Пример #1
def add_tl_to_fav(id):
    Add an album from tolisten to favorites
    toadd = ToListen.query.get(id)
    form = AlbumForm(request.form)
    # the suggested rank should be the next available rank
    # e.g. if there are 200 albums currently in the favorites list,
    # the suggested rank should be 201
    rank = db.session.query(func.max(Album.rank).label("rank")).scalar() + 1
    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate_on_submit():
        album = Album()
        album.rank = form.rank.data
        album.title = form.title.data
        album.artist = form.artist.data
        album.year = form.year.data
        album.last_played = datetime.strptime(form.last_played.data,
        album.user_id = current_user.id
        # make sure the added album's ranking is no lower than what makes sense
        # e.g. if there are currently 200 albums in favorites,
        # the lowest that makes sense is 201
        if int(album.rank) > rank:
            album.rank = rank
        elif int(album.rank) < rank:
            # get every album lower *numerically higher) in current ranking
            # than the ranking we are trying to add to
            # and increment ranking by 1
            # e.g. there are 200 albums and we assign a ranking of 195 to new album
            # album currently ranked 195 will become 196,
            # album currently ranked 196 will becomes 197...
            # ...album current ranked 200 will become 201
            to_move = (Album.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.id).filter(
                Album.rank >= int(form.rank.data)).filter(
                    Album.rank < rank).order_by(Album.rank.desc()).all())
            for a in to_move:
                a.rank += 1
        title, artist = toadd.title, toadd.artist
        ToListen.query.filter(ToListen.id == id).delete()
        flash(f'Successfully added album {album.title} by {album.artist}')
        flash(f'Deleted {title} by {artist} from albums to listen')
        return redirect(url_for('favorites'))
    # addt'l variables
    curr_dt = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    curr_dt = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    return render_template('addalbum.html',
Пример #2
def add_favorite():
    Add an album to favorites
    form = AlbumForm(request.form)
    rankrow = (Album.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.id).order_by(
    rank = rankrow[0].rank + 1
    if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate_on_submit():
        album = Album()
        album.rank = form.rank.data
        album.title = form.title.data
        album.artist = form.artist.data
        album.year = form.year.data
        album.last_played = datetime.strptime(form.last_played.data,
        album.user_id = current_user.id
        # make sure the added album's ranking is no lower than what makes sense
        # e.g. if there are currently 200 albums in favorites,
        # the lowest that makes sense is 201
        if int(album.rank) > rank:
            album.rank = rank
        elif int(album.rank) < rank:
            # get every album lower *numerically higher) in current ranking
            # than the ranking we are trying to add to
            # and increment ranking by 1
            # e.g. there are 200 albums and we assign a ranking of 195 to new album
            # album currently ranked 195 will become 196,
            # album currently ranked 196 will becomes 197...
            # ...album current ranked 200 will become 201
            to_move = (Album.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.id).filter(
                Album.rank >= int(form.rank.data)).filter(
                    Album.rank < rank).order_by(Album.rank.desc()).all())
            for a in to_move:
                a.rank += 1
        flash(f'Successfully added album {album.title} by {album.artist}')
        return redirect(url_for('favorites'))
    # addt'l variables
    curr_dt = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    return render_template('addalbum.html',