def execute(job_obj, image_path=None, source_type=None): try: directory = os.path.join(job_obj.storage_path, str(job_obj.jobid)) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) os.chmod(directory, 0776) result_path = directory # Run an executable as defined by the user if job_obj.url is None: job_obj.url = os.path.join(conf.PIC_URL, job_obj.userid, job_obj.jobid) log_to_terminal('Files Stored. Waiting for one of the worker nodes to handle this request', job_obj.socketid) parsed_dict = {'jobid': job_obj.jobid, 'userid': job_obj.userid, 'image_path': str(image_path), 'result_path': str(result_path), 'dir': str(directory), 'url': job_obj.url, 'source_type': source_type, 'exec': job_obj.executable, 'count': job_obj.count, 'token': job_obj.token, 'socketid': job_obj.socketid, 'params': job_obj.params, 'dropbox_token': job_obj.dropbox_token} r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'jobinfo': parsed_dict, 'socketid': str(job_obj.socketid)})) run.delay(parsed_dict) except: log_and_exit(str(traceback.format_exc()), job_obj.socketid) return str('Error pushing to the job queue') return str(parsed_dict)
def saveFilesAndProcess(request, job_obj): """ TODO: Specify four types of location 1.) CloudCV General Dataset 2.) CloudCV me folder, me folder represents the user folder 3.) Dropbox folder 4.) Local System - Either save it as a test and delete, or permanently by specifying a name """ # If the server is different. The storage path needs to be changed to shared folders. parsed_params = parseParameters(job_obj.params) if 'server' in parsed_params and parsed_params['server'] == 'decaf_server': job_obj.storage_path = '/srv/share/cloudcv/jobs/' + job_obj.userid + '/' if not os.path.exists(job_obj.storage_path): os.mkdir(job_obj.storage_path) os.chmod(job_obj.storage_path, 0775) job_obj.url = ''+ job_obj.userid + \ '/' + job_obj.jobid r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'error': str('Special Server Identified'), 'socketid': job_obj.socketid})) # Save files either through dropbox or client local system for use an throw scenario if job_obj.dropbox_path is not None: result = saveDropboxFiles.delay(job_obj.__dict__) return 'Downloading content from dropbox. Execution will begin after downloading finishes' else: files_all = getFilesFromRequest(request, job_obj.count) if len(files_all) == 0: return 'Length of files = 0' if len(files_all) > 50: r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'error': str('Shutting down now.'), 'socketid':job_obj.socketid, 'end': 'yes'})) return 'Length of files higher than the limit of 50. Please use dropbox' job_directory = os.path.join(job_obj.storage_path, str(job_obj.jobid)) log_to_terminal('Processing files', job_obj.socketid) for single_file in files_all: try: # new_file_name = saveInPictureDatabase(single_file) path = conf.PIC_DIR size = (500, 500) resizeImageAndTransfer(path, job_directory, size, single_file) except Exception as e: print str(traceback.format_exc()) raise e response = core_execute.execute(job_obj, job_directory, 'local') return response
def decafImages(src_path, output_path, socketid, result_path, single_file_name=''): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_path,single_file_name)): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): tags = {} image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify on multiple images' mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image(file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags) print tags """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # sorted_tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # webResult = {} #webResult[str(result_path + file_name)] = sorted_tags result_url = urlparse(result_path).path r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', file_name+'.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ tags = {} print 'Running caffe classify on a single image: ' + single_file_name mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image(single_file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # web_result = {} # web_result[str(result_path)] = tags result_url = os.path.dirname(urlparse(result_path).path) r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', single_file_name+'.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def classifyImages(src_path, socketid, result_path): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(src_path): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify...' tags = caffe_classify_image(image_path) """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True) webResult = {} webResult[str(os.path.join(result_path, file_name))] = tags r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify...' tags = caffe_classify_image(src_path) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} web_result[str(result_path)] = tags r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def downloadFiles(job_dict): log_to_terminal('Dropbox Queue Handler: Downloading images', job_dict['socketid']) client = dropbox.client.DropboxClient(job_dict['dropbox_token']) try: folder_metadata = client.metadata(job_dict['dropbox_path']) except Exception as e: log_and_exit('Path: ' + job_dict['dropbox_path'] + ' not found', job_dict['socketid']) return log(job_dict['dropbox_path'], downloadFiles.