class MyBaseModel(db.Model): """ Base Model """ __abstract__ = True id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, onupdate=datetime.utcnow)
class Image(MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "images" image = db.Column(MEDIUMBLOB) ext = db.Column(db.String(50), default="png") @staticmethod def create_one(raw_file, ext="png"): img = base64.b64encode( image = Image(ext=ext, image=img) return image
class Role(MyBaseModel): """ Table: role permissions """ __tablename__ = "roles" role_name = db.Column(db.String(16)) permission = db.Column(db.String(32)) def __repr__(self): return "<Role %r>" % self.role_name @staticmethod def init_role(): for _role_name, _permissions in ROLES_PERMISSIONS_MAP.items(): for _permission in _permissions: if (not Role.query.filter(Role.role_name == _role_name).filter( Role.permission == _permission).first()): role = Role(role_name=_role_name, permission=_permission) db.session.add(role) db.session.commit()
class Genre(MyBaseModel): """ movie genre """ __tablename__ = "genres" genre_name = db.Column(db.String(8), nullable=False) ext = db.Column(db.String(32)) @staticmethod def create_one(genre_name): """ create a Genre object, not commit session :param genre_name: genre name :return: Genre object """ genre = Genre.query.filter_by(genre_name=genre_name).first() if genre: return genre else: genre = Genre(genre_name=genre_name) return genre
class MoviesData(sql_db.Model): #unique together on name + director id = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Text, default="") nn_popularity = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Float, default=0.0) director = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Text, default="") genre = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Text, default="") imdb_score = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Float, default=0.0) enabled = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Boolean, default=True) deleted = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Boolean, default=False) created_at = sql_db.Column(sql_db.DateTime, updated_at = sql_db.Column(sql_db.DateTime, def to_json(self): return_dict = {} return_dict['id'] = return_dict['name'] = return_dict['99popularity'] = self.nn_popularity return_dict['director'] = self.director return_dict['genre'] = self.genre return_dict['imdb_score'] = self.imdb_score return return_dict
class Tag(MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "tags" tag_name = db.Column(db.String(8), unique=True, nullable=False, index=True) @staticmethod def create_one(tag_name): """ create a tag by tag name and return :param tag_name: tag name :return: Tag object """ tag = Tag.query.filter_by(tag_name=tag_name).first() if tag: return tag tag = Tag(tag_name=tag_name) return tag
class UserData(sql_db.Model): id = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Integer, primary_key=True) user_name = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Text, unique=True) password = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Text) user_role = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Text, default="user") enabled = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Boolean, default=True) deleted = sql_db.Column(sql_db.Boolean, default=False) created_at = sql_db.Column(sql_db.DateTime, updated_at = sql_db.Column(sql_db.DateTime, def to_json(self): return_dict = {} return_dict['id'] = return_dict['user_name'] = self.user_name return_dict['user_role'] = self.user_role return return_dict
class Country(MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "countries" country_name = db.Column(db.String(16), unique=True, nullable=False) @staticmethod def create_one(country_name): """ create a Country object, not commit session :param country_name: country name :return: Country object """ c = Country.query.filter_by(country_name=country_name).first() if c: return c else: c = Country(country_name=country_name) return c
class Notification(MyBaseModel): receiver_user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False) sender_user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False) is_read = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False) category = db.Column(TINYINT(1)) # must be in `NotificationType` information_text = db.Column(db.Text) # not used rating_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=True) rating = db.relationship("Rating", backref="notification", lazy=True) @staticmethod def create_one(receiver_user_id, sender_user_id, category, rating_id=None): """ add action to Notification :param receiver_user_id: :param sender_user_id: user send this notification :param category: NotificationType.FOLLOW or .RATING_ACTION :param follower_id: :param rating_id: rating_id :return: Notification or None """ if category not in [ NotificationType.FOLLOW, NotificationType.RATING_ACTION ]: return None notification = Notification.query.filter_by( receiver_user_id=receiver_user_id, sender_user_id=sender_user_id, category=category, rating_id=rating_id, ).first() if not notification: notification = Notification( receiver_user_id=receiver_user_id, sender_user_id=sender_user_id, category=category, rating_id=rating_id, ) return notification return None
