Пример #1
def test_multilogin(monkeypatch):
    # TODO: Test switch_to
    acct1, acct2 = Record.new(), Record.new()
    ids = {acct1.id, acct2.id}
    acid, token1, token2 = (utils.unique_hash() for _ in range(3))

    # Save the first token
    auth.cookies.save(acct=acct1, token=token1, acid=acid)
    # Save the second token (with different lifetime)
    auth.cookies.save(acct=acct2, token=token2, acid=acid, session=True)

    # Both tokens must work correctly
    current = auth.Current(token=token1, acid=acid)
    assert current.loggedin
    assert current.record == acct1
    assert current.multi
    assert {x.id for x in current.records} == ids

    current = auth.Current(token=token2, acid=acid)
    assert current.loggedin
    assert current.record == acct2
    assert current.multi
    assert {x.id for x in current.records} == ids

    # Test tokens' lifetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", session_time)
    current = auth.Current(token=token2, acid=acid)
    assert not current.loggedin
    assert not current.multi

    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", cookie_time)
    current = auth.Current(token=token1, acid=acid)
    assert not current.loggedin
    assert not current.multi
Пример #2
def test_notifications(nt):
    this, other = Record.new(), Record.new()
    klass = getattr(no, nt)
    o = klass.new(this, other=other)
    assert o.good()
    assert o.id
    assert list(no.load(this))
    no.Notification.delete(this, [o.id])
    assert not list(no.load(this))
Пример #3
    def test_g(self, by):
        other, this = Record.new(), Record.new()
        req = application.get('/api/02/records?{}={}'.format(by, getattr(other, by)))
        assert req.status_int == 200
        assert req.json['success'], req.json
        assert req.json['record'].keys() <= other.as_public_dict().keys()

        for name, value in this.cookies.items():
            application.set_cookie(name, value)

        req = application.get('/api/02/records')
        assert req.status_int == 200
        assert req.json['success'], req.json
        assert req.json['record'].keys() <= this.as_public_dict().keys()
Пример #4
 def test_put(self, api_authed, act, by):
     acct = Record.new()
     req = application.put_json(
             '/api/02/relations/{}?{}={}'.format(act, by, getattr(acct, by))
     assert req.status_int == 200
     assert req.json['success'], req.json
Пример #5
def test_feedgetters():
    this, *other = (Record.new() for _ in range(3))
    for x in other:
        relations.follow(x, this)

    it = relations.feedgetters(this)
    assert sum(1 for _ in it) == len(other)
Пример #6
def test_current(monkeypatch):
    account = Record.new()
    acid, *tokens = (utils.unique_hash() for _ in range(3))
    # Split the list (aproximatly) in half and save the tokens
    cookies, sessions = [tokens[0]], [tokens[-1]]

    for x in cookies:
        auth.cookies.save(acct=account, acid=acid, token=x)

    for x in sessions:
        auth.cookies.save(acct=account, acid=acid, token=x, session=True)

    # Test the attributes and the return value
    for token in tokens:
        current = auth.Current(token=token, acid=acid)
        assert current.loggedin
        assert not current.multi
        assert current.record == account

    # TODO: Be consistent and use `patch` from `unittest.mock`?
    # Test session lifetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", session_time)
    for token in sessions:
        current = auth.Current(token=token, acid=acid)
        assert not current.loggedin
        assert not current.multi

    # Test cookie lifetime
    monkeypatch.setattr("time.time", cookie_time)
    for token in cookies:
        current = auth.Current(token=token, acid=acid)
        assert not current.loggedin
        assert not current.multi
Пример #7
def test_blocked():
    this, other = (Record.new() for _ in range(2))
    assert not relations.is_blocked(this, other)
    relations.block(this, other)
    assert relations.is_blocked(this, other)
    relations.unblock(this, other)
    assert not relations.is_blocked(this, other)
Пример #8
 def wrapper(*a, **ka):
     args = signature(func).bind_partial(*a, **ka).arguments
     if 'acct' not in args:
         args['acct'] = Record.new()
     if 'images' not in args:
         args['images'] = [next(opened)]
     return func(**args)
Пример #9
 def wrapper(*a, **ka):
     args = signature(func).bind_partial(*a, **ka).arguments
     if 'poster' not in args:
         args['poster'] = Record.new()
     if 'content' not in args:
         args['content'] = '<string>'
     return func(**args)
Пример #10
    def test_nonlogged(self):
        acct = Record.new()
        prof = application.get('/' + acct.name)
        assert prof.status_int == 200

        unk = application.get('/' + uuid.uuid4().hex, expect_errors=True)
        assert unk.status_int == 404
Пример #11
def test_downloading(url):
    acct = Record.new()
    # Working links
    downloaded = list(Image.new(acct, [url], allow_gif=True))
    assert len(downloaded)
    assert len(downloaded) == 1
    assert all(isinstance(x, Image) for x in downloaded)
    assert all(x.owner == acct for x in downloaded)
    assert all(x.good() for x in downloaded)
Пример #12
def test_profile():
    acct = Record.new()
    res = profile.profile(acct, minimal=False)
    assert 'avatar' in res
    assert 'website_link' in res
    assert 'country_name' in res
    res = profile.profile(acct)
    assert 'avatar' in res
    assert 'website_link' not in res
    assert 'country_name' not in res
Пример #13
def test_cookies():
    account = Record.new()
    # No distinction between real cookies and session
    acid, *tokens = (utils.unique_hash() for _ in range(3))
    for token in tokens:
        auth.cookies.save(acct=account, acid=acid, token=token)

