def block_until_build_status(self,
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build status matches a set of allowed statuses

        :param build_id: The id of the build to wait for
        :type build_id: int
        :param build_statuses: A list of build statuses which we are waiting for.
        :type build_statuses: list[str]
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        :param build_in_progress_callback: A callback that will be called with the response data if the build has not
            yet finished. This would be useful, for example, for logging build progress.
        :type build_in_progress_callback: callable
        def is_build_finished():
            response_data = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            build_data = response_data['build']
            if build_data['status'] in build_statuses:
                return True
            if build_in_progress_callback:
            return False

        poll.wait_for(is_build_finished, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #2
    def test_build_status_returns_finished_after_all_subjobs_complete_and_slaves_finished(self):
        subjobs = self._create_subjobs(count=3)
        mock_project_type = self._create_mock_project_type()
        mock_slave = self._create_mock_slave(num_executors=3)
        build = Build(BuildRequest({}))

        build.prepare(subjobs, mock_project_type, self._create_job_config(self._FAKE_MAX_EXECUTORS))
        build.allocate_slave(mock_slave)  # all three subjobs are now "in progress"

        # Mock out call to create build artifacts after subjobs complete
        build._create_build_artifact = MagicMock()

        for subjob in subjobs:

        # Note: this was never a unit test! We have to wait for a thread to complete post build
        # actions here. TODO: Fix this
        poll.wait_for(lambda: build._postbuild_tasks_are_finished, 5)

        # Verify build artifacts was called after subjobs completed

        status = build._status()


        self.assertEqual(status, BuildStatus.FINISHED)
Пример #3
    def test_build_status_returns_finished_after_all_subjobs_complete_and_slaves_finished(
        subjobs = self._create_subjobs(count=3)
        mock_project_type = self._create_mock_project_type()
        mock_slave = self._create_mock_slave(num_executors=3)
        build = Build(BuildRequest({}))

        build.prepare(subjobs, mock_project_type, self._create_job_config())
            mock_slave)  # all three subjobs are now "in progress"

        # Mock out call to create build artifacts after subjobs complete
        build._create_build_artifact = MagicMock()

        for subjob in subjobs:

        # Note: this was never a unit test! We have to wait for a thread to complete post build
        # actions here. TODO: Fix this
        poll.wait_for(lambda: build._postbuild_tasks_are_finished, 5)

        # Verify build artifacts was called after subjobs completed

        status = build._status()


        self.assertEqual(status, BuildStatus.FINISHED)
    def block_until_build_finished(self,
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build is finished or until the timeout is reached.

        :param build_id: The id of the build to wait for
        :type build_id: int
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        :param build_in_progress_callback: A callback that will be called with the response data if the build has not
            yet finished. This would be useful, for example, for logging build progress.
        :type build_in_progress_callback: callable
        def is_build_finished():
            response_data = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            build_data = response_data['build']
            if build_data['status'] in (BuildStatus.FINISHED,
                return True
            if build_in_progress_callback:
            return False

        poll.wait_for(is_build_finished, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #5
    def block_until_idle(self, timeout=None):
        Poll the slave executor endpoint until all executors are idle.

        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        def is_slave_idle():
            response_data = self.get_slave_status()
            return response_data['slave']['current_build_id'] is None

        poll.wait_for(is_slave_idle, timeout_seconds=timeout)
    def block_until_idle(self, timeout=None):
        Poll the slave executor endpoint until all executors are idle.

        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        def is_slave_idle():
            response_data = self.get_slave_status()
            return response_data['slave']['current_build_id'] is None

        poll.wait_for(is_slave_idle, timeout_seconds=timeout)
    def _validate_successful_deployment(self, master_service_url, slaves_to_validate):
        Poll the master's /slaves endpoint until either timeout or until all of the slaves have registered with
        the master.

        Throws exception upon timeout or API response error.

        :param master_service_url: the hostname:port for the running master service
        :type master_service_url: str
        :param slaves_to_validate: the list of slave hostnames (no ports) to deploy to
        :type slaves_to_validate: list[str]
        master_api = UrlBuilder(master_service_url, BuildRunner.API_VERSION)
        slave_api_url = master_api.url('slave')
        network = Network()

        def all_slaves_registered():
            return len(self._non_registered_slaves(slave_api_url, slaves_to_validate, network)) == 0

        if not wait_for(
                exceptions_to_swallow=(requests.RequestException, requests.ConnectionError)
                non_registered_slaves = self._non_registered_slaves(slave_api_url, slaves_to_validate, network)
            except ConnectionError:
                self._logger.error('Error contacting {} on the master.'.format(slave_api_url))
                raise SystemExit(1)

            self._logger.error('Slave registration timed out after {} sec, with slaves {} missing.'.format(
                self._SLAVE_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC, ','.join(non_registered_slaves)))
            raise SystemExit(1)
    def block_until_build_queue_empty(self, timeout=15):
        This blocks until the master's build queue is empty. This data is exposed via the /queue endpoint and contains
        any jobs that are currently building or not yet started. If the queue is not empty before the timeout, this
        method raises an exception.

