Пример #1
    def ffmpeg_probe_frame_count(self):
        probe self.file and return frame count
        instance = Popen(["ffprobe", self.file.filename],

        output = ""
        for line in instance.stderr:
            output += line.decode("utf8")

            # call sleep, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34599578/using-popen-in-a-thread-blocks-every-incoming-flask-socketio-request

        fps_reg = re.findall(r"([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+) fps|tbr", output)
        if fps_reg is None:
            return -1

        fps = float(" ".join(fps_reg))

        duration = duration_to_seconds(
            re.findall(r"Duration: (.*?),", output)[0])

        # calculate the amount of frames for the calculation of progress
        frame_count = int(math.ceil(duration * float(fps)))

        return frame_count
Пример #2
    def ffmpeg_probe_frame_count(self):
        probe self.file and return frame count
        instance = Popen(["ffprobe", self.file.filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

        output = ""
        for line in instance.stderr:
            output += line.decode("utf8")

            # call sleep, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34599578/using-popen-in-a-thread-blocks-every-incoming-flask-socketio-request

        fps_reg = re.findall(r"([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+) fps|tbr", output)
        if fps_reg is None:
            return -1

        fps = float(" ".join(fps_reg))

        duration = duration_to_seconds(re.findall(r"Duration: (.*?),", output)[0])

        # calculate the amount of frames for the calculation of progress
        frame_count = int(math.ceil(duration * float(fps)))

        return frame_count
Пример #3
    def run_ffmpeg(self, cmd, frame_count):
        run ffmpeg with given cmd arguments and a frame count
        :param cmd: the command line dictionary containing all the arguments
        :param frame_count: the amount of frames of this video, necessary for the progress calculation
        instance = Popen(map(str, cmd),
        reader = io.TextIOWrapper(instance.stderr, encoding="utf8")

        # these two variables are just needed for when the processing fails, see below
        last_lines = deque(
            maxlen=5)  # parameter determines how many lines to keep

        # oddly ffmpeg writes to stderr instead of stdout
        for line in reader:
            # kill ffmpeg when not being active anymore
            if not self.active:

            # call sleep, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34599578/using-popen-in-a-thread-blocks-every-incoming-flask-socketio-request

            # append current line to last_lines

            match = PROGRESS_PATTERN.match(line)

            # first few lines have no match
            if match:
                frame = int(match.group(
                    1))  # current frame, needed for calculation of progress
                fps = float(
                    match.group(2))  # needed for calculation of remaining time
                size = int(match.group(4))  # current size in kB
                time = duration_to_seconds(match.group(
                    5))  # time already passed for converting, in seconds
                bitrate = float(match.group(6))  # in kbits/s
                progress = round((frame / float(frame_count)) * 100, 1)  # in %

                frames_remaining = frame_count - frame  # needed for eta
                eta = frames_remaining / fps if fps != 0 else -1  # in seconds

                yield {
                    "return_code": -1,
                    "ffmpeg_eta": eta,
                    "ffmpeg_progress": progress,
                    "ffmpeg_bitrate": bitrate,
                    "ffmpeg_time": time,
                    "ffmpeg_size": size,
                    "ffmpeg_fps": fps

        return_code = instance.wait()
        if return_code != 0:
            yield {"return_code": return_code, "last_lines": last_lines}
Пример #4
    def run_ffmpeg(self, cmd, frame_count):
        run ffmpeg with given cmd arguments and a frame count
        :param cmd: the command line dictionary containing all the arguments
        :param frame_count: the amount of frames of this video, necessary for the progress calculation
        instance = Popen(map(str, cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        reader = io.TextIOWrapper(instance.stderr, encoding="utf8")

        # these two variables are just needed for when the processing fails, see below
        last_lines = deque(maxlen=5)  # parameter determines how many lines to keep

        # oddly ffmpeg writes to stderr instead of stdout
        for line in reader:
            # kill ffmpeg when not being active anymore
            if not self.active:

            # call sleep, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34599578/using-popen-in-a-thread-blocks-every-incoming-flask-socketio-request

            # append current line to last_lines

            match = PROGRESS_PATTERN.match(line)

            # first few lines have no match
            if match:
                frame = int(match.group(1))  # current frame, needed for calculation of progress
                fps = float(match.group(2))  # needed for calculation of remaining time
                size = int(match.group(4))  # current size in kB
                time = duration_to_seconds(match.group(5))  # time already passed for converting, in seconds
                bitrate = float(match.group(6))  # in kbits/s
                progress = round((frame / float(frame_count)) * 100, 1)  # in %

                frames_remaining = frame_count - frame  # needed for eta
                eta = frames_remaining / fps if fps != 0 else -1  # in seconds

                yield {"return_code": -1, "ffmpeg_eta": eta, "ffmpeg_progress": progress, "ffmpeg_bitrate": bitrate,
                       "ffmpeg_time": time, "ffmpeg_size": size, "ffmpeg_fps": fps}

        return_code = instance.wait()
        if return_code != 0:
            yield {"return_code": return_code, "last_lines": last_lines}