__name__) log(job_dict['dropbox_token'], downloadFiles.__name__) for content in folder_metadata['contents']: if content['is_dir'] is False and 'image' in str(content['mime_type']): file, file_metadata = client.get_file_and_metadata(content['path']) rel_path = ntpath.dirname(str(content['path'])).lstrip('/') log_to_terminal(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'] ,rel_path , ntpath.basename(content['path'])), job_dict['socketid']) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path)) os.chmod(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'] , rel_path), 0775) img =['storage_path'], rel_path, ntpath.basename(content['path'])), file_metadata['mime_type'].split('/')[1]) try: job_obj = Job() for k,v in job_dict.iteritems(): setattr(job_obj, k, v) log(str(job_dict['storage_path'] + job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/')), 'directory') if job_obj.count is None or int(job_obj.count) <= 0: count = 0 for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/'))): log(str(name), 'name') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/'), name)): count +=1 log(str(name), 'name') job_obj.count = count # log_to_terminal('JobID: ' + str(job_obj.jobid), job_obj.socketid) # log_to_terminal('Count: ' + str(job_obj.count), job_obj.socketid) core_execute.execute(job_obj, os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/')), 'dropbox') except Exception as e: print str(traceback.format_exc()) log_and_exit(str(traceback.format_exc()), job_dict['socketid'])
def classifyImages(src_path, socketid, result_path): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(src_path): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): print 'Running caffe classify...' tags = default_classify.caffe_classify_image(image_path) log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True) webResult = {} webResult[str(os.path.join(result_path, file_name))] = tags r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: print 'Running caffe classify...' tags = default_classify.caffe_classify_image(src_path) log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} web_result[str(result_path)] = tags r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def runImageStitching(list, result_path, socketid): try: popen = subprocess.Popen(list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) count = 1 print 'Coming Here' while True: popen.poll() if (popen.stdout): line = popen.stdout.readline() popen.stdout.flush() if (popen.stderr): errline = popen.stderr.readline() popen.stderr.flush() # r = redis.StrictRedis(host = '' , port=6379, db=0) if line: # r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0) log_to_terminal(line, str(socketid)) # fi.write(line+'*!*'+socketid+'\n') print count, line, '\n' count += 1 # time.sleep(1) if errline: # r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0) log_to_terminal(errline, str(socketid)) # fi.write(line+'*!*'+socketid+'\n') print count, line, '\n' count += 1 if line == '': break log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', str(socketid)) r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': result_path, 'socketid': str(socketid) })) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), str(socketid)) print str(traceback.format_exc()) return '\n', '\n'
def classifyImagesWithNewModel(jobPath, socketid, result_path): print jobPath, socketid, result_path try: ImagePath = os.path.join(jobPath, 'test') modelPath = os.path.join(jobPath, 'util') new_labels = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(modelPath, 'new_labels.mat')) new_labels_cells = new_labels['WNID'] # Set the right path to your model file, pretrained model, # and the image you would like to classify. MODEL_FILE = os.path.join(modelPath, 'newCaffeModel.prototxt') PRETRAINED = os.path.join(modelPath, 'newCaffeModel.caffemodel') caffe.set_phase_test() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Classifier( MODEL_FILE, PRETRAINED, mean=np.load( os.path.join(CAFFE_DIR, 'python/caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy')), channel_swap=(2, 1, 0), raw_scale=255, image_dims=(256, 256)) results = {} if os.path.isdir(ImagePath): for file_name in os.listdir(ImagePath): image_path = os.path.join(ImagePath, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): tags = caffe_classify_image(net, image_path, new_labels_cells) log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) webResult = {} webResult[os.path.join(result_path, file_name)] = tags r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def runImageStitching(list, result_path, socketid): try: popen = subprocess.Popen(list,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) count=1 print 'Coming Here' while True: popen.poll() if(popen.stdout): line=popen.stdout.readline() popen.stdout.flush() if(popen.stderr): errline = popen.stderr.readline() popen.stderr.flush() # r = redis.StrictRedis(host = '' , port=6379, db=0) if line: # r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0) log_to_terminal(line, str(socketid)) # fi.write(line+'*!*'+socketid+'\n') print count,line, '\n' count += 1 # time.sleep(1) if errline: # r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0) log_to_terminal(errline, str(socketid)) # fi.write(line+'*!*'+socketid+'\n') print count,line, '\n' count += 1 if line == '': break log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', str(socketid)) r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': result_path, 'socketid': str(socketid)})) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), str(socketid)) print str(traceback.format_exc()) return '\n', '\n'