        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to block before raising an exception.
        :type timeout: int
        if self.master is None:

        def is_queue_empty():
            queue_resp = requests.get('{}/v1/queue'.format(self.master.url))
            if queue_resp and queue_resp.ok:
                queue_data = queue_resp.json()
                if len(queue_data['queue']) == 0:
                    return True  # queue is empty, so master must be idle
  'Waiting on build queue to become empty.')
            return False

        queue_is_empty = poll.wait_for(is_queue_empty, timeout_seconds=timeout, poll_period=1,
                                       exceptions_to_swallow=(requests.ConnectionError, ValueError))
        if not queue_is_empty:
            self._logger.error('Master queue did not become empty before timeout.')
            raise TestClusterTimeoutError('Master queue did not become empty before timeout.')
Пример #9
    def _block_until_slaves_ready(self, timeout=15):
        Blocks until all slaves are ready and responsive. Repeatedly sends a GET request to each slave in turn until
        the slave responds. If all slaves do not become responsive within the timeout, raise an exception.

        :param timeout: Max number of seconds to wait before raising an exception
        :type timeout: int
        slaves_to_check = self.slaves.copy(
        )  # we'll remove slaves from this list as they become ready

        def are_all_slaves_ready():
            for slave in slaves_to_check.copy(
            ):  # copy list so we can modify the original list inside the loop
                if self._is_url_responsive(slave.url):
                    return False
            return True

        all_slaves_are_ready = poll.wait_for(are_all_slaves_ready,
        num_slaves = len(self.slaves)
        num_ready_slaves = num_slaves - len(slaves_to_check)
        if not all_slaves_are_ready:
            raise TestClusterTimeoutError(
                'All slaves did not start up before timeout. '
                '{} of {} started successfully.'.format(
                    num_ready_slaves, num_slaves))
Пример #10
    def block_until_build_has_status(
            build_id: int,
            build_statuses: List[str],
            timeout: int=30,
            build_in_progress_callback: Optional[Callable]=None,
    ) -> bool:
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build status matches one of the specified statuses.

        :param build_id: The id of the build to wait for
        :param build_statuses: A list of build statuses which we are waiting for.
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :param build_in_progress_callback: A callback that will be called with the response data if the build has not
            yet finished. This would be useful, for example, for logging build progress.
        :return: Whether the build had one of the specified statuses within the timeout
        def build_has_specified_status():
            response_data = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            build_data = response_data['build']
            if build_data['status'] in build_statuses:
                return True
            if build_in_progress_callback:
            return False

        return poll.wait_for(build_has_specified_status, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #11
    def _validate_successful_deployment(self, master_service_url, slaves_to_validate):
        Poll the master's /slaves endpoint until either timeout or until all of the slaves have registered with
        the master.

        Throws exception upon timeout or API response error.

        :param master_service_url: the hostname:port for the running master service
        :type master_service_url: str
        :param slaves_to_validate: the list of slave hostnames (no ports) to deploy to
        :type slaves_to_validate: list[str]
        master_api = UrlBuilder(master_service_url, BuildRunner.API_VERSION)
        slave_api_url = master_api.url('slave')
        network = Network()

        def all_slaves_registered():
            return len(self._registered_slave_hostnames(slave_api_url, network)) == len(slaves_to_validate)

        if not wait_for(
                exceptions_to_swallow=(requests.RequestException, requests.ConnectionError)
                registered_slaves = self._registered_slave_hostnames(slave_api_url, network)
                non_registered_slaves = self._non_registered_slaves(registered_slaves, slaves_to_validate)
            except ConnectionError:
                self._logger.error('Error contacting {} on the master.'.format(slave_api_url))
                raise SystemExit(1)

            self._logger.error('Slave registration timed out after {} sec, with slaves {} missing.'.format(
                self._SLAVE_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT_SEC, ','.join(non_registered_slaves)))
            raise SystemExit(1)
    def block_until_build_has_status(
        build_id: int,
        build_statuses: List[str],
        timeout: int = 30,
        build_in_progress_callback: Optional[Callable] = None,
    ) -> bool:
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build status matches one of the specified statuses.

