def create_issue(issue_title, description): params = github._decorate_issue_params(issue_title, description) github_url = "" + repository[ 'path'] + "/issues" headers = { "Authorization": "token " + GITHUB_TOKEN, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" } # Setup the request try: r =, headers=headers, data=params) except: return print( "Github issue creation failed, please ensure that your repository path is properly configured" ) issue_number = r.json()['number'] with open(DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH, 'r') as f: json_data = json.load(f) ## ISSUE_TITLE is set as the wallet label / name json_data[-1]['issue_number'] = issue_number with open(DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(json_data)) # Send tweet twitter.send("Bounty Issued: " + issue_title + "" + str(issue_number)) # TODO: Take the response and check for an ACK, then return true, else handle error print(r.json())
def create_issue(issue_title, description): params = github._decorate_issue_params(issue_title, description) github_url = "" + repository['path'] + "/issues" headers = { "Authorization": "token " + GITHUB_TOKEN, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" } # Setup the request try: r =, headers=headers, data=params) except: return print("Github issue creation failed, please ensure that your repository path is properly configured") issue_number=r.json()['number'] with open(DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH, 'r') as f: json_data = json.load(f) ## ISSUE_TITLE is set as the wallet label / name json_data[-1]['issue_number'] = issue_number with open(DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(json_data)) # Send tweet twitter.send("Bounty Issued: " + issue_title + "" + str(issue_number)) # TODO: Take the response and check for an ACK, then return true, else handle error print(r.json())
def index(): if request.method == 'GET': return 'OK' elif request.method == 'POST': # Store the IP address of the requester request_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(u'{0}'.format(request.remote_addr)) # If GHE_ADDRESS is specified, use it as the hook_blocks. if os.environ.get('GHE_ADDRESS', None): hook_blocks = [os.environ.get('GHE_ADDRESS')] # Otherwise get the hook address blocks from the API. else: hook_blocks = requests.get( '').json()['hooks'] if request.headers.get('X-GitHub-Event') == "ping": return json.dumps({'msg': 'Hi!'}) if request.headers.get('X-GitHub-Event') == 'pull_request': if (request.json['pull_request']['user']['site_admin'] == 'false'): return json.dumps( {'message': 'Pull request not submitted by site admin'}) merge_state = request.json['pull_request']['state'] merge_body = request.json['pull_request']['body'] if (merge_state == 'closed'): print('Merge state closed') print('Merge Body: ' + merge_body) parsed_bounty_issue = re.findall(r"#(\w+)", merge_body)[0] addresses = CommonRegex(merge_body).btc_addresses[0] bounty_address = github.get_address_from_issue( parsed_bounty_issue) amount = multisig_wallet.get_address_balance(bounty_address) try: # use username to look up wallet Id with open(DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH, 'r') as wallet: data = json.loads( for user in data: try: if (user['issue_number'] == int( parsed_bounty_issue)): print('Wallet found') wallet_name = user['wallet_name'] walletId = user[wallet_name]['walletId'] except: print('Loading wallet..') except: print('Wallet not found, creating new user...') # Set up sending of the bounty issue_title = wallet_name repository_path_encode = repository_path.encode('utf-8') issue_title_encode = issue_title.encode('utf-8') passphrase = hashlib.sha256(repository_path_encode + issue_title_encode).hexdigest() multisig_wallet.send_bitcoin_simple(walletId, str(addresses), amount, passphrase) # Set up sending of the tweet usd_per_btc = requests.get( '').json()['rate'] bounty_in_btc = round((int(bounty_in_satoshi) / 10**8), 3) bounty_in_usd = round(bounty_in_btc * usd_per_btc, 2) url = '' + parsed_bounty_issue twitter.send('Bounty Granted (' + amount + ' bits ~ $' + bounty_in_usd + '): ' + issue_title + ' ' + url) return json.dumps({'message': 'Pull request received'}) return json.dumps({'message': 'Pull request payout failed'}) if request.headers.get('X-GitHub-Event') == 'issue_comment': comment_data = { 'url': request.json['comment']['issue_url'], 'payout_address': request.json['issue']['labels'][0]['name'], 'payout_amount': request.json['issue']['labels'][1]['name'], 'body': request.json['comment']['body'] } print(comment_data) return json.dumps({'message': 'Issue comment received'})
def index(): if request.method == "GET": return "OK" elif request.method == "POST": # Store the IP address of the requester request_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(u"{0}".format(request.remote_addr)) # If GHE_ADDRESS is specified, use it as the hook_blocks. if os.environ.get("GHE_ADDRESS", None): hook_blocks = [os.environ.get("GHE_ADDRESS")] # Otherwise get the hook address blocks from the API. else: hook_blocks = requests.get("").json()["hooks"] if request.headers.get("X-GitHub-Event") == "ping": return json.dumps({"msg": "Hi!"}) if request.headers.get("X-GitHub-Event") == "pull_request": if request.json["pull_request"]["user"]["site_admin"] == "false": return json.dumps({"message": "Pull request not submitted by site admin"}) merge_state = request.json["pull_request"]["state"] merge_body = request.json["pull_request"]["body"] if merge_state == "closed": print("Merge state closed") print("Merge Body: " + merge_body) parsed_bounty_issue = re.findall(r"#(\w+)", merge_body)[0] addresses = CommonRegex(merge_body).btc_addresses[0] bounty_address = github.get_address_from_issue(parsed_bounty_issue) amount = multisig_wallet.get_address_balance(bounty_address) try: # use username to look up wallet Id with open(DEFAULT_WALLET_PATH, "r") as wallet: data = json.loads( for user in data: try: if user["issue_number"] == int(parsed_bounty_issue): print("Wallet found") wallet_name = user["wallet_name"] walletId = user[wallet_name]["walletId"] except: print("Loading wallet..") except: print("Wallet not found, creating new user...") # Set up sending of the bounty issue_title = wallet_name repository_path_encode = repository_path.encode("utf-8") issue_title_encode = issue_title.encode("utf-8") passphrase = hashlib.sha256(repository_path_encode + issue_title_encode).hexdigest() multisig_wallet.send_bitcoin_simple(walletId, str(addresses), amount, passphrase) # Set up sending of the tweet usd_per_btc = requests.get("").json()["rate"] bounty_in_btc = round((int(bounty_in_satoshi) / 10 ** 8), 3) bounty_in_usd = round(bounty_in_btc * usd_per_btc, 2) url = "" + parsed_bounty_issue twitter.send( "Bounty Granted (" + amount + " bits ~ $" + bounty_in_usd + "): " + issue_title + " " + url ) return json.dumps({"message": "Pull request received"}) return json.dumps({"message": "Pull request payout failed"}) if request.headers.get("X-GitHub-Event") == "issue_comment": comment_data = { "url": request.json["comment"]["issue_url"], "payout_address": request.json["issue"]["labels"][0]["name"], "payout_amount": request.json["issue"]["labels"][1]["name"], "body": request.json["comment"]["body"], } print(comment_data) return json.dumps({"message": "Issue comment received"})