def answerQuestion(feat_path, question, socketid, imageid): try: print 'Thinking...' # For now, using numpy archives feat_path = feat_path + '.npy' ans = vqa_answer(feat_path, question) log_to_terminal("Answer found: " + ans, socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} web_result[imageid] = [ans] r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def classifyImagesWithNewModel(jobPath, socketid, result_path): print jobPath, socketid, result_path try: ImagePath = os.path.join(jobPath,'test') modelPath = os.path.join(jobPath,'util') new_labels = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(modelPath,'new_labels.mat')) new_labels_cells = new_labels['WNID'] # Set the right path to your model file, pretrained model, # and the image you would like to classify. MODEL_FILE = os.path.join(modelPath,'newCaffeModel.prototxt') PRETRAINED = os.path.join(modelPath,'newCaffeModel.caffemodel') caffe.set_phase_test() caffe.set_mode_gpu() net = caffe.Classifier(MODEL_FILE, PRETRAINED, mean=np.load(os.path.join(CAFFE_DIR, 'python/caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy')), channel_swap=(2, 1, 0), raw_scale=255, image_dims=(256, 256)) results = {} if os.path.isdir(ImagePath): for file_name in os.listdir(ImagePath): image_path = os.path.join(ImagePath, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): tags = caffe_classify_image(net, image_path, new_labels_cells) log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) webResult = {} webResult[os.path.join(result_path,file_name)] = tags r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def answerQuestion(feat_path, question, socketid, imageid): try: print 'Thinking...' # For now, using numpy archives feat_path = feat_path + '.npy' ans = vqa_answer(feat_path, question) log_to_terminal("Answer found: " + ans, socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} web_result[imageid] = [ans] r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def decafImages(src_path, output_path, socketid, result_path, single_file_name=''): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_path, single_file_name)): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): tags = {} image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify on multiple images' mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image( file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags) print tags """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) # sorted_tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # webResult = {} #webResult[str(result_path + file_name)] = sorted_tags result_url = urlparse(result_path).path r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', file_name + '.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ tags = {} print 'Running caffe classify on a single image: ' + single_file_name mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image( single_file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # web_result = {} # web_result[str(result_path)] = tags result_url = os.path.dirname(urlparse(result_path).path) r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', single_file_name + '.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def decafImages(src_path, output_path, socketid, result_path, single_file_name='', modelname=''): if modelname is not '': lMODEL_FILE = str(os.path.join(conf.CAFFE_DIR, 'models',modelname,'deploy.prototxt')) lPRETRAINED = str(os.path.join(conf.CAFFE_DIR, 'models', modelname, modelname+'.caffemodel')) r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'error': lMODEL_FILE+' '+lPRETRAINED, 'socketid': socketid})) caffe.set_phase_test() caffe.set_mode_cpu() modelnet = caffe.Classifier(lMODEL_FILE, lPRETRAINED) #r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'error': str(modelname), 'socketid': socketid})) else: modelnet = None try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_path,single_file_name)): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): tags = {} image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify on multiple images' mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image(file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags, modelname, modelnet) print tags """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # sorted_tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # webResult = {} #webResult[str(result_path + file_name)] = sorted_tags result_url = urlparse(result_path).path r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', file_name+'.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ tags = {} print 'Running caffe classify on a single image: ' + single_file_name try: mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image(single_file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags, modelname, modelnet) except Exception as e: print str(e) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: "+str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # web_result = {} # web_result[str(result_path)] = tags result_url = os.path.dirname(urlparse(result_path).path) r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', single_file_name+'.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def trainModel(save_dir, socketid): train_fast.modelUpdate(save_dir+'/') log_to_terminal('Finished training your model with the new categories. Now, upload some test images to test this model. ', socketid)
