def removeWizzard(argsString): if argsString == "" or not argsString: print("No arguments provided") outputs.decideWhatToDo() args = getArgsBy(argsString,',|=') print(args) if len(args) % 2 != 0: print("Insuficient arguments providied, odd number") outputs.decideWhatToDo() searchableArgs=getArgsBy(getConfPart('removeBy','customers').strip(),',') try: #Remove LIMIT from argsDict argsDict = makeArgsDict(args,searchableArgs) for i in range(0,len(args),2): if args[i].lower() == "limit": limit = int(args[i+1]) print(limit) #Limit is in argsDict so remove it argsDict.pop('limit',0) else: limit = 1 except ValueError as e: print("Value error: {}".format(e)) outputs.decideWhatToDo() try: remove(argsDict,limit) except ValueError as e: print("Value error: {}".format(e)) except TypeError as e: print("Type error: {}".format(e)) except LookupError as e: print("Lookup error: {}".format(e)) outputs.decideWhatToDo()
def listWizzard(argsString): args = getArgsBy(argsString, ',|=') if args == [''] or not args: try: bookings = getBookings({}) except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Sqlite error occured: {}".format(e)) elif len(args) % 2 != 0: # If args length is an uneven length then there is a argument without a pair # value and will mean the sql statement will get messed up print("Odd number of arguments supplied") print("Each argument must have a value eg. \n") print("lb key=value or") print("lb key=value,key2=value2\n") print("There can be no lone keys or values") else: # Check the arguments are valid then put them into a dictionary to be passed # to getBookings() searchableArgs = getArgsBy(getConfPart('listBy','bookings').strip(),',') argsDict = makeArgsDict(args,searchableArgs) try: bookings = getBookings(argsDict) except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Sqlite error occured: {}".format(e)) print(tabulate(bookings, headers=['Booking id','Customer id','Time','Reason'], tablefmt="fancy_grid")) outputs.decideWhatToDo()
def removeWizzard(argsString): if argsString == '' or not argsString: print("No arguments provided") outputs.decideWhatToDo() args = getArgsBy(argsString,',|=') if len(args) % 2 != 0: print("Insufficient arguments provided, odd number") outputs.decideWhatToDo() searchableArgs=getArgsBy(getConfPart('removeBy','bookings').strip(),',') #makeArgsDict includes LIMIT as an argument so that needs to be removed #so it can be used properly argsDict = makeArgsDict(args,searchableArgs) for i in range(0,len(args),2): if args[i].lower() == "limit": limit = int(args[i+1]) #limit is would be in argsDict so remove it argsDict.pop('limit',0) else: limit = 1 try: if remove(argsDict,limit): print("Succesfully removed booking") except ValueError as e: print("Value error: {}".format(e)) except TypeError as e: print("Type error: {}".format(e)) except LookupError as e: print("Lookup error: {}".format(e)) outputs.decideWhatToDo()