class Movie(SearchableMixin, MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "movies" __searchable__ = [ { "key": "title", "weight": 4 }, { "key": "original_title", "weight": 3 }, { "key": "summary", "weight": 1 }, ] douban_id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, nullable=True) imdb_id = db.Column(db.String(16), unique=True, nullable=True) title = db.Column(db.String(64), nullable=False) original_title = db.Column(db.String(64)) subtype = db.Column(db.String(10), nullable=False) year = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) image_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) image = db.relationship("Image", backref="movie", lazy=True) seasons_count = db.Column(db.Integer) # 季数 episodes_count = db.Column(db.Integer) # 集数 current_season = db.Column(db.Integer) # 当前第几季 summary = db.Column(db.Text) ext = db.Column(db.String(32)) # must be in MovieCinemaStatus cinema_status = db.Column(db.Integer, default=MovieCinemaStatus.FINISHED, nullable=False) aka_list = db.Column(db.Text) # split by '|' ratings = db.relationship("Rating", backref="movie", lazy="dynamic", cascade="all, delete-orphan") genres = db.relationship( "Genre", secondary="movie_genres", backref=db.backref("movies", lazy="dynamic"), lazy=True, ) countries = db.relationship( "Country", secondary="movie_countries", backref=db.backref("movies", lazy="dynamic"), lazy=True, ) directors = db.relationship( "Celebrity", secondary="movie_directors", backref=db.backref("director_movies", lazy="dynamic"), lazy=True, ) celebrities = db.relationship( "Celebrity", secondary="movie_celebrities", backref=db.backref("celebrity_movies", lazy="dynamic"), lazy=True, ) @staticmethod def create_one( title, subtype, year, image=None, douban_id=None, imdb_id=None, original_title=None, seasons_count=None, episodes_count=None, current_season=None, summary=None, cinema_status=MovieCinemaStatus.FINISHED, aka_list=[], genres_name=[], countries_name=[], directors_obj=[], celebrities_obj=[], ): if douban_id: if Movie.query.filter_by(douban_id=douban_id).first(): return None if imdb_id: if Movie.query.filter_by(imdb_id=imdb_id).first(): return None movie = Movie( title=title, subtype=subtype, image=image, summary=summary, douban_id=douban_id, imdb_id=imdb_id, original_title=original_title, year=year, seasons_count=seasons_count, episodes_count=episodes_count, current_season=current_season, cinema_status=cinema_status, aka_list="/".join(aka_list), ) for genre_name in genres_name: genre_obj = Genre.create_one(genre_name) movie.genres.append(genre_obj) for country_name in countries_name: country_obj = Country.create_one(country_name) movie.countries.append(country_obj) movie.directors += directors_obj movie.celebrities += celebrities_obj return movie @property def score(self): score = (self.ratings.filter_by( category=RatingType.COLLECT).with_entities(func.avg( Rating.score)).all()[0][0]) try: return float(score) except TypeError: return 0 @property def user_do_rating_query(self): return self.ratings.filter_by(category=RatingType.DO) @property def user_wish_rating_query(self): return self.ratings.filter_by(category=RatingType.WISH) @property def user_collect_query(self): return self.ratings.filter_by(category=RatingType.COLLECT) @property def image_url(self): return url_for("api.Photo", image_hash_id=encode_id_to_str(self.image_id), _external=True) def __repr__(self): return "<Movie %r>" % self.title
class Celebrity(SearchableMixin, MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "celebrities" __searchable__ = [ { "key": "name", "weight": 3 }, { "key": "name_en", "weight": 2 }, { "key": "born_place", "weight": 1 }, ] douban_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True, unique=True) imdb_id = db.Column(db.String(16), nullable=True, unique=True) name = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False) gender = db.Column(TINYINT(1), default=GenderType.MALE, nullable=True) image_id = db.Column(db.INTEGER, db.ForeignKey("")) image = db.relationship("Image", backref="celebrity", lazy=True) born_place = db.Column(db.String(32)) name_en = db.Column(db.String(32)) aka_list = db.Column(db.Text) aka_en_list = db.Column(db.Text) ext = db.Column(db.String(32)) @staticmethod def create_one( name, gender, image=None, douban_id=None, imdb_id=None, born_place=None, name_en=None, aka_list=[], aka_en_list=[], ): """""" if douban_id: if Celebrity.query.filter_by(douban_id=douban_id).first(): return None if imdb_id: if Celebrity.query.filter_by(imdb_id=imdb_id).first(): return None celebrity = Celebrity( name=name, gender=gender, image=image, douban_id=douban_id, imdb_id=imdb_id, born_place=born_place, name_en=name_en, aka_list="/".join(aka_list), aka_en_list="/".join(aka_en_list), ) return celebrity @property def avatar_url(self): """ :return: avatar image url """ return url_for("api.Photo", image_hash_id=encode_id_to_str(self.image_id), _external=True)