        :param build_id: The id of the build to wait for
        :param build_statuses: A list of build statuses which we are waiting for.
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :param build_in_progress_callback: A callback that will be called with the response data if the build has not
            yet finished. This would be useful, for example, for logging build progress.
        :return: Whether the build had one of the specified statuses within the timeout
        def build_has_specified_status():
            response_data = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            build_data = response_data['build']
            if build_data['status'] in build_statuses:
                return True
            if build_in_progress_callback:
            return False

        return poll.wait_for(build_has_specified_status,
Пример #13
    def block_until_idle(self, timeout=None) -> bool:
        Poll the slave executor endpoint until all executors are idle.

        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        :return: Whether the slave became idle during the timeout

        return poll.wait_for(self.is_slave_idle, timeout_seconds=timeout)
    def block_until_n_slaves_dead(self, num_slaves, timeout):

        def are_n_slaves_dead(n):
            dead_slaves = [slave for slave in self.slaves if not slave.is_alive()]
            return len(dead_slaves) == n

        def are_slaves_dead():

        slaves_died_within_timeout = poll.wait_for(are_slaves_dead, timeout_seconds=timeout)
        return slaves_died_within_timeout
Пример #15
    def _block_until_file_present(self, file_name: str, timeout: int=None) -> bool:
        Poll until file is created.
        :param file_name: Absolute path of the file to check
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :return: Whether the file is present
        def is_file_present():
            return os.path.isfile(file_name)

        return poll.wait_for(is_file_present, timeout_seconds=timeout)
    def _block_until_master_ready(self, timeout=10):
        Blocks until the master is ready and responsive. Repeatedly sends a GET request to the master until the
        master responds. If the master is not responsive within the timeout, raise an exception.

        :param timeout: Max number of seconds to wait before raising an exception
        :type timeout: int
        is_master_ready = functools.partial(self._is_url_responsive, self.master.url)
        master_is_ready = poll.wait_for(is_master_ready, timeout_seconds=timeout)
        if not master_is_ready:
            raise TestClusterTimeoutError('Master service did not start up before timeout.')
Пример #17
    def block_until_slave_offline(self, slave_id: int, timeout: int=None) -> bool:
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build is no longer queued.
        :param slave_id: The id of the slave to wait for
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :return: Whether the slave went offline during the timeout
        def is_slave_offline():
            slave_data = self.get_slave_status(slave_id)
            return not slave_data['is_alive']

        return poll.wait_for(is_slave_offline, timeout_seconds=timeout)
    def block_until_build_finished(self, build_id, timeout=None, build_in_progress_callback=None):
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build is finished or until the timeout is reached.

        :param build_id: The id of the build to wait for
        :type build_id: int
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        :param build_in_progress_callback: A callback that will be called with the response data if the build has not
            yet finished. This would be useful, for example, for logging build progress.
        :type build_in_progress_callback: callable
        def is_build_finished():
            response_data = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            build_data = response_data['build']
            if build_data['status'] in (BuildStatus.FINISHED, BuildStatus.ERROR, BuildStatus.CANCELED):
                return True
            if build_in_progress_callback:
            return False

        poll.wait_for(is_build_finished, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #19
    def _block_until_file_present(self,
                                  file_name: str,
                                  timeout: int = None) -> bool:
        Poll until file is created.
        :param file_name: Absolute path of the file to check
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :return: Whether the file is present
        def is_file_present():
            return os.path.isfile(file_name)

        return poll.wait_for(is_file_present, timeout_seconds=timeout)
    def block_until_slave_offline(self,
                                  slave_id: int,
                                  timeout: int = None) -> bool:
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build is no longer queued.
        :param slave_id: The id of the slave to wait for
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :return: Whether the slave went offline during the timeout
        def is_slave_offline():
            slave_data = self.get_slave_status(slave_id)
            return not slave_data['is_alive']

        return poll.wait_for(is_slave_offline, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #21
    def block_until_build_status(self, build_id, build_statuses, timeout=None, build_in_progress_callback=None):
        Poll the build status endpoint until the build status matches a set of allowed statuses