    it = auth.cookies.get_by_acid(acid)
    assert sum(1 for _ in it) == len(tokens)
    assert next(auth.cookies.get_by_acid(acid), None) is None
Пример #14
 def test_get(self, api_authed):
     other = Record.new()
     # These types do no require anything other than `other`
     types = (notifications.FollowerNotification,
     ns = [t.new(api_authed, other=other) for t in types]
     req = application.get('/api/02/notifications')
     assert req.status_int == 200
     assert req.json['success'], req.json
     assert {str(x.id) for x in ns} == {x['id'] for x in req.json['notifications']}
     # TODO: Make `text` not empty in tests
     assert {x.get_text() for x in ns} == {x['text'] for x in req.json['notifications']}
Пример #15
    def test_post(self):
        acct = Record.new()
        params = {'url': '/auth/sign-in',
                  'params': {'name': acct.name, 'pwd': '<string>'}}

        # Test wrong name, pwd combination
        resp = application.post(**params)
        assert resp.status_int == 200

        # Succesful sign up
        params['params']['pwd'] = acct.plaintext_pwd
        resp = application.post(**params)
        assert resp.status_int == 302
Пример #16
def test_followers_and_friends():
    this, other = (Record.new() for _ in range(2))

    relations.follow(other, this)
    assert relations.is_follower(other, this)
    assert not relations.are_friends(other, this)

    relations.follow(this, other)
    assert relations.is_follower(this, other)
    assert relations.are_friends(other, this)

    relations.unfollow(this, other)
    assert not relations.is_follower(this, other)
    assert not relations.are_friends(other, this)
Пример #17
    def test_delete(self, api_authed):
        other = Record.new()
        # These types do no require anything other than `other`
        types = (notifications.FollowerNotification,
        ns = [t.new(api_authed, other=other) for t in types]
        req = application.delete_json('/api/02/notifications', 
                                      params={'ids': [str(ns[0].id)]})
        assert req.status_int == 200
        assert req.json['success'], req.json

        assert list(notifications.load(api_authed))

        req = application.delete_json('/api/02/notifications')
        assert req.status_int == 200
        assert req.json['success'], req.json
        assert not list(notifications.load(api_authed))
Пример #18
def test_create(file):
    acct = Record.new()
    with file.open('rb') as file1, file.open('rb') as file2:
        gen = Image.new(acct, [file1, file2],
                        allow_gif=file.suffix == '.gif')
        objects = list(gen)
    assert len(objects)
    # True with allow_gif = True
    assert len(objects) == 2
    assert all(isinstance(x, Image) for x in objects)
    assert all(x.owner == acct for x in objects)
    assert all(x.good() for x in objects)

    if file.suffix == '.gif':
        with file.open('rb') as f:
            objects = list(Image.new(acct, [f], allow_gif=False))
        assert not objects
        assert len(objects) == 0
Пример #19
def test_all(item_type):
    item = item_type.new()
    # Won't fail for Image
        item = next(item)
    except TypeError:

    account = Record.new()

    old_score = item.score
    ratings.up(account, item)
    assert item.score == old_score + 1
    # No permission checking
    ratings.down(account, item)
    assert item.score == old_score - 1
    ratings.un(account, item)
    assert item.score == old_score
Пример #20
def test_reset():
    account = Record.new()
    with account:
        # Set the one we can actually check
        account.email = pytest.config.getoption("--send-to")

    for reset in ({"name": account.name}, {"email": account.email}, {"acct": account}):
        inst = auth.ResetNoKey(**reset)
        assert inst.good()

        if pytest.config.getoption("--no-send"):
            # set .key anyway
            with (consts.VIEWS / "email" / "password-reset.html").open() as tf:
                # No need to load environment
                inst.send(host="not_critical", template=Template(tf.read()))

        assert auth.Reset(inst.key).good()
        # Must not be able to reuse
        assert not auth.Reset(inst.key).good()
Пример #21
def test_set(file):
    # Test setcover and setavatar methods
    with file.open('rb') as f:
        obj = next(Image.new(Record.new(), [f], allow_gif=file.suffix == '.gif'))
Пример #22
def test_create():
    acct = Record.new()
    objects = next(Image.new()),
    post = posts.Post.new(acct, content='<string>', images=objects)
    assert post.good()
Пример #23
def api_authed():
    acct = Record.new()
    for name, value in acct.cookies.items():
        application.set_cookie(name, value)
    return acct
Пример #24
def test_signin():
    acct = Record.new()
    assert not auth.signin(acct, "guaranteed to be incorrect")
    assert auth.signin(acct, acct.plaintext_pwd)
Пример #25
def test_downloading_bad_urls(url):
    acct = Record.new()
    bad = list(Image.new(acct, [url], allow_gif=True))
    assert not bad # ♬ Not baaaaaad at a-a-a-all ♬