def decafImages(src_path, output_path, socketid, result_path, single_file_name='', modelname=''): if modelname is not '': lMODEL_FILE = str( os.path.join(conf.CAFFE_DIR, 'models', modelname, 'deploy.prototxt')) lPRETRAINED = str( os.path.join(conf.CAFFE_DIR, 'models', modelname, modelname + '.caffemodel')) r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'error': lMODEL_FILE + ' ' + lPRETRAINED, 'socketid': socketid })) caffe.set_phase_test() caffe.set_mode_cpu() modelnet = caffe.Classifier(lMODEL_FILE, lPRETRAINED) #r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'error': str(modelname), 'socketid': socketid})) else: modelnet = None try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_path, single_file_name)): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): tags = {} image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify on multiple images' mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image( file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags, modelname, modelnet) print tags """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) # sorted_tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # webResult = {} #webResult[str(result_path + file_name)] = sorted_tags result_url = urlparse(result_path).path r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', file_name + '.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ tags = {} print 'Running caffe classify on a single image: ' + single_file_name try: mat_file_path = decaf.calculate_decaf_image( single_file_name, src_path, output_path, 3, socketid, tags, modelname, modelnet) except Exception as e: print str(e) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # web_result = {} # web_result[str(result_path)] = tags result_url = os.path.dirname(urlparse(result_path).path) r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': os.path.join(result_url, 'results', single_file_name + '.mat'), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def trainModel(save_dir, socketid): train_fast.modelUpdate(save_dir + '/') log_to_terminal( 'Finished training your model with the new categories. Now, upload some test images to test this model. ', socketid)
def featExtraction(src_path, socketid, result_url_prefix, feat_folder): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(src_path): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) feat_path = os.path.join(feat_folder, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ if os.path.isfile(feat_path + '.npy'): # Features already extracted for this file - it can actually be a different image but fix later continue print 'Extracting caffe features...' caffe_feat_image(image_path, feat_path) """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Feature extraction done. ", socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True) webResult = {} # webResult[str(os.path.join(result_url_prefix, file_name))] = [['Feature Extraction', 'Done']] webResult["extracted"] = str( os.path.join(result_url_prefix, file_name)) r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Extracting caffe features...' # This is handled in vqa_views feat_path = feat_folder caffe_feat_image(src_path, feat_path) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Feature extraction done. ", socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} # web_result[str(result_url_prefix)] = [['Feature Extraction', 'Done']] web_result["extracted"] = str(result_url_prefix) r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def saveFilesAndProcess(request, job_obj): """ TODO: Specify four types of location 1.) CloudCV General Dataset 2.) CloudCV me folder, me folder represents the user folder 3.) Dropbox folder 4.) Local System - Either save it as a test and delete, or permanently by specifying a name """ # If the server is different. The storage path needs to be changed to shared folders. parsed_params = parseParameters(job_obj.params) if 'server' in parsed_params and parsed_params['server'] == 'decaf_server': job_obj.storage_path = '/srv/share/cloudcv/jobs/' + job_obj.userid + '/' if not os.path.exists(job_obj.storage_path): os.mkdir(job_obj.storage_path) os.chmod(job_obj.storage_path, 0775) job_obj.url = '' + job_obj.userid + \ '/' + job_obj.jobid r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'error': str('Special Server Identified'), 'socketid': job_obj.socketid })) # Save files either through dropbox or client local system for use an throw scenario if job_obj.dropbox_path is not None: saveDropboxFiles.delay(job_obj.__dict__) return 'Downloading content from dropbox. Execution will begin after downloading finishes' else: files_all = getFilesFromRequest(request, job_obj.count) if len(files_all) == 0: return 'Length of files = 0' if len(files_all) > 50: r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'error': str('Shutting down now.'), 'socketid': job_obj.socketid, 'end': 'yes' })) return 'Length of files higher than the limit of 50. Please use dropbox' job_directory = os.path.join(job_obj.storage_path, str(job_obj.jobid)) log_to_terminal('Processing files', job_obj.socketid) for single_file in files_all: try: # new_file_name = saveInPictureDatabase(single_file) path = conf.PIC_DIR size = (500, 500) resizeImageAndTransfer(path, job_directory, size, single_file) except Exception as e: raise e response = core_execute.execute(job_obj, job_directory, 'local') return response
