Пример #1
def sensor_send_value(sensor_id):
    sensor = SensorInteractor.get(sensor_id)

    if sensor:
        if sensor.active:
            gateways = GatewayInteractor.get_all_device_registered()

            if gateways:
                for gateway in gateways:
                    for sensor_method in sensor.sensor_methods:
                        if sensor_method.method.type == "write" and sensor_method.value:
                            r = request_helper.send_sensor_value(gateway.address, gateway.post_authorization, sensor.identificator, sensor_method.method.path, sensor_method.value)
                        elif sensor_method.method.type == "read":
                            r = request_helper.get_sensor_value(sensor, sensor_method.method.path)
                            if r != False:
                                sensor_method.value = r
                                r = request_helper.send_sensor_value(gateway.address, gateway.post_authorization, sensor.identificator, sensor_method.method.path, sensor_method.value)
                                app.logger.error("Getting value: Couldn't connect to YunServer - sensor %s (method %s) - path %s" % (sensor.id, sensor_method.method.id, sensor_method.method.path))
                                return jsonify({ "value" : 'error', 'error' : 'The arduino server is not available.' })
                    flash('Sensor method values successfully sent to gateway %s!' % gateway.address, category={ 'theme' : 'success' } )
                flash("No gateways with registered device!", category={ 'theme': 'warning' } )

            return redirect("/sensors/#%s" % sensor.identificator)
            flash('Sensor is not active!', category={ 'theme': 'warning' } )
            return redirect("/sensors/#%s" % sensor.identificator)

    flash('Sensor does not exist!', category={ 'theme': 'error' } )
    app.logger.error("Sending sensor values: Sensor does not exist")
    return redirect("/sensors/")
Пример #2
def activate_sensor(sensor_id):
    sensor = SensorInteractor.get(sensor_id)
    if sensor:
        sensors = SensorInteractor.get_active_for_pin(sensor.pin.arduino_pin)
        old_io = ""
        if sensors:
            for sensor_on_pin in sensors:
                deactivate_sensor(sensor_on_pin.id, False)
                old_io = sensor_on_pin.pin.io

        sensor.active = True

        if sensor.pin.io != old_io:
            r = request_helper.change_pin_mode(sensor.pin.arduino_pin, sensor.pin.io)
            if r != False:
                flash("Pin %s mode successfully changed to %s!" % (sensor.pin.arduino_pin, sensor.pin.io), category={'theme' : 'success'} )
                flash("Pin mode could not be changed!", category={'theme': 'error'})
                app.logger.error("Activating sensor: Couldn't change pin mode - %s (%s)" % (sensor.pin.arduino_pin, sensor.pin.io))

        for sensor_method in sensor.sensor_methods:
            if sensor_method.method.type in ["read"]:
                r = request_helper.get_sensor_value(sensor, sensor_method.method.path)
                if r != False:
                    sensor_method.value = r
                    app.logger.error("Getting value: Couldn't connect to YunServer - sensor %s (method %s) - path %s" % (sensor.id, sensor_method.method.id, sensor_method.method.path))
                    return jsonify({ "value" : 'error', 'error' : 'The arduino server is not available.' })

        gateways = GatewayInteractor.get_all_device_registered()

        if gateways:
            for gateway in gateways:
                r = request_helper.send_descriptor(gateway.address, gateway.post_authorization)
                if r != False:
                    for sensor_method in sensor.sensor_methods:
                        r = request_helper.init_sensor(gateway.address, gateway.post_authorization, sensor.identificator, sensor_method.method.path)
                        if r != False and sensor_method.method.type in ["read", "write"] and sensor_method.value:
                            r = request_helper.send_sensor_value(gateway.address, gateway.post_authorization, sensor.identificator, sensor_method.method.path, sensor_method.value)
                    flash('Sensor successfully added to gateway %s!' % gateway.address, category={ 'theme': 'success' } )
            flash("Sensor activated!", category={ 'theme': 'success' } )
            flash("No gateways with registered device", category={ 'theme': 'warning' } )

        return redirect("/sensors/#%s" % sensor.identificator)

    flash("Sensor does not exist!", category={ 'theme': 'error' } )
    app.logger.error("Activating sensor: Sensor does not exist")
    return redirect("/sensors/")
Пример #3
def cron():
    app.logger.info("----START cron START----")
        for gateway in GatewayInteractor.get_all_device_registered():
            for sensor in SensorInteractor.get_all_active():
                for sensor_method in sensor.sensor_methods:
                    if sensor_method.method.type in ["read", "write"]:
                        if sensor_method.method.type == "read":
                            r = request_helper.get_sensor_value(sensor, sensor_method.method.path)
                            if r != False:
                                sensor_method.value = r
                                if sensor_method.value:
                                    r = request_helper.send_sensor_value(gateway.address, gateway.post_authorization, sensor.identificator, sensor_method.method.path, sensor_method.value)
                                    if r != False:
                                        log = "%s - %s %s %s - %s (%s)" % ( gateway.address, sensor.module.hardware.name, sensor.module.name, sensor.identificator, sensor_method.method.path, sensor_method.value )
                                app.logger.error("CRON getting value: Couldn't connect to YunServer - sensor %s (method %s) - path %s" % (sensor.id, sensor_method.method.id, sensor_method.method.path))
                                return make_response()
        app.logger.error( "%s" % sys.exc_info()[0] )
    app.logger.info("----END cron END----")
    return make_response()