def dashboard(): jobs = Job.find(by={'user_id':}) form = NewPredictionForm() return render_template('dashboard.html', title='Dashboard', jobs=jobs, form=form)
def detail_page_job(*args, **kwargs): """ Job function of scraping specified page with details about offer. It will be scheduled by main_page_job args = [job_id, website, offer_id, datasource] """ print('*** detail_page_job ***', args) job_id = args[0] website = args[1] offer_id = args[2] datasource = args[3] print('initializing scraper', job_id, website, offer_id) scraper = Scraper(website=website, service_struct=datasource) print('scraping') scraper.run_detail_page_scrapping(offer_id) print('saving') # scraper.save_data() # save to file print('get data') scraper.get_data() # get data as dict # TODO save result in db as Offer job_id = args[0] j: Job = Job.find(job_id) print(, j.run_date) sleep(1) print('site id:', website) sleep(1)
def main_page_job(*args, **kwargs): """ Job function of scraping main page. It will by executed if user schedule scraping. args = [job_id, website, offers_count_number, datasource] """ print('*** main_page_job ***') # get args job_id = args[0] website = args[1] offers_count_number = args[2] datasource = args[3] j: Job = Job.find(job_id) # init scraper print('initializing scraper') scraper = Scraper(website=website, service_struct=datasource) # run scrapping on main page print('scraping') scraper.run_main_page_scrapping(offers_count_number) # get basic offer data print('get data') data = scraper.get_data() print('saving') # scraper.save_data() print('creating details page jobs') seconds = 60 for i in range(scraper.output.__len__()): offer_id = list(data.keys())[i] detail: Job = create_job( 'detail_page_job', detail_page_job, args=[datasource["service_name"], offer_id, datasource], seconds=seconds) print('detail run: ', detail.run_date) seconds += 60 sleep(1)
def job(idx): j = Job.find(idx) if j is None: return jsonify(error="Not Found"), 404 return jsonify(data=j.dict())
def job_missed_listener(event): job = Job.find(event.job_id) print(f"Listener: job {event.job_id} missed.") job.set_status(Job.MISSED)
def job_error_listener(event): job = Job.find(event.job_id) print(f"Listener: job {event.job_id} failed.") job.set_status(Job.FAILED)
def job_executed_listener(event): job = Job.find(event.job_id) print(f"Listener: job {event.job_id} executed. Task {} finished") job.set_status(Job.DONE)
def job_submitted_listener(event): job = Job.find(event.job_id) print(f"Listener: job {event.job_id} started") job.set_status(Job.RUNNING)