Пример #1
def on_send_play_object_id_command(object_id):

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # find object
    item = mongo.db.objects.find_one({'id': object_id}, {'_id': False})
    if not item:
        return json_not_found_error('OBJECT_NOT_FOUND', 'object not found')
    referenced_items = find_referenced_items(item)

    # send command
        f"playing object {item} with {len(referenced_items)} referenced item(s)"
    socketio.emit('playobject', {
        'time': now.timestamp(),
        'object': item,
        'loop': False,
        'referenced': referenced_items
    return json_success("object playback command sent to " + target)
Пример #2
def on_send_stop_command():

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # send command
    socketio.emit('stop', {'time': now.timestamp()}, room=target)
    return json_success("stop command sent to " + target)
Пример #3
def on_send_ping_command():

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # send command
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    socketio.emit('pingbox', {
        'target': target,
        'time': now.timestamp()
    log.info("pinging target " + target)
    return json_success("ping command sent to " + target)
Пример #4
def on_send_show_notification_command():

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # send command
    text = request.args.get('text')
    socketio.emit('shownotification', {
        'time': now.timestamp(),
        'text': text
    return json_success("notification command sent to " + target)
Пример #5
def on_send_play_media_url_command():

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # send command
    url = request.args.get('url')
    log.debug(f"playing media URL {url}")
    socketio.emit('playmedia', {
        'time': now.timestamp(),
        'url': url
    return json_success("media playback command sent to " + target)
Пример #6
def on_send_chat_text_command():

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # send command
    text = request.args.get('text')
    socketio.emit('chatmessage', {
        'time': now.timestamp(),
        'text': text,
        'objects': []
    return json_success("chat message command sent to " + target)
Пример #7
def on_send_adjust_volume_command():

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # get parameters
    if 'percent' not in request.args:
        return json_bad_request_error('ARGUMENT_MISSING',
                                      'no volume argument specified')
    percent = request.args.get('percent')

    # send command
    socketio.emit('setvolume', {
        'time': now.timestamp(),
        'volume': percent
    return json_success("volume command sent to " + target)
Пример #8
def on_post_menu_action(menu_id, index):

    # parse index
        index_list = [int(i) for i in index.split(";")]
        return json_bad_request_error('INVALID_ARGUMENTS',
                                      'arguments must be numeric')

    # get body data
    body = request.get_json()
    log.info(f"executing menu action {index} of {menu_id} with {body}")

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()
    targets = [target]

    # find object
    menu = mongo.db.objects.find_one({'id': menu_id}, {'_id': False})
    if not menu or 'fields' not in menu:
        return json_not_found_error('MENU_NOT_FOUND', 'menu not found')
    log.debug(f"picked menu {menu}")
    menu_fields = menu['fields']

    # find item
    item, parent = find_menu_item_and_parent_by_index_list(menu, index_list)
    if parent and parent.get('type') == 'menuobjectselection':
        item = parent
    if not item or 'fields' not in item:
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ITEM', 'invalid menu item')
    item_fields = item.get('fields') or {}
    log.debug(f"picked item {item}")

    # alternative targets defined?
    # currently not possible and probably a bad idea
    # if 'target' in menu_fields and menu_fields['target']:
    #     targets = menu_fields['target']

    context = body.get('context') or {} if body else {}
    context['individual'] = context.get('individual') or 'anyone'

    # find visitor type
    visitor_type = get_visitor_type(request.args)
    visitor_type_id = visitor_type['id'] if visitor_type else None

    # find avatar
    avatars = visitor_type['fields'][
        'avatar'] if visitor_type and 'fields' in visitor_type and 'avatar' in visitor_type[
            'fields'] else []
    avatar_id = avatars[0] if avatars else None
    context['avatar'] = avatar_id

    # find subjects
    if item['type'] == 'menuobjectselection':
        subject_ids = item_fields.get('items') or []
        subject_id = subject_ids[index_list[-1]]
        context['subjects'] = [
            mongo.db.objects.find_one({'id': subject_id}, {'_id': False})

    # execute actions
    if item['type'] == 'submenu':
        header = item_fields.get('header')
        if header:
            header_fields = header[0].get('fields') or {}
            actions = header_fields.get('actions') or []
            actions = []
        actions = item_fields.get('actions') or []
    additional_actions = menu_fields.get('additionalactions') or []
    errors = schedule_actions(datetime.utcnow(), actions + additional_actions,
                              None, None, context, targets)
    if errors:
        return json_action_execution_error(errors)
        return json_success("menu actions executed")
Пример #9
def on_answer_interaction(scene_id, index, answer):

    # validate arguments
    assert index >= 0 and answer >= 0

    # get body data
    body = request.get_json()
    log.info(f"got interaction answer {answer} of {scene_id} with {body}")

    # find target
    target = get_target(request.args)
    if not target:
        return json_no_command_target_found_error()

    # find scene
    scene = mongo.db.objects.find_one({'id': scene_id}, {'_id': False})
    if not scene or 'fields' not in scene:
        return json_not_found_error('SCENE_NOT_FOUND', 'scene not found')
    scene_fields = scene['fields']
    if 'actions' not in scene_fields:
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ANSWER', 'invalid answer')
    log.debug(f"picked scene {scene}")

    # find action
    actions = scene_fields['actions']
    if not actions or index >= len(actions):
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ANSWER', 'invalid answer')
    action = actions[index]
    if not action or 'fields' not in action or 'type' not in action or action[
            'type'] != 'interaction':
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ANSWER', 'invalid answer')
    log.debug(f"picked action {action}")

    # find option
    action_fields = action['fields']
    if 'options' not in action_fields:
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ANSWER', 'invalid answer')
    options = action_fields['options']
    if not options or answer >= len(options):
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ANSWER', 'invalid answer')
    option = options[answer]
    if not option or 'fields' not in option or 'type' not in option or option[
            'type'] != 'interactioncase':
        return json_not_acceptable_error('INVALID_ANSWER', 'invalid answer')
    log.debug(f"picked option {option}")

    # find visitor type
    visitor_type = get_visitor_type(request.args)
    visitor_type_id = visitor_type['id'] if visitor_type else None

    # find avatar
    avatars = visitor_type['fields'][
        'avatar'] if visitor_type and 'fields' in visitor_type and 'avatar' in visitor_type[
            'fields'] else []
    avatar_id = avatars[0] if avatars else None

    # execute option
    context = body.get('context')
    errors = execute_interaction_option(datetime.utcnow(), option, context,
    if errors:
        return json_action_execution_error(errors)
        return json_success("interaction executed")