class User(SearchableMixin, MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "users" __searchable__ = [ { "key": "username", "weight": 3 }, { "key": "signature", "weight": 1 }, ] username = db.Column(db.String(80), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True) email = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(128), nullable=False) token_salt = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False) last_login_time = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) avatar_image_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("")) avatar = db.relationship("Image", backref="user", lazy=True) email_confirmed = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False, nullable=False) signature = db.Column(db.Text) city_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("")) city = db.relationship("ChinaArea", backref="users", lazy=True) roles = db.relationship( "Role", secondary="user_roles", backref=db.backref("users", lazy="dynamic"), lazy=True, ) followed = db.relationship( "User", secondary="followers", primaryjoin="followers.c.follower_id ==", secondaryjoin="followers.c.followed_id ==", backref=db.backref("followers", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="dynamic", ) # Danger: with soft deleted ratings = db.relationship("Rating", backref="user", lazy="dynamic", cascade="all, delete-orphan") notifications_received = db.relationship( "Notification", foreign_keys=[Notification.receiver_user_id], backref="receiver_user", lazy="dynamic", cascade="all, delete-orphan", ) notifications_sent = db.relationship( "Notification", foreign_keys=[Notification.sender_user_id], backref="send_user", lazy="dynamic", cascade="all, delete-orphan", ) def __repr__(self): return "<User %r>" % self.username def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(User, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._set_role() def generate_token(self, expiration=3600): """ generate a jwt token and update the field of last_login_time :param expiration: a number of seconds :return: token """ s = Serializer(current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"], expires_in=expiration) token = s.dumps({ "uid": str(, "token_salt": self.token_salt }).decode("ascii") self.last_login_time = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() return token @staticmethod def verity_auth_token(token): """ verity the jwt when user login :param token: jwt token :return: current_user: User """ s = Serializer(current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"]) try: data = s.loads(token) except SignatureExpired: return None except BadSignature: return None current_user = User.query.filter_by(id=data["uid"]).first() if current_user is None: return None else: token_salt = data.get("token_salt") if token_salt == current_user.token_salt: g.current_user = current_user return current_user else: return None def revoke_auth_token(self): self.token_salt += 1 g.current_user = None db.session.commit() @staticmethod def create_one(username, email, password): """ create one user from params but not commit session :param username: username unique :param email: email unique :param password: password :return: user: User if ok else None """ if not username or not email or not password: return None if User.query.filter( or_(User.username == username, == email)).first(): return None current_user = User(username=username, email=email) current_user.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password) return current_user def change_email(self, new_email): """ change email to `new_email` but not commit session :parm new_email: new_email :return: True or False """ if User.query.filter_by(email=new_email).first(): return False = new_email self.email_confirmed = False return True def change_username(self, new_username): if User.query.filter_by(username=new_username).first(): return False self.username = new_username return True def change_password(self, new_password): """ change password but not commit session :parm new_password: new password :return: True or False """ if not new_password: return False self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(new_password) self.token_salt += 1 return True def validate_password(self, password): """ validate the password :param password: he plaintext password to compare against the hash. :return: True or False """ return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password) def _set_role(self): """ set role for user when create a user. :return: None """ if Role.query.count() == 0: Role.init_role() if len(self.roles) == 0: if == current_app.config["ADMIN_EMAIL"]: current_roles = Role.query.filter_by(role_name="Administrator") else: current_roles = Role.query.filter_by(role_name="User") self.roles += current_roles def change_role(self, role_name): """ change user`s role :param role_name: ROLES_PERMISSIONS_MAP.keys() """ self.roles.clear() if Role.query.count() == 0: Role.init_role() current_roles = Role.query.filter_by(role_name=role_name.title()) self.roles += current_roles def follow(self, user): """ follow one user but not commit session :param user: User :return: True or False """ if != if not self.is_following(user): self.followed.append(user) notification = Notification.create_one(,, NotificationType.FOLLOW) if notification: user.notifications_received.append(notification) self.notifications_sent.append(notification) return True return False def unfollow(self, user): """ unfollow one user :param user: User :return: True or False """ if != if self.is_following(user): self.followed.remove(user) notification = Notification.query.filter_by(,, category=NotificationType.FOLLOW, ).first() if notification: user.notifications_received.remove(notification) self.notifications_sent.remove(notification) return True return False def is_following(self, user): """ current user is follow `user` :param user: User :return: True or False """ if self == user: return True return self.followed.filter( followers.c.followed_id == > 0 def is_followed_by(self, user): """ current user is follow by `user` :param user: User :return: True or False """ if self == user: return True return user.is_following(self) def wish_movie(self, movie, comment=None, tags_name=[]): """ wish movie by rating :param movie: Movie :param comment: comment for rating :param tags_name: list of tags :return: Rating or None """ if Rating.query.filter_by(, return False r = Rating.create_rating_with_tags( self, movie, score=0, comment=comment, category=RatingType.WISH, tags_name=tags_name, ) add_rating_to_rank_redis(movie) return True def do_movie(self, movie, score=0, comment=None, tags_name=[]): """ do movie by rating :param movie: Movie :param score: score for rating :param comment: comment for rating :param tags_name: list of tags :return: Rating or None """ if Rating.query.filter_by(, return False if movie.subtype != MovieType.TV: return False r = Rating.create_rating_with_tags( self, movie, score=score, comment=comment, category=RatingType.DO, tags_name=tags_name, ) add_rating_to_rank_redis(movie) return True def collect_movie(self, movie, score=0, comment=None, tags_name=[]): """ collect movie by rating :param movie: Movie :param score: score for rating :param comment: comment for rating :param tags_name: list of tags :return: Rating or None """ if Rating.query.filter_by(, return False r = Rating.create_rating_with_tags( self, movie, score=score, comment=comment, category=RatingType.COLLECT, tags_name=tags_name, ) add_rating_to_rank_redis(movie) return True def delete_rating_on(self, movie): """ delete one rating on this movie :param movie: :return: """ rating = Rating.query.filter_by(, if not rating: return False self.ratings.remove(rating) add_rating_to_rank_redis(movie, True) return True @property def role_name(self): if not self.roles: return return self.roles[0].role_name @property def is_locked(self): """ test this user is locked or not :return: True or False """ return self.role_name == "LOCKED" @property def notifications_count(self): return self.notifications_received.count() def lock_this_user(self): """ lock this user """ self.change_role("Locked") def check_permission(self, permission): """Check Permission""" return permission.upper() in [role.permission for role in self.roles] def _gen_email_hashgravatar(self, size=500): """ generate avatar image url for user :param size: size :return: avatar url """ email_hash = hashlib.md5("utf-8")).hexdigest() url = "" return "{url}/{hash}?s={size}&d=identicon&r=g".format(url=url, hash=email_hash, size=size) @property def avatar_thumb(self): """ thumb avatar """ if not self.avatar: return self._gen_email_hashgravatar(100) else: return url_for( "api.Photo", image_hash_id=encode_id_to_str(self.avatar_image_id), _external=True, ) @property def avatar_image(self): """ avatar image """ if not self.avatar: return self._gen_email_hashgravatar(1000) else: return url_for( "api.Photo", image_hash_id=encode_id_to_str(self.avatar_image_id), _external=True, ) @property def followers_count(self): return self.followers.count() @property def followings_count(self): return self.followed.count()
