Пример #1
def update_state_record(dd_filename):
    state_request = request.json
    state = state_request.get("state")
    error_info = state_request.get("error_info")
    if state is None:
        return api_error("Request did not include 'state'")

    if not state_is_valid(state):
        return state_error(state)

    if state != "errored" and error_info is not None:
        return api_error(
            "You can only provide 'error_info' if the state is 'errored'")

    state_record = current_app.redis_client.get(dd_filename)
    if state_record is None:
        return api_error("State record does not exist", 404)

    state_record = json.loads(state_record)
    if state_record["state"] == state:
        return api_error("State is unchanged", 400)

    state_record["updated_at"] = updated_at()
    state_record["state"] = state
    state_record["alerted"] = False
    if error_info:
        state_record["error_info"] = error_info
    current_app.redis_client.set(dd_filename, json.dumps(state_record))
    return state_record
Пример #2
def create_state_record(dd_filename):
    state_request = request.json
    state = state_request.get("state")
    batch = state_request.get("batch")
    error_info = state_request.get("error_info")
    if state is None or batch is None:
        return api_error("Request did not include 'state' or 'batch'")
    if not state_is_valid(state):
        return state_error(state)
    if state != "errored" and error_info is not None:
        return api_error(
            "You can only provide 'error_info' if the state is 'errored'")
    if current_app.redis_client.get(dd_filename) is not None:
        return api_error("Resource already exists", 409)
    state_record = {
        "state": state,
        "updated_at": updated_at(),
        "dd_filename": dd_filename,
        "batch": batch,
        "alerted": False
    if error_info:
        state_record["error_info"] = error_info
    current_app.redis_client.set(dd_filename, json.dumps(state_record))
    current_app.redis_client.sadd(f"batch:{batch}", dd_filename)
    return state_record, 201
Пример #3
def set_alerted(dd_filename):
    state_request = request.json
    alerted = state_request.get("alerted")
    if alerted is None:
        return api_error("Request did not include 'alerted'")

    if type(alerted) is not bool:
        return api_error("Alerted must be a boolean")

    state_record = current_app.redis_client.get(dd_filename)
    if state_record is None:
        return api_error("State record does not exist", 404)

    state_record = json.loads(state_record)

    state_record["alerted"] = alerted
    current_app.redis_client.set(dd_filename, json.dumps(state_record))
    return state_record
def get_batch(batch_name):
    batch = []
    for key in current_app.redis_client.sscan_iter(f"batch:{batch_name}"):

    if len(batch) == 0:
        return api_error("Batch does not exist", 404)
    return jsonify(batch), 200
Пример #5
def get_state_record(dd_filename):
    state_record = current_app.redis_client.get(dd_filename)
    if state_record is None:
        return api_error("State record does not exist", 404)
    return json.loads(state_record)
def handle_bad_request(e):
    return api_error("Invalid post request")