        :param build_id: The id of the build to wait for
        :type build_id: int
        :param build_statuses: A list of build statuses which we are waiting for.
        :type build_statuses: list[str]
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :type timeout: int | None
        :param build_in_progress_callback: A callback that will be called with the response data if the build has not
            yet finished. This would be useful, for example, for logging build progress.
        :type build_in_progress_callback: callable
        def is_build_finished():
            response_data = self.get_build_status(build_id)
            build_data = response_data['build']
            if build_data['status'] in build_statuses:
                return True
            if build_in_progress_callback:
            return False

        poll.wait_for(is_build_finished, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #22
    def block_until_n_slaves_marked_dead_in_master(self, num_slaves, timeout):
        def are_n_slaves_marked_dead_in_master(n):
            slaves_marked_dead = [
                for slave in self.master_api_client.get_slaves().values()
                if isinstance(slave, list) and not slave[0].get('is_alive')
            return len(slaves_marked_dead) == n

        def are_slaves_marked_dead_in_master():

        slaves_marked_dead_within_timeout = poll.wait_for(
            are_slaves_marked_dead_in_master, timeout_seconds=timeout)
        return slaves_marked_dead_within_timeout
Пример #23
    def _block_until_process_is_killed(self, pid: int, timeout: int=None) -> bool:
        Poll until process with pid does not exists.
        :param pid: Process id of the process
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :return: Whether the process exists
        def check_pid():
            Check For the existence of a unix pid.
            # Sending signal 0 to a pid will raise an OSError exception if the pid is not running,
            # and do nothing otherwise.
                os.kill(pid, 0)
            except OSError:
                return False
            return True

        return poll.wait_for(check_pid, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #24
    def block_until_build_queue_empty(self, timeout=60):
        This blocks until the master's build queue is empty. This data is exposed via the /queue endpoint and contains
        any jobs that are currently building or not yet started. If the queue is not empty before the timeout, this
        method raises an exception.

        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to block before raising an exception.
        :type timeout: int
        master_api = UrlBuilder(self._master_url)
        queue_url = master_api.url('queue')

        def is_queue_empty():
            queue_resp = requests.get(queue_url)
            if queue_resp and queue_resp.ok:
                queue_data = queue_resp.json()
                if 'queue' in queue_data and len(queue_data['queue']) == 0:
                    return True
            return False

        if not poll.wait_for(is_queue_empty, timeout, 0.5):
            raise Exception('Master service did not become idle before timeout.')
Пример #25
    def _block_until_process_is_killed(self,
                                       pid: int,
                                       timeout: int = None) -> bool:
        Poll until process with pid does not exists.
        :param pid: Process id of the process
        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait until giving up, or None for no timeout
        :return: Whether the process exists
        def check_pid():
            Check For the existence of a unix pid.
            # Sending signal 0 to a pid will raise an OSError exception if the pid is not running,
            # and do nothing otherwise.
                os.kill(pid, 0)
            except OSError:
                return False
            return True

        return poll.wait_for(check_pid, timeout_seconds=timeout)
Пример #26
    def block_until_build_queue_empty(self, timeout=60):
        This blocks until the master's build queue is empty. This data is exposed via the /queue endpoint and contains
        any jobs that are currently building or not yet started. If the queue is not empty before the timeout, this
        method raises an exception.

        :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to block before raising an exception.
        :type timeout: int
        master_api = UrlBuilder(self._master_url)
        queue_url = master_api.url('queue')

        def is_queue_empty():
            queue_resp = requests.get(queue_url)
            if queue_resp and queue_resp.ok:
                queue_data = queue_resp.json()
                if 'queue' in queue_data and len(queue_data['queue']) == 0:
                    return True
            return False

        if not poll.wait_for(is_queue_empty, timeout, 0.5):
            raise Exception('Master service did not become idle before timeout.')
    def _block_until_slaves_ready(self, timeout=15):
        Blocks until all slaves are ready and responsive. Repeatedly sends a GET request to each slave in turn until
        the slave responds. If all slaves do not become responsive within the timeout, raise an exception.

        :param timeout: Max number of seconds to wait before raising an exception
        :type timeout: int
        slaves_to_check = self.slaves.copy()  # we'll remove slaves from this list as they become ready

        def are_all_slaves_ready():
            for slave in slaves_to_check.copy():  # copy list so we can modify the original list inside the loop
                if self._is_url_responsive(slave.url):
                    return False
            return True

        all_slaves_are_ready = poll.wait_for(are_all_slaves_ready, timeout_seconds=timeout)
        num_slaves = len(self.slaves)
        num_ready_slaves = num_slaves - len(slaves_to_check)
        if not all_slaves_are_ready:
            raise TestClusterTimeoutError('All slaves did not start up before timeout. '
                                          '{} of {} started successfully.'.format(num_ready_slaves, num_slaves))