Пример #1
def signin():
    if request.method == 'POST':

        if 'id' in session:
            # print("already signed in")
            return '', 200

        name = request.form.get("name", None)
        password = request.form.get("password", None)

        errorMsg = None

        if name is None:
            errorMsg = "name"
        elif password is None:
            errorMsg = "password"

        if errorMsg is not None:
            return json.dumps({"message": errorMsg + " is not provided"}), 400

        password = hashing.hash_value(password)
        user = User.query.filter_by(name=name).first()

        if user is None:
            return json.dumps({"message": "user not registered"}), 404
        if user.password != password:
            return json.dumps({"message": "password incorrect"}), 404

        session["id"] = user.user_id
        resp = make_response()
        return resp

        return json.dumps({"msg": "GET"})
Пример #2
def config():
    # This is the default pull config
    d = app.config['PULL_DEFAULTS'].copy()

    # Ensure that all values are accounted from url args
    # to create key to find config
    if request.args.get('guid') is None or \
        request.args.get('hostname') is None or \
            request.args.get('domain') is None:
        return render_template('errors/404.html'), 400

    key = request.args['guid'] + ',' + request.args['hostname'] + ',' + request.args['domain']
    key = hashing.hash_value(key, salt= app.config['HASH_SALT'])

    # Contains the config changes for this particular client
    config = mongo.db.clientConfigs.find_one({'key': key}, projection={'_id': False, 'key': False})

    # Modify the the configuration accordingly
    isDefault = True
    if config is not None:
        isDefault = False
        for k,v in config.items():
            d[k] = v

    return render_template(
Пример #3
def editConfig():
    # Ensure that all values are accounted from url args
    # to edit the corresponding config
    if request.args.get('guid') is None or \
        request.args.get('hostname') is None or \
            request.args.get('domain') is None:
        return render_template('errors/404.html'), 400

    key = request.args['guid'] + ',' + request.args['hostname'] + ',' + request.args['domain']
    key = hashing.hash_value(key, salt= app.config['HASH_SALT'])

    d = app.config['PULL_DEFAULTS']
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        configChanges = changes(d, form.toDict())
        if len(configChanges) > 0:
                {'key': key},
                update={'$set': configChanges}, 
            mongo.db.clientConfigs.delete_one({'key': key})
        return redirect(
            url_for('config') + '?guid=' + request.args['guid'] + '&hostname=' + request.args['hostname'] + '&domain=' + request.args['domain']
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        data = mongo.db.clientConfigs.find_one({'key': key}, projection={'_id': False, 'key': False})
        if data is not None:
            for k,v in data.items():
                d[k] = v
        form.config_interval.data = d.get('config_interval')
        form.FileVersionMS.data = d.get('FileVersionMS')
        form.logs.data = ','.join(d.get('logs'))
        form.cpu_interval.data = d.get('cpu_interval')
        form.FileVersionLS.data = d.get('FileVersionLS')
        form.data_url.data = d.get('data_url')
        form.num.data = d.get('num')
        form.MonitorPath.data = d.get('MonitorPath')
        form.debug.data = d.get('debug')
        form.upload_interval.data = d.get('upload_interval')

    return render_template(
Пример #4
def resetConfig():
    # Ensure that all values are accounted from url args
    # to edit the corresponding config
    if request.args.get('guid') is None or \
        request.args.get('hostname') is None or \
            request.args.get('domain') is None:
        return render_template('errors/404.html'), 400

    key = request.args['guid'] + ',' + request.args['hostname'] + ',' + request.args['domain']
    key = hashing.hash_value(key, salt= app.config['HASH_SALT'])

    mongo.db.clientConfigs.delete_one({'key': key})

    return redirect(
        url_for('config') + '?guid=' + request.args['guid'] + '&hostname=' + request.args['hostname'] + '&domain=' + request.args['domain']
Пример #5
def signup():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if 'id' in session:
            # print("already signed up")
            session.pop('name', None)

        name = request.form.get("name", None)
        email = request.form.get("email", None)
        phone = request.form.get("phone", None)
        password = request.form.get("password", None)

        errorMsg = None

        if name is None:
            errorMsg = "name"
        elif email is None:
            errorMsg = "email"
        elif password is None:
            errorMsg = "password"

        if errorMsg is not None:
            return json.dumps({
                "message": errorMsg + " is not provided"
            }), 400

        password = hashing.hash_value(password)
        user = User(name=name, email=email, phone=phone, password=password)
        except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError as e:
            return json.dumps({
                "message": "user name registered"
            }), 409

        session["id"] = user.user_id
        resp = make_response()
        return resp

        return json.dumps({"msg": "GET"})
Пример #6
def push():
    if not request.is_json:
        return 'Bad request. Not JSON.', 400

    # Ensure that that the POST body has the minimum required values
    d = request.get_json()
    if d['post'].get('guid') is None or \
        d['post'].get('hostname') is None or \
            d['post'].get('domain') is None:
        return 'Bad request', 400
    guid = d['post'].get('guid')
    hostname = d['post'].get('hostname')
    domain = d['post'].get('domain')
    uploadTime = d['post'].get('UploadTime')

    key = guid + ',' + hostname + ',' + domain
    key = hashing.hash_value(key, salt= app.config['HASH_SALT'])

    dataToSet = {

    # Record the incoming data serialized
    result = mongo.db.agentData.update_one(
        filter={'key': key}, 
        update={'$set': dataToSet}, 

    if result.upserted_id is not None:
        print("I'm in!")
        add_to_index(index='agentdata', key=key, doc={'hostname':hostname, 'domain':domain})

    return 'Okay', 200
Пример #7
def pull():

    # This is the default pull config
    d = app.config['PULL_DEFAULTS'].copy()

    # Ensure that all values are accounted from url args
    # to create key to find config or else send default config
    if request.args.get('guid') is None or \
        request.args.get('hostname') is None or \
            request.args.get('domain') is None:
        return jsonify(d), 200

    key = request.args['guid'] + ',' + request.args['hostname'] + ',' + request.args['domain']
    key = hashing.hash_value(key, salt= app.config['HASH_SALT'])

    # Contains the config changes for this particular client
    config = mongo.db.clientConfigs.find_one({'key': key}, projection={'_id': False, 'key': False})

    # Modify the the configuration accordingly
    if config is not None:
        for k,v in config.items():
            d[k] = v

    return jsonify(d), 200
Пример #8
def fake_data():

    mixer.cycle(50).blend(User, password=hashing.hash_value("123456"))
    mixer.cycle(10).blend(Cinema, info=mixer.sequence("info_{0}"))
    mixer.cycle(10).blend(Movie, length=(a for a in range(95, 126)))
Пример #9
def hash_password(raw_pwd, salt):
    raw_pwd += app.config['PEPPER']
    return hashing.hash_value(raw_pwd, salt=salt)