Пример #1
    def compute_tf(self, token_vectors):
        """Return the tf for entire sentences"""
        tf = collections.Counter()
        for v in token_vectors:
            tf += analysisTool.compute_tf(v)

        return tf    
Пример #2
    def test_compute_tf(self):
        """Does it successfully compute tf for a given sentence?"""
        input_tokens = [

        expected = {"never": 1, "stop": 2, "sign": 1}

        result = analysisTool.compute_tf(input_tokens)

        self.assertDictEqual(expected, result)
Пример #3
    def compute_cosine(self, token_vectors, treshold):
        """Return squre matrix of size len(token_vectors) 
            with each element represents cosine similarities of corresponding sentences
        n = len(token_vectors)

        tf = [analysisTool.compute_tf(v) for v in token_vectors]
        idf = analysisTool.compute_idf(token_vectors)

        cosine_matrix = numpy.zeros((n, n))

        for row in xrange(n):
            for col in xrange(row, n):

                v1 = token_vectors[row]
                v2 = token_vectors[col]

                # diagonal values set to 1
                if row == col:
                    cosine_matrix[row][col] = 1

                # sentences with only few words are skipped since 
                # they tend to get higher scores
                if len(v1) < 3 or len(v2) < 3:

                common_words = set(v1) & set(v2)
                # no common words means numerator = 0
                if len(common_words) == 0:

                numerator = sum(tf[row][word] * tf[col][word] * pow(idf[word], 2) for word in common_words)

                d1 = sum(pow(tf[row][word] * idf[word], 2) for word in v1)
                d2 = sum(pow(tf[col][word] * idf[word], 2) for word in v2)
                denominator = math.sqrt(d1) * math.sqrt(d2)
                if numerator > 0  and numerator / denominator > treshold:
                    cosine_matrix[row][col] = 1.0
                    cosine_matrix[col][row] = 1.0

        return cosine_matrix