class ChinaArea(db.Model): __tablename__ = "china_area_code" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) code = db.Column(db.BIGINT, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.String(128), default="", nullable=False) level = db.Column(TINYINT(1), nullable=False) pcode = db.Column(db.BIGINT) """ select `a`.`code` AS `CODE`,`c`.`name` AS `province`,`b`.`name` AS `city`,`a`.`name` AS `country` from ((`china_area_code` `a` join `china_area_code` `b` on(((`a`.`level` = 3) and (`b`.`level` = 2) and (`a`.`pcode` = `b`.`code`)))) join `china_area_code` `c` on((`b`.`pcode` = `c`.`code`))) order by `a`.`code` """ @staticmethod def load_data_from_json(): with open( os.path.join(current_app.config["AREA_DATA_PATH"], "area_code_2019.json"), "r", ) as f: area_data_json = json.load(f) for record in tqdm(area_data_json["RECORDS"]): china_area = ChinaArea( code=record["code"], name=record["name"], level=record["level"], pcode=record["pcode"], ) db.session.add(china_area) db.session.commit() @staticmethod @cache.cached(timeout=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, key_prefix="get_all_data_area") def get_all_area_date(): res = list( db.session.execute( "select, code, name from china_area_code as a where a.level=1" )) parent = [] for p in res: t = { "id": p[0], "code": p[1], "name": p[2], "label": p[2], "value": p[0] } two_level_children = [] level_two_res = list( db.session.execute( "select, code, name from china_area_code as a where a.pcode=" + str(p[1]))) for level_two in level_two_res: tt = { "id": level_two[0], "code": level_two[1], "name": level_two[2], "label": level_two[2], "value": level_two[0], } three_leve_children = [] level_three_res = list( db.session.execute( "select, code, name from china_area_code as a where a.pcode=" + str(level_two[1]))) for level_three in level_three_res: ttt = { "id": level_three[0], "code": level_three[1], "name": level_three[2], "label": level_three[2], "value": level_three[0], } three_leve_children.append(ttt) tt["children"] = three_leve_children two_level_children.append(tt) t["children"] = two_level_children parent.append(t) return parent
class Rating(MyBaseModel): __tablename__ = "ratings" user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) movie_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) score = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0) comment = db.Column(db.Text, default="") category = db.Column(TINYINT(1), default=2) # 0=wish, 1=do, 2=collect tags = db.relationship( "Tag", secondary="rating_tags", backref=db.backref("ratings", lazy="dynamic"), lazy=True, ) like_by_users = db.relationship( "User", secondary="rating_likes", backref=db.backref("like_ratings", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="dynamic", ) report_by_users = db.relationship( "User", secondary="rating_reports", backref=db.backref("report_ratings", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="dynamic", ) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint("user_id", "movie_id", "category"), ) def __repr__(self): return "<Rating %r>" % self.comment @staticmethod def create_rating_with_tags(user, movie, score=0, comment="", category=RatingType.COLLECT, tags_name=[]): """ create one rating with tags but not commit :param user: :param movie: :param score: score :param comment: comment :param category: category must be in RatingType :return: Rating object """ r = Rating(score=score, comment=comment, category=category) r.user = user = movie for tag_name in tags_name: if tag_name != "": rating_tag = Tag.create_one(tag_name=tag_name) r.tags.append(rating_tag) return r def like_by(self, user): """ :param user: User :return: False or True """ if self.like_by_users.filter_by( return False self.like_by_users.append(user) notification = Notification.create_one(self.user_id,, NotificationType.RATING_ACTION, if notification: self.user.notifications_received.append(notification) user.notifications_sent.append(notification) return True def unlike_by(self, user): """ :param user: User :return: True or False """ if not self.like_by_users.filter_by( return False self.like_by_users.remove(user) notification = Notification.query.filter_by(,, category=NotificationType.RATING_ACTION, ).first() if notification: self.user.notifications_received.remove(notification) user.notifications_sent.remove(notification) return True def report_by(self, user): """ :param user: :return: True or False """ if self.user_id == return False if self.report_by_users.filter_by( return False self.report_by_users.append(user) return True @property def like_count(self): return self.like_by_users.count() @property def report_count(self): return self.report_by_users.count()
class MyBaseModel(db.Model): """ Base Model """ __abstract__ = True id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow) updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, onupdate=datetime.utcnow) user_roles = db.Table( "user_roles", db.Column("id", db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), db.Column("user_id", db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE")), db.Column("role_id", db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE")), UniqueConstraint("user_id", "role_id", name="unique_user_id_and_role_id"), ) class Role(MyBaseModel): """ Table: role permissions """ __tablename__ = "roles" role_name = db.Column(db.String(16))