Пример #1
def test_store_user_othererror(mocker):
    """Tests the store user function Database commit raises a differerent error."""
    mocked_db = mocker.patch('app.dbops.db')
    mocked_db.session.commit.side_effect = Exception()
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        store_user('foo', '*****@*****.**', 'bar', 'baz')
Пример #2
def test_store_user_integrityerror(mocker):
    """Tests the store_user function. Database commit raises an IntegrityError."""
    mocked_db = mocker.patch('app.dbops.db')
    mocked_db.session.commit.side_effect = IntegrityError('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
    mocked_update_user = mocker.patch('app.dbops.update_user')
    store_user('foo', '*****@*****.**', 'bar', 'baz')
        {'name': 'foo', 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'email_hash': 'bar'},
Пример #3
def test_store_user(mocker):
    """Tests the store_user function."""
    mocked_user_obj = mocker.patch('app.dbops.AppUser')
    mocked_user = mocked_user_obj.return_value
    mocked_db = mocker.patch('app.dbops.db')
    user = store_user('foo', '*****@*****.**', 'bar', 'baz')
        name='foo', email='*****@*****.**', email_hash='bar', approved=False,
    assert user == mocked_user
Пример #4
def validate_org_info():
    """Validates organization info submitted via POST.

    Calls the WTF-Form validation function.
    If the form is valid, stores the organization in the database, then
    stores a new user/updates an existing user such that they are
    affiliated with the organization.
    org_form = OrgForm()
    if org_form.validate_on_submit():

        # Create a list of strings from the affiliation checkboxes
        # and the "Other" affiliation input field
        affiliations = [*[elt.label.text
                          for elt in org_form
                          if isinstance(elt, BooleanField)
                          and elt.data
                          and elt.label.text != 'Other'],
                          if org_form.other_affiliation_name.data
                          else [])]
        org_details = {
            'name': session['org'],
            'financial_classification': org_form.financial_classification.data,
            'coverage_scope': org_form.coverage_scope.data,
            'coverage_focus': org_form.coverage_focus.data,
            'platform': org_form.platform.data,
            'employee_range': org_form.employee_range.data,
            'budget': org_form.budget.data,
            'affiliations': json.dumps(affiliations)}
        org = store_org(org_details)
        user = store_user(session['user_name'], session['email'],
                          session['email_hash'], org)
        if user.approved:
            send_activated_email.delay(user.email, user.email_hash)
        return jsonify({'user': '******'
                                if user and user.approved
                                else 'other'})
    return jsonify(org_form.errors), 422
Пример #5
def validate_basic_info():
    """Validates basic info submitted via POST.

    Calls the WTF-Forms validation function.
    If form is valid, calculates the md5-hash of the user's email and
    parses the form data (e.g. titlecase organization names).
    Checks whether the user and/or organization are already present in the
    database. If the organization exists, create or update the user such
    that they are affiliated with the organization. If the user already exists
    and is approved for access, re-send them an email containing their access
    If the organization does not exist, store the user's data in the session
    so that it can be used later (see validate_org_info())

        A json containing either the form's errors (if form does not
        validate) or information about what happened (i.e. was the org
        new or existing, was the user new or existing, etc.).
    user_form = UserForm()
    if user_form.validate_on_submit():
        user_org = titlecase(user_form.news_org.data)
        user_name = user_form.name.data.title()
        email_hash = (hashlib.md5(
        user_email = user_form.email.data

        # See if the user already exists
        existing_user = AppUser.query.filter_by(email=user_email).first()

        # See if the organization already exists
        existing_org = Organization.query.filter_by(name=user_org).first()

        # If the user selected an organization we're already tracking
        # Add or update that user with a link to the organization
        if existing_org:
            if existing_user:
                existing_user.name = user_name

                # If the user exists, and was already approved for access
                # Re-send them the email containing their access link
                if existing_user.approved:
                    send_activated_email.delay(user_email, email_hash)

                store_user(user_name, user_email, email_hash, existing_org)

            return jsonify({'org': 'existing',
                            'user': ('approved'
                                     if existing_user
                                     and existing_user.approved
                                     else 'other')})

        # If we're not already tracking the organization, add the user's data
        # to the session to store later once they've told us about the org
        session['user_name'] = user_name
        session['email'] = user_form.email.data
        session['email_hash'] = email_hash
        session['org'] = user_org
        return jsonify({'org': 'new'})

    return jsonify(user_form.errors), 422