def featExtraction(src_path, socketid, result_url_prefix, feat_folder): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(src_path): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) feat_path = os.path.join(feat_folder, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ if os.path.isfile(feat_path + '.npy'): # Features already extracted for this file - it can actually be a different image but fix later continue print 'Extracting caffe features...' caffe_feat_image(image_path, feat_path) """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Feature extraction done. ", socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True) webResult = {} # webResult[str(os.path.join(result_url_prefix, file_name))] = [['Feature Extraction', 'Done']] webResult["extracted"] = str(os.path.join(result_url_prefix, file_name)) r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Extracting caffe features...' # This is handled in vqa_views feat_path = feat_folder caffe_feat_image(src_path, feat_path) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Feature extraction done. ", socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} # web_result[str(result_url_prefix)] = [['Feature Extraction', 'Done']] web_result["extracted"] = str(result_url_prefix) r.publish('chat', json.dumps({'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid)})) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def classifyImages(src_path, socketid, result_path): try: #Entire Directory if os.path.isdir(src_path): for file_name in os.listdir(src_path): image_path = os.path.join(src_path, file_name) if os.path.isfile(image_path): """ Trying to get the output of classify python script to send to user - Part 1/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify...' tags = caffe_classify_image(image_path) """ Part 2/2 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True) webResult = {} webResult[str(os.path.join(result_path, file_name))] = tags r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': json.dumps(webResult), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) # Single File else: """ Part 3/4 myPrint = CustomPrint(socketid) old_stdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = myPrint """ print 'Running caffe classify...' tags = caffe_classify_image(src_path) """ Part 4/4 sys.stdout=old_stdout """ log_to_terminal("Results: " + str(tags), socketid) # tags = sorted(tags.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) web_result = {} web_result[str(result_path)] = tags r.publish( 'chat', json.dumps({ 'web_result': json.dumps(web_result), 'socketid': str(socketid) })) log_to_terminal('Thank you for using CloudCV', socketid) except Exception as e: log_to_terminal(str(traceback.format_exc()), socketid)
def downloadFiles(job_dict): log_to_terminal('Dropbox Queue Handler: Downloading images', job_dict['socketid']) client = dropbox.client.DropboxClient(job_dict['dropbox_token']) try: folder_metadata = client.metadata(job_dict['dropbox_path']) except Exception as e: log_and_exit('Path: ' + job_dict['dropbox_path'] + ' not found', job_dict['socketid']) return log(job_dict['dropbox_path'], downloadFiles.__name__) log(job_dict['dropbox_token'], downloadFiles.__name__) for content in folder_metadata['contents']: if content['is_dir'] is False and 'image' in str(content['mime_type']): file, file_metadata = client.get_file_and_metadata(content['path']) rel_path = ntpath.dirname(str(content['path'])).lstrip('/') log_to_terminal( os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path, ntpath.basename(content['path'])), job_dict['socketid']) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path)) os.chmod(os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path), 0775) img = os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], rel_path, ntpath.basename(content['path'])), file_metadata['mime_type'].split('/')[1]) try: job_obj = Job() for k, v in job_dict.iteritems(): setattr(job_obj, k, v) log( str(job_dict['storage_path'] + job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/')), 'directory') if job_obj.count is None or int(job_obj.count) <= 0: count = 0 for name in os.listdir( os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/'))): log(str(name), 'name') if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/'), name)): count += 1 log(str(name), 'name') job_obj.count = count # log_to_terminal('JobID: ' + str(job_obj.jobid), job_obj.socketid) # log_to_terminal('Count: ' + str(job_obj.count), job_obj.socketid) core_execute.execute( job_obj, os.path.join(job_dict['storage_path'], job_dict['dropbox_path'].strip('/')), 'dropbox') except Exception as e: print str(traceback.format_exc()) log_and_exit(str(traceback.format_exc()), job_dict['socketid'])