene_list) == 1:
        _search = "('{0}')".format(gene_list[0])
        _search = tuple([str(each) for each in gene_list])
    db = DB()
    cmd = """select l.*, f.Description, f.Pfam_Description,
                     f.Interpro_Description, f.GO_Description from locus l left join func f
                     on l.GENE_ID=f.GENE_ID where l.GENE_ID in {0};
    result = db.execute(cmd)
    if result:
        result = [(each[1],) + each[5:] for each in result]
        df1 = pd.DataFrame(result)
        df2 = pd.DataFrame(gene_list)
        df3 = pd.merge(df2, df1, how='left').fillna("")
        return [list(df3.iloc[i,:]) for i in range(len(df3))]
    return []
Пример #7
def fetch_expression_data(gene_id, samples, table="iwgsc_refseq"):
    sample_str = ','.join(samples)
    cmd = "select {samples} from {table} where gene='{gene}'".format(
        samples=sample_str, table=table, gene=gene_id)
    db = DB()
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    if len(results) == 0:
        return []
    return list(results[0])
Пример #8
def get_locus_result(genename, blast_results):
    cds_seq_dict = blast_results.get('cds_seq', 'NA')
    pro_seq_dict = blast_results.get('pro_seq', 'NA')
    db = DB()
    locus_result = {}
    cmd = """select l.*, f.Description, f.Pfam_Description,
             f.Interpro_Description, f.GO_Description from locus l left join func f
             on l.GENE_ID=f.GENE_ID where l.GENE_ID='{0}';
    result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
    if result:
        locus_result['orthologous_gene'] = {}
        ortho_header = ['Arabidopsis_thaliana', 'Hordeum_vulgare', 'Oryza_sativa', 'Triticum_aestivum', 'Zea_mays']
        locus_result['orthologous_gene']['header'] = ortho_header
        locus_result['orthologous_gene']['body'] = []
        cmd = "select l.GENE_ID, o.* from locus l left join ortho o on l.GENE_ID=o.GENE_ID where l.GENE_ID='{0}';".format(genename)
        ortho_result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
        if ortho_result:
            ortho_result_list = ortho_result[3:]
            ortho_result_list = [printPretty(each) for each in ortho_result_list if each is not None]
            locus_result['orthologous_gene']['body'] = ortho_result_list
        gene_id, chr, pos_start, pos_end = result[1:5]
        description, pfam_desc, interpro_desc, go_desc = result[5:]
        locus_result['gene_identification'] = {'Gene Product Name': description,
                                               'Locus Name': genename}
        locus_result['gene_attributes'] = {'Chromosome': chr,
                                           "Gene Postion":'{start} - {end}'.format(start=pos_start, end=pos_end)}
        header = ['Description', 'Pfam_Description', 'Interpro_Description', 'GO_Description']
        locus_result['gene_annotation'] = {}
        locus_result['gene_annotation']['header'] = header
        locus_result['gene_annotation']['body'] = [description, pfam_desc, interpro_desc, go_desc]
        # match 01G and 02G TraesCS1A02G000100
        #result = db.execute("select * from tissue_expression where Gene_id='{0}'".format(genename))
        result = db.execute("select * from tissue_expression where Gene_id like '{0}'".format(wildcard_gene(genename)))
        if result:
            row = [float(each) for each in result[0][2:]]
            row = []
        locus_result['tissue_expression'] = row
        locus_result['gene_cds_seq'] = cds_seq_dict
        locus_result['gene_pro_seq'] = pro_seq_dict
    return locus_result
Пример #9
def get_expr_table(table, gene_ids, groupA, groupB, map_groupA, map_groupB):
    db = DB()
    select_columns = ['GENE_ID', 'CHR', 'POS_START', 'POS_END'
                      ] + groupA + groupB
    select_columns_str = ','.join(select_columns)
    results = []
    for gene in gene_ids:
        cmd = "select {columns} from {table} where GENE_ID='{gene_id}';".format(
            columns=select_columns_str, table=table, gene_id=gene)
        result = db.execute(cmd, get_all=False)
        if not result:
            return (gene, '')
    return_select_columns = ['GENE_ID', 'CHR', 'POS_START', 'POS_END'
                             ] + map_groupA + map_groupB
    return return_select_columns, results
Пример #10
def clean_db_cache(table):
    db = DB()
    db.execute("delete from {table};".format(table=table))
Пример #11
def fetch_sample(table, fixed_column_num):
    cmd = "select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name='{table}';".format(table=table)
    db = DB()
    results = db.execute(cmd)
    results = [each[0] for each in results]
    return results[fixed_column_num:]